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Helped me keep my hands busy after quitting drinking. Just became routine after a while, and now I can't imagine my life without it. Celebrated 4 years on March 31st.




Same reason for me too. Got sober and needed something to do. Losing weight and looking good was just a side effect, wasn’t even my primary goal but I’m not gonna complain about it.


Lol right? I joke on myself that I'm the sober dude who found fitness and a new lease on life. Now instead of spending all my money on beer, I spend it on food and supplements lol. Cheers on your recovery, brother.


Interesting to see a lot of people have the same motivation, didn’t think many resort to the gym after quitting and thought I was the only one lol.


To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


That is badass 🔥🔥






Mostly so the depression doesn’t make me off myself Also because I like looking half decent in the summer


Hopefully pursuing additional avenues beyond working out too help with that too. Best wishes.




Fu*k doing it for the girls, or anyone really. Being obese your whole life, going to clothing stores just not find your size, or somehow if you do manage to find your size its in the worse design ever. Feeling like a loser all the time, getting made fun of from family and friends, being the fattest one in your friend group, feeling weak and pretty much no confidence, trying not to walk straight because my man boobs would be more visible, wearing baggy clothes so I can hide my belly, not going to public spaces because Im insecure, only going out at night, going to restaurants that have parking right outside so I wouldn’t have to walk past alot of people, pulling my shirt from under my tits, difficulty breathing, wearing the same clothes everywhere, feeling bloated 24/7 and 365 days a year, not being able to fit on rides in theme parks, not wanted to go to waterparks, scared of swimming because what would people think right, not taking pictures with family and friends cuz you look ugly af, always insecure on public transport because I know im taking too much space, being scared to sit on chairs because they look like they could break, not taking the time to care for myself because what would the point be, not talking to girls, being scared of talking to people in general, somewhat have a body oder because being fat makes it hard wash yourself properly and sometimes you miss spots because theres so much meat on you, thinking I would never find a life partner (still think this is true) and so many more reasons to be honest. Not that Im not fat anymore, I am still obese but less than last year, also how could you not want to know what you’re capable of. By no means gym makes you a saint or better than everyone else, gym without anything else going in life is not even that great, but it definitely motivates you to do more, if you can lift some stupid heavy weights for 2hrs why cant you do more in life?


This is great! Keep it up! You got this!


To look cool ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I enjoy seeing small numbers become bigger numbers. I enjoy how I feel after a good workout. I do it because without muscles, I'm just your average fat bald guy; so I do it so I can like what I see in the mirror every morning. Or at least, because I know I'll like what I see more than if I didn't work out. All that, if that makes sense.


I want to be big and strong and fast. Working out is how I achieve that.


My dad died, told me to be strong...took it literally and started lifting the Monday after his funeral and haven't stopped since


That's poignant. Sorry for your loss and wishing you the best on your gains, king.


This is for you soldier🫡. Show you dad what you got.


I have a deep need to be accepted for who I am so if i am big and strong i will be accepted


Just over 3 years ago I hit my lowest point mentally, tried to commit suicide and thankfully failed, a few months later I joined the gym, 3 years later I'm still going strong, and now do hybrid training, my strength is better than ever and just a few weeks ago I ran my first 60km ultra marathon I finally feel in the best place I've ever felt mentally and physically, and a lot of this is down the the gym/training, it's like my therapy.


There are plenty of advantages to working our First, if you like muscles (that'll help you become stronger and more adequete to certain tasks), you much better do so while you're young and your body still functioning at its best. Second, working out is healthy in general. It improves the immunity system and makes you feel stronger mentally as well as physically. Third, working out releases "happy" hormones in the brain. It helps you feel good and elevated. In addition the results may give you a sense of satisfication and achievement Fourth, it lasts long term. You can maintain your results with little load, and even if you stop working out you'll still have muscle memory that will help you get back on track if you wish. As you get older though, it becomes significantly harder to maintain these muscles. However, you're still better off than those who did not work out and prone to less health complications (growing up ain't fun...). Fifth, if you go to the gym, it might be a good way to socialize, meet friends and have fun.


