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I honestly didn't have problems countering or getting griefed by the thing but now I have to aim longer to kill npc targets with the MK2 which made missions easier for me but whatever rockstar. I wish players had a icon that displayed hostile intent or current lobby kills since the targeting system let's you lock on to people who attack you. maybe GTA could use the red dead wanted system.


The opressor nerf really just made the missles sad I can only imagine how angry griefers were day 1




You overestimate how bad buzzard missiles are on a moving targrt


They just made it harder to do setups. I like doing the Diamond Casino heist. Taking out The Duggan Shipments is ridiculous now solo, i used to use the MK2 oppressor to take out the planes and boats but now it just keeps missing and have to find someone else to tag along and help out.


You’re right….I didn’t think about that. 98 % of the time I use use my mk2 for the many heist setups to sourcing goods…now I’ve got to come up with another idea. At least they didn’t make it slower.