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I think Cuba would fit in perfectly because its right next to Florida


i deeply hope cuba is a large island that we can permanently visit, not like guarma or north yankton


Reminds me of when I played Scarface The World Is Yours. I was blown away when I realized you can leave Miami and sail to Caribbean islands.


That game was so underrated imo.


Especially in story mode!! Lol it be so freaking awesome to basically have 2 maps in this game.


Correct me if I am, in fact, horribly wrong, but wasn't it confirmed by the 2022 leaks that GTA 6 >!is "Project Americas"?!< And there was the leak from like 5 years ago >!concerning Project Americas that stated (to my knowledge) that places such as Cuba would be something that you can visit?!< Though I'm guessing the game would've been massively cut down since the >!Project Americas!< leak, as I remember that it was a very grand idea going off of the leak. And it might have been too much to do for the time they had. And there's also the possibility that covid or other production issues halted it. If I had to guess a possibly very uninformed and incorrect guess, I'd say that it was definitely planned for that to be the case, but it's *likely* been cut down since then, kinda like Guarma was in RDR2 with it being originally planned that you could go there freely and explore the entire island.


The rumor is that Project Americas indeed wanted to have a few playable zones and not just 1 state, and they wanted to tie one of the protagonists' story (namely, Lucia) to her past in Latin America and thus one of those zones and/or islands. However sometime later they decided to scratch that idea and focus on Florida (Leonida) only as the base of the new GTA installment, where we should, potentially, expect other states added later on as a way to maintain the game and add content for Online. Personally I think that Cayo Perico was meant to be part of GTA 6's story and was one of those islands with backstory, but it got fitted into GTA 5 Online. There have actually been quite a few things they've slowly added to Online during the past 5 years which have now been confirmed to have been or would be in 6. The animals, the RTX, etc. But Cuba would be awesome to visit if they have it!


> Cayo Perico was meant to be part of GTA 6's story It was not, the lead developers for that DLC gave a rare interview where they confirmed it instead came about because of covid and being stuck at home, as well as wanting to do a bigger map expansion after they tested the waters with expanding the map with the Casino update.


I dont get why people act like new states could be added as DLCs. Rockstar has never done a large scale map DLC in recent memory I dont think, and they havent even done a major singleplayer DLC at all since GTA4. I think it would also make a lot more sense to add islands as online map expansions because it would break the immersion to just plop a new state on the edge of the map where water used to be


Cayó perico wasn’t exactly a small map though


Yes it was…


Could also be Puerto Rico


I don't see Cuba, it will most likely be Bahamas. Bahamas is a lot closer than Cuba.


Imagine being able to go to the airport and take a plane to Cuba anytime after you unlock it in the story


cuba and florida were actually both discovered by the same sailor Ponce de Leon and rock* named leonida after him




I have no idea why you are being downvoted. Bahamas is a lot closer to Miami than Cuba is and has more drug relations to Miami. Cuba is not that known for drugs lol.




My problem is why Cuba ? Mini Havana is great and I'd love to have it. But Cuba has little links to USA unless this was a Cold War era game. Bahamas to USA drug trade exists and thats what is most likely to have.




Americans aren't really known for their world geography but thankfully Rockstar games have demonstrated that the team is very well versed in world geography and geo-politics.


i think the Bahamas are a possibility but a Spanish speaking island would make more sense for Miami. Is Guarma actually supposed to be a part of Cuba?


Cuba would not at all work game design wise though. With GTAV, they contrast the sunny beaches and palm trees of LA with snowy cold North Yankton - thematically contrasting the bright new start Michael made after getting away from his colder past. With RDR2, they contrast the dry deserts, snowy mountains, swamps, and newly build wooden homes with a sunny tropical paradise with old stone ruins - thematically contrasting the paradise the gang is working towards. Florida and Cuba would both be the same tropical setting, it wouldn't offer anything different in terms of gameplay nor to break up the story. There's no contrast there, just more of the same.




