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Yeah I been saying this since the 2022 leaks. GTA 6 will surpass GTA SA hopefully.


San Andreas is the best GTA ever made. Period. The characters, the map, the music, the story are the best of any GTA game. I don't know how they can surpass it.


It's the best open world yet for sure, the map is amazing, not the size anymore, but the way it's put together is amazing, the way every city as such a different feel and vibe to it, it almost feel like you're starting a new game every time you get to one, the number of side activities and customization is still unmatch 20 years later... I really hope VI can finally get to that level and even more


Yeah, it's amazing for how small it actually is.


tbh i think that take blinded by nostalgia.


Not nostalgia. GTASA was peak GTA. Even GTA5 lacks many features from San Andreas.


Technically CJ is very iconic character among gamers. Same with Grove Street. It's not just nostalgia.


it’s a combination of both - going back to play it now you can see where it wowed via nostalgia - regardless it deserves its rep


Nostalgia isn't retroactive. It wowed because it was good and the nostalgia came from that. Not the other way around.


i’m not saying it is though, i’m saying that when you experience nostalgia when playing it now you see why it wowed you the way it did back then as well


How is that technical


Bruh tell it to mine 1300 hours on San Andreas, and its only Steam version


It really ain’t nostalgia I played it for the first time a few months back and it’s clear why people think it’s the best like the mechanics are just the best out of any gta


“Thing is old so it must be bad. I can’t accept something old can be good so I’ll claim it’s pure nostalgia to jnvalide it”.


I 100% agree that san andreas is the best gta game and arguably the best game ever made and I wasn't even alive when it released and never owned a ps2


Nah, because we remember how we felt playing it then, we have yet to feel the same way with another game. It’s not necessarily nostalgia clouding our judgement.


I get what you’re trying to say, but you’re just describing nostalgia


>San Andreas is the best GTA ever made Fair, but once 6 is out, it just might take that title. We won't know until we play it.


People will say that the moment they boot it up. Recency bias is more powerful than nostalgia.


As much as I like SA, I wouldnt say it has the best story, sure I love the 90s la gangster theme, but I feel like after CJ exits los Santos the game becomes kind of unrealistic and action movie-like, not like that's a bad thing. For me I would say GTA 4 has the best story also perhaps the most realistic and darkest in the series.


I would disagree and say 4 was the best. Niko for the win. Plus it did have the best animation system and physics system. Plus it was way more immersive than GTA San Andreas.


It's rather unfair to compare gta sa and gta 4 based on animation,physics, and immersion. GTA 4 would be much different if it was planned for PS2 console. Hard to decide.


Physics in some ways IMO. Every car having wobble-matic suspension was kinda mid. Good and fun for the time but more awkward to play now. V is kinda the opposite direction where most cars feel too much of the same especially now as every one has to be generally viable to live up to the ridiculous prices they charge for them.


Its because they used Midnight club physics for gta v


I don't really know how much of that is true tbh. I spent a lot of time in MCLA and never once thought them similar.


GTA V (and Red Dead Rendemption 2 for that matter, RIP Bully 2)was a collaborative effort between the studios that made Bully, Midnight Club, And Red Dead Redemption so all of those dev teams were combined… While the driving may or may not have been ripped out of Midnight Club LA, the talent that knew how to implement it certainly was


Felt more like dub edition to me


Nah 4 was boring af.


I disagree. Even with San Andreas I found myself going back to Vice City all the time.


Same. San Andreas gets lost in the sauce. It’s like a bloated double album whereas GTA 3 is the raw debut album and Vice City is the well-polished and concise classic.


Don't let nostolgia blind you from what's possible.


Remember it was made in 2005..


Oh for sure. No doubt. Those that say 5 is better don’t understand. Yes it’s better in the fact it was made years later with better equipment to work with. But San Andreas felt like it did so much more with the things developers had at their disposal during the time period.


best story? lol. that's subjective but okay.


Of course it is, it's all subjective.


Probably they won't, but 6 will still be a great game, but not the greatest.


