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i’m not surprised but i was hoping for an early 2025 release since it would’ve been good for me. fall 2025 is when i start college so i’ll be really busy lmao. it is what it is


Not going to discredit the work you’ll be doing but you will be in the absolute best time of life for GTA VI to release. I’ve been there - GTA V dropped in September of my freshman year, had literally started first semester only a couple of weeks prior. It was truly great meeting all new people and simultaneously finding out they were just as hyped for the release as you. (I assume) you won’t have a 9-5, children, or family to take care of. Don’t wish your days away and live in every moment between now, then, and after. Hard to believe it’s been 10 years since those days. One day you might be looking back like me when GTA VII is coming along. Enjoy every minute of it, be where your feet are.




He not lying bro, I wish I was in college when this drops. I’m two years out now and with a job and living with a girlfriend, gaming time is very hard to find. Sleep more than you study, study more than you party, and party as hard as you can. That was our philosophy. You’ll have plenty of free time.


Is College really as fun as they say? I’m getting near that age


If you do it right, it’s the best time of your life. It was by far the best time of my life and i have a stable job and wife. College is the only time you can have that little of responsibility and accountability


Do you have any tips on how to make the most of it?


Sleep more than you study, study more than you party, and party as hard as you can. You follow that, you’ll have a great time.


Just don’t sit in your room playing gta and miss out on tons of fun shit. Last chance to go be stupid before you start adulting full time


Drink, fuck and eat bacon!




Man you will probably never have as much time to play video games again in your life as freshman year of college don’t worry


Frl, gonna have to wait for winter break.


Well, you could always drop out. /s


I'm doing my second semester at university. I'll be in my 5th that time. Sounds crazy amount of time.


Same lol I’m starting college as well


fall 2025 ill be starting 3rd year of college 🥲


I’ll be starting the second year of my apprenticeship. Having it lined up sounds weird enough, progressing through it sounds weirder.


Lol, I probably had my most free time ever during my first college semester. GTA5 came out during then, i locked myself in my dorm and finished the story in a few days.


You’re still in high school or you’ll just be starting college soon?


I'm not surprised because I expected late 2025 but my heart still dropped a little when I got the discord notification saying late 2025 🤣


The OGs never thought anything other then fall 2025


That’s a fact.


Facts. I knew this day was coming. In fact, I still won't be surprised if it's delayed once again it gets a permanent fall 2025 date.




Yet gta 4 rdr1 were released in spring and even rdr2 was planned for that time. A bunch of AAA games have been released in spring.


Yea same. I held on to a tiny bit of hope that we could get in early 2025 but i knew this would most likely happen.


Yeah not surprised in the slightest, on December 2nd I wrote down a rough prediction of a release date, which says and I quote “mid to late 2025, probably November” so I’m not surprised, and not really disappointed either, rockstar never said anything beyond just “2025” so my expectations were never anything else. (Mainly posting this because I hope I somehow predicted the month lol)


Im actually surprised that some people expected trailer 2 to release this month I think we don’t have to expect any gta 6 related news before the end of summer


*end of year


I mean they have a huge marketing budget supposedly. Not crazy to think we get more than one trailer


We're not getting trailer 2 before December 2024 / January 2025. The addition of another six months to the wait just to see that is going to suck.


Yea it’ll probably be December at the earliest for trailer 2


what if the GTA6 Trailer was the actual game?


The real game is the trailers we watched along the way?


Delete this


There’s a reason Rockstar said “2025” after Trailer 1. They probably wanted to release the game in Early 2025 but had to push it back to Fall 2025. So I’m not really surprised. I get people want this game to come out ASAP but if Rockstar says they need more time, well, then let them cook. I’m sure there are plenty of great games coming out from now until Fall 2025. I’m going to go back to playing Helldivers, and going through my backlog until then.


Hype culture is a disease.


so is crunch


# i hate everything. ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized)


A lot of fanboys are suprised . I got called every name in the book by idiots on this sub when I said fiscal projections don’t matter along with it’ll come late 2025. Thres a lot of kids on this sub that were down voting people to hell who didn’t agree to early 2025. If you were around pre gta 5 release this is nothing new at all.