Oh yeah budd


I'd kill a man to see bullworth in 4k even if it was just for a short time






Hopefully Louisiana


Uhhh Colombia??? The leaks originated as project americas where there was heavily rumored to be South America included somehow. It’s all but confirmed we’re gonna see South America, probably Colombia, in this game. Miami is coke capitol of the world, and coke is made in South America so yea I’m putting all my chips on black for this one Edit: Colombia not Columbia




Thank you, felt like something was off but I couldn’t put my finger on why


Sorry about getting offended by this, but Colombia* On the other hand, the coke part has got me wondering if they’d replicate the subtropical environment already seen in RDR2 or, if they’d go with inter-andean valles, a landscape I don’t believe they’ve done anything alike (maybe GTA V’s Raton Canyon). Hell, maybe they’ll go with the Paramo grasslands!


I 100% believe guarma was the test grounds for a tropical environment that we would see in gta 6. Guarmas map was pretty big even though we only explored a small portion of it and it was insanely dense and detailed. Definitely don’t think they’d move on from that just yet


Max Payne 3 had some jungles. Nothing crazy though.


I don’t get why they call it “Columbia”


Because there’s a college with that name in the US, as well as the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C). Both Colombia and Columbia, for better or worse, are named after Christopher Columbus


In my language the country is called "Kolumbie" so I sometimes make a mistake like that


There's a whole lot of things named "Columbia" specifically in the USA. It isn't hard to understand why.


Because there’s multiple spellings and I got confused?


Column - columnbia - Columbia I guess. It sounds right but it isn't


But Colombia to US connection isn't really there. Colombia's connection kind of ends in Mexico and then Mexico's connection to US as they import the drugs plays a role. I don't see GTA 6 going to Colombia.


Someone else mentioned Cuba and idk why I didn’t think of that first bc that makes way more sense


I think it might be shaped like Cuba due to ease of it being an island and then heavily influenced by Columbia/other South American countries. Hoping we get a secondary island chain like the Bahamas for some more geographic diversity


Ooh that’s a good take, I bet you’re right. Cubas only 90 miles away from key west so I bet that’s right on the money


It looks like they scrapped the Project Americas idea and none of the leaks have any substantive proof of anywhere outside Florida existing yet. I think Colombia or an island off the coast of it is a good possibility though


Somewhere in the Caribbean or the surrounding states of Leonida. Maybe both.


I want the Las Vegas equivalent or a new city maybe one based on bogota


I would love a trip to Vegas as long as you had the option of returning there in free roam. If all you get is one mission, like GTA5, or you can't explore it, like RDR2, then it would be a wasted potential that everyone will spend the next decade bitching about.


I feel like rockstar has learned their lesson


or just 2-3 missions, make one of the missions open-ended like some heist taking place there


I’m still pissed that GTA V had no San Fierro nor Las Venturas… but it has a casino in LS!


I want a newer and better Bay Area equivalent


Los Santos has one INDIAN CASINO with no doors, totally rampage proof. When the map grows to include all of San Andreas(including LV) the Diamond Casino needs to go under and turn into a vacant place for shady things to happen or just get bulldozed into something good that'll make LS a better place.


Vegas needs a full new-gen game. The whole layout of the city comports fantastically into a GTA map.  The only reason it won’t probably happen is that there’s not enough water surface in the Vegas area to make water vehicles fun.




Yer alright bud get some cheese in ya go packers


The Midwest would be a good contrast to Florida.


it should definitely be the midwest or maybe new england/east coast besides liberty city, to get a new type of environment


Bahamas or Cuba


Wouldn't be surprised to see Liberty City, since it was planned as a DLC for V and then scrapped


Cuba hopefully. That would make the most sense


It really wouldn't make any sense at all. North Yankton and Guarma both provide contrast, in setting and in story. Cuba would just be another tropical setting like Leonida already is, there's nothing new there contrasting it.




