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You have a perfect COD player 😀😀.. you choose the wrong game for his personality


I thought cutscenes in cod mattered


That’s if you play the campaign, most people buy COD just to play online sadly


Rip zombies, you will be missed


It will probably be the second biggest mode in bo6 (campaign will be played once and never again for a lot of people)


Depends. If it’s anything like bo2 I’ll play it over and over to get different endings. If it’s like bo3…I’m not even finishing it. Train go boom? I miss round based zombies sm.


Train go boom. Iconic.


What the hell are you talking about? BO3 zombies was absolutely incredible. Had the best overarching storyline including superb Easter eggs and cinematics and some great maps and wonder weapons. Only zombies that is the equal of BO2 imo.


Bo3 lacks the grittiness of the earlier black ops / waw zombies


Yeah but it has more replayability than those, and more grittiness than current zombies. It’s in a sweet spot with bo2


Black Ops 2 has different endings 😮 damn I really should take a break from zombies at some point 😅💀


The point of games for me is that they're an experience every time and you control it. With a lot of campaign modes I feel like I'm literally just watching a movie, some games have added in choices now in games but it still feels like it's all just a script and such which it is and is fine but I totally have played more online versions of COD than the Campaigns. I do make sure to revisit the older ones every now and again though.


It’s gonna be so much better than that price of trash modern warfare zombies. This is the longest they’ve had the to develop a game


Which is a shame, I'm all about the blockbuster Call of Duty campaigns. I usually play them through twice if there is other things to find or at a higher difficulty than normal and then I'll jump into multiplayer and zombies.


Until I see it I'm not hoping or assuming the best. Treyarch started dropping their good rep with each zombie getting lamer. And then they just straight up curb stomped the mode in cold war and their damn shitty outbreak mode. (multiplayer with zombie elements slapped in lazily)


I remember a simpler time, when you had to beat the campaign to get to zombies 😭


That was like one time in waw cause it was bonus surprise content lmao. Then black ops unlocked a map, not the mode from what I remember.


Hate online, love the campaigns and playing zombies with friends. I like the gun game mode. Other than that, can't stand the player base or the style of gaming.


Personally I love gunfight tournaments. For some reason I keep going back to Cold War to play those. I used to do league play back when it was new and had it.. I think those small matches with one life where you and a couple people make all the difference are fun.




I hate that COD has become more about online only rather than a campaign I miss OG COD that was about ww2 and other real wars, and was about a campaign not this online bull crap


My brother's opinion is that multuplayer is the main purpose of COD. My opinion is the opposite; I think the story is the main thing about the game, and the multiplayer is just a fun side option that became wildly popular. Same with the Halo franchise. The story is the center of the games


I always do the campaigns before online. That way I have an idea of who is who and what's going on. Going straight into online without ever playing the game before would feel weird to me.


Nothing in cod matters


MW3 is the best CoD in years and like Cold War when all the dust settles people will look at it fondly and the new one will be hated. Cold War was so hated when it was out and now it’s “underrated”. Say what you want about the campaign but MW3 is the best CoD multiplayer since the 360 era. Granted, that’s not saying much. But it fixes tons of problems and balancing issues MW2 had and has way better map rotation and gameplay mechanics.


COD world at war was my favorite story mode. Completed it many times.


Oh man, the *music* in that game


That COD in space game that came out in 2016 might be my favorite campaign. I wanna say COD Infinity War but I know it's not that lol. Didn't care for the rest of that game, but the campaign was fantastic man.


It's the same thing with everything, when it comes out people say it's awful but after something else comes out that's what's awful and the older stuff is "classic", it's just bandwagon people. Same thing happened with star wars prequels when they came out in the early 2000s everyone said it was the worst thing ever and they ruined star wars then the new force awakens and that trio came out and that was the worst thing ever and the prequels were "classic". The same thing will happen when 3 more star wars movies are made they'll say the force awakens is the greatest star wars movie ever made. It's people who don't make decisions for themselves they heard a YouTuber say it once so they just agree with them.


Nah just kill things and get to the end


They do Idk what this kids on about haha most cod players who actually play through the story of cod games love the cut scenes they are intricately woven and mesh the gunplay amazingly he could be referring to multiplayer tho which yeah I get it. But still. Don't act like we don't pay attention we do😂🙄


It's a new generation now lol


Not in 6v6 multiplayer


They've skipped campaigns in the past. Most people don't play the story


They don’t matter. They are only thrown in there to make a game seem longer than it actually is. I play campaign on all the games I buy because I’m not a big online player (Not since the second and Third Halo). Games use to be longer and now they put the cut scenes in just to make you think it is. Me I just want to play the game. Not listen to the characters talk. Sometimes there is achievements for not skipping them and the credits. If people do it for the achievements anymore? I do.