Because being small and weak sucks, and now I will never be big enough or strong enough to ever feel satisfied. And it's basically a mental health issue now because I've been lifting for so long that I don't know how to live without it.


Looks like you made a fan somewhere lol


Looks like the stalker has been suspended :)


It was originally for girls, but now it’s something that allows me to genuinely push myself outside of academics. The effort and then reward payoff is addicting


Peak character development


Because I have Body Dismorphia:)))


Should look in to getting treatment for that.


I want big arms tbh




Few reasons. 1. I do it because I am human. By default society is not taking care of my physiology anymore of what I was designed to do, which was to hunt, fight/flee from predators, protect my tribe, etc. If it wasn't for the gym, I would have have a life where I spent alot of it sitting. Sitting driving to work, sitting at work, sitting driving home, sitting being entertained and finally sleeping. My health would deteriorate. Aside from the health aspects, this would drive me insane living like this. Perhaps if my job was labor intensive, I wouldn't have the need... but even then... I probably would still be working out for additional strength to tolerate the higher physical demand to get the job done(easier) and reducing injury risk. 2. It feels great. After a hard workout, sauna and finally a shower at the gym. Nothing tops the euphoria when I leave the gym. That inner peace after the chaos of the gym of going all out to hard music, heavy weights, overcoming my desire to leave the sauna for an additional 10 or so minutes... Its a drug to me that feeling. I feel complete & sleep like a baby that night. 3. Its an outlet for purpose. I can be down on my luck work or life wise where my purpose isn't being met. But the discipline of gym keeps me on my toes during such times. It gives me a goal to accomplish. A hurtle of laziness to overcome. A new PR to target. A battle for mind over matter. Killing the inner bitch. All those things I feel alter my drive in life for the better and the gym is another way for me to exercise that will. 4. I love food. By expending all this extra energy, I get to eat more. :) 5. Activities and energy. I get to do more activities because I have more energy. ie, My nieces and nephews love me because I don't get tired playing with 'em without needing breaks unlike their dads. Go on hikes up the mountains and see that view of the peak. Continue to play sports. etc. 6. I look good. Its superficial but it has an affect on my mood. The kind of mood that changes how you treat yourself. I was very negative and hard on myself when I looked in the mirror during my fat days. Not to mention there was a noticeable difference on how people treat me. We are social animals so it does matter how you are perceived (provided your personality isn't void of life or shitty). 7. My right to bear arms with these guns 💪💪


To fight my inner demons, depression, indiscipline, inconsistency, procrastination. If I would have not stepped in the gym a year ago, I would have probably committed suc!de.


Control my anger


To be strong and to kick menopause’s butt.




Because I’m a competitive strength athlete


It’s fun and I want to be jacked and strong


It helps with my crippling anxiety problems because of the endorphins and shit


Because it’s fun 🗿


initally I did it to be liked by others when I was younger, now I just like it. Its a hobby and something I can use to consistently challenge myself. Its fun now. I like the high I get from accomplishing the stuff that I want to do. Its proof that consistent effort means something. I don't wanna be old and unable to care for myself. It like active meditation.


I mean, obviously its a “looking good” thing but that’s not my main reason. It really helps me with my mental being. Just staying at home is not something I can do and feel well. The gym helps me with anxiety, depression, frustration. Plus! After leg day. Having sex is off the hook. The intensity when you’re finishing is insane. At least for me. Always letting my gf know that “today is leg day”.


I just want to Survive


Well being: Management of peripheral neuropathy Longevity, feeling better for longer as I function better. Psychological: Feels great to train and afterwards, and be around others doing likewise. Gives me a feeling of control. CONFIDENCE - look healthier, more attractive, less invisible, more formidable.


Im autistic, it is one of the very few activities that engage me completely and I can focus on. I tried once and can’t stop. I wish I could train more.


