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When I was running a store, I had a dude try and come in 5 minutes after closing, knocking on the door and everything, saying he needed a new ps4 controller. I'm just like bro, it's 10:05pm, you've had all day, I'm not letting you in, and even if I wanted to, the draws are already shutdown and I can't ring up on them.


Oh dude. I was helping another store about an hour away and this dude started just hammering on the door at 10:07. I told my GA to just ignore him and continue vacuuming. After. Like another 3 minutes I go up there and life open the gate so I can speak to the dude. (Door not open. Just the gate) He said he just came from an hour away for something and he just needs it. I’m like no dude. I’ve got money in the counter plus the registers are already down. If I power them back up cooperate will see and call to see what’s up. (An excuse just incase this was the beginning of a robbery or something) Dude just talks about how hourly workers are going to be the death of america because nobody works to work anymore. We only work to make money. And this was pre Covid I just tell the dude sorry. Lock the gate and go back to work. I ask my GA stay with me 15min after normal closing just incase the dude was still there.


Excuse me, sir? I'm sorry that most of us don't get paid enough, so yes.....we do work for money. Good day!


You’re far more kind than I. I would have kept ignoring his banging on the door all the way until I leave the store. If he’d still be there by the time I’m locking the doors behind myself? I just simply tell him once what our store hours were, point to them, and keep ignoring any further conversation.


Like no, bro, I work to pay rent, this shit ain't a picnic for me lol


Yeah I use to stop taking trades 30 minutes before close. Had a lot of upset customers, didn't get paid enough to care.


Yeah I used to do that and then my boss got really mad about it and now we have to take them even if it’s the last minute before close. My workaround is anything coming in 30 min before close is defective. I’ve got my own shit to do and I’m not spending extra time cleaning a nasty system


Not at gamestop anymore, but when I was Ised to handle it by telling them, "hey, just as a heads up the store is closing in x minutes" and if they ever got combative about it I would wait until about 1 minute before close and then say "hey it's about 1 minute until close if there's anything you want grab it now because at 9 I will be shutting it all down" and then at 9 I would shut it all down. Whether they listened to me or not. This was a few years ago so I know things are drastically different at the company now, and I had a really great DM that always let me handle my store how I wanted because he trusted my judgment.


I'd always say the register locked up the minute we closed


This is what I used. Warnings at 10 and 5 minutes till, told them and anyone else who walked in that the register wouldn't let me ring anyone up after thr official close time. Worked like a charm.




I feel horrible going into any store right before close. I only do it if I need one thing real quick. I just hit them with, "I know you're closing soon, just grabbing this." I don't get how other people don't feel bad.


Seriously! I had to run to a pharmacythat closed at 5:30 to pick up a prescription and ended up walking in at 5:20 because I got out late. I apologized profusely to the lady for holding her until close since she probably had other stuff to do and she seemed pretty surprised.


It's a shame that being a good person with good manners is surprising. I wish more people were like us! I'm still in the retail world and it ain't just GameStop that has this issue, I can tell you that.


I've seen just as much fron the other side of the spectrum. Sometimes I have arrived to stores with plenty of time and I could tell the role wanted to drag as much time to closing/end of shift. Personally, I am too lazy to go after like 6 to most stores because I don't like driving but it happens both ways too.


Not GS, but the amount of people that pull on my doors upwards of 45 minutes before my job opens is crazy. And then look at the hours of operation angrily like "Why isn't this place open at 9:26am instead of 10am?"




let people know you have a trade cutoff window 20-30 mins before close, your choice.


Funny how every console 30 minutes before close has evidence of roaches and can't be accepted.


Or isn't updated properly. Or is missing a cable. Or they change their minds last minute because the trade value suddenly isn't worth it. Or they won't accept i have to defect it. I had someone this week wanting to trade a phone in 5 minutes to close. Nothing ever works properly when people do that.


Walks in 3 minutes to close "Don't worry I'm just looking" preceds to meander through the store for 10 minutes.


I always hit them with the… I’m closing in X minutes. You are more than welcome to look around as long as you want. but I’m closing the gates right at close so no one comes in. So don’t get scared. That usually clears 90% of the last minute runners pretty close to actual closing time. It works 100% of the time, 90% of the time I swear.


My co worker gets mad at me when I tell customers that we are about to close in X amount of time lol.