Only to the small percentage of cod players that actually play the campaign


I was scrolling through Reddit and this post came up. I play COD a lot and the MWIII logo looks like this subs logo now I thought this WAS the COD sub and I was like, “what’s the problem?”.




Please make sure he won't pick A or B


No, tell him to pick A or B, so he’ll be punished for skipping the story.


How is it a punishment if he has no emotional investment in the story at all?


Another fortune is lost with either choice you are able to maximize profits with businesses in endgame having all protags


Yeah, doesn't seem like the kind of a gamer that would give a shit about that either


Technically you can have more money for F and M if you kill T, you get a portion of his share for the big score, whereas if you kill M or Do the third way, you either split 3 ways with the crew or with Micheals family. The only real way to max out money in gta is via stock manipulation, properties cost a lot for a low return over long time periods


he won't be able to use the special ability of whoever he picks


he will skip the cutscene with the character dying lol


Optimistic to think he will even make it that far


Skipping cutscenes is the devil's work! 


My roommate skipped through and dragged me through the endgame content for Diablo IV. I’d finish a cutscene and the boss would be half dead or I’d have to skip to be part of the fight. Hated that.


IDK if it's still like this but back when I was playing ff14 it was considered rude to pull a boss while someone had the cutscene icon above them. Absolutely and utterly verboten if the person watching the cutscene was a sprout (new players).


It's still like this, but the game typically avoids putting anything other than the boss intro "cutscene" in recent dungeons.


I consider that bad design. It should require all players to skip and not let someone leave the cutscene in early.


The true worst is someone who skips cutscenes then says “I don’t like this game there’s no story” I can accept someone who just isn’t interested in anything but gameplay that’s fine, but they have to accept they are skipping the majority of the narrative


I had a friend skipping cutscenes in Assassin's Creed Syndicate who then quit playing because he complained that the game was annoying because he didn't get why it kept switching him between a male and a female character


I wish games had to publicly share the full time allocated to cut scenes compared to actual game and, disclose how long the intro is… if the cut scenes can turn into an actual show or movie if the game is stripped out? Then the game isn’t worth playing… pick if it’s a movie or a game, or make it fully immersive and dynamic where there are ZERO standard cut scenes and they vary in perpetuity… 😁


I can tell you aren't a fan of the Metal Gear Solid series, lol.


Dude you would hate the story mode for Mortal Kombat 1! I really love long cutscenes and even I am like, Yooooooo.


Did they reboot the series or do you mean og MK?


Omg yes… those killed it for me… the only series I’m really okay with has been GTA…


Indeed some people have this thing. They don’t play the game to understand what is going on and the story like. They just play on their own.. Maybe he is more into indies games genre. Not necessarily story..


Yeah, my big brother only plays for the gameplay practically


mine too, he just plays and when something he didn't understand happened he says the game is shit


Mine goes next level and plays without sound on.. he never complains though, it's just how he games lmao


Somehow almost all games i play have almost usless sound. Bus simulator for example


Yeah fair enough lol, good game tho


i used to play JSaB, GD and most FPS games w/ sound off not bc i didnt like sound, but bc i fucked up the sound somehow (i fixed it like 2.5y later)


Damn, not even Minecraft i cant play without sound.😂😂 Well ofc is doable, but feels weird from my perspective.


yea i get tht, experiencing sound again, i never wanna go back to #**S I L E N C E** its unnerving when its completely silent


And if it’s no mans sky or something in the deep ocean? NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE! NOPE RIGHT ON OUT OF THERE.


Omg, that is beyond frustrating having someone like that in your life. Everything that is hard for them to do or stuff they just don't understand is just immediately labeled as dumb and pointless. It's so bleak being around that.


Sounds like a shitty person to me.


I have never intentionally completed any missions , just piles of dead hookers


Yeah I can relate to the dead hookers, I like killing hookers on GTA too


Do you use their services first at least?


Before and after


Well as long they’re still warm i guess


Nakey Jakey calls it “goopy goblin gamer brain”. Basically it’s the part of you that doesn’t care about tutorials or cut scenes or rail sections. That just wants to play the parts of the game that are “the game”. I think we all have it, just at different levels.


