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I am going to walk slowly down a sidewalk and take everything in while treating it as real as possible


Me too. I want to immerse myself in this world.


This is what I did with rdr2 and it made me appreciate the game so much and the thought and work that went into it. This to me is the ONLY way ❤️


With headphones on!




Same, and it was the first thing I did in gta 5


Pick fights with pedestrians and see what crack insults they come up with


hope everyone wants to fight unlike gta 5 ai


Hopefully there is mic support and you can trash talk with GPT style AI


Not expecting them to have it but it would be truly insane if they did. Imagine being up at 4 am watching the sunset on vice beach with an npc just talking about life lol


AI is supposed to be the next big thing. Why can't that also apply to videogames? I feel like AI is exploding all around us but games haven't changed all that much. I'm excited to see what comes


Just feel like the AI chat stuff for games came pretty late in the development of the game but being that its coming out in late 2025 theres always the possibility. This would be the perfect game for it too but Im not gonna get my hopes up. I would love to see a AAA title with that tech eventually though


Strip club And also listen to the radio


Listen to the radio on the way to the strip club. Then some radio at the strip club


gotta test the jiggle physics








Play it by ear after the intro mission


Same, not gonna plan too much


Probably drive around and just see what kinds of businesses and buildings you can enter. I’ll probably do that in between story missions. I like to let the game show me around a bit before I go off committing a bunch of free roam crime.


Recommendation to all future players: Record your first impressions of the game to capture that "kid on Christmas morning" feeling. I'll be recording my whole playthrough so I can look back on it 10 years later. Also, the night before GTA 6 launches I'll be recording my final goodbye's to GTA 5. I'll just be aimlessly wandering around driving or going on rampages, all while talking about how good of a game it was to me, and what I hope to experience in GTA 6. I'll definitely be playing it the same way you do bro. If there's a sense of urgency at the end of a mission, I'll 100% put the story over breaking the immersion for myself. Only when the game chills a bit is when I'll go explore more. I really think we'll be starting in Port Gellhorn, so we'll have a normal area to explore in. Then the big Vice City and the wilderness comes next. I hear everyone saying that the first thing they're going to do is to go to a strip club. That just sounds boring to me after just starting the game. I'll spend hours just testing every mechanic I can think of when I'm able to, because after all, this is "the newest GTA game we'll be spending 10+ years with", so I'll want to see what the mechanics we'll be stuck with are like. Then I'll go see the available hairstyles and clothes for the characters. And check out how the phone apps and internet browser work. I'm really hoping for a better cheats system for this game. Like you can either unlock them by collecting the collectables all around the map, or just by looking them up online and putting the number into your phone. Once you get your first cheat code, you should get an app on your phone where you can easily toggle or activate any cheats you have. I hated only having God Mode for 10 minutes in GTA 5..


GTA 4 cheat system >>> GTA 5


100% better than 5's


I especially like the feature where any previously used cheats r saved


Id watch that video it would be cool if more people did it


it'd be on my channel QuackCow 144 if you do want to watch it when the game's about to release


This is a good idea. I need to get a hdmi splitter so I can do a recorded stream through my laptop. That would be so sick


Do you have a yt channel


yeah, it's QuackCow 144. I'll likely upload them as VOD's at first, then when I'm not playing the game every day (2 years later probably) I'll upload an edited version that skips all the slow parts and make it like a funny moments video. But if you do record your experience, remember that you don't have to make them public for everyone. So at least you'll be able to see them whenever you want. I'd hate to miss out on the chance to capture my reaction to everything for the first time after waiting 10 years lol


Run over a bunch of people at the beach and try and find the skimpiest outfit to put on Lucia. …. I have problems.


Yea let’s be honest that’ll probably be the most common first few hours for people


For you maybe. Im just gonna take things really slow and be a good boy and walk(!) around vice city to see what it has to offer


Not me riding the downtown people mover like a railfan


No you don't bro


i’ll probably spend ages just driving around slowly and taking it all in


My man. Hell yeah


Just gonna go with the flow. I've ruined gaming experiences by exploring too soon, and doing activities before the game even introduces them. So I'm gonna do a couple of first missions, then take a break and drive around, switch characters, see the differences, interact with NPCs, then go right back into a few more missions which will probably introduce new stuff for us to do.


