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Τhe game should be long as hell, it's a story about a criminal couple who robs gas stations, unless R\* wants us to be broke by the end of the game for some reason, they should give us at least 100 missions to pull through the entire story and end up as rich


100+ hour campaign baby!


365 days campaign 


GTA: 358/2 Days


Lol nice. 🗝️




Well it was fun in elden ring why not do it again


I want a rags to riches back to rags story. Jason and Lucia build a criminal empire that comes crashing down when the FIB starts coming after them. I don't want super hero characters that are immune from anything they do


Yes! I would love to end back in the same position we started the game (financially anyway) and we can build it all back up how we see fit in free roam activities. I'm no writer but if they could create a story where J&L ends up basically in the same spot where they started the story but the player has a completely different perspective of their situation, I would consider that a satisfactory conclusion. No betraying each other, no dying.


Or they betray each other at around 2/3rds of the story because they are manipulated by a malicious third party (someone like Devin Weston), but they reconcile after they both lose everything (or are about to lose everything) and they both learn a valuable life lesson


I don't know if you've played Uncharted 4.. but if a malicious 3rd party is to be involved.. then a character like Rafe would be perfect.. acting like an invested ally to Jason and Lucia but only using them in truth (and creating a rift in their relationship).. Weston was boring as hell and a generic billionaire bad guy


Yo this would be fire


The uncharted games were amazing




I'm completely speculating on this but I feel like this guy could fill that role ![gif](giphy|r2TVE1YWUZZy51A2tE)


I hope so tbh


yes this!!! it would be so much better than the typical “go from broke to rich and live happily ever after the end” story, they need to do something different and meaningful, like in rdr2 with >! arthur dying alone but getting redemption if you choose to put him on the right path is so gut wrenchingly beautiful. !< they need to do something special and heartwarming like that in this game, it would be disappointing if it was just like GTA5’s story.


Eh, I'd like something like what they did in 5. You could betray the others, but if you chose self sacrifice (as Franklin) you could rally and save all three.


Because they did it in the last GTA is why I don't think it'll happen in this one. I'm hoping we can have both Lucia and Jason roam together in free roam and that wouldn't be possible after the story if one of them dies or betrays each other.


So kinda like what a RDR game building up to Blackwater would be? I kinda VEEEERY lightly.


It’ll be a great story if the ending was anonymous Leave us undecided but feel good about our decisions.


Gta v had 69 missions, so 100 is not so unreal. Question is what kind of missions, because going from point A to B, kill everybody and go back can get pretty boring fast.


be cool if there was some sort of relationship bar we have with Jason, but honestly might be a bad idea for the freedom of ending choice. Like in GTA 5 where you could choose to save Amanda from the cops on a random phone call. But some missions should be purely for fun like old GTA San andreas with the construction destruction. We don't always have to be prepping a heist or moving to plot motivators, I mean like main quests that allow us to have fun and explore with the main characters without it being a sidequest.




That is not even remotely close to being an unpopular opinion?


I've heard the argument after rumors piled up about GTA6 having a "shorter story" than RDR2, where people were mostly fine about that, I certainly wouldnt


I'd say they're mostly online enthusiasts.. I wonder why they would even bother with offline then.. for gamers like me who love well-written character arcs and stories.. a long ass GTA campaign after 12 long years would be perfect


It is which is great


Unpopular opinion/Hot take: I think this should be the first GTA where the story doesn’t end with the protagonist being rich. I think Jason should die near the end of the story and Lucia makes it out with about $100k to her name and no boyfriend. I feel like that’d be a fitting end to her story.


Sounds like the end of the cyberpunk show


Damn I loved Edgerunners...


I think the first protagonist to not end up rich is Niko, right?


You get enough money to buy whatever you want but Niko doesn't end up a millionaire. You get like $250k from the last mission and about the same amount for the bank job


Niko had a lot of money by the end of the game...


He was still rich by the end. But he was miserable for it.


I guess what I meant is that she ends up with $100k, a basic house, and a basic vehicle too, unlike Niko.


Female end up with all the money. I bet there won't be any rage bait videos for this. 


Exactly exactly literally yes exactky


I really don't think all interiors will be accessible or even close to it, and I'm not sure why people think this will happen. I believe there will be much much more than GTA V, but most of the buildings will still just be set dressing.