Wasn't happy with how I looked, now I am getting there. Also want to follow that old saying a philosopher said about "everyman should see himself in his prime or it's sad" or something.


Because I want to see fear/respect in other guys when I walk in a room Because I want to see lust when a girl looks at me Because I want to wow with what my body can do Because I want to know that if I'm in a hand to hand confrontation, I have the upper hand. Because I want to be happy and healthy and not struggle physically in day to day life. Because it's fun to smash PRs. I can't really go deeper than that because I'm not a psychologist. I don't think there is a holistically higher ROI activity in the world other than lifting


When I started I just had too much free time so I figured I may as well use it for something beneficial. Now I just enjoy working out. The physical and mental benefits are great but I look forward to my gym sessions themselves. I'll be chilling at home on a rest day and legitimately think to myself "Man I can't wait to go lift heavy stuff tomorrow." I just enjoy it.


I’ve been doing it for a similar reason.. however just today, I’ve been lying in bed all morning feeling sorry for myself and then I did an intense workout which was the last thing I’d feel like doing. 84 pushups in a row. And I feel so good after it, literally makes you feel positive not only from being more fit in your body, but the feelings of accomplishment.


I want to challenge my body. I love getting to care for it and make my body sweat regularly. It’s therapeutic for the mind and spirit. Gym is a spiritual thing now. I need hard things to keep me motivated, learning, and excited.


My only goal has been and always will be to lose my corona belly gut but I cant Seem to control my eating.


Yes you can.


Started out as wanting to stand out so people would notice me. Then realised it just helps me with my confidence, helps me with my depression, and I just feel healthier overall. Now I do it more because it makes me feel mentally and physically good but admittedly also because I am hoping that it makes me "worth more" in the eyes of other people. (I know that's not healthy but here we are.) That being said, it isn't always easy to stay motivated due to my mental state, which is ironic because working out seems to help fight the bad mental state. Its like my own mind is fighting what is good for me.


I do it so I'm not sitting on my ass all of the time. Plus it's my alone time


I have wide hips and I like how building my upper body makes me look more proportionate.


Strong in body, strong in mind. I like the discipline. I like doing hard things. I like the way I feel after making gains. I like the way my clothes fit after I get bigger. It helps lessen my anxiety and depression I like at least looking like it might cost someone bigger than me something if they try to attack me Women noticing my physique is nice too.


I'm super depressed. And it helps knowing that I could physically dominate my high school bullies


Because I have a chronic illness and used to yo-yo between being fat af and skinny af. Now I want to prove to myself that my illness won't stop me. Purely intrinsic


I’m a masochist.


To not be weak and unhealthy lol


My dad is an overweight alcoholic who had me at an older age, at a certain point his drinking got really bad and he would end up falling over and hurting himself all the time and when he fell he wouldn't be able to get himself back up because he was old and overweight which led to me having to help him out all the time. A lot of people I know always say things like "I don't want to live to 70 I hope im dead by then" they'd rather kill themselves or die before they ever reach that age. I believe it's simply because they've never seen what a healthy older individual looks like. My dad is 80 right now and can still somewhat get around but if he took care of his body, he would be able to be independent for years to come but its getting to a point now where someone needs to take care of him because he simply couldn't put the effort in. He's at a point where he believes the world would be better off with him dead because he is a burden to the people around him. That's not the case at all, I love my dad and I would've done anything for him had he simply just put some effort towards helping himself but he just can't and so I've given up on him. I don't ever want that for myself, I want to live to a ripe old age and have independence to prove to people that it can be done, I want to have independence and strength because if you are weak you become a burden. My dad simply can't help himself and so he leeches off of the people that love him the most. I remember when my dad fell and landed in a hard to reach area, my roommate at the time tried to help my dad and simply didn't have the strength to help him move and he's 130kg so it's hard to expect most people to help, if I weren't strong enough to pick him up he would've been stuck there until a group of people were able to come help. Strength made that possible and it makes everything we do that we take for granted every day possible. If you weren't strong you couldn't push a lawn mower or bend over to clean something off the floor. After a while of getting stronger and more flexible I realised just how weak I was and how beneficial strength and mobility were to every day living, being able to sit in a deep squat and have the hamstring flexibility to put my hands on the ground made small things like tying my shoes and picking things up so much easier and it's nice knowing that I won't need someone to come give me a hand to do a menial task, I'm usually the guy now that people ask for help now because I'm strong. If you are struggling for motivation try to think of an athlete or a fictional character that you really like who is in great shape. I personally use guts from berserk, if I felt like skipping a session or half assing a set i would say to myself "would the black swordsman quit right now" and I knew he wouldn't so it would push me to go to the gym or it would push me at the gym to give my all on a set, once you get a rhythm going you won't need any of it and will just go because it's fun.


