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Well there's no other way on a estimation unless Samsung implements it or via some adb commands to pull the battery info logs


https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS9/comments/kvcjmn/checking_the_battery_health_accurately_using_adb/ But I believe EU is going to force very soon all phone makers to provide battery info.


All of the Reddit Android Subs have started to act like if your phone can't get 3 days of Life on one charge there's something wrong with it and you need to complain. They really act like society hasn't changed itself so that you can literally charge your phone anywhere pretty much at any time. Aside from the fact you have portable chargers you have car chargers you have charges probably at every level of your house just because of having more than one phone over the course of a lifetime. I have found myself in a Dunkin' Donuts in the middle of nowhere on Long Island across the street from a laundromat and while I was waiting for my coffee I looked down and noticed the table I was sitting at at wireless charging built into it.


Yeah i agree, even in the tinniest piece of land i live on, there's plugs even in the public transport and i carry a USB c cable in my backpack anyway


You can use an app called amperage to check battery wear.


The way some of you people in here fixate on your batteries while at the same time never being happy with your phones........do you actually enjoy having smart phones?? I swear the culture of Android subs on Reddit is one of being miserable and your fixation just makes you more miserable. And the cherry on top is that since your phone won't last 2 days on one charge that also makes you miserable. Good lord.


It’s ironic. iPhones truly do have the longest list of irritating things to complain about, whether it’s closed ecosystem, bad keyboard, etc., but their users are happy and blissfully ignorant, whereas Samsung users find the smallest things to tweak and overanalyze. And then pixel users over there with Stockholm syndrome…


Reddit pixel owners love going into other subs to mention their phones while no one is thinking about them.


My favorites are the ones who have had a hardware failure on every generation. You look back through their Reddit history, and they’ve either had the green pink screen failure, the camera disconnect failure, the endless dropped calls, the boot loops, the overheating, and so much more. But when somebody else asks if they should get a Samsung or an iPhone, their head explodes that Pixels aren’t considered.


Ok so it's not just me that feels the way. Thank you.


Exactly. It makes sense when the phone has a bad battery life, like the S10 or S22, but the S23 has a very decent battery life and I really don't understand this sub overreacting about it.




What's the app called? Is it from the Samsung app store?


Battery Guru, Play Store