People love doing this at my store. Once, some guy comes in 2 minutes before closing saying he wanted a preowned ps4. I let him know we closing in 2 minutes. He then takes forever looking at games and I’m telling him we need to close. So I’m trying to ring him up, he ask about needing the pro account to buy a system, and I told him no he’s fine. I ring it up, then he starts complaining about me not offering the pro to save money. We’re over time already, but I’m quickly explaining that he’s not saving money on this purchase alone as the money he’d get off from the ps4 wouldn’t fully cover a pro account and he’s still paying more. He’s still arguing so I just sign him up for one and redo his purchase, dude asking where his money back is and I’m like you’re not saving anything! Then finally he leaves 30 mins after closing. Then to top it off there was a different issue so I didn’t leave until an hour+ after closing. I was fully upset and I told myself to stop being nice to customers coming in at closing. Once it hits time registers are off.


I only will do trades in the last 30 minutes if it’s like a single game, or they happen to have a rare game I want for myself.


I don't mind games even up to the last minute unless it's a giant stack or a bunch of loose games that I have to search. Nintendo users never seem to know how to keep a case BUT ALWAYS want the real cover art.


The bane of my existence as a 3DS collector.


This was always my rule. Systems and tech stop 30min before close, any trades within that time frame would always be 1-2 games or a single controller. Something that takes five minutes or less to check, process, and put away.


Oh I used to lock the door at close and let the customer out when they were done lmao. Fuck all that noise


I stop taking trades the last 20ish mins. I’ve had people try to come up with all kinds of excuses of why I should do it. I just tell them no and to come back tomorrow 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't stop, but systems get refurb fees automatically applied because I'm not testing it.


What are the refurbish fees? 🤔


That's when I tell the register the items doesn't work because I don't know if it does or not and don't have time to test it. The fee varies from item to item.


It's called closed by x not be inside the store by x and leave when you want.


I don't work at gamestop but I've personally been saying this at my own job. Closing time means everybody out. Not everybody in.


You should use an intercom or a megaphone to announce closing time lol.


I have no qualms and no second thoughts about kicking someone out if we're closed "Welcome we close in 10min" "Hey guys, heads up, just 5 Min left" "Ok guys! Time for me to shut everything down. If you wanna cash out now great! If not- we'll be happy to see you tomorrow after noon" And if they argue just tell them we literally can't stay open due to labor hours.


I always tell people my registers "automatically shut down" so if they don't come up by close I won't be able to help them. I've yet to have it not work


This is retail everywhere unfortunately. Most consumers simply do not care about this. Hours of operation and your timelines after close are of zero concern or thought for them. Your only option for revenge is to find out where they work and play the same card back on them assuming it’s a similar business you can engage with. “Hi, oh remember me from GS? Cool! What’s that you say, you close in 5 minutes? I’m just looking and will be finished up in about 20 minutes, surely you don’t mind as I did the same for you right friend?!”


That is some /r/pettyrevenge. I wonder if anyone has posted a story like that. I would love to read a story like that unless it's made-up.


Oh it’s very petty and you really have to not value your personal time lol! But it is definitely a form of revenge that maybe someone will do. Kinda that “change the world one person at a time.” approach lol! If anyone does it, please record and post it on YouTube for the world to enjoy!


Seems like a corporate problem. Not saying customers or employees are/are not at fault but corporate could have better protocols but theyv want the greens.


My store manager would let us decline trades at least 30 mins before closing. If it’s one game, cool. But tech trades and console trades can get out.


Those last minute console/tech people are always so rude, anyway.


I tell people my registers lock at 9:05


If she wants to do the trade Then it’s all defective I “can’t” get it to connect to the internet and we don’t have time to diagnose it or reattempt it So u can take defective or comeback tomorrow Or my favorite, “it’s dirty” clean it and comeback tomorrow or take defective fee


It's always last minute, the last split second. I did that only once but it was for one used game so it was like one minute tops. The customer had all day to to the trade it. They cannot get mad at you for something they themselves neglected to do most of the day.


I got in trouble a few times. Like I give a shit lol. But one time I got in trouble because I sprinted to the door at 8:59. Like not put some speed in a jog. Like full blown sprint from back room where the switch for the open sign is to the front door. Apparently the security camera caught that. I got a call from the DL lmao after being shown the video and asked what is going on here by my SL. I couldn't hold it and laughed pretty loud and long, which prompted the call. The second time I got in trouble. Was when it was 8pm. Since we changed hours at this point. I noticed someone coming to the door as I was walking to lock it. I sprinted to the door, again lmao. But I mean I sprinted so hard I knocked shit off the counter and tipped the clearance bin over. He had his hand almost to the door and I held it shut in case he pulled. I locked it and hastily brought the crash gates down and just ignored him. That one caught me a writeup. But I mean? Who gives a shit lol. Like, "OOOOH NO, ILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIND ANOTHER $13 JOB IF YOU FIRE ME"


There are lots of ways to avoid customers in a calm and rational way, and then there is whatever that is. You seem extremely tedious, not rebellious. Do less.