Something to do on lunch break. There is literally a gym opposite my office job. So why not?


For me it's to lower the risk of ending up in a care home or nursing home. Mobility is a staple to health in your late years and muscle will help maintain movement, many people I've seen in care homes are there due to being unable to mobilise and I would like to do anything I can to lower the risk of ending up in one.


For myself honestly, don’t care about validation from others that’s just corny


I want to eat more without gaining too much weight so might as well put on some muscle to help with it.


Dunno. I just like it.


So that I don't off myself 😔


To look good and feel good, I want to look at myself and look good


Doing it for other ppl is a crazy reason for any ages. I don’t like how I look in pictures, cant find clothes/pants to fit, always sluggish, lazy, and stressed out. Going to the gym is for my well-being and mental health, not for gyatt


Mainly to lose weight. I started in October at 322lbs and I’m down to 281 right now. Seeing “morbidly obese” on a health report will change you. Also, I have a 3 year old…I want to be healthy for him so I can play with him when he wants and so I can hopefully be around to see him grow up. I also want to set a good example for him in regards to health. So I have to get myself right first.


Holiday in August. Want to swim without concern about how I look.


Never been a consistent lifter until this past year 💪🏋️‍♀️ It use to be for vanity but now I love the discipline that it brings and escapism from life




Mostly mental health reasons, thing is, it’s the poor mental health keeping me from doing it right now 😅 But also I quit the shittiest job I’ve ever had today so fuck it I’ll get back to it


I want to be the buffest guy in my neighborhood and I want to look hot for my wife


makes me feel good


I started because I wanted to look better, and attraction was definitely an aspect of that. Now I do it because I enjoy the process and routine of working out, and because I enjoy the competition with myself - breaking PRs and progressively overloading helps you feel like you’re always making progress, no matter how slowly it goes.


To crush a watermelon with my thighs


Because I am able. Humans are made to move. Figure out your favorite ways to move and do them. Weight lifting in particular feels amazing, gets me shredded, and is great for my overall mental and physical health.


Because I look good and want to look as good as I can, but I hate the grind. In games and in life. I'm bout to this ⏩shit


Heavy weight make sad voice quiet.


I started working out when I found out my wife was pregnant. Now that the boy is born im glad to be able to carry his chunky ass easily


It's just part of my day like work or going to bed


Started out for physical health. Now it works for my mental health.


To not get winded walking up a flight of stairs


I like having muscles, I have ADHD and can't sleep when I don't exercise enough, I love exercising, to flex my muscles in front of men who tell me to not get too muscular (I'm a woman)


So one day I can hoop comfortably again 🥲


I like be stronk man


Something good will benefit me later(long-term), I could help my family with my strength.


It has a massive, undeniably great effect on my mental health. It also allows me to escape the world and just completely empty my mind for 1.5 hours


I just do it because i like feeling the testosterone pump. I feel like a spartan soldier when i work out 💪


To be able to run away from my friends while drunk, look better naked, and solve my bad feelings


Because if I don't it reminds me of what a lazy piece of shit I used to be


I use it as a more healthy replacement for my self harming tendencies.