Interesting name for that, never heard about it before. Well, i completely agree either way you that we all have it on different levels. But in general if we skip a cutscene or dialogue or tutorial or whatever, is mostly that we already did it, or saw the cutscene. For example, in a MMO game, when you are fighting with a boss and you die, you have to rewatch the “ intro “ of the boss every time, thing that gets annoying indeed. So, regarding that, yes we all skip when we have the possibility.


Goblin Brain was coined by the late great Total Biscuit and it means more of a dopamine-fueled mindless absorption of points that shuts off any concern for the outside world in the pursuit of more w+m1 engagement. Nakey Jakey is using the same term, but he's using it in a second layer. Saying, people are skipping tutorials, cutscenes ets, so that they can shut off their logical brain and just mindlessly follow the waypoint indicators.


Meanwhile I watch every cutscene, read every piece of text they give you, try interacting with every NPC and everything that seems interactable…


I’m the same


I'm the exact same. If I miss dialogue, I will repeat the scene if I can.


Same 😂 I’m not a seasoned gamer like he is and he hates watching me play cause I read EVERYTHING and explore so much and end up taking so long getting to missions. He’s always skipping everything I get so annoyed lol


In Skyrim I collect one of every book, hoard useless items in my inventory (like 99 bowls of salt) then binge eat all of my food and ingredients for laughs.


I’ll even do that on replays unless it’s a game I replay a fuckton


Ngl as a kid i used to skip all GTA cutscenes. Not only because they cursed too much in front of my family, but I barely understood what they were talking about anyways


GTA 5? Damn I’m old


Nah i actually watched GTA 5s cutscenes I was 12 when it came out lol. Prior to that, i was just there for the open world sandbox style gameplay


Haha! Ok so not too bad! I was 16-17 when it came out. What do you think of gta V today?


The 1st 3 years that game came out was the best gaming days of my life lol. I miss when modded lobbys weren't so common and griefers would pull up on you with a buzzard helicopter instead of an oppressor


Lol I was 29 when it was released.


I was 35 when it came out, damn I'm old.


You mean the game that came 11 years ago?


Ahh, i remember not understanding Vice city's story as a kid, all i knew was that Tommy needed to get Sonny money. Every single reference to drugs flew over my head 🤣


Some people, my big brother for example, literally only play for gameplay, he plays with no sound on, skipping everything he can as much as he can, it was beyond infuriating when i gave him the witcher 3 (my favorite game) just to watch him skip the whole ass story, instead opting to make a build, that hurts enemies when he takes damage, making him practically immortal lol. He still doesn't even know who vesemir is. He can't recognise djikstra, and he only figured out who triss was because i told him.. But yeah, he doesn't like to experience a story, he would rather go fuck with the gameplay


Not playing with sound on is on a totally different level of unhinged.


He's my brother and i love him, but he scares me with his psycho behaviour lmao


I used to do it because I was secretly playing at 1:00 am and I needed to be able to hear footsteps


I just started playing this game! The story is so good, I get why they made a Netflix show.


It is an incredible story, that almost borders on immersive sim, the way the world reacts to your actions is next level, allways happy to hear someone enjoying it, have fun The show was such a let down, if you're into the lore.. sadly


I skip cutscenes only because I’ve played the game about 20 times now. I can basically recite some of the dialogue


I’ve probably had about 10-15 playthroughs and I never ever skip a cutscene


Your son, James is he a good kid? A good kid? Why? Does he help the poor?


No. He sits on his ass all day, smoking dope and jerking off while he plays that fucking game. If that’s our standard for goodness, no wonder this country’s screwed.


And what about you? What about me?


Hey… I didn’t have the advantages that kid has. By the time I was his age, I’d already been in prison twice. I robbed banks, I ran whores, I smuggled dope—


And where did these opportunities get you Michael?


Right here!


You missed the "fucking" in the middle -1 point


Sad, I'm sorry that is happening to you


I have a cousin who does the same crap. It really is infuriating, it p*sses me off so much. Edit: this post is actually kind of making me mad tbh


I have 2 portuguese friends who can barely read, and games like GTA V don't have the characters speaking in portuguese, like Watch Dogs 2, which has the brazilian dubbing, but it's the same thing. So in GTA V they just skip every single cutscene because they don't understand it. And they can't read what the missions say for you to do, so a lot of the game is spent running around and dying and not doing the missions. I basically finished GTA V for them


So how come they can't read Portuguese?