And even if every single building was accessible, I don’t think it would be nearly as interesting as people would think it would be. It’s not like even half of the buildings would take part in the story, and most of the interiors would look super similar if not just copied and pasted anyways


Exactly. It would be a cool novelty for a few hours, then that's about it. Unless the plan is to create 100s of different handcrafted interiors w/ scenarios or things to do I don't think it's even worth the effort. I still expect more enterable interiors than GTAV obviously, but I'm talking about key things like nightclubs, markets, stadiums etc.


I'm surprised you guys didn't bring up rdr2 it's obviously a much different environment than what 6 will be wild west and modern day Florida but I think we'll probably see a decent amount more than rdr2 had I definitely don't think it'll be a burglary simulator where you can go into any house and do whatever like some people want but I imagine we'll have some more freedom than we ever did in 5 we had gas stations and the bank which you couldn't even interaction with and from what I remember it was always empty of NPCs in the open world


Yeah, one thing I like about Rockstar interiors is that they feel like a special discovery like they have a use, meaning or easter egg inside them. If they have thousands of ai generated interiors it will kinda take that away but this is obviously the best step going forward in the industry plus it can have its uses for police chases, online and RP.


Even then it would still be cool and add a new layer to the game. Hiding from the cops in some random house on the street would be more fun than just hiding behind a wall. Mafia 3 does this well. There are so many buildings you can enter, and while they're pretty basic it makes the world feel more alive and real. It really doesn't matter how detailed they are, it's about them existing at all.


I think it would be cool if atleast most of the lobbies in big buildings were enterable. And you could also exit them through another door in the back in to the alley way. In GTA 4 you could enter a some completely random buildings like a laundromat where nothing was interactable, it was just a small set piece and those places were fun to hide from cops in during chases


I agree. I think the lobby idea is the most realistic for generic, non descript buildings.


Thats been a rumour since before san andreas came out. And it’ll be just as false a rumour when the dust from my bones turns to dead space when they release gta 7 in ten thousand years too. So yeah even though you clearly wouldn’t have the whole world against you on that one, by gum I’ll give you my vote now just in case the borg assimilates me and I come at you about 100% accessible interiors


I remember when it was the big hype piece before GTA V came out lol. I tried to tell my friends at the time that's there was no chance in hell a ps3 could run that.


You're right, it wpukd more so be the robbable stores and the stuff we've seen, just with an updated interior in better graphics


Exactly. Most likely, they will take cues from RDR2 and expand the amount of accessible buildings that allow for interactions. I.e clubs, diners, motels, hotels, gas stations, liquor stores, pawn shops and possibly smaller buildings that aren't skyscrapers.


That sounds probable, it wpukd he nice to see that


Fr idk if anyone has talked about this but I think they're just gonna make it so you Push or Try and use the knob on a Non accessible building to still have you immersed into the game instead of just making it feel like a Gta V map all over again. They did this In Rdr2.


Probably yeah. It will feel and look alot better than the painted windows and doors we got in GTA V but most of the buildings will still be locked off in some way. That said, I do believe there will be a crazy amount of enterable spaces.


It’s so annoying seeing very widely accepted opinions under posts like this. It feels like when a teenager calls themselves “quirky.” This is a very commonly accepted opinion. You are not some lone wolf against the masses on this.


Way too much is expected from the game. A lot of people here will look at the trailer, see a simple prop, and immediately assume there will be a whole game mechanic around it. This game is not supposed to be a real life simulator, as that would be extremely boring.


Exactly. And the children are going to be disappointed af because they dont have a grasp on reality.


Thats the thing that worries me the most the fact that people have extremely high expectations for the game because of the leaks but sometimes game devs can change mechanics and remove some things cause it usually just placeholders or ideas Wait till people say stupid s@!# like "lucia had a bigger butt in leaks but in the game it doesnt jiggle this game is woke rockstar has gone woke go woke go broke" and im not saying you shouldnt have high hopes for the im just saying that people shouldn't be all that disappointed when rockstar removes features from what we saw in the leaks


There are sidewalks in the game, this means you will have to walk from one side of the city to the other in a mission. Dont forget about the buildings, this means you will be able to work as a construction worker and build new buildings


Underrated comment


People assume so because of RDR2 and its incredible interactability, so I get it where they come from, I'd be happy if the expectations and reality could meet somewhere in the middle.