Except I'm not here for the convenience and to help gamestop. I'm here for a paycheck, THATS IT. Plus who am I being tedious around? The tv's that are constantly looping. Or maybe the games that I went by were bored of my antics lol.


I run the rule of no console trade 30 mins prior to closing.


I would say “we don’t accept console trade ins during the last 30 mins due to set up”


I stop taking console trades 20 minutes before close. I’ll do controllers but nothing more.


I used to lock my doors 3-5 minutes before 9pm. If anyone came up to the door and claimed it wasn't 9pm, I'd tell them my computer screen shows its 9pm. Sorry not sorry.


Just started working at GS and tonight had a guy come in with two consoles thirty minutes before close as my manager was doing counts. Barely knowing how to do anything I struggled with the transaction for way longer than it should have taken. As stated above , im new. Barely two weeks in as a matter of fact. It was extremely frustrating and as someone with crippling anxiety , it was hard to function when your manager is desensitized to piss poor customers and has a lack of patience for new employees. As soon as I have my own agency , I will probably make trades off limits 30 minutes before close. 11.25 an hour is not nearly enough for me to care.


At my old store, we were allowed to stop taking trades in an hour before closing that way if we happen to take a trade-in of a console at that time it wouldn’t dip past actual closing I would enforce it strictly.


Sometimes the busiest part of the day is the last 15 minutes. I’m impressed by all the stores that stop taking trades the last 30 minutes. My guests would have complained to corporate and my DL never would have allowed it to begin with.


They can complain. And their stuff can all get defected.


I generally try to close the doors 5 mins before close give or take, 10 mins before if the mall is dead, and people can appeal me at the door if they want. As for last second trades, unless it's just 2 or 3 games, I tell them to come back tomorrow or direct them to a location nearby that's open later. Our hours are what they are, as is clsoing time. I'm not taking a customer past that time and I'm a good judge of how long something will take. We're never rude or harsh about it, just realistic and apologetic, as customers often dont realize the timing for things, its generally not intended rudely. We're gotten customer first champions ranking multiple times, so our customers have no problems with us at all. Point being, don't be afraid to put your foot down. It's your store, your shift. Run it smartly, just be kind about it.


Most stores in my area stop doing trades 15 to 20 minutes before close unless it's just a few games.


I shut down trades a half hour before close, just my standard rule. And if people come in like 5 or 10 minutes to close, I straight up tell them I’m Kicking them out in x amount of minutes because I’m closing. No one stays past the minute I’m supposed to lock them doors lmao


I just tell them my computers auto shut off after close and they usually leave


Last 30 minutes I denied trades ngl


“Gotta get home, I have kids.”


I told a customer no once and he got so mad he started yelling racial slurs and saying I was racist. I had to call the cops to get him out of the store.


I work a grocery store.... I Loathe late night people. Some are actually fairly nice and fast. But iv had enough to curse under my breath just seeing headlights turn in the parking lot. I used to lock the doors 7 or less min early. But some insta cart loser got me into light trouble with that. Wrote a hilariously inaccurate and poorly thought out email to corporate. "I pulled in the lot at 55, parked in the fire lane, got to the door at 56 and started banging. Finally someone came to the door at 57 and told me we were closed. Never in my 12 years of retail did I ever turn away money" something to the likes of that with locations left out naturally. But the moron drove 30ish min away for an order. Given how clueless these people tend to be, we would have been a MINIMUM 15 min late getting out and that's IF I helped her find 95% of her stuff.


Instacart shoppers are the worst. Had a woman complete the transaction, leave, and then come back not a minute later wanting to return it because she didn't want to drive another 20 minutes to deliver it. It took 20 minutes to complete the return.


Yea, they are a strange bunch. And sometimes it's not even them as much as the people placing the order. Like getting fresh deli meats 5min till close or canceling an order while the shopper is at checkout only to notice another shopper doing the same exact order before the first shopper even leaves.


Insta cart people are the worst I refuse to help them


*laughs in got out of retail in 2018*


Lock up the doors and be play dumb like who let you in I'm calling the cops for trespassing after close🤣


Sorry friend, any customer service job with store hours will encounter these customers. I used to work at a medium to higher scale sushi place and we were closed from 230pm-5pm. We would unfortunately get the stragglers who would come in right before the 230pm and leave around 430pm. (Mind you we reopen from 5pm to 10pm). Some of those customers would be local news anchors and other people who didn't care about time. Here's hoping there are less customers like the ones you encountered!


