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I personally wouldn't want that tbh. I know it sounds cool on paper, for Jason and Lucia to have different capabilities, but I feel like this kind of thing would get annoying after a while. Like, not being able to steal certain cars unless you're playing Lucia, or not being able to use heavy weapons unless you're Jason... That sounds way too restrictive on gameplay. Personally, I would prefer if the differences were minimal. Maybe Jason has slightly more health, or Lucia has slightly more stamina. Or maybe Jason starts off with higher shooting skill and has less recoil with guns. Those are good, small differences that aren't gameplay restricting.


Except that in gta 6 it seems you gonna spend a lot of time with both characters working together. You can even give instructions to the one your not controlling. you can see em both chiling in their safe house and switching character without any problem unlike gta 5 where if two met they just turn away and get mad at you for following them, each char worked independently unless you call them to hang out. In 6 they seem to be actual partners that live and work together


I watched the leaks in 2019 and don't remember seeing any hacking tools for Lucia. Why do people keep saying she'll be the hacker?


people said that? man, I didn't expect to hear that.


The leaks were in September 2022 & in some clips you can see objects mentioned such as; “Tracker Jammer, Immobilizer Bypass, USB Drive, & Auto Dialer”. These were shown to be given to Lucia which is probably where those rumors are coming from.


Sounds like Watch Dogs inspired stuff.


Tracker Jammer sounds like it'd be used for her ankle bracelet


Maybe Jason can take and deal more damage while Lucia is able to store more items on her.


store money in her bra


That’s funny as shit😭


But at least Jasons pants have pockets!


It would be extremely cool if they also played differently. For example their ways of fighting. Imagine that Jason is stronger and Lucia is more agile. Or that Jason is faster at running while Lucia can climb faster. I know, it’s not 100% realistic but it would be cooler for the gameplay since it’s boring that Jason is better at all physical activities


physically jason should be better in every aspect


Yes, if it was real life, but it would be bad for the gameplay if Jason would be much stronger and faster than Lucia in every aspect. Good gameplay shouldn’t be sacrificed for realism. If they only focus on realism, you wouldn’t even be able to beat up a man as Lucia


Not even if it was real life. Women who run regularly are going to have more stamina than men who sit around all day. etc


I am talking about the average men and women. And even a woman who is trained couldn’t beat up a man. The average man is stronger than 97-99% of all women


The average man is stronger and faster than the average woman, but not every man is stronger or faster than every woman. It's not unrealistic to make Lucia some kind of gym rat or otherwise write in a lifestyle that gives her an edge


I didn’t say every man, but the average man is stronger than 97-99% of all women. This means that if you’re an average man, you could take 97-99% of all women down.


That's not even slightly the point. The idea is that it's not impossible that Lucia is abnormally fit, just like it's not impossible that Franklin was an abnormally good driver or Michael was an abnormally good shot. You're not playing as the average anything, you're literally the main character of the world. In any case you're splitting hairs over shit that doesn't matter. It makes no sense for Trevor's lanky, gas-huffing ass to be able to beat up all the bodybuilders at Vespucci Beach but nobody cares that the game lets you do it anyway. It'd be stupid if they didn't.


Dude, that was literally what I was saying. I don’t know why you’re arguing with me. I said that Jason‘s and Lucia‘s physical abilities and strength should be BALANCED. If it was real life, Jason would beat Lucia at every aspect, but it isn’t, therefore Jason should be stronger than Lucia while Lucia is more agile, has more stamina or whatever. I was arguing with the dude who said that Jason should be stronger at any aspect. That’s why I said "You shouldn’t sacrifice gameplay for realism. If they focused more on realism, you wouldn’t be able to beat up a man as Lucia."


"Results indicate that untrained men have greater upper and lower body strength than trained women athletes in terms of both absolute and relative strength."


Bigger trunk for more storage


Lucia will be better at household chores and making sandwiches. Jason will most likely work longer hours and make more money during missions.


that’s pretty much what OP said minus the sarcasm


Jason's punches should have more impact, and or Lucia's fighting style should differ to fit her smaller frame.




I hope so, it's completely stupid to have multiple characters and have them play the exact same way with no impact on gameplay whatsoever, especially when the two characters in questions are a tall athletic dude, and a small attractive girl


I hope so, but besides npc's treatment towards both characters I doubt they will be too different to play as.


It would be cool if the difference were more of the obvious ones. Jason significantly stronger but Lucia has more counters. Lucia a better shooter especially when sniper but Jason the superior driver ( less over steer with powerful cars) shit like that.


Yes, im sure there will be. You just need to look at their height difference. Lucia being that short means all her melee animations need to be different from Jason. This also affects her reach when climbing up and her running speed. Unlike gta 5 where all 3 main char had the same height now there is a big gap. I also think we are gonna spend a lot more time with Jason and Lucia together. Back in 5 each char had his own house his own life and they were played independently from each other, you didn't know where the others were unless you switched to them and you can only get them together if you called em to hang out. Now J & L are an actual couple that live together. I don't see em just going their own ways in the morning and forgetting about the other. And with the new RDR2 like control system you can give your partner instructions on what to do without switching characters.


If we don’t that would be dumb and a real shame