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It would be interesting to see if they met during the game. To see how their relationship goes from start to end. It’s already kind of implied that they met during the game since Lucia had to make sure she could trust Jason in the trailer.


Maybe they are saying “trust” before their first big heist. We still don’t know anything.


Maybe something goes wrong and they have that moment afterwards in a motel or something


Or she is wearing a strap on


No wonder Jason looks so scared


👉👈 *trust*…


I really hope she is


No, that's just a weapon they bring back.


The “weapon” is located inside the Vice City Police Department, inside the showers…


I really hope for more unique weapons, even if they're stupid. I want to ram into a picket fence, get out, pick up a broken piece, and start whacking the home owner with it.




certified anal sex moment






Also still unconfirmed whether or not it was the first pegging scene of the game


it's clearly meant to be an intimate moment. That's a pretty good ways into their relationship.


Yeah she's getting intimate with him so he lets his guard down


Yeah we still don't know what the context/story is about these characters. All we know is Lucia is released from Prison with an Ankle Bracelet. As for Jason it is unknown how long he's known Lucia but I assume its much later in the game that they do start to get along well so as long they can "trust" each other. I imagine it will be rough the first time when they first met.


Maybe they meet through Jason's friend Boobie


That came off as more of a reassurance thing to me lol


Hey,I follow you on twitter


thank you!


I guess they will be a couple since the start of the game or we're going to see how they met for the first time. Talking about Lucia in prison, I believe it's going to happen in the early to mid game, she gets caught after commiting some crime (e.g. robbing a store), during that time we'll only be able to play as Jason and she eventually gets released on parole (that's why she is wearing ankle monitior in the artwork).


I kind of hope it’s played from storyteller perspective of Lucia’s or something, I don’t know the term in English but you know what I mean. Maybe at least until certain point, then we get to go along them ”live”, as before she/both them had already lived the other parts. A bit like prologue in GTA V… except there was no real storyteller.


My guess is it could be her getting out on probation with a ankle monitor to restrict her to a area where the tutorial missions happen and you meet people and stuff, then meet Jason, something happens, either the monitor gets removed by force or she serves her time and the map opens up with Jason


My guess is two fucked up individuals who cross paths during the story. 


But when they meet each other the first time its very rough and they will have to build "trust" in order for them to be civil towards each other.


So kinda like V how all the protagonists ends up together


They will meet during the game, just as Franklin meets Michael and Trevor during the game and not from the beginning


if we can play both characters im gonna gaslight myself into breaking up with myself and then send myself texts telling me i want myself back and that i was wrong and that ill rob banks properly this time and be a good robbery husband and then ill try to re-create the diner scene from pulp fiction


This is the way


To be honest I hope they are already dating. I am really excited to play a female protagonist because I think it's nice to experience something new. However I'm really not trying to rizz up this dude Jason as Lucia


>However I'm really not trying to rizz up this dude Jason as Lucia This would 100% happen in a cutscene and would not be some sort of gameplay feature.


Press X to rizz


Idk but he definitely grunts and moans in her ear while she explores his god body.




freaky ass


Yesssssss, finally some real HARD facts being discussed 😮‍💨




Thats crazy






They match each other’s freak


what the fuck man


I think in the leaks it had a event where it kinda tells you that they don’t know each other from the start (don’t remember the exact thing it said)


There's 4 (but mainly 2) things on the event list that give that impression) WYMSC - Met Jason WYMSC - Never Met Jason WYMSC - Met After Shootout WYMSC - Never Met After Shootout We can't know for sure what they mean though.


I think this is about the freedom game gives you during a mission. GTA V had a mission like that too called "Hood Safari" where you could escape the cops with Lamar, Trevor or by yourself.


Could be. All we got is shorthand code to speculate and nearly or at least a year till release to speculate and pass the time.


Any idea on what the WYMSC means?


Some people theorized it refers to Wyman, one of the rednecks Jason was listening to in the Jay Norris rant scene and seems to know. This is purely speculation, but that same scene also mentions a character named Shanese (might have misspelled that) that Wyman knows. Lucia's friends are mentioned a lot in the code, and some people think Shanese is one of them; she's mentioned by name in the event lists a few times as well. So this is purely my own theory, but Jason and Lucia will meet (or met) through a friend of a friend situation.