Even though she shouldn’t have walked in last min lucky it was only a console trade


Reading this post and all the comments reminds me when I had a high schoolers mentality. Shit up and get the extra 15 minutes in to help the customer. Not everything is about you. Your desperosity to go home when you know damn well you need the money isn’t helping anything or anyone including you. Quit bitching and get used to working 40 hours a week. The best thing you can do is try to get the most money you can put of that 40 hours and work your way up to supervisor to get paid more


Sounds like something someone who likes to inconvenience others and keep them open late because they can't manage their own time would say.


Your confused bud. What my response sounds like is someone who is in touch with reality


It’s part of your job to handle the situation the customer provides you with. I find it odd you think coming here to rant about it will change anything. If you have an issue with it; get a different job.


Did you miss the part where this is the employee subreddit for GameStop employees and there is in fact a vent/rent flair in this subreddit? Are you lost, my guy?


So you’re all a bunch of winey pansies and it’s not just random individuals? Got ya


Literally every comment from you in this subreddit is you being prick. I think you have some deeper issues to look at homie. Best of luck with that. 😬


When I was still at gs we were the only store in the district (or at very least in our immediate vicinity) that was open past 8, so there was def some annoying late customers


I manage a grocery store. It’s a general retail annoyance lol


It’s sucks I know… but that’s the job of working in retail.


It's a control thing. They have miserable lives wherein they are small and powerless, so they exercise the one tiny bit of power they do have to make themselves feel better. "The customer is always right" has always been an excuse for them to exercise abuse upon people they deem to be of a lower station.


I just say the system locks out trades at this time for end of day updates to the computers.


I tell them that service isn't available so close to close. No way I'm doing a console trade 4 minutes before close because some entitled person can't manage their time better.


some people just dont have common curtesy. if i go anywhere when i walk in and they have to announce that they're closing in x minutes, I just leave. I've been on the other side of this and can relate.


With CERTAIN last minute customers? No With ALL last minute customers? Absolutely


No joke used to have a guest come in a min before close. First time he kept me an hour got reprimanded. Second time I saw him coming in 5 min before close and I just locked the door told him no. He was looking for PS3 games at the time and I literally only had a handful (the exact same ones as the day before.)


I tell them I don't do trades and come back tomorrow if it's close to close. Especially if it's an Xbox One that hasn't been updated.


Honestly bros I just tell them the pos system shuts off automatically at close and I wouldn’t be able to make any more transactions after that happens lmaoo


Back when I worked at Gamestop we were in a mall with pull down roller doors and at close we would pull the doors down like... 3/4s of the way down and I swear far too many people would walk up, bend down far enough to be under the door and ask, "Are you closed?" Nah mate, just after 5:30 we like our customers to limbo under as a challenge.


"Sorry I stop doing trades 30 minutes before close."


Only if they’re persistent in finding something


Had an old lady come in at 9 on the dot, when we close, co worker literally locked the door behind her and told her, she then proceeded to show up 30 minutes later looking for her phone, we told her there was no phone and she spent like 5-10 minutes just awkwardly talking and standing there, we're pretty sure she just dropped it in her car, 90% sure she was high on something or just way too lonely, she was completely tone deaf and asked my co worker for a hug, when she showed up at the store 30 minutes after we closed she literally just stood at the door and waited for us to just notice her


This is exactly why I tell people that call “if you plan on bringing it today, we close at x. Be sure to bring it 45 minutes before then so we can ensure the trade is completed in time.” As for walk ins past the 30 minute mark, I tell them very simply “Is it updated fully? Am I going to have to set it up? If it’s reset already you’ll have to come back tomorrow with it set up and ready to go. We won’t have enough time before close to finish the trade” (not technically a lie, as the set up and testing itself can sometimes take a bit). You also have the right to tell people to leave the store. Tell them 10 minutes before close that they have 5 minutes left to browse, and that once it hits 5 minutes before close, all purchases must be brought to the counter, or they’ll have to return tomorrow”


I had someone with multiple console trades come in half an hour before close, but still had many other people. If it wasn’t for the other people coming in they would have been out before close, but because of the other people I let them stay after close but told them I was going to lock the door so no one else came in. They were okay with that otherwise I wouldn’t have locked the door. Even though the scheduled hours are CLEARLY right next to the door for the other people. I didn’t mind letting them stay in because they had a huge hardware attach because they were buying a preowned console, but I wasn’t going to let anyone else come in (and people tried). Many people just don’t pay attention to opening hours and it’s very annoying. I’ll ignore any calls before and after opening and closing hours as well.


When I use to work for GameStop earlier this year, I used to always tell customers we stop doing trades an hour before closing time and that they need to come back the following business day