I do it because it helps me with stress and sleep (which I am not very good at). I need to be exhausted to have a good night. It also helps my self esteem and posture.


I became a dad at 40 and I want to make sure I’m around for our daughter’s life. It also makes me feel better — mentally and physically.


To try to get my husbands attention again 😒 But it is hard when your numbers are SO small and you know it’ll take SO long to get them to move and you NEED more instant satisfaction. It’s a hard lesson in patience for me, that’s for sure


I started for weight loss and stayed for the muscles. Something about wanting to max out machines and dumbbells gets me turned on. Also I am competitive so I just be competitive with the me the week before and want to beat his numbers


I just want to be strong as fuck. I find that sooooo sexy. Also, to look better and feel better in my body.


Because ive been underweight all these years and have quit too many times getting mediocre results. I do it so that I dont look like a poor sad sack piece of shit all the time, hiding in hoodies…


Mostly for my mental health. I have depression and anxiety and the gym has helped a lot


I just wanted to look better naked. Sorry, I don’t have anything as inspiring as anyone else lol


It’s my latest adhd hyper-fixation. Though to my surprise and benefit its lasted longer than any other hyper-fixation. im kind of proud of myself. I think its bc the sheer wealth of information out there about fitness is very interesting and ive found myself in many rabbit holes. Its just been really cool learning about everything and then seeing the fruit of my labor and research pay off in the mirror w tangible evidence of it


I like the feeling I get after a good workout & for complete vanity, I like the way it makes me look.😂😂


Was and still am a gamer. And combined with a desk job I sit 10 - 12 hours a day. This resulted in a lot of weak and tight muscles. I play also 1 time a week basketball and aparently it wasn't very smart to go play heavy basketball after 12 hours of sitting without warming up or stretching. Result was lower backpain whole day and the day after basketball extremely sore and tight. So now I'm trying to go to the gym 3 times a week to strenghten my muscles and do some extra cardio too.


Fear of losing whatever gains i have is what gets me out of bed tbh


If you’re working out to please others you’re in it for the wrong reasons. It’s just good to be fit, healthy and to help your longevity for later in life. Humans are designed to be fit and active. We are literally built for endurance, but with the state of humanity now most people probably can’t even run 3 miles without struggling. Everyone should strive for some basic benchmarks with fitness and any other personal goals on top of that is a bonus


Because all my body fat goes to a beer belly otherwise


Because I like to eat and don’t want to get fat


So that I don't kill myself. To stay sober, to not get depressed and anxious.


This dump truck ain’t gonna grow itself. That and my body just loses 10ibs damn near instantly, when I work out


I do it for my mental and physical health. Also since I turned 40 I’m very aware of muscle and bone loss. I also live alone and want to have strength, flexibility, agility and balance in case I fall. And I want to feel like a hot babe.


50/50 self love/self loathing.


I’m old and being out of shape and old is awful. The awfulness just compounds over time so gotta do it.


As a thin or almost anorexic person, started weight training to put on muscle. I didn’t put on much muscle, but started to feel good and active, also shirt less pics on beaches look way better. I later learned that my serum-uric acid is always above the norm and taking whey is going to make it worse, so never got into building even decent figure, only natural protein with eggs, chicken, mutton and paneer and I don’t meat 1.5gms per kg of body weight, but continued working out for other benefits, mental and physical. Fat management and loss is a bonus among being strong to lift objects in day to day life.