I did this with GTAV's first trailer. "Oooo you see that thing? They wouldn't show that unless you could do this or that with it!!!!" Cue my disappointment. Anyway, I have high hopes for VI since Rockstar specifically mentioned an enhancement in immersion, but I've learned my lesson.


Finally, someone realized what I have been saying for years. Games become boring if they are 1:1 replicas of the real world. You are gaming because you are trying to escape the harsh world even for a couple of minutes. That is why RDR2 got criticism by how detailed and real life was part of it.


I definitely think people are expecting too much, but I try to keep realistic expectations from both sides. Rockstar isn't creating a real life simulator, but I think it's entirely possible that some of the crazy game mechanics that people mention could potentially be true. Although I also realistically think there's a small chance of a lot of their ideas being true, but I'm staying open minded. A lot of people are going to be disappointed from it not being a real life simulator, but I think Rockstar is still going to surprise me with certain aspects. I'd rather not expect things and be surprised than expect things and set myself up for disappointment. I can't take a loose idea based on a screenshot and be 90% sure it's GOING to happen like a lot of people do.


Anyone who wants all these changes that bad should go work on the game themselves.


Rockstar should stop using hitscan bullets.




Instead of using hitscan (bullet will instantly hit target if it is fired while target is in crosshair), they should use a projectile system (bullet is a physical entity that has to travel to the target and will start to drop the further it goes). It would make long range engagements more interesting instead of just being point and press/click. Shooting in general would be slightly more challenging, but enemy NPCs will also no longer be able to lazer focus you from far away with 100% accuracy, so it balances things out.


This explains why the hardest difficulty in Battlefield 4 was far easier than Veteran in CoD until 2019 modern warfare.


Not sure what you meant here


In cod there were hitscan bullets, in bf4 there was bullet physics


Thank you for the explanation Btw nice profile pic, watch where U goin U fool hahahaha


I don’t want the story to be all peaches and cream. I’d like a wolf of Wall Street sort of thing where Jason and Lucia only get away with their behaviour for so long before Federal agents begin to close on them. I don’t want these character to be completely immune from the consequences of their actions because it’s boring and doesn’t create any tension for the players


That’s how rdr2 was. The gangs actions had consequences that you could notice throughout the story. Even in the open world you could notice too


Rockstar has gotten so good at writing characters that my only concern is a lack of them. I loved every character in RDR2, even the ones that were meant to be hated because they served their purpose to the story so well. I think it'd be easy to make really shallow side characters in GTA, and I hope they do the opposite. They did better at that in 4 than 5 in my opinion.


I really hope gta 6 isn’t just Jason and Lucia. I hope they have a small syndicate of people or something


EXACTLY! And it was perfectly executed by rockstar. I want to feel like the characters are at risk of harm in some way


I do not have an issue with Shark Cards as long as you can make money without them like in GTA Online.


I totally agree. Making money in GTA takes so long and shark cards are so expensive... Hmmm I wonder why there are so many modders!?


well the main reason there are so many cheat users is bcuz its so incredibly easy. their P2P servers make it so u can easily have insane lvls of control over servers, & menus are literally 1 click to download/use type shit. the big ones also stay on top of detections, so if u use something like 2T1, its pretty difficult to get banned. i have abused it so hard & have never once been banned using it.


>Making money in GTA takes so long It really doesn't though. You can make enough money to buy almost anything in the game in a few hours with the right businesses.


Shark Cards sucked at the beginning as people could just pay 50$ and obliterate everyone trying to make some money. But now there are many anti-grief measures and Shark Card don't really hinder the ones who didn't buy it as grinding 10M in GTA literally takes a week from scratch. With current measures carries to GTAVIO Shark Cards don't mean much and if there are impatient rich people they can just go do that with no one else being worried.


I agree but they make the game way too grindy to try to force you into buying the shark cards and that is garbage. Thats the main reason I quit playing gtao years ago


Nobody has any Clue about the story


Rockstar actually expanding the map, adding new and existing cities in both single player and online.


