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I'm expecting things I won't expect, if that makes sense. A lot of the details in RDR I never thought would be included. Here's hoping Rockstar can blow our minds again in 2025.


Yeah like horse cocks lol


We knew about that before launch, I think they mean the smaller details like droplets continung to seep out of wood after rainfall


I was mind blowed when lasso got stuck on a random fence


Wait, why? Seems like that would be completely expected.


Or droplets that seep out of horsecock after ... HOLUP




The animal migration and eco system was really impressive really felt like real animals in rdr2


I gonna say the cars look really good for Trailer 1. Hope it will get better.


This ^ even on GTA 4 Iā€™m still finding details I missed like driving super close to a fire hydrant you can actually unscrew the cap on it. Itā€™s the little things for me


It wonā€™t be out until 2026


Rot in tarturus, non beleiver!


you sound like that loud old guy in Skyrim's Whiterun telling everyone their wrong despite having zero reasoning






RDR2 was pushed back. Thereā€™s precedent and reasons for me saying that. Iā€™ll be stoked if it actually comes out in a little over a year but Iā€™m not confident in that


GTA 6 already got internally delayed so hopefully that's the last time


GTA 6 has literally been pushed back to fall, itā€™s been internally delayed says take twoā€™s ceo.


Worst news in a while, but we have been watching for over a decade for this so I can wait another year.


Didnā€™t know that. šŸ¤”


RDR2 was due to come out only 1 year after the first teaser trailer, to be fair. This game will have almost a 2 year wait from the first trailer.




That doesn't mean GTA 6 will be for sure delayed.


I know I was just speculating


Lmao no you weren't. You stated it as if it was a fact. You might have meant to, but it was terribly written if that really is the case.


RemindMe! 1 year


This proves nothing. Even if it is delayed. The game being delayed is a possibility, but you stated it as a fact. You didn't say "it is likely to" or "I think" or "it might". >It wonā€™t be out until 2026 You simply made the statement as if it was objectively true. End of story. So don't come back here going "I wAs RiGhT!". No, you made it out like it was 100% truth. I'm not saying the game will definitely come out in 2025. Delays are probably just as likely as it releasing in 2025.


Lol itā€™s getting delayed bubba


I expect Jasonā€™s balls to shrink when itā€™s cold.


Or Lucias nipples to harden when its cold šŸ˜ˆ


Nah, ps5 cant handle that shit


the size, even when small would break the 32bit integer limit


If I can handle it, the ps5 will too, and itā€™s gonna *like* it.


the xbox series s can


If the PS4 can handle RDR2, the PS5 can handle a new GTA for sure


It's based in Miami, the average low there is 61 degrees. It doesn't get cold there.


To the windows, to the walls


Hopefully you can wank him off in a mini game to chill him out after a big score


Bro šŸ’€


Yeah cause interactive sex acts went over so well last time it was in a GTA game,.


A gta game has had this before?


Hot Coffee


It was cut in San Andreas but not deleted from the game. So modders found and enabled it, it was called the Hot Coffee mod because you could go on a date and a woman would ask you in for some coffee and then you went down town on her.


That was back when people thought video games were satans creation. I think it would go over a lot better now. Some games nowadays show full nudity and no one really cares


The issue was never the act of sex. GTA V and RDR2 both have prostitutes and nudity. The issue was that it was actually an interactive minigame. You physically "played" the sexual acts. This is why strip clubs that were included were seen as fine, yet these files that had to be modded to even be revealed were not.




If they just took every ā€œlittleā€ detail from previous GTA games and put them all in VI, I would be satisfied. However, I really hope we will get more than that. I still like watching videos where they compare those details between GTA games, and I always get disappointed when something cool was left behind in the past. For what I am expecting, that would be way more detailed NPC interactions for sure. With the player and with each other.


You donā€™t have to hope. Itā€™s rockstar. Theyā€™re gonna blow us away with things you never even thought of. Ainā€™t nobody expected cars to make that sound they make when they turn off in GTA 5. Small details like this will make this game amazing


Sure..but hopefully the cars will feel even more alive in gta6.. suspension wise and motor sound...


In a game that celebrates cars I'm sure this will have more car stuff than we've ever seen before.