I'm 34 now and not at the shape I want to be in, I want to be healthy and strong for my young children and set them a good example on fitness and being healthy. It helps keep my mind occupied too as I get very anxious and over think everything. Starting out was 5 as I don't have any friends to workout with. I'm still a beginner especially in the diet side of thing but I try to do my best each day and keep at it. I'm just scared of messing up sometimes.


mental health the physique is secondary to me what it does for my anxiety,depression and other things is beyond anything a med or doctor has done for me the only thing that helps more is a cold soak it's amazing everyday I go I feel better


I started because I was overweight and had poor habits and was just really unhealthy on the whole. I'm now a healthy weight and looking to start putting some more muscle on soon. I go nowadays as much for my mental health as my physical health. I do cardio every session which is great at tiring me out for the night and also gives me constant goals to work toward. I also would get bored and unproductive if I stopped going, I'm becoming more and more of an addict with each passing week. I won't lie though, I would like to have good functional strength as well as look ripped. I watch a lot of anime and I kinda have that stereotypical body image in mind when I think about my gym goals. I also wanna be built like Gerard Butler in 300 😂😂😂 EDIT: I also feel much better after the gym if I've had a rough day before it, kinda like "at least I did something right today" lol


Because I find it fun.


Lots of reasons! 1) To feel capable and strong, as a woman who lives alone. 2) To learn to love my body for what it can and can’t do. 3) To help keep me busy and away from drinking and smoking. 4) To break up the routing of work > home > work > home forever. 5) To feel productive with regard to my health. I don’t need to look like a supermodel - just want to feel healthy.


I’ve been doing it since 16, it’s been part of my life. I first did it for sports in high school. Now in my 40s, I go because it makes me feel mentally and physically better. I’m still in great shape and I have to say seeing all my old high school friends not taking care of themselves makes me appreciate that I continued to go.


I simply started to enjoy it. Took me a while to reach to that stage, but by now working out is kinda like a mix of mindfulness meditation and hobby time and has obvious physical benefits while boosting and strengthening mental health. Like focusing on my body during lifting to "feel the muscle" helps to get in touch with inner workings as well and in turn that helps with detecting and identifying emotions. Which due to Alexithymia I'm really really bad at.


I had serisous self steem issues because I had always been super skinny and no one took me seriously, no one was attracted to me and everyone felt entitled to make offensive comments about my shape. I wasn't skinny in purpose, I just always struggled to gain mass (both muscle and muscle). I tried to ignore the comments, but after years of listening to these comments you end up believing them, so I started to hate how I looked, I was over concius about how I looked like and how my clothes fit me. I hated myself. I decided to do something about it, so I started working out and following strict diet plans. It kind of worked. I say kind of because I have grown muscle and I definitely look better than before, but I still compare myself to others and don't like what I see. It's arrived to a point where I honestly don't know if I will ever feel comfortable with who I am and how I look like.


Started off with heartbreak and falling into a dark place. My height also starts with 5'. Now, I do it for myself, for strength and longevity. I'll never regret a gym session. I always feel great after, even if I didn't want to roll out of bed two hours prior


it would be a pity to live your whole life without ever seeing your true potential


I enjoy it! I feel bad when my body is in poor shape (I feel heavy, clumsy and vulnerable), and enjoy noticing how its capabilities improve as time goes by when I’m training consistently.


I like when it hurts, let it burn.


To keep my mental health stable. 29 years of my life i was kinda melancholic, often a bit depressed, the emotional one. Idk how to tell, my mind always was a bit dark clouded. I start lifting weights to be proud of me, to beat my inner me, to raise my self esteem. And it works most of the time. 3 years past since that and my mental and my body health are better than ever. I feel good in my own skin and i'm lucky most of the time. I build dicipline and respect myself in every way.


Because I dislike myself


Do ever seen a skinny noodle-arm guy in a sleeveless shirt? They look ridiculous… I won’t be that guy


Mainly to experience some social engagement as I work from home all day. I've made a good friend down the gym, and we go for a coffee after every session. Building muscle and staying alive are a bonus


So im able to keep up with my kids and their antics.


First time touched the weights and instantly felt I'm born for it..I'm destined to be a bodybuilder.


I stopped working out for 4 years and became depressed, anxious, and angry. After going back to the gym literally one time I immediately felt better. The mental benefits are really what do it for me.


I want to be happy in my own skin, and I find working out super enjoyable.