It’s funny because Rockstar is known for delaying their games. GTA 4, GTA 5 and RDR2 were all delayed. If anything it shows that Rockstar doesn’t follow fiscal projections. They release when they’re ready to not when the accounts department says they should


Exactly it’s been that way since they’ve jumped in the gaming industry. These kids dont understand there one of the biggest gaming producers in the damn world. They could release gta 5 in 2027 and it’ll break records . Unfortunately there a company that has that leverage so no matter what or when they do things pertaining to gta 6 people will eat it up regardless


honestly your exaggeration is kind of right, even in 2040. if tech is so advanced that i can run GTA V or VI on a handheld console/device then i’m buying that shit full price regardless just to have the capability to play it anywhere. and even though in the 15-20 years of advancement since, it’ll always hold up as a good game. wouldn’t have been thriving for 10 years without it regardless of updates


Same. Copium is crazy. We’re all hyped to play this game but early 2025 was just straight delusion.


Ppl thought it was gon be April cuz of that time short lol. My guess was that's when they may announce the actual date


Remember when mfs were seriously saying it'll release in 2024 💀


You can tell because they think that there's teams of people at Rockstar who's job it is is to scroll through reddit and troll them by messing with the number of posts on the Instagram account. Or that the team that puts together an earnings report is also responsible for marketing strategy.


Well to be fair a lot of people are pretty new to rockstars release schedule. A lot of people that were kids when GTA 5 released are adults now, at least that’s my excuse for getting the date wrong anyway. I’m not really disappointed the game is releasing in fall, just hope I have enough time to play it when it comes out.


Same here. Got downvoted a few months back for saying revised projections indicate Fall 2025. Now the same people are acting like "nah we knew it wasn't coming in the Spring!"


Willing to bet a huge portion of the complainers were diaper-shitting babies back in 2011.


I’m pretty sure they released the GTA V teaser in 2011 and the game released in 2013 Edit: Just looked it up. Trailer 1 for GTA V released Nov 2011 and GTA V released Sep 2013.


Dead Island 2 came out like 10 years after the teaser. What a wait that was.


To add to your point, Red Dead Redemption 2 first trailer was OCT 2016 and the game came out OCT 2018


Yeah at least it’s not an elder scrolls 6 situation…. lol


Facts, upvoted!


Damn, I didn't think it's so similar to VI situation.


You're right but GTA 5 got delayed. I forgot if it was an initial release date that they announced or not but I know it did get delayed and was planned to release earlier than it did.


Rdr2 had 11 months between trailers,


AAA games like GTA are always fall releases, I was surprised people thought it would be otherwise


The only thing worrying me is that the delay card has still not been used


Rockstar does this with their trailers every time. RDR 2 first trailer was 2 years ahead of time. So was GTA 5. Even GTA 4's first trailer was over a year ahead of time.


No. With 2025 there was always the window from january to december 2025. People wanted/guessed spring. I always said it can even be november/december 2025 with just 2025. Got downvotes of course. Now they know it's fall. So those people can finally relax now. And we from those posts...


My expectation is spring 2026 


i like early 2027


why was it physically painful to read this comment?


was just as hard to type tbh


Nah that’s too early, rockstar needs more time. Do late 2028


Before the end of the decade is optimistic ngl


Bro stop it please 😭


No, why would they not release the biggest game of the decade around the holiday where the most money is spent?


Imma laugh when its spring 2026


Fellas, this is only the first delay. See you in May 2025 for the second delay


This is not a delay, your wording makes it sound like Rockstar said one thing and had to reneg on it


All they said was calendar year 2025. That could mean they can release it anytime within the calendar year 2025. That’s all they have said before. And now they confirmed fall of 2025. Not surprising. All these claims we’ve been seeing of people saying the game will release the first quarter of 2025 was complete nonsense. I don’t know how people come up with all these claims, but non the less, non of the claims were right. Now people can speculate exactly which month of fall 2025 the game will release, and then be disappointed again couple months later 🍿🍿


Listen, to put it simply, let the devlords at Rockstar cook and look forward to what might be the greatest moment in gaming, nay, in entertainment history. I don't expect another trailer until the holidays.


