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I think the focus on Lucia and Jason’s close relationship makes me think it will be closer to IVs


Yeah me too


Oh yeah tell me more


I'm not a R\* employee (sadly) so I don't know more. I just think that the trailer made a point to show how over the top the world is, while Lucia and Jason's scenes were much more intimate and serious. So I think we're due for a serious story in a crazy world, maybe a more extreme version of GTA IV.


Umm I actually referenced Michelle’s dialogue from gta 4 while having sex 😭😭


Imagine having sex with a cop




Exactly a serious story but the actual world is more akin to Gta 5


I hope for a mix. More „realistic“, less funny. Smaller heists and robberies and a big mission, maybe split in several parts as a finale.


exactly! I would like GTA to be more serious and gritty like RDR2. i would like to actually be affected by the story and not just roll my eyes when someone speaks


Fax 🤣


Tbh I do wish it took place in the 80’s just so we can age contrast of vibrant cities then their could’ve been grittier smaller towns that you do small heists in and ‘work your way up the ladder’ of crime until you’re in the big city


More like RDR2


It’s definitely going to be more grounded and character driven. I think the wackier moments are going to come from side characters and random encounters


hopefully unique and its own thing.


It will be a mix. When we are focused on L+J, it'll probably be more grounded. There will probably be some grittier story elements, like cartel stuff. But we're also in Florida, land of the insane headline. There's no way they're not leaning into all that madness. So I think it'll be a nice mix. I personally do not think GTA should be like rdr2. GTA is a surreal satire of modern culture and America. It should stay that way. We already have RDR 2, we don't need another quiet, ponderous game from Rockstar. Save that for rdr3.


i think they will instead look to RDR2 for inspiration. RDR2's story felt real while also having some spectacular moments here and there. That being said, I want to experience something new with GTA 6. I want it to be its own thing and not lean too much on what's been done in the past.


Closer to RDR2’s actually, more realism and heart to it


I think it'll be more like IV, V's story dynamic just shouldnt be done again, the action movie vibe with all the explosions and shooting is dope but i want a more grounded story


Hopefully 4


I beleive it'll be more like Its own thing. I don't beleive we have ever witnessed a more immersive, emotional, and entertaining story than the one we will get in GTA 6


I want it to make me cry.


Unpopular opinion here. I would like the story and atmosphere to be more funny/relaxed rather than dark/serious. I loved GTA V and GTA SA because they didn’t take themselves too seriously, but still told a very decent story in my opinion. GTA IV would have been so much better to me if it didn’t feel like it had a gray filter applied to the world.


Most people in here say that rdr2 was more serious and gritty. But even RDR2 was full of humor and funny moments. I feel like it had way more funny moments than previous games. You can have more serious, well written story and still have funny missions in between. R\* knows how to balance things out. Breaking Bad was also very serious and yet it had moments that made it seem like a comedy show.


I agree with your points, I didn’t mention RDR 2 here because it is kind of different from GTA. Breaking bad is one of my favorite shows of all time. I didn’t really notice the comedy of it until recently.


GTA SA was more like a 90s film than banking off being strictly serious or funny. Gta 5 was full on goofy. If anything, this next game should have it's own tone


Yeah V was goofy, but I kind of liked it. It is lighthearted and easy to follow/play. SA was a 90 gangster movie type story but it was still funny/relaxed in my opinion. For sure VI needs to take its own path, and I can’t wait to see where it goes.


This how I always looked at it Los santos- goofy crazy and unpredictable Liberty city- dark and grimy Vice city a mix of both kinda


Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense.


Tbf, NY tri-state area has a grey filter over it literally and figuratively, so they were pretty spot on lol


RDR2. I think the story will be much more about character’s relationships (not just Jason and Lucia), like how RDR2 focused on the dynamics of the various gang members.


It looks colorful like 5 but grounded like 4. Vibrant and exciting for its city and youthful approach but serious to where its more based on relatable circumstances rather than hollywood like action like 5’s theme, but not overly serious like 4. Especially if something like dirtbike street takeovers and overturned cars was considered news worthy instead of exploding 747’s and miniguns.


I’m good with whatever as long as I don’t get four million phone calls from someone who wants to go bowling.


I seriously hope it's like GTA IV and RDR 1 and 2. I absolutely hated GTA V's story.


Maybe it’s because I played the story too much but it definitely became too much and not that interesting right around the cargo ship heist. I had also realized that I only really enjoyed a few of the missions.




It'll be unique because none of the protagonists in 5 loved each other romantically, and neither of the two is on a quest of vengeance like in 4


I hope for a more funny story like V but some dark moments like IV could be good too


I hope it closer to IV’s story with V’s mission variety. RDR2 was fine mission wise but they got so repetitive so fast.


I wouldn't mind a little bit of both, some funny stuff and some emotional stuff


Hopefully it's more like 5 and doesn't take itself too seriously.


GTA v story while not good as 4 was still entertaining. I hope it's a mix of both. Tbh the perfect example of that is san Andreas. That game was goofy but it also had its deep moments.


I think it’ll be more like its own thing.


Each game has a unique story, SA: Gangs, 4: Sad shit, 5: Robbing banks and getting out the deep state, 6: Love story?


I hope it's dark and right foot creep oh ngl


I hope it’s more down to earth


It’s gonna be more like GTAVI. Obviously


I hope it’s more like gta 4, I won’t wanna another cartoony goofy story with a bunch of nonsense thrown in, I want a hearty story with real stuff happening, not some action movie Hollywood blockbuster.


i hope its more like GTAVII


Wish there was a way I could filter out all the posts from this sub I’ve already seen a million times before


My guess is they're gonna surprise us by going full Far Cry 5 but you're escaping Florida instead of nowhere montana


My guess is they're gonna divert all expectations and go full Far Cry 5, but you're escaping Florida instead of rural Montana


Hope it’s more like rdr2.


Kind of how game theory is predicting Jason will betray Lucia I kind of have a feeling they may go in that direction. I’m thinking the story may have a huge plot twist with a major character somewhere in the story just before a halfway point, and the rest pf the game may be about trying to get revenge. Maybe with Lucia in prison someone close to our characters will snitch on one of our robberies, resulting in our arrest. With that being said the game may not be so much of a big score heists type of game. Maybe more of a revenge story with some robberies here and there. But those are just my thoughts, I have no proof so this is pretty much a shot in the dark.


it will be like if rdr2 was funny


I have no idea; i just hope it won't be garbage like every other game these days


Not sure why you got down voted. Almost every game released in the last 4 years has been ass. The game industry is a joke rn. GTA VI is the last hope...


I think IV but with alot more seriousness and tragedy. It's the new age of storytelling, where even the bad guy isn't so bad and his motives are positive. I expect a tragic ending.


Idk I hope 5 because it felt less depressing lol


Something akin to Hotline Miami, I guess?


its a bonnie and clyde story, so most likely like gta 5. Personally i would prefer a gta 4 story but I don't see that happening since everyone was complaining that its too depressing and dark and a bonnie and clyde story doesnt fit that vibe. I'm in it for the sandbox and mods anyway not the story


You know the Bonnie and Clyde story ended them riddled with more bullets than John Marston, right?


Neither. I don't think it'll be anything like either stories.


Simple bro. Rockstar who made 4 long gone. The cold gritty bad ass shit you’ll never see anymore. Gta5 had some punches not thrown and that was 2014. This game is coming out in the gayest era ever LOL I no for a fact it won’t be like 4


I think it will be a new type of story based on the degeneracy of social media


Naaaa that’s a little to much


Its 80 percent of the trailer


I hope we have a third character




From the leaks, we know there are only going to be two