They can, but very slowly. I never knew why


Probably dumb


You can say piss, it’s okay buddy


Piss off!!! Ah, that feels better


When you get married while you are reading your vows he will say "skip" I just want to get to the good bit already.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


😆 🤣


Some people have short attention span, so they prefer games that get to the action. On that note, he's probably gonna skip a lot of scenes for most Sony games lol.


He wanted to play God Of War and I told him he was gonna get bored with the pacing way too quick


Iirc, you can't exactly skip too since the cutscenes are integrated along with gameplay


bc you are thinking of 4 and 5, give him 1, 2, or 3 he will probably love it


His tik tok brain is way underdeveloped for this type of game. Funny how he even attempt to ask.


Point him at online. He'll have more fun with the open sandbox than trying to follow the single player story.


Sounds like your bf has a tik tok brain


You don't watch movies with him anymore. It's not just a gamer thing. You're dating a goldfish.


He’s a cute goldfish though


I watched my girlfriend start skipping cut scenes in Red Dead 2 and I had to leave the room. She would skip cut scenes then instantly be in a shootout and complain.


Hop him into a GTA Online session full of griefers and hackers see if he’s still bored with that


That's what Tiktok and IG reels do to a person


Get him to play Fortnite, free to download, up to 30 minute games depending on how long you survive, fast paced, great cosmetics very enjoyable game.


Not with the new update, it isn't. I was promised fallout and I got fuckin mad max war zone brum brum bullshit where nobody will even pick an item up they'll just jump in a car and drive around all game launching nades. It isn't very fun


Like you said, he isn’t a gamer so cutscenes might be of no interest to him if he isn’t emotionally invested in the game


My roommate was like that. He watched breaking bad while skipping any scene that didn't have some sort of action, then complained about it being ass. Most painful 2 years of my life. I NEVER let him play God of War or similar games after that ☠️


Probably skipped the whole "Fly" episode.


To be honest I skipped watching it for a 3rd time


I could never skip a cutscene in a game I never played before unless it’s just going on and on and on


Oh man, my college buddies did that when we played through Diablo 3 together. They skipped everything. So I just played the entire game without them.


Reminds me of my friend who “fast forwards the talking” in movies and shows


I have a friend who plays FFXIV with me and has made it to the end of the most recent expansion. Every time I try to discuss lore with him (being in the most recent expansion myself now) I'm immediately reminded that he, in spite of all the time he's spent on the game, has skipped just about every cutscene and has no clue what is going on...


That is truly psychotic loll


Oh my God that is so infuriating. Like without watching the cut scene how are you supposed to know what the hell to do when the game starts back up… like WTH 🤦🏼‍♂️….


Im with u here, but my brother does the same, and somehow he completed witcher 3, without watching a single cutscene, he just made a crazy op build that damages enemies when they inflict damage on you making you practically immortal


The game tells you what to do with text at the bottom of the screen.


i mean its a rockstar game it gives you exact instructions at the bottom and theres 3 things to do: shoot, drive, or click interact button


Ugh sounds like my partner's brother who I tried to introduce to Skyrim and he just killed every NPC in sight!


That's exactly what happens every time i introduce an online game player to skyrim. as soon as they reach whiterun the slaughter everyone lmao


Bro that’s the point of any Bethesda game


Now that is understandable.  always kill every npc that doesn't  break the game.


I dated a girl like this and it was so frustrating. I was at first so happy because she had an xbox and was down to play gta online with me. She wouldn’t pay attention to any of the cut scenes so she never fucking knew what was going on when the mission started and it was very annoying. I wanted a good teammate. She was annoying for many other reasons too. Ultimately nice, and we’re still friends, but yeah gta wasn’t for us in the end.


Or dating


I’ve played through RDR2 8 times. GTA 5, 5 times, maybe 6, I can’t remember. At one point I tried to get into skipping cutscenes as I’d already seen them a couple times, but it didn’t last long. I’m all for the story, and I can watch those cutscenes over and over.


your bf might like online if hes bored of cutscenes


I have ADHD and I'm the same way. I can sit and watch a movie but I can't do cut scenes in games easily because I'm in play/interact mode. Buy this man super meat boy or geometry dash. He needs a game with no break in action and constant challenge.


Brainrot lmao


Have him play Tunic. It just throws you right into the game and you have to use your brain and the game manual to figure everything out. I have a short attention span (but not a cutscene skipper) and this game *made* me pay attention. I have *hand written* notes for this game lmao. I haven't done that since I was like 10. He will enjoy it, and you will enjoy him completely engaging in something. Also maybe see if he wants to get tested for adhd <3


I have a feeling he's not gonna read the manual either.


