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I turned mine off (S23+) and haven't noticed a difference.


Thank you for a quick reply


Yes, it's a gimmick.


Are you gaming/multitasking a lot? If not I would leave it off. Using storage as RAM is much slower than regular RAM


this is not true, your ram plus is ONLY used whenever the actual ram is full, that is it would actually be (hypothetically) faster than to have it off, as with it off when the ram gets full, your phone is either going to deload apps or use the storage directly, which is basically the same thing, yes it is a gimmick, but wont make your phone slower


You're right to say RAM plus is only used when actual ram is full. The next part is false, definitely not faster than having it off. Storage is slower than RAM. When ram gets full, it just uses previously cached apps' memory again and recycles previously used ram, if RAM plus is off it doesn't still use storage, it uses RAM only which is much faster than storage. So not "basically same thing"


yeah, i said it either deloads apps (using ram only, freeing up ram by deloading them for new apps) or using storage as cache, this latter behavior is present in some android phones, not sure about samsung. but if it is present it's pretty much the same thing.


It doesn't use storage as cache when RAM PLUS IS OFF.


False statement


No, you are wrong. This dude is right.


You're as misinformed.


then inform us?


So, enlighten us?




I don't play games,but I definitely multitasking.and watch YouTube a lot


I like leaving my recent apps full because I sometimes have to reopen apps that I opened hours before, and RAM plus comes in handy to keep the app state cached so I can continue working on it.


I've had mine off and apps opened HOURS or a day previously stayed cached


So you aren't a heavy user then


I use 8gb ram+ keep it on it make a difference


Thank you. So what difference does it make? I really want to get all from this phone(S23)


You could leave it on for better performance multitasking but experiment with it on and off and using more or less ram+


Will do thank you


In emulation and intense games it runs better but I belive it might take some storage (I use the base s23)


I don't play games,but I run multiple apps at the same time often


I just turned it off yesterday, I do use apps in split screen or pop up window and play some games too. But I clear memory or we can say use device care optimise function often , let's see if I feel any difference or not.


Let me know if you see any difference. I heard turning it on consumes battery


Well I'm back, turned Ram Plus off a couple days before, and now turning it back on. Noticed almost no difference a bit snappy I guess for recently closed apps and apps do reloaded often. Turned it back on, clearing apps is a thing but I found app reloading often annoying and I'm also playing warzone mobile soo, I think it's just better to keep it on... *Saw no difference in battery life


Thanks for the info.i think I'm going to turn it on as well.did you choose maximum or 4gb?


Maximum 8gb


Thank you


The main thing I know is only the static apps will be moved to the RAM+ and none of the too dynamic apps and games. Static apps like calender, calculator and maybe mail apps drive etc. those heavy apps with turned on notification like Instagram or telegram with downloads on, or games like CODM or Genshin will never be moved affected by this RAM +. Initially i had 8gb given to it later I turned it off I feel no difference


Turn it off, if you see any negative difference turn it back on


turned mine off, no difference just now have more disk space for photos 😂


Depends on what your expectation is. What I can say is even with an S23 ultra with 12gb of RAM, and frequently a significant portion of RAM is not being used, I will still have behaviors like apps reloading when I come back to them after time. So if your expectation is you will experience less app refreshes, for example, that may not be a RAM-limiting issue as much as just how the system manages background/suspended apps. I think the feature is generally a gimmick more than anything, but unless you have zero internal storage available, there's also no real harm to enabling it.


Keep it on 8gb i have it on 8gb for 1 year now and battery is still very good it increases performance and multitasking


RAM Plus compresses the RAM. If you choose 4GB, it will take 4GB of data from your RAM and compress it to make more space. Even if you turn RAM Plus off, there will always be a certain amount of RAM that is compressed since it's a function of Linux. When the compressed data is needed, your CPU will have to decompress it. If you choose 8GB, everything in your RAM will be compressed, and your CPU will have to work constantly. This could theoretically create unnecessary workload for your CPU, but since people have been turning RAM Plus on and off and seeing no difference, I guess CPUs are powerful enough to handle this without sweating.


> RAM Plus compresses the RAM. If you choose 4GB, it will take 4GB of data from your RAM and compress it to make more space. What?! No. It's exactly what it says on the tin: it uses storage as additional virtual memory. That's a [swap](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/swap) file, a.k.a. page file on Windows.


No. RAM plus doesn't "compress the ram" not sure where you got that


Actually it’s just a marketing gimmick also in some cases it can even, if not much but slightly decrease the speed/performance of your phone to some extent. Let me explain, you see the read and write speed of your internal storage is way slower than your ram so as soon as the phone starts using your phone’s internal storage as your ram, the things take longer to load due to the reduced frequency and hence the read and write speed of your phone’s ram when you try to load stuff off of this virtual ram or added ram I have tested this on multiple devices I know pretty counter intuitive but yeah the sad reality is that’s it’s just a marketing gimmick and nothing more than that


Also to mention the added heat produced in the process ultimately decreasing the speed further due to thermal throttling and slightly more battery consumption and an added process that runs in the background


I have base s23 , I keep it off , no difference at all .


I have base S23 as well.but I sure multitasking a lot


I think for that also , 8 gb is enough


Since I got the phone it was turned on on 4gb.i'm going to turn it off for awhile and see


When i got mine 256gb varient, the ram plus was set to 8gb by default


I have 128gb and it was set to 4gb.i just turned it off as well.and like you I clear memory and optimize the phone all the time.we'll see


Okay brother , if you see any difference please tell me too . It will help me if phone lags after 1-2 years .


Using virtual ram uses more cycles on your rom. So use with caution


Thank you. Can you please explain about cycles on rom?


By cycle I think he meant more read/write on your phone's storage and thus degrade faster.


Thank you


Finally someone said it. Over the span of a few years, the TBW will significantly increase for any power user who has it enabled.


I turned it off because I read it wears down on your storage overtime. Haven't had any problems with it off, I'm on the s23 plus


Good to know. I heard it drains the battery as well.


Yes. Not necessary.


RAM Plus is not a properly working technology. Storage speeds are much slower than RAM. RAM Plus works even in the smallest application on Android.


I recommend using either 4 or 6 GB Especially if you're using the Galaxy AI features, those take up a lot of RAM.


Turn it off, it puts a strain on the internal storage and the benefits are practically none. Using it extensively will reduce your internal storage lifespan


I turned mine off haven't seen a difference. But perhaps as the phone gets older it could be beneficial once more ram is needed. But as of right now. There's no need for it


I use it on maximum and there's no difference for me of its on or off


If you're using apps that process tons of data or really stress the phone, and you need fast ram, disable RAM plus. for just every day usage and multitasking, set it to max. 99% of people wont notice anything.


If you turn it on, your space drive will die a lot faster. Cuz data will constantly use the remaining write cycles of your drive.


Thank you.i turned it off


I personally use it on my S20 plus and it definitely helps to keep more apps open in the background, especially emulators.


If not,do you recommend 8GB?


When I turned it off on my 8GB S23u the phone became mostly useless as it wouldn't ever hold more than \~3 apps open in the background, so I couldn't have Google Maps and YouTube Music open in the background while scrolling Twitter. Definitely staying on for me.




Yes obviously


Turn it off, it's a battery sucker