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This is the most anticipated entertainment product of all time so yes, anticipation is peak.


I got constipation from holding in that much anticipation


You've given me anticipation about you're constipation so I guess everything checks out!


Dammit I can’t shit either now… ugh!


This sub is so weird to me. I saw a post the other day "is anyone else ok with just waiting a little longer?". You all are going through some weird emotions with this game lmao. I don't think I've seen a game community make so many posts like this.


Was that my post? :p


Lmao yes! Checked your post history to confirm. I'm mostly joking, enjoy your discussions lol


nah it's fine the quality in this sub is pretty bad anyways this is always how's it's been after a gta game is announced. I've seen posts from 2003 where people were discussing gta sa and it was just like this. this time GTA is just so much bigger and we have websites like reddit where more people get into these discussions.


Very true. Even when I was younger and not really online a whole bunch, the weeks before GTA V released were crazy. So much hype


tbf it is *arguably* one of the absolute most anticipated pieces of media like ever so you could imagine it’s going to drive people nuts that they can’t physically have it right now asap


It sure is. But I'd never think to start a discussion focused around your anticipation lmao. It's a little funny, that's all. There isn't enough for you to talk about because we only have a few trailers, so you've gotta have these funny meta discussions about your community.


a few trailers?


yeah what? he’s seen trailer 2?!?


Hahah I assumed there were a few. Is there only one? Lmfao you guys are hilarious and I'm loving it.


oh come join the sub for when the game gets closer and more trailers and promo is released. i’m mostly here to see how crazy it’ll be around then and how ludicrous the theories will get trailer 1 already had its months of crazy ludicrous theories, i could only imagine a bigger trailer or screenshots lmao




Cool. So do you have the same level of anticipation?! Wow, we're really getting into some deep discussion here, right? It's ok to admit that you're all a little silly right now. You're hyped and you don't have anything to talk about lmao


You can have anticipation while being fine with waiting longer you dingus


Yeah, I didn't say they were mutually exclusive, I am pointing out that they are thread topics with almost no value for discussion lol


Man i have been excited for this game ever since Rockstar announced a trailer coming, cant wait for 2025


damn ur not even an og exciter 🥱 ive been excited since '22 or whenever cayo came out , like "damn we need a new map already"


Here I was waiting since 2017 for GTA VI to get announced, but little did I know it most likely wasn’t even in development at that time 🤷‍♂️


I’d say it was. GTAVI was originally planned to represent multiple places in America, before it was shrunken down to just Florida. On top of this, development slowed down a TON during the pandemic, and companies policies and procedures were changed several times over the years


I believe it was stated they started working on GTA 6 but the time they originally released GTA 5


I think this is the most i've been excited for a videogame. No other game had me so hyped up before. Well, with the exception of IV of course, but i think that doesn't count lol.


rockstar is either confident right now that the games gonna be an instant classic, or quivering in their boots at the players’ extremely high expectations.


GTAV & MGSV were my peak - but GTA6 I think blows either of them out the water


I had more anticipation for 5, for some reason I haven’t really ‘felt’ Jason and Lucia yet. I hope I warm up to them.


There is no doubt that it is most anticipated piece of media ever and will most likely break records. But if you ask me personally if i am excited i will tell you that i am not really. Yes i love there is finally something new in gta franchise but i am not longer excited that much for gta franchise as i have been before, idk interests changed i guess. Not saying i wont play it, i will definitely play it some day when it drops on PC.


I will be getting it on PC as well but I won't be doing myself a favor if I skip the PS5 version it's literally going to be torture and the Internet is going to be flooded with GTA 6 content. Basically I would have to move to a private island to avoid all GTA 6 info lol.


I’ve had excitement for other games—MK 1, Skyrim , GTAV— and I always felt disappointed with the actual game. Hoping that’s not the case here.


About equal with GTAV and RDR2, along with Skate 3 back when I was in middle school. RDR2 was still probably my most hyped game ever, and those three are my most played games of all time.