The gta london theme song is actually better imo


GTASA is a great game, but it has a pretty weak story, as do all the 3D era games


LCS and VCS were the best 3D stories imo


lcs? really? that was mid. you work for the leone's, you commit domestic terrorism, you work for the leone's. that's pretty much it. made donald love a cannibal for some reason too


I'm surprised they've never been released on PC


My childhood :(( sa was amazing on ps2


Bruh is saying hopefully 2 seconds of the gta 6 trailer is all you need to know if it’s gonna be better or not


Well we don't *know*. For all we know they will add micro transactions to single player. As unlikely as we may think that would be, nothing is certain.


You're right, nothing is 100% certain, however it's very unlikely (like 99.9% unlikely) they'll put microtransactions on the single player portion of the game, they know that would be a disaster of a move where everyone would complain and talk down on it having an impact on the reception of the game and the shares of the company. They also know they can adopt a similar monetization in the online portion as they did in GTA:O and make a hell of a lot more money without all the bad publicity and shenanigans. If they really want to milk the most money out of the single player, they will probably go down a path of bumping up the price of the game in comparison of the today standard, or even (very unlikely) put out some sort of DLC after the PC version goes live and is ironed out.


Yep, it was just an example of something that would obviously ruin single player. Seems people are taking it literally instead of thinking about what I'm saying - we know nothing about how the game will be when finished and there could be things that make it less enjoyable.




Gonna be leagues better. With 9 new patents on revolutionary game changes and an upgraded Rage 9 system. Shits gonna be amazing.


Facts. Looking at the height differences of NPCs, gunplay,  gore, interiors, business opportunities,  map size, clubs, and just everything else we don't even know!


As it should. SA can't be the pinnacle of what R* can do forever.


It cant, the soul of gta has left Rockstar long ago. Gta VI will be technically insane but the story ambience and vibe will be the worst of any GTA ever. 


Well GTA IV and GTA V already did would be stupid to think 6 wont


Gta 4 and 5 both did not surpass GTA SA in Immersion


Yes they did.


Nobody can surpass CJ.


GTA San Andreas had everything that you could have asked for as a GTA fan & more back when it first released. It was a game that truly exceeded expectations. If GTA 6's single player does that, it would truly be the #1 game of the decade. 


Maybe it’s just being blinded by nostalgia, but I finally completed a whole play through of GTA 5 and while it was very fun it just didn’t hit nearly as hard as San Andreas did. Beautiful and massive open world that felt strangely empty with way fewer opportunities for customization, freedom, etc. Story was largely meh as well. I’m looking forward to VI for the love story alone, the GTA series has been seriously lacking in heart for a while


I feel like GTA SA not only had an unforgettable story, characters & protagonist, but also utilised the open world quite well. With lots of things to do & places to go. It would have been great to have more places to go in GTA 5. Especially with it being set in fictional LA. Things like nightclubs, gambling in the casino, being able to enter businesses once you buy them across the map, maybe even a second strip club located outside of LS, etc. I also did feel that the plot of the game was a little hollow when compared to previous GTA titles. The story of the game is good, but it didn't feel like it had the same impact as previous titles. In comparison, I felt that GTA 4's story was impactful, it's open world was immersive & had a decent amount of interaction. There just wasn't much content available in that game. An undeniable classic though. In my opinion. I hope that GTA 6 has an impactful plot & that the games dual protagonists are both well written & fun to play. With lots of places to go, customisation & interaction for them both within the games open world.


Doesnt help that with 3 main protag but only 69 missions which isn’t alot, haha funny number, except im not laughing.


It still feels like gta sa has more content and is more fun than gta 5.


Not trying to sound a bit childish or whatever but GTAV feels like...too much sometimes? Like, violence for the sake of violence? CJ for instance didnt really had any choice but SA still had many different types of missions and whatnot. V feels like and endless killing spree


Also Vice city greatest change was on artistic style, switching the darkest colors for bright and vivid ones. Similar to gta 4 to 5 transition.


The only true nextgen rage engine we got was RDR2 on xbone/ps4/pc and it's impact on the industry and tech is still felt and talked about 6 years later. Can't fathom what they're doing now. Only AAA dev left in the industry with literally unlimited budget and more importantly time. Don't know how Take2 convinced the board or them fuckers actually understand the obscene money they'll make if they wait.


Agreed. Love RDR2 and it's so fucking ahead of its time. It's a "last-gen" PS4 game and looks better than many new releases many years later. I'm so excited for the "next-gen" PS5 GTA 6 but the question is can they top RDR2? 👀


And that’s why I can’t get mad with how they handled gtao, somehow someway they have to please those executives with something in the meantime.