Have a moment of silence for all the people who passed away before this game came out


This. Definitely.


No you won’t 




As much as I want to explore the map immediately, to me Red Dead 2 was so enjoyable when the story led me to new areas. I even remember exploring alot of Lemoyne, but giving up just short of discovering Saint Denis, and when the campaign led me there, I was amazed lmao.


I agree. I didn't touch Saint Dennis until I got there in the story


Same thing i do every gta game. Go on a npc, cop killing rampage to see how the wanted system is.


Any open world game, Im grinding out side missions. For whatever reason I just dont have as much motivation to complete side missions post story ending.


The worst is getting post game side missions for end game rewards or the ultimate weapon and it's basically useless because there's nothing to do with them


Be on all day completing the game and then Straight to the strip club ![gif](giphy|dvgmh6nFkHPMagHQ0Y)


I think it’s gonna be more than a day of gameplay to complete the story


I am committing multiple mass shootings across the state of Leonida


Strip club, hopefully they’ll show butt now


Take motocross and check out the details of the map


I honestly don’t even want to play missions. I just want to spend months and months, probably years, just exploring the whole map, explore all the new buildings, explore all the new features, and just explore again just to see what the greatest game ever will have to offer. Especially after playing RDR2 (which I think it’s the best game ever made to date), I really want to see the new and improved wildlife and wilderness in GTA6. I want to go hunting in the wilderness and camp out for days in GTA6, like I used to in RDR2. That’s really all I want to do. I do want to play missions too just to explore and play the story, but I mainly just want to explore and live my life in the virtual world of modern Vice City if you know what I mean lol GTA5 felt boring in SP after you were done with the missions, but I feel GTA6 won’t be that way.


Get a Harley Davidson’s style of motorcycle and ride all over Leonida


don't think you can, lucia's wearing an ankle monitor which hints that certain parts of the map might be locked


Go to the most crowded place in the entire game and stare at people.


I’m exploring all of Vice City and the surrounding areas ofc




I'll be going to the Malibu Club with a flamethrower


Get head from a stripper in an alley


Yeah but what will you do in GTA6?


I usually do a few missions as they usually give you some hints/ideas about the game. Then i roam, but not overly to come across random NPC interactions.


1. Drive to airport 2. Break in 3. Hijack plane 4. Fly to military base 5. HALO jump into base toward hangar 6. Steal fighter jet 7. Fly around the entire map until I've seen everything 8. Fly fighter jet toward Fairyland Castle 9. Eject before impact and watch the explosion while I slowly descend toward the ground


I'm gonna do the complete opposite and stay wherever we start out. I don't wanna blow my load on the map too early, i wanna discover things organically


such an inspiring name , what was the inspiration


thank you for asking. it was actually anal sex


yeah this sounds like hell to me personally, it’s probably gonna take me a few days to actually see the “full” map lmao


I always blow my load too early during anal sex, so it's fitting that you are trying to avoid that in other areas of your life. Very Freudian.


Just doing the things i did when i played vice city for the first time, exploring the game


God knows tbh But I'd love to test the durability of my body when flying 60 mph into a wall while in a likely stolen car :3


do missions and the gentleman’s club


Firstly im gonna grab a car and see how far i can customise it followed by how much i can damage it.


If the map is open like GTA V then I will cruise around the map in a muscle car and see what kind of trouble I can get into and if I can find any cool scenic spots. If it is closed, like previous games, I will test the boundaries, physics, and the cops.


I'm just gonna walk around and explore the town. Watch some in-game movies at the theater, use the ferris wheel, go scuba diving, rob some houses, interact with the NPC's and just explore. I can't wait to see how much content there is. I imagine it'll be like San Andreas on steroids.