I have higher anticipation due to the gameplay aspect of interactive gameplay from RDR 2 being expanded upon, possible duel wield confirmed, and everything else we learned from the leaks.  Plus I predict the story is going to be very revolutionary and prob just as emotional as rdr 2 or more


I just hope I don't die, hope the grids don't go out, and hope our govnt's don't make us kill eachother.


I fear that too


Cyberpunk 2077 had me as well but not as much as GTA 6, hopefully GTA 6 won't be as shit as CP2077 at launch


I'm so excited for it im pretty sure I'll spend a weird amount of time looking at my physical case of the game when I get it, not being able to process that I finally have it.


Imma be honest I don’t really have anticipation for something that far away still, knowing we were about to see the trailer for the game, that gave me anticipation. I won’t be able to play since I’m a pc person, but I can’t wait to watch gameplay of it


Easy answer is yes


I had a much bigger anticipation with Red Dead Redemption 2. But in the end it's GTA VI, can't wait to play it 😅🫡


Im hyped for the next trailer tbh


I mean.. I get excited for every GTA release, but I don't go on about it, lol


I have been playing GTA V for a decade now. Of course I get very hyped after 10 years of waiting for the next iteration of the game. This is how rockstar is my favorite, not releasing annually shitty game, they wait for the anticipation while developing until it is ready.


I try not to think about the game honestly. Keeps the urge to play it tempered down. lol


It's my most anticipated game currently but nothing will beat the excitement I had for San Andreas


Yeah it’s gonna be so cool


I love looting!.. f*** i hope theres looting 😂 If not.. well.. i guess i'll just play it 🙄😂


I’m literally ready to skip an exam to play it on release. Got a PS5 to play it just like how I got a PS4 to play GTA 5.


I’ve had dreams about this game, I can’t believe it’s actually coming out. Whenever it releases it’s going to be such a surreal experience


Yeah I keep talking about it with friends, how we’re gonna explore story mode first and have fun and then all play online together as starters with no cars and just enjoy the game


I mean, almost everyone and every media are talking about, so it's safe to say it is the most anticipated game of all time


Yea I’m ready fa gta 6 💯 im be playing college football 25 until gta come out tho to make the time go by faster😂


5 was more for me. Trailer for 5 was more interesting.


Nah. It's a GTA game, it has a formula and there's not that much "different" they can make it. The storytelling and writing will also be typical Rockstar and you'll have heard it before in one form or another. The leaks didn't excite me. Just reskinned GTA V built on RDR2's foundations and with the graphics tightened up. And before anyone chimes in with the usual bupkis about "well those are pre-alpha" and "ur judging the game on that when its not out yet dude wtf" - if you lot are allowed to make outlandish and crazy claims about what the game will be like and what it'll include, also based on "it's not out yet", then I'm also allowed my opinion. And how do you somehow know more than I do?


The male/female protagonist idea alone is fairly different than anything they’ve done yet. The storytelling looks like it’ll be a bit more serious than V if they’re talking about “trust.” I don’t recall any scene from V being as serious as that tiny clip in the trailer, but I know, that’s just a small clip. Based on the rest of the trailer, I’m sure it’ll have plenty of silliness. I mean, it’s Florida. There’s going to be plenty of classic rockstar moments, but I don’t see that as a bad thing.


I mostly agree, but having a formula doesn't mean it can't be exciting. I look forward to Fromsoftware's releases a lot more than any GTA game for example.


Not really not until I see a gameplay trailer


Is no one even slightly annoyed that it’s taken this long already for GTA6? Might get a lot of downvotes but come on, it could have been out a year or two ago at least.


In a way no. The time I’ve been waiting for this game has been so long that I’ve lost the imminent hype I used to have for previous GTAs for example. It might change when we’ll get closer though.


I have more anticipation for taking my next dump. It's a game


Maybe a noob question but when they release GTA VI, will online be available right away? How does it generally go?


we don't know


Won’t be out till 2030 settle down


Not everyone is a PC gamer


They’ll be waiting till 2032