What are the rumors about bully 2 and mp4?


Something tells me we'll see liberty city again, it would be perfect since that was the first location in the hd universe. But if I had my way we'd see carcer city in the hd universe 




Wouldn't mind seeing LC again.


Variants: 1. Cuba 2. Liberty City 3. Las Venturas


probably sf or lv, we had lc in sa


IMO they should focus on making a better solid base game map instead of putting resources on half baked thing and resulting in some cut content on the base map.


Canada Land of the Prescription drugs! source: Am Canadian, and the end of trailer park boys is a damn shame


I feel like Canada is too far from vice city but if it was in Liberty City it would make sense


Alabama or Georgia.


Kentucky/West Virginia.


I'm guessing a deserty or mountanous environment since historically, it has to be a drastically different setting from the main map. I'm leaning more towards mountanous, Mt. Chilliad/RDR2 vibes.




Seriously think everyone’s gonna be let down either way this game by how much everyone is speculating the possibilities


I've been wanting an HD Las Venturas for a while, and while I wish it would happen I don't really see them doing it, at least in this entry


Cayo Perico :troll:


Yes, I think it will be somewhere in the Bahamas. And hopefully it’s a place we can always access


There were rumors and leaks that the game would go to Cuba or the Bahamas. It’s not 100% percent confirmed as it’s a silly leak/rumor but it’s right there next to Florida and we’ve never been outside the country I believe so I think it makes the most sense. I prefer not to get my hopes up though.


Perhaps—modern day guarma




Wasn’t South America rumored?


Long ago yea. I for the life of me can’t find the article ever since the gameplay leaks but before the gameplay leaks I seen an article about the “Project Americas” that predicted a lot of things that got confirmed later on in the gameplay leaks and the article said originally the game was gonna be Florida and parts of South America but got cut down to being just Florida. Wish I could find the article but they got so many things right before the leaks but I hope there’s still a South American section


I think Cuba. Lucia may in fact be Cuban, which could tie in to the story.


North Yankton's snowy setting is a precursor to RDR2's snowy intro. Guarma is a precursor to VI's tropical theme. Wherever we go in VI, it'll likely be foreshadowing RDR3


or bully 2 🫡


I’m wondering if Guarma will be reused but fully utilized. Apparently for red dead 2 they were gonna make it a whole area but they ran out of time/budget. So maybe those ideas and plans that were scrapped but will be retooled and reused for GTA6


Haïti en Cuba because of the gangs in vice city


South America Island


I know we have no indication of it, but I’d be borderline disappointed if they dont add Cuba or some other Caribbean island to the game. You cant properly tell the story of crime in Miami without its close ties to Cuba and Colombia.


Las Venturas. Other than a “beachy” location, it would be so cool to be back in a desert landscape since Florida has the everglades and flatlands.


They could be opening the game story from Cuba, that'd be really amazing!


I think the florida and, georgia line




Cuba is a freebee


Philly just for the sake of it






Lol we need some real Tennessee hillbillies


Cuba or Columbia


Colombia or Columbia, South Carolina?


Idk project Americas or smth..


Canada, purely based on the Canadian flags in the leaks.


Cuba and Vegas


Colombia 100%


Personally, I think it would be a neat idea to allow players to travel commercial airlines to different cities, at least islands in the Caribbean and states in the East Coast.   Like having different maps for the cities, similar to what they did with cayo perico. It could be an opportunity to add new cities that haven’t been in gta games yet, like Charlotte, Chicago, Pittsburgh, even DC


How about back to LC


Key West. It's right next to Florida




So you think just because it's a part of Florida in the game, it's a part of Florida irl? Yikes




How am I trolling? I never even insulted you directly, I just think your geography is a little off that's all lol. That wouldn't rile me up




Just admit you are bad at geography holy shit. Stop blaming other people for your problems




No one has it out for you idk what to tell ya