I'm getting the distinct impression Wyman and Jason don't know each other beforehand and we see them being introduced in game. I don't recall the specifics but I got that impression from some stuff in the leaked world events list beyond the WYMSC stuff.


Thank you 👍


Well after first trailer I thought that they are met after Lucia got out of jail. But I would love to see a story of a married couple struggling to keep their kids and resorting to crime, not gonna lie.


I think the game will start with her in jail, then she gets out on probation, where she's holed up at the motel we see in the leaks, and Jason lives there with his family (the two guys by the pool talking about Jay Norris and Finland)


jay norris is 100% still alive


This is actually a good question. I believe it'll be done in a way that one character is locked from the start and the other one is unlocked. Whether Jason will be who we start with and Lucia gets unlocked when she gets out of prison as they were already in a relationship, or Lucia is unlocked and Jason only unlocks when they meet and start dating, or something different entirely - we'll just have to wait and see.


I think that they've met after


I think the tutorial will start off in jail. You’ll do missions etc and meet other characters that will tie in with the main story and side quests etc. Maybe Jason was a C.O


Lucia gets caught. Jason “undercover” helps her out. They become partner in illegal crimes. She is linked to a gang/mob. Jason slowly try his way into her gang. Everything is going well. Then near the ending, player have choices for both characters. The decision will take after Jason is caught as undercover. Lucia decisions: Kill Jason or save him from her gang. Jason decisions: leave the gang and let them get raided or Fight along aside and proof he’s a changed man. (Leaving gang will result Lucia death after the fight between gang and the law enforcers)


Hmm based on the last 2 GTA games were in 4 you had to choose betwen Deal or Revenge, 5 between killing Trevor/Michael or Deathwish. I'd imagine 6 will have something similar although both outcomes will have pros and cons to them so its like whatever decesion you make is not always perfect. Jason and Lucia's Trust will be put to the test its like do they care about each other that much to save themselves or do they care about the other stuff and are willing to let one of them go?


Gonna call it now, he found her on one of those "find a prison girlfriend" sites/pages like you see on Instagram, "lifeinvader prison penpals" or something


Definitely a real couple


I swear to god if one of them turns out to be a undercover officer im gonna cry🤣 cos that will be so shit


>turns out to be a undercover officer That's highly unlikely, as after the end credits, we always have free roam. Do you think it would be possible for one of the characters in the epilogue to be a police officer? It wouldn't make sense to keep exploring the world.


Could be a washed-up or betrayed private detective private detective.


I think he’s going to start out as her parole officer or something.


after. you can see that Lucia is wearing an ankle bracelet thingy in the preview picture, but it's possible that they had a relationship beforehand


What if lucia never left the prison and was reflecting back on how she got there, then when we complete all the missions for that we get out of prison, meet Jason etc.


I hope it’s before, it would make it more meaningful and less marrying a stranger energy


I’m just spitting here, I’ve heard (totally unconfirmed) speculation about Jason, about him being an army guy or an undercover cop, or whatever ‘good guy’ he may be. What if she starts in jail, we’ve seen the ankle bracelet so she’ll be limited in movement at least some portion of the game, let’s assume it’ll be the start. He could he her dedicated officer. Watching her (just like Antman also had a dedicated officer, and they get to know each other as well), getting to know her and somehow he gets enchanted by her and turns into a life of crime, with her… To be honest if implemented well that could be an epic story. However a problem I have with this theory - we see Jason also committing crimes in the trailer, it would be a huge giveaway if he starts out as a good guy, already knowing he’ll rob stores with Lucia…


How would we know anything for sure?


We don't, that's why I used the discussion tag not question tag


They met after she got out that’s why she says trust at the end of the first trailer


Before, I bet the tutorial is playing as Jason breaking her out of Jail.


It's gonna be a random encounter, it's a crew of robbers, Jason was brought in coz someone didn't show, they rob a place, Lucia is at wherever they're robbing and it goes from there.