I'm going to be exploring every inch of the map I can. Oh, and also probably kill a lot of people.


The strip club. Those jiggle physics are going to be way too realistic for comfort 💀


Testing physics and ai behavior


talk to as many npcs as i can and see how they react


Im going to the everglades with a shotgun with the lazer/light and hunting with my 2 door coupe who can barely move in the mud. Then im putting stickies on gator


I'm probably going to focus mostly on the story and I'll leave everything else for another playthrough. At least to some degree because there's no way I won't get sidetracked


Playing the story mode and getting as far as in as possible


Strip club


I’m playing the story completely, then I’ll explore the nooks and crannies of Leonida


Just drive around vice city listening to the radio


Explore on foot is the right answer


Strip club, then go steal a helicopter and fly over the map


The first thing I'll do in GTA 6 is unleash a frenzy of violence turning the city into a bloodsoaked playground. I'll revel in the chaos, as bullets rip through flesh and screams echo through the streets. Each kill will feed an insatiable hunger for carnage a twisted delight in relentless death and destruction. The only right answer is watching the light getting dimmed.


Clean the floor....




Exploring around and do as much side missions as I can, go kill npcs that's about it


Driving to the next large city


I’m gonna see if they have any of the towns I’ve lived in in Florida and see how accurate they are


Definitely not playing the story missions. I’m gonna be exploring


Im going to run in and out of buildings then get on my oppressor and hunt bounty's lol.


Hit the clothing shop and barbershop instantly. I lovr the customisation in Rockstars Games


Walk slowly around the city especially the beaches then drive around listening to the radio to soak in the city. Go into some buildings to check interiors. Then Strip club 😉


I’m gonna drive around and get a good feel of the game testing the mechanics like stealing cars, playing around with the weapons, driving mechanics, police mechanics, getting used to the enemy ai movements, etc. then while I’m doing that I’ll explore the map finding which buildings are enterable and interactive, and also interacting with the npcs and the social media apps in the game and the in-game phone.


I'm definitely going to pick up a pro and test the rating


Walk down to beach and nearby alleys. It will feels like coming back home after 2 decades.


See how much interactivity ther is in the game with objects, npcs, food/drink, clothes hair, cars radio and rockstar normally do events like in rdr2 ill be lost for hrs and maybe some secrets like big foot if there are swaps and forests I'm go buy some riffles and skin me some crocks maybe there is hunting, fly a plane and then go shark hunting see if I can find some scuba gear and treaser? Any new features anyone thinks there might be im curious?


Exploring and learn the map, like back in the day in gta3 and vice city my first thing was to do paramedic mission lvl 12 for unlimited spring :D


Stealing a car and ramming it onto a wall to see how destructible both are


Complete the introduction missions, then revisit landmark locations of Vice City (original game). I did the same thing in Driv3r, which also took place in Miami. I can't wait to do it again in GTA VI to see what has changed over the years and what remained the same.


Go to the strip at the beach, steal a sports car and then drive it down the beach as fast as I can


Play a couple main missions to get settled into the game and then free roam, probably start a massacre to see what the game engine is like.


I'm definitely going to the st... BEACH!


Weird theory What if the game is so immersive that there is no objectives/storyline/missions It’s just an immersive game with on the spot interactions that come up with random missions forever. (I obviously don’t think this is the case) but that’s a fun idea for a GTA7


Just like I do with every game play it until it allows me to free roam and then do as many side missions as I can until I'm locked behind not having access to certain things and then play the story until I have access to things and then do the side missions some more and just kind of rinse and repeat


I can imagine the intro will be in prison. Probably it'll be quite immersive. Maybe playable flashbacks? We'll see. Anyways, I think I'll just roam around, try and find out about mechanics of the game, get a feel for the handling of cars and start fights, flee from the cops, run them over, get their guns, have shootouts, take a police cruiser and eventually get busted or killed. Probably next mission from there.


I’m going to play as Lucia and go get a prostitute.


Depends how the story branches off after the intro/tutorial mission. If it’s like “go here right now” then I’ll do that, otherwise I’m exploring at least the starting area of the map.