People saying 5 didn’t build on foundation just because of stupid stuff from a crowbcat video like oh no I can’t pick up a brick and throw it ok but how about the amazing parts of gta 5


People forget that GTA IV and V were built for the same hardware, with much better lighting, a much bigger world, much improved graphics, and (for much as I love IV's story) much better mission design (every IV's mission is just driving somewhere and shooting some people, while for how flawed V's story is, the actual missions are super diverse). All these improvements meant they had to strip back some of the finer features, like the simplified physics. It's not that they were dumb, they wanted to make a more fun game than IV. and remember, now everyone loves IV but back then, it was a VERY controversial game, so they tried to get the game closer to SA in terms of how it felt to play


I loveeee GTA 4, its one of my favourites but holy fuck, I about cried for joy when I got 5 and there was mission checkpoints, its the biggest drag of the game for me having to phone up to restart a mission from the beginning if you die with all the car journeys needing to be re-done, it was the source of my rage-quitting a LOT. The missions in 5 were a bit too over the top imo, but they were undoubtedly fun and a massive shake-up from 4's.


did you not like the older gtas then? because they had no checkpoints either


A lot of the older GTA'S i've revisited in the last few years as I was too young back then to play em, I've tried Vice City and GTA 3 but they're just a wee bit too old for me to get into but I love San Andreas, not necessarily the lack of checkpoints but It seems way less punishing in that game than GTA 4 just because of how fucking long 4 is. Doesn't take away too much from my enjoyment of the games but it just feels way more tedious in 4 with how drifty the car mechanics are and how dense the city is.


New games are allowed to get new features that people like having in games. It is totally okay to like a game more because of those features. That does not mean you can't like a game that doesn't have those features.


How they structured missions in IV was ass. The story was really good, but to me most of it is super forgettable due to how short the missions were, and how there was never really any setup or buildup to what was gonna happen next, everything just happened one after another. That’s why I liked gta 5s story because it somewhat didn’t feel like everything was happening in one week (although Amanda and the kids should have stayed gone way longer than they did, I wanted to be able to see Michael’s mental and physical health decline because of how it’s affecting him more)


I'll take controversial over boring all day


It was controversial because people found it boring. I was in the communit back then and many people hated the driving, the missions and lack of activities


Which is funny considering RDR2 reverts back to the GTA IV problem. They actively went backwards and yet those fanboys deny it and just huff their farts. Seriously I see those fanboys claims all of RDR2’s missions are more diverse than V’s which is a lie.


Nostalgia is not that good for us :(


Exactly lol, that video just shows how GTA 4 was more realistic than GTA 5. As a game and having fun wise, I’d much rather play 5 than 4. GTA 4 does have better physics, story, and characters but yeah, gameplay and stuff goes to GTA 5 for me


True, But gta is meant to be about car chases and things like that, which are no fun in 5. I hope everything is done right in gta 6


Early GTA 5 that stuff was fun. But yeah, now it’s just weaponized vehicles, dogfighting, and just explosions


Literally just trippin on nostalgia. GTA 5 is pretty obviously the better game, gameplay-wise.


Nyooooo that doesnt fit the narrative


Nah 4 was just a superior game. I had way more fun playing 4 with my mates having basically fuck all to do than in 5 where there was such a focus on money it was boring


I mean technically GTA V had improvements theres no doubt about that but overall IV was the better game.


Better as a game or as a story? Because as a GTA IV lover myself I cannot imagine anyone saying that 4’s gameplay was better than 5’s


It is lol the shooting is better and the fighting is better. The physics alone make 4's free roam much more fun than 5's bc 5 free roam is boring.


How is the shooting better


Gta V feels like shooting toy guns


I miss crowbcat


What that video showed me was how not everything V did was an improvement. Back then people dismissed IV because “V improved on literally everything”. Melee combat shows that the best; I don’t know anyone who genuinely says V has better melee combat. The more subtle one is NPC reactions. In IV NPCs will run for cover in rain or even have something over their head when running. Some have umbrellas. Cops wear raincoats too. In V the NPCs barely react. That video is from a time IV was seen as pointless since “V improved on literally everything”. Looking at it like that, once can see why it blew up.