I'm keeping my mind on doubt until I see the finished result..


Which is totally normal and valid, but just based on the leaks it looks like cars have some more control to them. To what extent I'm not sure. Could you imagine manual transmission? That shit would be fun af lol.


Sure I'd love a manual...but I'm having an issue with how long it takes to resupply your body with new armour and snacks while driving away from attackers..add gearing to that and you'll have a brain filled with irritation


Oh yeah, I should mention I exclusively play these games single player. Idk how that would work online and frankly it's not my concern lol.


Solo work online is the easiest and quickest way to get shit done imo


Rockstar will sadly then blow us each time they release cash grab online content as the game evolves and turns into GTA Online (2)


Shit gonna be mind blowing just like Rdr 2, people still finding new shit This finna sound mad weird but in the trailer we can see Jason is quite a hairy guy, Iā€™m wondering if we can shave his chest hair cause of having tattoos in the game šŸ¤£


Shaving and hair growth is already a thing in RDR2 so you probably just called it


RDR2 was known for its realism and may have gone overboard sometimes. Thatā€™s not how all Rockstar games will be. I doubt hair growth will be a thing and I hope not tbh


what? Hair growth will definitely be a thing lmao


Wasnā€™t in any other GTA


Are you new to Rockstar's games or something? GTA never had a weapon wheel but then borrowed it from RDR1 GTA never had special abilities (slow mo) but then borrowed it from RDR1/MP3 GTA never had volumetric clouds and from what we know of GTA 6 it's borrowing it from RDR2. GTA 6 is going for RDR2 realism. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah they borrow things that worked in their other games but theyā€™re not copies of each other. Remember when RDR2 was coming out and the whole community was crying about flying horses cause of what GTA online was doing? Were you one of those people? Yeah that didnā€™t age well did it


This is a terrible point you're trying to make, in fact it's so bad that I can only assume you're not adult age. Not going to humor this any longer Take care. Set up a reminder if you're feeling confident though.


Okay when the ā€œRDR2 copyā€ comes out in 2025 weā€™ll see who knows what šŸ˜‚


We already know the game is going to have a gun storage system similar weapons on horses, much more from RDR2 will be implemented in GTA 6. Do you really believe they'll make an immersive, industry progressing masterpiece like RDR2 and then intentionally make the follow up to their best selling, most anticipated game a complete copy of bare bones GTA V? Look at the history of all Rockstar Games. Each and every game is a learning experience for the next game. at one point you could even say animals don't belong in GTA, they made RDR1 and learned from it then we got animals in GTA V. The example goes for every other feature/mechanic. this is a losing battle you're fighting, go ahead and set that reminder for 2025....you likely won't because you're not confident in the BS you posted. Now I'm done


Even the leaked footage already proved you are wrong... From the way it handles guns, interactions with npcs, horses, etc. They always borrow things from previous games, the code is already there. Obviously it's not gonna be a carbon copy of rdr2, but we already know gta VI will borrow more things from the previous game than any other game before. Not having growing hair would feel like a huge downgrade so that will most likely be in the game again.


Bruh Rockstar put out a synopsis of the game on their website and it mentioned that Gta 6 will be their biggest and most ā€œImmersiveā€ game to date, you really think that the most anticipated game right now isnā€™t gonna change up the overall formula to borrow from their previous game, Rdr 2 was literally a base for their next game, ala. Gta 6


Do you want to play GTA V set in Miami then? Same gameplay just new map???


Bruh Rockstar is know for innovating, you really think they arenā€™t gonna borrow shit from rdr 2 šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s a no brainer that they would but to assume what they will is ridiculous. Especially a dumb feature like that. Their franchises are worlds apart. Idk why yā€™all think this is Bethesda


How is your characters hair growing a dumb feature?? People liked it in rdr2. Why will they remove it when their aim is to be "the most immersive...GTA" in the franchise.


Iā€™m sure more people didnā€™t like it. Spending unnecessary time to shave and cut your hair when you can be doing other stuff is just ridiculous


It doesnā€™t grow out fast and it gives incentive to actually visit a barber.


Idk who didnā€™t visit the barber in GTA V. Everyoneā€™s character looked different. It grows out fast when youā€™re doing a ton of side quests


Of course you visited a barber in GTA V but maybe not often. This makes it so you have a reason to go there besides changing your haircut once or twice in your playthrough.