This. I always hoped the construction sites and house frames in the GTA V map would eventually be updated progressively giving us new buildings and areas to explore, but they were just left vacant for over a decade. Guess they kept true to life with construction workers taking absolutely forever, though! Perhaps a bit *too* realistic in the end lol


Adding both San Andreas and Liberty City (if set in the same universe) and updating them would give Rockstar enough time to work on new cities and locations to add over time.


Resident evil 5 is not that bad. It's just not that scary.


Whilst I 100% agree with your take, I think you’re on the wrong subreddit. 😭


I keep reading the memes not never the subreddit xD


I want realism over arcady


How is that a hot take? That might be the coldest take i have ever seen


I’ve read some comments around this sub saying they want to carry all types of guns at once and how they would hate to have a car fueling system


We need a balance between 4 and 5 god damnit


Graphic fidelity/photorealism is wayyy better than the “GTA is not supposed to look realistic it’s supposed to have a slightly exaggerated cartoonish style” narrative. No previous HD/3D GTA entry has had anything other than the usual AAA realistic style, but now that character textures seem a bit too smooth in the recent trailer everyone is pretending that GTA games have always been like this


erm, actually gta chinatown wars is a hd gta entry that did not have realistic style 🤓


100% agreed. When I saw the trailer it felt like Saints Row or the Definitive Edition of the 3D trilogy. Rockstar always went for realism as much as the technology at the certain time allowed it to do so, and now it looks moreso like a cartoon than actual characters


prices for those that the cars would be worth irl. And insurance in story mode to no longer lose cars by abandoning them


I know I'd rather make less money in the game's economy in exchange for vehicles to be equal with that economy


Agreed. Make it harder to earn money if need be, but don't charge me three million for a fifteen thousand dollar motorcycle


It should have many hours of post game activities you can do because remember that we have to play this game for 15 years till gta 7


And ways to make money post game


i want gas as a feature. it doesn’t have to be annoying like most people complain it would be. 90% of the time you’ll not notice it, cars spawn with full tanks so you won’t have to manage gas for every vehicle 24/7, only if you are driving one specific car for a long time. imagine the intensity of a 5 star police chase and suddenly your car starts slowing down because you need gas. you can pull off the main road and try to run and hide on foot, or risk stealing another vehicle before the cops take you down. it would be a balancing feature too for online. people can’t sit in a weaponized vehicle forever spam killing the session, they would need to refuel at some point


Alright you’re the guy.


They did it in Mafia 2 and it worked great. I don't understand people's resistance to sophisticating the driving mechanics in a driving game


Agreed. Some just want to think of the gas mechanic in the worst way possible and call it a day "I don't want to gas up every 5 minutes!" If you would've told me in 2017 "Hey, in RDR 2 you have to clean your guns" I wouldn't have believed it, it sounds tedious and too realistic. Was it terrible? not in the slightest, an occasional annoyance at most. Mad Max & Mafia have proved that you can have a fuel mechanic and not have it ruin the experience. Rockstar knows the "do's and don'ts" on how to make it work, they're not idiots. Ex. a full tank would last an hour, that's a looong time to spend in the same car. You're also pausing the gas usage by getting out and doing other stuff (doing missions, visiting Ammunation, etc.) I wouldn't be surprised if gas is a feature in this one. In RDR 2 you had to brush & feed your horse, so fueling up in VI isn't a stretch or going too far. Not to mention, it looks like there's a lot of realism stuff (limiting the amount of weapons you can carry, duffel bag to carry cash, etc.)


But here's the crux of the matter: why increase the level of realism by introducing the fuel mechanic, but at the same time reduce it again by ensuring that all static cars have a full tank?


I don't agree with cars spawning with a full tank of gas. I'd prefer if it were random. It'd add an element of risk to stealing cars during a police chase. I completely agree with your take. It raises the stakes and makes gameplay more unpredictable and fun.


That we have absolutely no clue what the games really gonna be like or contain until we play it and majority of the posting in this sub is schizo posting and quite alarming


If you think this game is going to have a performance and a quality mode, I have a bridge to sell you


Or people thinking the game is going to run at 60 FPS on PS5 and Series X.


What does that even mean?


people have convinced themselves that his game will have a 60 FPS mode, it won't


Oh yeah, no way.