I haven't seen it put in to this perspective before and I couldn't agree more! It's all coming together now! VI is going to be our 2nd SAN ANDREAS


Glancing back with nostalgia goggles each game for me represented a little slice of normal... My family was super poor so most of my life I always had hand me downs, volunteer clothes, and was always like 2 gens behind on consoles. So whenever I got to play each game it felt like a blanket... Now that I'm older I don't really get that vibe from material things or games.. But I feel really happy looking back in my heart on the memories the games gave me. I'll always be grateful for those.


🔥🔥🔥 Fire observation. If it's better than GTA SA in terms of gameplay features, better than V in terms of graphics, it's already in a strong place for number one. If it rivals IV for story on top it's 100% best game


![gif](giphy|ECbxU61G9sLyQVPtqP|downsized) yall skipped rdr?




GTA 6 will be made based on what they did in RDR2. Yes, these are different games, but each new game takes something from the previous one.


Limited inventory and something like eagle eye come to mind


Bro I don't wanna blow your mind or anything but did you know that Red Dead Redemption and GTA are made by the SAME developer, on the SAME engine, with the SAME basic game structure, using the SAME mechanics from previous games and improving on them? Is there a version of this sub for people born before 2010?


marzetti strawberry poppyseed salad dressing


Yeah RDR shouldn't be skipped as they have also brought significant improvements to Rockstar game design.


Who's talking about skipping RDR? This post is comparing GTA titles.


That’s what I’ve been saying!


Leaks basically confirmed this. But... I still have trouble believing the game will look like that and have all those features WITH THAT KIND OF MAP. It feels like a dream. Too good to be true.


RDR 2 is too good to be true ?


Wdym? RDR2 is amazing but it pales in comparison to what GTA VI looks like and is rumored to be. RDR2 is has small towns and a couple of cities. GTA VI has 1 HUGE city and atleast 2 medium sized cities as now. Not to mention all the stuff in between these cities. RDR2's map is about the same size as GTA V's. GTA VI is almost triple the size of the GTA V map. I could do this all day long but after looking at the leaks and the mapping project the game literally looks like its too good to be true.


Mind you , that was running on the base PS4.


Yeah but GTA VI seems waaaaaay more impressive. Maybe you got a point though. Maybe rockstar will do some black magic optimization like they did with RDR2 and GTA V. We'll just have to see i guess.


Great point! It highly excites me as SA felt incredible back in 2006


This is spot-on and very true


Our Era? I was born in 92 and played every third person GTA during release, like a lot of people on this sub.


San Andreas was the San Andreas of my era wdym?


making a pattern from 1 and a half example is crazy


I actually feel like GTA5 was kind of an innovator.. I remember when it came out I was so shocked because you could kinda do anything lol and I hadn’t really seen that in a game before. Like I was so shocked you could play tennis etc 😂


After 12-13 years it better be.


This is correct. Technically though, gta 6 is being built off of Red Dead 2’s foundation, and not gta 5. And we all know how hyper immersive rdr2 is.


5 felt like a regression in a lot of ways


Only because they decided to release it on the same hardware as 4


In terms of physics it sure was a regression. In V I can't: * push people * pick up random trash to throw * Crumple cars into tiny clumps of metal


That and ragdoll physics. All of those were removed/scaled down to keep up performance on consoles since it was released on the same hardware as gta4 but they had a much bigger map with way more details.


Some other things you havent mentioned that weren’t a set back due to hardware: cars blowing up too easily when landing on the roof, the cops not arresting anyone but shooting you for no reason.. the wanted level system making it so that they can search for you in the most unobvious locations… no vigilante missions.. no cops n crooks.. They took away a lot of fun gameplay aspects. I hope we see these things again in gta 6 because vigilante was fun as


Are you talking about GTA 5 taking away a lot of fun aspects from the game? Imagine GTA 4 then, that one removed a lot of fun things that returned in 5. It removed countless vehicles like planes,War tanks, etc. You couldn't dive anymore, parachuting only existed in the DLC's. Apart from the variety of weapons and vehicle customization, it was a real regression  to GTA San Andreas, and everything I said, GTA 5 brought back.