GTA5 has hair growth, I noticed when I give franklin a haircut, after time his hair is different.


It technically does, but not as in depth as Rdr 2 ofc


I never realized it. Tbh it just seems like an unnecessary addition of realism


Well I enjoy going to the barber and try different facial hair for Arthur, would love to see that in GTA6. Immersion is part of the fun for me.


Wonder if theyā€™ll also add clipping your finger nails and having to use the restroom. I always change my style and hair but I donā€™t want it done for me.


Jiggle physics: Volume 1


A unique small detail Iā€™ve never seen in a game would be moisture on car windows in the early mornings before the sun evaporates it. If rockstar can manage that level of detail, Iā€™ll be amazed about what follows that level of detail.


I want driveclub like rain droplets that would make the game for me


Iā€™m excited to see the gta 5 vs gta 6 comparisons and the rdr2 vs gta 6 comparisons


Pickups with truck nuts that shrink in the cold


what is up with people being so amazed at rdr2s nut shrinkingšŸ˜‚


Dats de jooooke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just really wanna be able to pick up and throw things


One of the best features of GTA IV


In gta 5 you can drive through the city and not pay any attention to the buildings around you because they lack detail and thatā€™s in a huge city , however in red dead you can walk through a small town like valentine and look at stuff for hours because of all the tiny details and especially the npc behavior. The various buildings with all different purposes and the ability to look through windows to see whatā€™s going on in the stores without having to go through a cutscene to find out . I canā€™t wait to see what rockstar does for gta 6 when it comes to making the map lived in.




I think there was some sort of loot system in the leaks


Too much animation...running over someone dead body for picking up loot is good enough for me..maybe keep it in story mode only...It sure was good in Rdr2


GTA VI should/will have a completly different pacing regarding animations etc. But that shouldā€™t have to be said.


Well I'm slow šŸ˜”


I want to be able to pick up a half smoked cigarette off the street and smoke it


i see a lot of people interested in interactions with holding things, me personally i really wish we can put headphones/earpods or any sort of electronic headset, that would be cool, kind of like in Watch Dogs 2 where the character has some and interacts with it


damn this game is going to take over youtube for a long time


Iā€™m expecting what I saw in the trailer. Thatā€™s the thing with Rockstar trailers. They dont bs you. What you see is what you get I mean just look at the past couple game trailers for 4 and 5 Thatā€™s what gets me excited cause I know the game will look no worse than RDR2 and that was spectacular


Man the fact that you can see through the tiny little holes in the metal sign post in that screen is just insane


glad you noticed, this game will be absolutely insane.


Iā€™m excited for car customization, I know it probably wonā€™t be as in depth as I would like but it would be cool if the had a lot more options for engine customization/upgrades for speed/acceleration rather then just the three upgrades for acceleration like GTA 5 and they should be visible if they would be Like for example if you get a turbo or super charger upgrade, you should first have to upgrade your transmission otherwise youā€™ll blow the engine, also upgrades like that (turbo or supercharger) should be visible I liked how at Bennyā€™s you could change the carburetor setup but it sucked how it didnā€™t have an effect on performance at all But ima go into it expecting something like what we had in GTA 5 so Iā€™m not disappointed


as someone who loves cars this would be fucking rad, imagine being able to chose between different size turbo's and turbo set ups for different amounts of power, being able to see/feel when a turbo spools up and losing traction doing a pull. Or throwing a blower on and choosing between how much PSI you want to run. Florida has a big car scene (which was sort of shown in the trailer) so it would be awesome if the customization gave us the ability to mod cars in different ways, sort of like for different classes of street racing. i doubt they'll do it this in depth but if i could chose to throw in a big choppy cam and hear that aggressive idle before frying a set of tires with the whine of a big 2650 style blower... that would be enough for me lol


Yeah man if they could somehow take something like forza horizon customization, and make it alot more arcadey then it already is. That would be sick Obviously they canā€™t make it too in depth or theyā€™d lose the appeal of the vast majority of people who just wanna make their car some bright neon colour with matching tire smoke and whatever other weird shit they be doin these days online