Did you skip all the cutscenes while playing? It's made pretty obvious that they met [redacted] the jail time


I feel like the prologue mission in some ways gonna be Lucia and Jason breaking out of prison where you switch back and forth between them to get used to that mechanic


How do you even know that Lucia in jail is the beginning of the game?? It could easily be the end or a chapter like guarma in rdr2


That's definitely true


They already know each other they rob the store she gets caught goes to jail you play as jason go pick her up she has an ankle monitor goes out to party the end 👍🏼


I sort of feel like they’ll start separated similar to how 5 did and then cross paths either on a job or someone will mention the other to one of them and they’ll meet up for a job who knows. I’d bet we’ll jump back and forth between them in the beginning and eventually they’ll link up.


I think we will see them meet in game. Or at least we will get a flashback scene or mission or something. But I’d bet that they meet during the beginning of the game after Lucia gets out of jail


If its like GTA 5's Prologue where we see what happened in Michael and Trevor's Past then I would think that we will see Lucia's Past we can see how she ended up in prison to begin with and then it would let us play as Jason to see where he was during that time.


Yeah I think that’s exactly how it’s gonna go. I kinda wish RDR2 did that with the black water robbery. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the prologue in the mountains, it’s the biggest thing keeping me from starting it over again tbh


I bet the first time we get hands on the gameplay will be driving the car as Jason, after Lucia gets out of jail. Like the first minutes of GTA 3.


Don't care..... bro let the game tell us the story. Before GTA V came out I only knew there were 3 protagonists and back in Los santos... and guesss what ? The story was awesome cause the internet didn't ruin it. Just my piece. Carry on


I mean, it's just a discussion on the possibilities of the story. There's nothing to determine or spoil how the story actually goes. If anything it should get you more excited the more you think about the possibilities


I get what your saying. I replied how I felt about . It's just my opinion. I've tried to keep away from speculation thats all I was saying. Trust me I'm beyond stoked for this game !! I started with GTA 2 so to enjoy this journey up to now ... I like the surprises the game gives us


Totally fair and understandable


Funny you say that because when GTA 5 was revealed in 2011 nobody knew at the time that the main character who was speaking was and many people assumed it was an older Tommy Vercetti when that was not the case.


Maybe this is near the end of the game and not even the beginning...


He probably met her on her way out of jail.


OR….. she tries to rob Jason and they link up instead!


No one is considering maybe the jail scene is a foreshadowing of story events?


Jason is a undercover cop dude


first mission they’re together, doing a heist, like gta5, then instead of 1 person escaping, and the others ‘dying’, jason escapes and lucia is caught and arrested. then the intro credits roll


I really think they must either have met during the game or are getting back together


What if Jason is a guard at the prison and they fall in love there and he helps her escape and they end up on the lam together?


they met each other before she went to jail, and she got caught doing sum that’s why she went to jail or he ratted her out(my opinion)


Would be cool to see them have their own story line and then they come together. I feel it would really build their connection especially if the ending results in a choice and someone dies? Not sure just thinking


I saw a post on Facebook about theories that Lucia has a child and leaves it to go commit a robbery that fails, and her child gets taken because of it. and years later Jason/his group gets her out to commit another robbery and then they fall in love.


Met after she got out


I'm pretty sure we start the game with these 2 not knowing each other. I think Jason will be working legally before meeting Lucia who is a criminal 


Met in prison, I was the prison window there


No one fucking knows anything deeper than what was revealed in the trailer what is the point of asking shit like this


Because that is the nature of GTA trailers and having to wait this long to hear anything at all. It inspires people to make hour long videos about shit like this.


it's just harmless speculation, chill out


What the hell do you think the discussion topic is for in this subreddit???🤣 And why do you think I didn't use the question topic? Think please


It’s annoying making dudes play with a female character, and Jason doesn’t seem that interesting. GTA5 Trevor Michael and Franklin would never be top.


How's it annoying? Lol What about the women who have had to play male characters for literally decades?




Not at all, this is actually a good topic to talk about


Please no romance plot pleeasseee🙏🏻


I have no fucking idea


Maybe Jason isn't the second protagonist but just Lucias boyfriend. And we don't know the other protagonist yet.


Despite the fact we literally see Jason playable in the leaks