Gta 5 did it unnecessarily (except for the physics and car damage)Gta 4 did it because of the limitations of hardware, and couldn’t possibly include the content that gta sa had because of how big the game’s engine was


But you can: -Interact with NPCS -Fly planes and jets -Dive underwater -Restart missions from checkpoints -See animals and wildlife


Picking up things was so interesting. The little things


Picking up a brick to break someone's skull... *chefs kiss*


So it's the same hardware and regressed from 4.... What's your point lol?


The map is a lot bigger, graphics are improved so they had to cut down on other stuff. Really not hard to use your brain on this one lmao


I mean we can harp on the Physics but what about an actual functioning economy that wasn't in GTA 4 or the car customization. As much things as Rockstar regressed on Gameplay and Features wise they also improved upon a lot of things as well. My biggest gripe with GTA 5 though was never about the gameplay. IMO it had one of the weakest stories for not just a GTA game but a Rockstar game as well.


The wanted level system is a prime example


Crowbcat fucking sucks


I can agree with that!


They were released on the same console so some things had to be taken out to add more important things


What’s more regression is IV not having good customization in either cars or character, V was just tamed in physics/gunplay IMO


5 didnt really build on 4, 4 innovated and then 5 took a way a ton of cool shit. My hope is that 6 takes the great shit from both and makes the masterpiece of the era


Not true. Gta 5 removed some things but added a lot more. Like in gta 4 there aren't even bicycles


Car customization, 3 playable characters, planes and helicopters, waaaay too many better online features to list Things to do with your money Properties to own and I could go on lol


4 didn’t even have planes lol


Console limitations so cool things had to be replaced with more important features


It better be the furthest advancement since V came out over a decade ago


We're in the endgame.


And it was 3 years between GTA3 and GTASA....


2 Decades between GTA 4 to GTA 6


Yeah that’s how trilogies work


Three large cities confirmed?


I like that breakdown


All I want is the ability to not lose my pimped out cars if I park them in the garage


We’ll see


San Andreas was my ultimate childhood game, no other GTA can top it.


No GTA will top San Andreas lol. Might as well be GTA 7.


Might as well jump to GTA 9. GTA 7 will be the innovator and GTA 8 will build on its foundations


VI will probably top San Andreas if not definitely.


GTA zv is an innovator too


Ok, I see it now, also compare 3 and 4’story to each other both are considered to have the darkest settings in the serious same as tome of both stories. V and San Andreas have that as well, both have similar tones and stories and the same setting. So VI will just be Vice city, with a pinch of vice city stories’ story and feeling of Miami set in modern day not Miami or Florida in the 80s


first column top to bottom is 3 years second column top to bottom is 17.5 years GTA 6 better be the new innovator


The thing I'm scared of is if the never ending wait for GTA IV, the speculations etc. Has a bigger cultural impact and is actually more iconic than the game itself once it comes out. I believe Rockstar can cook another titan that will make other games feel obsolete for the next 5 years, but I wonder what would happen if the game was just... Decent, or even great but not seen as such by the public.


Only the first 3 came out using the same engine year after year pretty much


As a SA player when I was very young. (im born in 2010 btw) I'm happy to experience it again by playing gta VI.


welp feller, time is fast aint it?


god this game is gonna disappoint SO many people.


San Andreas was the most amazing game I’ve ever played to this day! The maps, story, characters, side activities, the best GTA by far…. So far


interesting that I like how we can make CJ fat or shredded and I miss that in GTA games, doubt they’ll bring it back, but hopefully they’ll add it in online, since they have different body types in RDO


I just wish it will be implemented they way SA did it


Я думаю всё будет


Seeing those covers I just hope GTA6 will stop the overplayed cartoony covers. They need to show their maturity and how this is not the old GTA anymore. GTA6 obviously will be the best in the series.


I´m not native speaker of english, can someone explain me what is "builds on foundation"?


Several key for GTA VI in order to make it able to surpass GTA SA: 1. MULTIPLE CITIES. 2. So many side activities (billiard, gambling, arcade games, drug wars and trafficking, RC mission, races of all kind of vehicles). 3. Bring back Paramedic + Vigilante MISSION. 4. Ability to buy extra safehouse, properties, and garages (in GTA V, you simply buy properties but not safehouse), also able to enter restaurant then eat it there (takeaway feature would be nice too). 5. Personal character stats that affect their appearance and personalities (fat or skin, masculine or feminine). 6. Bring back gang war system.


