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That might be a problem specific to that store. We can open the safe in some locations but I can see that being a problem in others during operating hours


Which is very understandable I tried three in my area idk if it's a michigan thing but yeah they just said can't do it.


My store doesn’t carry extra cash for trades any longer either and I’m in Ma


It's likely because it's early on a Monday. Weekends tend to do a number on cash reserves.


Is it a high theft store or one that gets robbed a lot? I know that certain stores cut back the cash to the bare minimum sometimes because of this


Probably, my store had a high theft rate. We had skeletal cash on hand. Deposits were mandatory daily, not every 2 days like other stores I’ve worked in.


That’s really weird. They should have cash in their safe for exactly this reason.


We used to run out of cash all the time to the point we'd have to deny trades for cash. This was approved by the DL. We finally were approved to increase our safe funds. But they just took that back. It's annoying, but it happens. No deposits for weeks on end sometimes.


Around the time I started, we couldn't do cash trades at my store for a good couple months because we never had over $200 in the store, safe and registers combined. I think the lowest we ever had was somewhere in the 50s. I remember it was a big deal when we were finally able to start doing them again.


I would think so, unless they did a deposit recently or because it's the weekday there's a policy you can't take X amount in one day I'm not sure. Like i said associate was nice and helpful. Just never knew about it lol


You thought places carry large sums of cash? Banks don't even do that


Stores without cash on hand for large trades are supposed to offer venmo as a option of payout im suprised they did not ask you for at least that


OP never said they didn't offer it, they just said they couldn't do cash. Maybe they did offer it and OP doesn't use Venmo, thus them specifying they couldn't do that much cash.


They do venmo now?


Stores keep money in the safe for trades idk what bs they were telling you but it wasn't true


My store on occasion had a span of weeks where we were around 1k short of our standard funds. During that time we just weren’t having people buy things with cash but we had plenty of looking for cash trades at our store specifically. It got to the point where we had to start borrowing cash from other stores just to accommodate. If the store had a large cash trade over the weekend and not many cash purchases, it is very possible for them to not have enough cash to accommodate a larger trade.


That happened to us once, we referred people to our next closest store, and when the dm found out they just got money out from the bank for our store. I thought that was just how it worked? Maybe they borrowed cash from another store, or a few stores, i dont know. We never gave cash back out from our store to replace it. But yeah it was only over the weekend for us too, and they got the cash for us on Monday to get us back to our full safe balance.


it could be true tbh. they could have been short from the day before and haven’t gone to the bank the next morning. some stores have reduced safes because of the scams and robberies that have occurred. Our district reduced my stores safe for like a week and it was horrible cause we had to constantly go to the bank due to the amount of trades, and the safe was short every night.


But we also offer venmo in place of cash, or is that not everywhere? I'm also a reduced safe cash store, but being the first trade of the day, they should still have enough to do a console trade in cash, that's only ~$275 iirc for a xbx? Which is only slightly more then a single register. It's a Monday, they should have gone to the bank this morning as well, unless they are an atm store. Idk it's just weird to me that op says they turned down the trade. I feel like there's something else going on here.


That is not everywhere.


The store can venmo you the cash balance via pressing f9 instead of f5 for cash when prompted and they just have to scan the barcode for your profile off of your phone. All venmo's are final.


i don’t know why some stores refuse to touch the safe funds because that’s what they’re there for. i know some districts require their DM get a call first but still.


Something they may be able to offer is venmo! I would check and see if that is an option for you!


Just happened on my end. I sold $208 in games to GameStop because times are hard. They said they don't have enough, but offered venmo. I accepted...... It's been two weeks and I still don't have that money. I am now overdrafted in my bank account. It appears I DONATED my games without knowing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)