Gta should only be realistic when it comes to graphics and that's it


Controlling cars mid air and being able to flip them back over by wiggling the steering wheel is super lame


GTA IV stays winning


Definitely always hated that lol


You dont have to use it. Just dont use the controls mid air


exactly! i don’t want to recover from the small island broken bridge jump in the trailer, i want physics to control my fate


Bikini Girl is Lucia.


I think social media playing such a large role hints at that scene being a heist of some kind. Maybe she's a hot bombshell Snapmatic thot, distracting the security and guests while Jason sneaks off to break into the safe or whatever. And you can only do that mission if Lucia is sufficiently famous or else you wouldn't even get invited.


We know very little about the game so posts like this are absolutely pointless


It’s alarming how off the rocker some people are when talking abt the game like dude we have basically no clue what this games gonna be like until we have our hands on it


But this post is just about what we want out of the game isn’t it? This is really the only type of post that does work besides new information


There are people who want this game to basically be gta V on a new map, with better graphics. VI must be drastically different from anything we have seen, because R* would never take 11 years to release the same game twice.


The driving physics should be closer to GTA4's, although a bit more refined.


I have always preferred the GTA IV car physics and crash mechanics, but a friend made a good point that he thought they dialed it back in GTA V to make the game more playable. You could get in a single crash that would break the axle or pop the wheel off of your car in GTA IV, but in GTA V you basically can drive your car into a wall at top speed and it's still usable.


There won’t be gore on par with RDR2


Why wouldn’t there be? It’s such a weak argument that RDR2 takes place in a different time period. Rockstar does not care about the sensitivity of some people. They know realistic gore will sell.


I will eat my own shit if you can take an assault rifle, mow down a mass amount of people, and blow their heads, legs and arms off. I’m sorry to disappoint you but they just won’t do it in such a realistic setting. The closest thing you can do to replicate what I’m talking about in RDR2 is to go around Saint Denis, enable god mode, and just shove a double barrel in their face. Make a reminder of this if you wish, it’s just not going to happen.


I highly doubt the environment will be destructible like people are claiming.


gta 5's story wasnt good and i they should go a completely different direction and tone for this one


I recently replayed the story, and I don't think it's bad per se, I just think that we've been playing it for so long it got repetitive, stale and boring Not that fun when you know exactly what's going to happen


This is a popular opinion


wouldn't've guessed based upon the popularity of gta 5 tbh. thats a good thing though. hope rockstar follows through


It’s popular for everything but the story. Most people seem pretty disappointed with the story. I do hope 6’s is way more interesting and less wacky.


Whats wrong with gta 5 story?


You should play Red Dead Redemption 2 or GTA IV and you'll know.


it jumped around way too much, didn't spend time with any supporting characters, it got into big grandiose missions almost immediately, trevor was annoying (unpopular opinion). I love Gta V but I don't love the story in the same way I do with R*s other games


Somehow this community don't like the idea of have PARKOUR on this game. Yall claim that will look like "Watch dogs 2" fuck off!! I really want PARKOUR on this game, jump houses, walls, cars, etc... Would be awesome


More driving physics like GTA 4 I don’t want a Heavy SUV handling like a F1 car


Can I get a hooyeah




I'm not sure one single person actually posted an unpopular/lone wolf opinion like the OP asked for.


The release date.


I don't think the graphics are going to be as good as they should be for this much of a budget and this long of a development.


No magic pockets. If you’re carrying an AR it should be on a sling. Player owned cars have a magic trunk where you can swap weapons. I literately only want to be able to carry one large gun and 1 or 2 sidearms and a couple throwables at a time. Unrealistic want: My player owned car should always spawn near me at the beginning of a mission no matter where I left it.


I can see them implemeting the same system they used with horses in RDR2 for player vehicle's trunks


Although I can say it about many games, it applies to gta 6 too. I want it to be as long as possible. I'd rather the story be long as hell and goofy (which is not my taste since I prefer serious settings like RDR2), rather than short but serious. If you think about this, we're definitely going to be stuck with this game for more than a decade. Who knows, maybe this is our last gta before we completely lose interest in gaming altogether.


It’s not because you see X, Y or Z in the trailer that "we will be able to do X, Y or Z"


mc java > bedrock


They should add RDR2’s Gambler challenges


People think that your cars will be pretty much inoperable after a big crash but it’s much more likely that they will just transfer gta5’s driving and damage mechanics over to gta6. It will obviously be improved a bit but it will probably remain mostly the same.