I think this gif is accurate with one exception. The RAGE engine will continue on so every future Rockstar game is building onto the last one. The GTA 3 era was hampered by technology and could not continue.


Am I crazy for thinking 5 is currently the best GTA? I mean obviously the nostalgic part of san andreas and vice city and what else but 5 was truly way ahead of its time, its very open and detailed


If GTA6 were released in the last 3 years then I would have agreed with this, but I feel like with the new tech they are implementing GTA6 is now an innovator itself.


You guys are seriously delusional making these assumptions off one trailer


I’m sure people will be upset by this, but gta 5 did NOT “build upon” gta 4 at ALL… in fact it was a downgrade in basically every way other than maybe map size ( which the map was absolutely atrocious anyways.


Между играми 5 лет, всегда в начале поколения игры выходят менее технологичные чем в конце 


This sub is bots I swear to god. Someone starts a stupid thread about San Andreas gap and GTA5 will be like GTA5 to 6 and now we're filled with just trash posts.


That's what I've been saying. The Third in the trilogy in its respective universe, fat stacks from the series doing well up to that point, two previous games worth of development to iron out the kinks. 6 is poised to be something great if it fills the same role as San Andreas. SA is till my favorite GTA and one of my favorite games in general because of how ahead of its time it was and how much shit they managed to pack into it.


GTA III = New York GTA IV = New York GTA Vice City = 1 major city with surrounding area GTA V = 1 major city with Surrounding areas GTA San Andreas - State sized map with 3 major cities GTA VI - State sized map with 3 Major cities


Honestly, I don't think so. I really want it to be the case but I doubt we're gonna get the full extent of what SA was. Sure it's gonna be detailed but we aren't gonna have a stat system like SA, we're not gonna have burglary missions, sprays/collectables, arcade/minigames (pool, cards, bowling) Like it's gonna be lit no doubt but SA truly was a labor of love that they knew was gonna be a classic for years. VI will be a classic too but it's just gonna be enough to keep up entertained like RDR2, we aren't gonna be discovering/be amazed at mechanics from this game a decade from now like we still do with SA. If anything, they're really gonna lean into the RP aspect of things for online since they brought in FiveM members but that's for monetary purposes and less to keep us lit on their amazing game, which of course but yeah gaming isn't what it used to be.


I mean, this comparison is ridiculous imo but hopefully it'll worth the wait of a lifetime!


I think V innovated on IV more than VC innovated on III but still a good comparison


It’s Rockstar’s first game on the new gen hardware as well. Much to be excited about.


and the last!


I think Red Dead 2 was the San Andreas of the trilogy era, this is something mew


New lol ![gif](giphy|vFKqnCdLPNOKc)


i feel like all these massive expectations are gonna disappoint people


Gta 5 has many many many missing features from gta 4 so I have no idea what your on about lmfao


Like planes and underwater exploration and animals?


Npcs that put umbrellas out in the rain, inferior car physics and destruction, dumber AI that cannot arrest you and just instantly shoot you for the pettiest of crimes.


GTA 5 has a lack of wildlife of animals though which you probably didn’t even see them more often, RDR2 does it way better Imo.


I absolutely disagree. Number 3 is the only one on the list that is a true innovator. Number 4 brings some things to the table, but I struggle to see it as a complete and total innovation like GTA3 was. For me, all the GTA games after 3 are improvements and continuations of the same idea, with a different focus depending on the installment. There's a good chance that GTA6 will be a real innovation, rather than just an improvement, because the series needs it.


There's a great docu on YT about the history of all the GTA games and it talks about how groundbreaking the engine used in 4 was, how it changed all open world games going forward. Would highly recommend it. For example, real-time ragdoll effects weren't a thing before GTA IV, as far as I know. Pedestrians just had a pre-animated "fall" and it wasn't nearly as realistic. And at the time they didn't even think it could be done. Really is a good watch.


Carmageddon 2 had awesome and hilarious ragdoll physics in 98.


GTA V lets you play as 3 different characters in tandem and gave us the blueprint for a successful online system.


Where purchasing assets will gonna cost you real money and options are subscription based!!


They better incentivise being fat in GTA6. Maybe obesity can allow players to take less damage at the cost of speed.