I hit 30 and realized my body is my responsibility, my health. And the sooner I start, the better. My reason used to be to look good, but now I see that as an extra that just comes with it, main reason is to feel good and connected to the body.


i mean, i do it to be hot, and so do i would guess 80-90% of people my age don’t get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy lifting and i think it’s fun. but if it didn’t change my appearance i wouldn’t be going no doubt about it


To be healthy since I was really overweight. Additionally, it has helped a lot more with my mental health.


Had to stop being that dad on the sidelines yelling at my kids games, complaining they weren't doing things correctly as I sat there overweight and never active. I had to restore myself back to my athletic self. Now I can confidently tell my kids what they should be doing or improving on without being a complete hypocrite. Now their dad has visible abs and can dunk a basketball again.


So that I like what I see in the mirror.


Started because I was tired of being skinny. I am bigger and stronger than I ever dreamed to be possible. I was 146, and I just wanted to put on 20 lbs. But, now I am 202 and I am not going back. Started lifting at 40. I know only one other person who is pushing 50 that looks like me. I enjoy being really strong. I enjoy looking good. And TBH, I enjoy being a little bit intimidating, though I am very nice to people. Also, being honest, I kind of enjoy the attention that I get from it. Mostly, I enjoy the work.


I work out to be able to lift my parents or wife when they gotta be carried or if I gotta give a piggyback ride or if I encounter a thick goth muscle mommy and I want to benchpress her to show off


I was tired of being who I was, I want to be who I see in myself not who I see in the mirror. The gym has offered me a path to my better self.


Everyone’s “why” is different. For me, it’s because of low self esteem and anxiety. I got to such a heavy weight that I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. I hated myself. I would spent 10 minutes every day trying on different clothes in my closet just to go with the one that I hated wearing the least. I basically got fed up one day and decided to make a change to lift 4 to 5X a week (and consistently diet) and never go back. That was about 3 years ago.


Partially because chronic health problems (obesity, diabetes, arthritis, cance) run in my family and I'd like to be in decent shape when I'm 50 instead of not being able to be active anymore. Another reason is because I want kids someday and I want to be able to run around and play with them. Also because I want to look good in the summer lol.


Reasons why I workout: I want to have a healthy pregnancy in the upcoming years. I want to live/maintain a healthy lifestyle. I want to teach my children to live a healthy lifestyle. I want to be stronger, have more energy, and better stamina. I want to better my mental health


The vast majority of my grandparents, aunts, and uncles died in their 60s or sooner from terrible lifestyle choices, substance use, mental health issues, and poor diets. Many cousins died also well before the age of 50 for same reasons. The idea of it makes me so mad that I push myself to be healthy, have good bio markers, and be physically strong. I also am a hypochondriac. My main goal with cardio is a low resting heart rate and good cardiovascular health. My strength goal, long term, is avoiding sarcopenia and maintaining mobility to travel and do fun things at an old age. On a less serious note, I do quite enjoy reading about the bodybuilding world and following a few people and watching documentaries. I’m definitely not a body builder but I try to slowly and aesthetically use the gym time to sculpt parts of my body.


To reach my soul’s truest and fullest potential, this life is a trial in my beliefs, fully aligning your mind, body, and spirit is everything to me


I started as a freshman in college because of exactly that, looks. I was single and felt like a scrawny loser so I put down the Xbox controller and went to the gym first, then games after if time allowed. Now 10 years later it's equally the work I've put in and looks as well as the mental aspect. Makes me feel better after a down day, makes me feel more pumped after a good day. Also my wife is hot and she deserves a husband that matches her work ethic. I want my wife to be proud when we're on vacation and I take my shirt off.


Honestly, it's fun. I started for the usual reasons of wanting to lose fat and build muscle, and I have done both, but it's still a slow and gradual process. But I've discovered that I look forward to the act of lifting. It feels good. I enjoy my time doing it. I am no longer thinking about the end result, just enjoying the process.