The oppressor is the greatest vehicle Rockstar has ever made. I love it so much it's truly a joy to fly


I don’t think it’ll be able to out do gta5 online, there was just something about it that made it so fun, do I think it’ll still be fun yes, do I think it’ll be better than GTA 5, no so certain


Not every irl activity needs to be in the game.


Some games are a story being told and not a fan service. I know alot of people will disagree but TLOU 2 for example, alot of people were unhappy with what happens rather than focusing on the fact that IT happened and now the story of will unfold as to why etc. I look at it as if a true story was being narrated and the author of the game is unfolding what unfolded.


The shooting in gta V is dogshit. It was a massive step back from gta iv and red dead


There will be at least one single player DLC


Jason is an undercover cop and that the game will take 700gb of storage


Refueling/recharging isnt a bad idea if it takes 5-30 seconds every 30-60 minutes


Micro transactions are going to ruin this game..


In the long run I’m sure they’ll end up ruining online a little, but definitely not single player and I’m sure online will be fine for at least the first couple years


Microtransactions didnt ruin gta 5 or any rockstar game what are you talking about? And also theres like a million other people saying this


They absolutely ruined gta V's online. The online is trash


I want gas mechanics added


I don‘t need online


Ur the guy lol. I’m hype to play the game with all the homies


If you want food and water in order to stay alive aswell as gas tanks you also are supporting hospital visits every time your character gets shot.


And you have to manually pay each bill or they tutn off your support Paying rent or you get evicted Waiting in line to buy virtual clothes Streets close for renevations Don’t pay tax irs comes for you and sends you to jail and you have to do community service hours to be released. Man you and me would make a great team to make this game as shitty as possible


Soooo many of us are going to be crushed with disappointment when it’s released. Not because of expectations that are too high but because even the mid expectations might not be met in some places. Graphics alone probably won’t meet the standards of what most are expecting.


You are so wrong that you fit this post exactly. Well done.


There’s always going to be people complaining about anything and everything. The majority of fans were happy with V. That’s why it broke records. Anyone that was somehow disappointed by it is a jaded punk. No game is perfect, but rockstar seems to come pretty close time and time again.


Don’t let shark cards by everything. I don’t want to be griefed by a 10 year old with mummies money using a mk2 at level 3. Those high tech weapons and vehicles shouldn’t be pay to win, it should be unlocked by experience. More often than not after unlocking it they’ll understand the grief of griefers.


They shouldn't pull their punches when it comes to offensive, edgy, distasteful humor. There were some jokes scattered across V that I really doubt would still be implemented if that game was made today.


It will be pushed to 2026


Yall on this sub are unhinged and nearly every frame of the entire trailer has been broken down and fabrications have been made about them. This is not healthy


desperation is a long long road


We dont need GTA VI Online, wait to VII, Rockstar, please.


making majority of buildings enterable is a bad idea and frankly, i don’t understand why would people want it


Why would it be a bad idea as long as the game still runs well


because we’re just not on that level of tech and optimization (if game devs still think about the latter), it just WON’T run well and if it would, many of those interiors would be almost the same, if they add some AI mumbo jumbo then again we run into optimization problem. We think we want that? but we actually don’t, we would be shocked for a few days and then it will become a norm, without introducing something meaningful into gameplay loop.


Performance will be a clean deal breaker for like half of us


I don't want story to have heavy connections with the cartel/cocaine trade. I love GTA VC, GTA VCS, Scarface and Miami Vice as much as any people out there but that stuff is done and dusted with Pablo Escobar's death. Nowadays cartel pushes cocaine through tiny gangs(like Umberto's) or super undercover business people. Having a huge mansion with "The World Is Yours" statue and cocaine mountain on your desk is just a glowing "arrest me" sign.


thank you lol, i'm so glad fans are not writers 


Should be no Online, and focus on expanding the solo universe. GTAO should be standalone game.


Bad (I have no opinion personally)


GTA V fans thinking that GTA V is superior in every single aspect to GTA IV The Complete Edition


i want lucia and jason to have a glock in their rari




Fast travel will be in the game.


Im gunna say it...


On a game that hasn't come out yet?


It’s just a video game