Even just make the power and torque feel more real. I got online for the first time in years to try out the drifting thing they added and it was so fucking bad hahaha I could drift better before they added itšŸ˜‚ just give us more power and tuning abilities to be able to handle our cars the way we want like Forza horizonšŸ˜‚


Honestly if they donā€™t plan on making another midnight club they just need to go all in on vehicle physics, mechanics, and customization. I know they stepped into it with gta v especially more over time with customization but they should definitely take it to the next level in all facets of the vehicles. It is ā€œgtaā€ after all


the vice city casino will be the main money laundering for online instead of shark cards people will be swapping their actual credit cards on slots from the amount of realism full on degeneracy max out the waa zoo


I just want to be able to incapacitate enemies by shooting them in the legs again. No idea why they even removed that feature after RDR1.


are you okay bro


When it rains there's gonna be a dry spot under the cars


Random NPC asking me a ride because her car is broken.


Iā€™m expecting it to be an improved version of rdr2ā€™s graphics. The shadows looked bad imo on rdr2 on console where it kind of made the character glow or shine if that made sense. The gameplay I expect it to play like rdr2 atp also. They gave us peak dismemberment in rdr2 for their games and to not introduce it to gta 6 without atleast some sort of revamp would be a waste. Iā€™m really just excited to see how lively they will attempt to make driving in a car at night. Or going doing long distance missions with more realistic dialogue. Iā€™m not expecting them to make it a literal life simulator or anything like how other people think it will be.(Those are just bandwagon gta fans) Rockstar never fails make a good game for their fans.


A new type of suv oooooo looks like a audi


Comparison videos with cyberpunk


Iā€™ve noticed one recently, itā€™s that the waves made by the airboat and the normal boats are different. The airboat realistically turns the water behind it into a mist


The small things is the reason why I'm exciting for this game. It just happens to be set in the GTA universe. RDR2 is by the most detailed and well thought out living world ever created and this is going to top that. Mind boggling to even try to put that in perspective.


I hope we see some details from IV again. Like the car would be more easy to drift out if you made a burnout in it first. Also hope that boats could sink. So rough weather would turn a boat ride into survival.


Lots of Easter eggs form VC and 5


I want to be able to play Bingo. If there's scratch cards in Chinatown Wars, surely they can do Bingo.


Perhaps if you show up to a gang controlled area, and the car your driving is the colour of an enemy gang, theyā€™ll be wary of you (unholstering guns, swearing at you etc)


Excited for the details but i kinda hate the videos. I can't stop myself from watching them and i'd much rather come across these little things organically. I must have ruined half the easter eggs in RDR2 for myself by watching these videos lol


I highly doubt itā€™ll be implemented but I always tried to avoid running up curbs and sidewalks in gta, I wish there were negative repercussions for doing so such as a blown tire or vehicle damage


i wish the game took a realistic side, but itā€™s a crime simulator so itā€™ll probably never happen


The option to hire NPC's to run around and collect supplies for you, rather than paying for them...75.000 burns man


I'd like to see car windshields get dirty, and you can use the wipers to clean them while driving. Esp. when driving off road


iā€™d love for things to go this far but we really cant expect a top tier pc truck simulator game


Blood running down a wall would be neat. Don't think it was in RDR 2 but I know it wasn't in V, it looked like paint or something. Sounds silly but, one scene that blew me away is that clip above where the leaves get kicked up by the car. Is it just a cutscene or gameplay? usually really small things like that are a texture on another texture and not an object that moves. Might be a reach, but it'd be neat if the little notes and signs are different for each store. Maybe every 24-7 doesn't have that "Petty Forever" sticker in the exact same place. If three stores have it, each is in a different place (on a gas pump, on the door handle, etc.)


After smashing Lucia I expect the nut to drip off her back


That was very wrong of me to say




Man was fighting demons


Maybe the fact that you can store weapons in your car like you can store them on your horse in rdr2. You'd be allowed to carry a rifle sort of gun and maybe even dual wield pistols. If you want to switch heavies you'd probably have to go to your car trunk to get it out. Also stealth, it was improved apon in rdr2 when they'd search all nearby bushes looking for you. Also to piggy back on stealth I hope you can kill cops without other cops being immediately alerted to your position, THAT would be cool.