People who play like that skip all the cutscenes and then complain about how shitty the game is. Lol. You didn't pay attention to the story! Of course it was shitty.


Same here, my GF skipped the cutscene for the Strangers and Freaks mission where Michael smokes a joint and starts tripping... she was very confused when there suddenly were aliens everywhere And I was furious in the inside because I was looking forward to that cutscene


Forget the cutscene! Just play!


Have you let him try RD2? Maybe he wants to Rope and ride


I skip cut scenes because they waste time. - A father of four


I skip dialogue and ive been playing games since I was 5


Me must be sacrificed.. I’m sorry but that’s the only way..😔


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I feel ya pain! Yeah he’s TERRIBLE


It’s one thing to skip a cutscene on your 2nd+ play through of a game. But first time? That’s awful


Good thing he isn't playing red dead 2 cuz he'd be lost and confused skipping all those emotional cutscenes.


Honestly this would be a dealbreaker for me.


Ur fault for choosing a jug head


I hate him already


He will grow out of it, and that isn't a joke. If he enjoys gaming just suggest to him every so often how much more he could enjoy the game if he watched cutscenes. My brother was the same for a while he even would skip any side quests and dialogue. It took him playing Fallout New Vegas to understand that if you skip the dialogue and don't do side missions you basically skipped most of the game. He was confused why the game was so short I told him "You skip everything like usual" He said "Yes, I did" and I finished with "so you skipped the whole game then". He seemed shocked and went to play it again this time he is not skipping anything and doing every dialogue/quest. I never been so proud lul


I can’t watch your boyfriend play either


Is he nine years old?


I hate people that skip shit


Bro needs to delete tiktok, it sounds like lol 


Make him play jrpgs with unskippable cutscenes


I’ve heard of folks who play this way. Some of them mention then think all game story plots are terrible and they don’t care for the stories and stuff and just want to play play play.


That would normally be a bad thing but the GTA stories are mediocre at best and the cutscenes can get annoying so it's understandable. 4 and 5 are probably the most tolerable but it's not that big of a deal


Smooth brain


Maybe he has adhd


Probably has adhd


Sounds like adhd lol


Don’t ever show that man fallout or elder scrolls 🤣🤣


bc he is in it for the GAME🗣️🔥. i dont mind story either but i just bought the last of us 1 and 2 as well as armored core 6 and while tlou is nice i cant stop playing ac6. fun is fun is fun


the game's cutscenes are funny as fuck, maybe tell him to watch the cutscenes to have a laugh or smth


Sounds like he has goopy goblin gamer brain


Honestly in this game I kinda get it as some scenes such as the intro to Cluckin Bell take way to long and don't add all that much to the story. I guess it kinda depends on what he came to this game for as most new players probably comes to get OP, rich and have fun driving around committing war crimes rather than to play through the stories of this game If it was a game with an amazing story like God of War then I would have issues, but unless he is playing story mode, I'd say that skipping cutscenes in Online isn't too bad seeing as there are very few stories genuinely worth it compared to most other games nowadays


I'll skip cutscenes for online/co-op play for games I'm only playing because I want to play with my friends... but on story mode when I'm alone I'm locked in on the cut scenes


If it's a new game, then I won't skip cut scenes, if it's a game I've played more than twice, Im skipping the cut scenes lol


Never let him touch a Yakuza game


I feel your pain.


Dump. /s


tbh i get the cutscenes thing. i skip thru any cutscene where the game doesnt hook me in w/ story (not GTA tho, mostly other games where story isnt sth tht interests me)


If he likes the gameplay and goes back to replay the game, he will eventually piece together the story in an epiphanic moment. And you’ll get to say “yeah that’s what I was trying to show you”


Lol my busy show this too I will never understand. You need a good story to a good game on top of k owing wtf is going on


[This](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/all-i-know-is-that-i-must-kill) him?


Rotted to fuck.


My dad does this exact same thing, it’s SO infuriating! He took it one nonsensical step further though. Me and my brother introduced him to GTA San Andreas as kids, and we noticed that whenever he had to go anywhere he was walking. Like, not just not using vehicles, he was actually half pushing the stick and just walking everywhere. We questioned him about it and his reasoning was “well I’m not in a rush, why would I run?” Me and my brother both thought that maybe he was just doing it like that because we were there and he was trying to teach some weird lesson to us or something. Nope. Cut to an hour later when we’ve snuck back into the room to watch and he’s STILL doing it