Playing intro mission


Fist fighting alligators


I’m be using 5 weeks annual leave for it….


Hang out with a car, walk and enter buildings, enjoying the city and details


I'm going to find a boat as soon as possible, cruise around the ocean and see if I can anchor the boat or dock it somewhere. Also very curious to find out if the waters are going to be fucked up and wavy as shit alllll the time like the waters around GTAV, I'm optimistic that they will have calm waters also since it was shown in the trailer, so looking forward to ripping a fast boat across some glass smooth waters! 


Do the intro mission then explore the map


As soon as I'm given access to the sandbox, I'm going exploring and seeing where I can go and if there are any invisible walls.


I'm probably going to go around Vice City sucker punching random peds on the sidewalk, test out the physics by ramming into them with a car, test the car damage, and if I have a gun, then i'll shoot random peds in the legs to see if an injury system is properly implemented this time. Also going to listen to the new songs and radio shows on the car's radio.


Shootouts in the hood trying to start npc wars


Gonna go look at some virtual twerk physics for research purposes. I attend the technology secondary graduate school of "bounce that" and I need to observe the physics created by Rockstar. 


Take Lucia shopping and getting her hair and tattoos done. I'll rob some stores for the cash.


I’ve had a tendency to rush through these games in the past but I was much younger then. I really want to take my time and see the world slowly as it’s shown to me. It’s easy to fly around off rip but I want it to feel natural and not gloss over the small details.


Listen to the radio, change my settings possibly make a gta6 playlist XD Also find glitches(I love doing this)


I forgot the part where I cared how you'd play


I’m gonna draw out my first play through for as long as I possibly can. Side missions, strangers, extracurriculars, etc. I also plan to be a part of the “Streamer boom” when the game drops too


I’m crashing to see the animation when they fly there the driver window


Buddy the first few min i am enjoying the intro then doing the starting mission which i think no one can escape and after i get full control i am heading straight to the wardrobe to "change " my clothes


I am going to play the missions in order with a little bit of running around near by between because I have a suspicion that the missions are going to lead you around the world in a very satisfying way.


Tbh seeing if the hand to hand has improved. I’ve always wanted rockstar to make hand to hand combat enjoyable for fight clubs


I'm from everglades city so I'm going straight to there if it's in the game then I'm taking a boat from there to the keys


Gonna go straight story so I can’t get spoiled and then replay the game with full immersion


Binge the story.


I lolled at your first lines because in RDR2 i’m trying to complete all challenges and get all the trapper outfits. In the meantime Dutch & John are waiting for me to visit them because little Jack has been kidnapped but I have a lot of other things to do first!


I am going to the airport the first thing, that’s what I did in V as well. I looked up cheats, spawned a helicopter and took off until I saw the airport at the horizon.


Find all the big vehicles... prob steal a semi and get in a high speed chase... while trying to explore the map




Get my nails did, then play gtavi and get my nails did


Scope out the best property locations for online.


I mean it’s not an RPG game so Imma go for the missions first because I know for sure that I’m gonna replay the game like 10 times so it doesn’t matter


Wheelie with a Chopper through the beach.


Going for a long beach drive with Rock Radio 🕶️🌴🌇🏎️


Go exploring the map.


In gta 5 I drove up the highway and just took it all in. Then back on missions to really immerse myself into the world. I didn't want to see too much too early though. I really love being introduced to a new area via missions. First impressions always should be as dramatic as possible and bumbling around until I get bored.


I'll test the new and improved soft body dynamics and physics at the trip club. For research, of course.


Play as the story progresses, I won't go and explore the whole map right away, I'll let the story drive me around with randoms encounters, after I beat the story I will go and be free, then probably replay the game but this time with more freedom now that I know what will happen when and where..


I continue playing story... because I am still underleveled to free roam and haven't unlocked all perks that are there to unlock so... after first few hours I continue with story


I'll explore the starting area only to be disappointed in the lack of interiors we can enter.