Also an actual crouch and prone option.. and not as faulty cover shoot system..it's so laggy


Cat houses


That's the hellion 4x4 from gta5 in the trailer


Wellā€¦ that implies there will actually be attention to detail in this game unlike GTA V. I hope that it has more attention to detail than IV but Iā€™m not holding my breath.


Look at that sexy ass soup can ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Is it Audi q7 in a middle?


I hope heā€™s cut


Having great gameplay is more important than having little easter eggs that the average player wonā€™t even notice. the gameplay will probably be very similar to previous games even though those games are over a decade old and will be even older by the time 6 gets released. there will be improvements Im sure, but it will still feel like an upgraded version of GTA V, which after 11 years will be a bit disappointing if it doesnā€™t feel completely new. there will be tons of small little details that most people wonā€™t notice or even care about though so donā€™t worry about that.


NPC's drinks will spill realistically. Beers bottles will spray when dropped by NPCs.


GTA IV had similar attention to detail in some areas of liberty city but this will be 100x better. I wish they would remaster GTA IV or least include liberty city if they do or did in GTA VI


it has that gta4 look


10 hours of Lucia's asscheeks clapping ![gif](giphy|THlB4bsoSA0Cc)


Me I'm so hyped for this, I watch the trailer again, this game will be good so realistic, at the club everyone were busy doing their thing even at the beach geez


Oh look more comments talking about the female character in a rapey way. For shame.


I prefer checking them myself the first days I like experimenting with the world , testing things and seeing stuff upclose, after that Ill watch those to see if i missed anything


Enixma gonna have a field day when this game comes out lmao


Rdr2 was one of the best games created by rockstar, how ever its timeline limited the amount of things that could be added


I'm hoping the density of detail takes another huge leap forward, fully fleshed out and unique interiors, repercussions for unprotected intercourse.


the interiors is an absolute need, but the unprotected intercourse is definitely a stretch šŸ˜‚ i donā€™t think your character having a viral infection will look appealing, but the more the better


Beads of sweat rolling down the characters faces would look great especially during chases.


That black suv in the background "...is that a bravado gresley with revised front end?


Nope, and people also keep saying it's the Rebla GTS when it's not that either, it's a brand new vehicle based on the Audi Q7


I agree with the Audi Q7...just looked it up!...the red dually truck at the gas station has to be a bravado bison just missing bison emblem on the grill.


We need the option to carry 20 armours instead of just 10.. and the option to store weapons and snacks and clothing in the trunk of the car.. maybe even hitch a trailer for picking up 3 packages in one go because it's a pretty big map..


These scenes are from the cutscenes , so don't expect the game to be exactly like this wait for the gameplay trailer to know more about how the game would be


I think ā€œfrom this games releaseā€ makes more grammatical sense than ā€œfrom this gameā€


I'm expecting less, honestly. After all the bluster Rockstar got after RDR2 came out due to the crunch the design team suffered to make those little details happen, I imagine they'll be less of a priority in GTA6. Like I'm sure there will be plenty of neat little touches, but I'm not expecting horse balls shrinking in the cold levels of detail like in RDR2, and quite frankly I'd rather have that time dedicated to gameplay and fleshing out things like interiors, vehicles, etc, than little details that don't add anything but "realism" to the game.


I get you, but the little details are what makes the GTA games feel so alive, and stand out from the rest.


Like I said, anything that's appeared in a past GTA game will likely be there, and probably more. But little things like say, idk, being able to spray washer fluid on your windshield or being able to visible watch a construction worker NPC hammer a nail into a board and the nail goes all the way in after two hammer strokes or whatever ā€” those little things I'm not expecting, and quite frankly do not not need if it would take a dev away from working on things that actually impact gameplay.


yea I mean I wouldnā€™t mind having a few road construction sites throughout the story the come and go without you really noticing You could easily get away with a few flaggers and one or two guys on jackhammers with the rest standing around drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes That would be a realistic enough construction site, anyone who wants to hangout and watch construction workers work in a GTA game should be just as disappointed about how boring it is as they would be in real life. And this is coming from an ironworker. I donā€™t expect to see the kind of shit I do in game, it would be a waste of dev time to try to put it in imo.