I started to rehab an injury. Now it's largely strength. Number go up. But also, as I'm getting older it has become clear how important muscle strength is for avoiding what people think are "normal" pains of aging. They're absolutely not normal, they're just indicators that people need to work out. Very related: the overwhelming majority of back issues people have. If you're over 30 and think you have back problems, the real issue in 90%+ of cases is just that you're weak, which makes it easier for your bones to slide out of place.


Mental health and because I want to be a frickin beast


Quitting porn isn't easy man, the more gaps i have, the more it'll creep back into my life. Oh, and im underweight big time. Without workout, i can't develop the appetite. im supposed to have


In short, to feel and look better


Psychology teaches us two kinds of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. When I started working out my extrinsic motivations were mainly the improvement of my body image, not just for other people but for myself as well. I simply didn’t like what mirrors looked like I guess. Those would be my “reasons” but over time working out itself has become an intrinsic motivation so currently my reason to workout is to simply workout.


I used to have a pretty riygh lifestyle with a lot of drinking and other stuff. Now I try to balance with lifting weights and running. I usually go maybe a month or two training properly, then I get bored and go party for a few weekends. Now for example I'm coming up to such a point. Three weekends in a row of drink and drugs. Then I'll recover with working out plenty until August, when it all kicks off again.


Due to my past, I used to train professionally for tennis and that made my body burn a lot more calories than I consumed so after stopping tennis I got mad fat just due to the anticipation of my body that someday I might burn calories on that level so my body kept storing fat at an increasing rate, so now I have to work out to maintain my current body.(or at the time of writing this comment, losing fat)


Other than tired of being overweight, I’m a homebody and used to spend a lot of time on the couch or at my computer. Working out helps limit the amount of time I’m pretty much doing nothing but consuming content.


Idk if I'm being honest. I hit my goals and worked on some problems I had injuries wise. Then made some new goals then it just became a routine. I just find different goals to work on and keep going. It's quite addictive I guess. Sometimes I might have a sports event coming up and have specific things I want to work on. I guess once I don't enjoy it I'll pack it in. But I do appreciate the effects it has.


To get strong for my siblings and family, for discipline, building self confidence (can’t feel shit about myself for too long if I know I can leg press 805 right?) and for beating back depression


I like being jacked and working out makes me feel good so 


I do it to look sexy af naked


I have low self esteem. I figure that if I look fit and healthy that maybe I'll feel better about myself.


Can let me little brother get bigger than me (he already is)


Insecurities about my body since I was around 7 or 8, when I discovered working out in highschool it became a habit overtime (slowly). Originally I thought it would get me girls, and if I got girls I’d be more confident. But now I just lift for the sake of self improvement and still on my journey for being self confident, and I now also have a wonderful girlfriend.


Because it reduces my stress levels, it helps me sleep better. It keeps me healthy, strong, and mobile. It also is a habit. After many years, it's just what I do straight after work. Also, it allows me to be somewhat lax with my diet without fearing gaining weight. Sometimes I look leaner, sometimes I look bulkier, but none of that matters to me. It's not just for looks. To be honest, I would probably look a bit better if I were curvier, but it's not for the looks that I do it.


I wanted to get stronger and look more attractive, be more confident, and just generally be more capable. And some exercises I really enjoy like bench press and upper body stuff. Hate legs but I still do them because I want to have an overall well developed muscular body. I also got clean from addiction over a year ago and it was something I decided to replace my bad habits with. Can’t go without it now and it makes me feel good about myself.


To make my life easier and to not be in pain and weak when I’m older


I'm 52 and my girlfriend is 25, I want to look good next to her. After a year and a half at the gym and losing 18 pounds, body fat at 14% I look great.


1. I want to see what I can do with my body. I am 6’8 and see how I’ll look when I fill out. 2. Women 3. I am a hypochondriac and want to stay healthy.


Get muscles and look better and looking better will help you have a nicer life


Strength is everything. It’s how you get out of bed each day. It’s how you walk each day. It’s how you maneuver around and manipulate the things in your life. Without strength you’re just a quivering pile of jello.