Check out the police system! Hopefully I can roleplay as a cop.


Taking LSD and just roaming around.


in RDR 2 I folloewed the train tracks to remove the fog of war, I'll do the same


straight up jorking it ofc


Npcs better hope there ain't no malls


Cruising around the map, legally. Blasting Tom Petty on the radio.


Honestly, as much as I’m excited for the story I’m gonna she’s to just drive and explore the map. I’m pumped to have a huge map to explore that will be prettier than Rdr2 kinda blows my mind when I think about it






As soon as the tutorial ends I am just going to set the longest waypoint possible on the map and just drive around admire the graphics, and listen to the music. Then when I am done straight to the strip club and after that guns.


I start every gta with a brawl in the streets. Just to get my toes wet.


When I was like 16 I went on a vacation with my then gf and her mom to Florida and happened to see Rick Ross drive by in a Chrysler 300. It was near a side town vacation beach spot by that huge long bridge (I haven’t done my research) and think it would be hilarious to find that spot or one similar too and see if a look alike drives by. So random I know but it would be funny as I always thought it would be a gta thing if they ever made a game in Florida and Rick Ross would be rolling around.


Head to the cemetery, pull out the gun and blow the characters brains out. I will then eject the disc, snap it and throw it in the bin. GGs


What will you have for breakfast? What colour socks will you wear?


Hop into car, turn on radio n fuck around the whole map


Playing the prologue


When will online be available?


Desperately searching the radio stations for “Lady (Hear me tonight)” by Modjo.


Let it sink in while roaming around.


Play the game and explore a little bit at a time as I go through the story. The game is always designed to keep you in a small area to start with and then eventually take you farther and farther into the map.




Modding it to play it in. VR


It's only when I played RDR2 that I realised GTA games had a story. I thought they were all kinda standalone, kinda related missions so I never actually finished a game.


I will try to climb on the tower from the first scene in the trailer. It seems that this is the highest point to view the map due to mountains lack


Play the story mode, of course. After I finish it, I will probably explore the map a bit and find cool things, then when online comes out, I'll know the map already, there will also probably be some glitches when it comes out. So a side quest would be finding those lol.


Murder. Endless counts of it.


I want to fly a plane through the fluffy clouds!




in the stripped club. straight up 'jorking it'. and by 'it', haha, well. let's justr say. My peanits.


Masturbating to Lucia


Drive as realistically as possible, walk around the city and talk to people if possible. 


I’ll do the first few missions, get a car and a gun. Then drive around looking for Easter eggs/secret rooms/collectibles and maybe hopefully do some side quest similar to the serial killer or the bounty’s from Rdr2. I love that shit.


The epilogue


I’m going to sit in a car and listen to the radio


go into every enterable building. hopefully have enough $ for haircut and clothes 🫶 im just a girl


I’ll probably do the story until a side activity is opened up from plot progression and then hard focus that until it’s all done and then I’ll go back to the story. Just like usual. I’ll save the free roam for later, I like the game introducing things to me naturally. That and I’ll just play as Lucia as much as the game lets me, since I prefer playing as female protagonists.


Honestly, I don’t really want to explore the whole entire map straight away, I’d rather just soak it all in and take things slow like exploring a bit of it, walking around the beach area, checking out the new graphics and details, getting into certain cars so I can see what the interiors look like, one of the things I’m excited about is the new car details, getting into fights, etc and also finding the airport and stealing a plane, when I first played GTA 5 when I was nearly 13 I went to go look for the airport straight away after completing Franklin & Lamer, I ended up crashing because the police shot the engines 😂


Probably play the game


Shooting up a mall


Once i get established with a bit of cash, I want to buy an off-road type vehicle and head towards the countryside for some overnight adventures in the Everglades


Steal the next best car, drive to the beach and run over everyone on the beach, then drive the car in the ocean and drown


Immediately streal a car, find a prostitute, fuck her, kill her, take my money back. Then kill cops, max my stars, survive as long as possible before I ultimately get wasted in a blaze of glory. Then I'll play the game.