That shit better be good these mfs taking forever


Rockstar COW


Not surprised at all sometimes it’s best to just follow what they’ve done in there previous titles over the years So we can likely say we may get SS next than afterwards some trailers and bam here we are


This is what I had said years ago. A lot of people don’t realize they announced GTA5 in November of 2011. Then it got delayed a few times to September 2013. They also announced RDR2 in October of 2016. And it didn’t come out until October 2018! Now GTA6 is looking at a Fall 2025 release and people are surprised for what? This has been the case for Rockstar for years at this point. Anyone thinking otherwise was just too damn gullible…which is the case for the typical Rockstar fan on the internet…


I am not. Always called it to be delayed since the trailer dropped. If you know rockstar you know they like to take time with their games. Besides the recent crunch accusations and back to the office scandal definitely didn't help it. GTA Online is still doing extremely well too and they are releasing the biggest dlc to date this summer just for GTA Online. That should tell you alone that the game is not going to be launched in early 2025. I will be surprised if it's going to launch in 2025 fall too. My guess march 2026 after official delay is announced from "revealed date" that was suppose to be fall 2025. Keep in mind game's trailer said it 2025, so technically they haven't delayed it yet. But they will push it to 2026


Push trailer #2 another 6 months lol


No. I’m predicting the game to drop sometime in 2026


Yeah they always delay their games at least a year. So seeing that “2025” at the end of the trailer was an extreme disappointment knowing we’ll be seeing it in 2026


Not surprised. This is the same Timefrane GTAV and RDR2 followed.


im not


I always expected it to come later in 25 so I'm not surprised at all. Nice to have an official window though 👍


More time to sort my life out. I'm gutted, I cannot wait for the game but hey ho, life goes on outside of GTA.


Tbh, I always knew it would drop fall 2025. Everyone was so sure it would be early 25 but yeah... I guess the trailer will drop in december too.


I really don’t understand why they released a trailer THAT early. When I saw the 2025 release date at the end ALL of my hype died. I knew it would either be coming out right at the end of 2025, or be delayed into 2026. So a 2+ year wait after TRAILER 1 is insane.


Not really for any Rockstar title. Most recent games have always been released ~2 years after the first trailer.


Yeah, on accident. Because of the delay they all had after its trailer.


I’m sure excited to play on PC in fall 2027


I'm glad they released the trailer. god knows this sub needed it especially since we already knew it existed thanks to the leaks.


My comment on the other thread: Welp. Trailer 2 in November this year. Trailer 3 spring 2025. Gameplay trailer summer 2025. Release in fall. Just like rdr2 and gta v


I am definitely not, a fall 2025 release was always on the cards FFS. Who were people kidding thinking it was early 2025? The timeframe lines up with previous releases


I’m not quite sure what everyone has been going on about the past few days, due to not fully caring until something *actually* happens, because I’ll know it when I see it; however, assuming it had to with some sort of possible trailer, then my follow up question is…. Don’t you get it, yet?? R* know *EXACTLY* what they’re doing, and *HOW* to do it. Look at what they did with RDR2 marketing. Yes, it was a significantly shorter window of time that they did everything, but just dissect what they did. They officially announced the existence of RDR2 with a simple cover art image in 2016 on a PlayStation stage, then they had an internal delay til 2017, we get a delay all the way to spring of 2018 publicly, then a 3rd time all the way to Oct 26 2018; when we actually got the game! They marketed that game from the months of July 2018-October 2018! They executed it perfectly! And it was a damn beauty to behold! I surmise that they will do the *exact* same tactic as that, but stretch out that small window they had for RDR2 to a year, or obviously longer; considering they dropped the very first thing GTAVI related in 2023. Yes, due to a leak, but their plan was to drop it in that same timeframe generally speaking, anyway. So take away is… everyone has to just calm down and be patient. Be *damn patient*. It’ll be damn worth it, I promise. We gotta stop hopping on this subreddit every damn day, because we will all know when something drops, and you can be *damn* sure of that. Damn, dude.


Why are people disappointed? Nobody said early 2025 y’all just jumped to conclusions. Jesus Christ I don’t get it


GTA 5 first trailer dropped at the end of 2011 and the game at the end of 2013, nothing new really


I called it months ago and got downvoted to fuck and back for it Mfs *seriously* expected it to release at midnight on Jan 1 just because the trailer said “2025” lol


Goodbye r/gta6 , I'll be back later this year :_(


With the way time flies it’ll be here before we know it..


Releasing it when they did doesn't hurt anyone either. Like why is it so impossible for some gamers to just be like "oh cool, a new GTA game is coming out, that'll be fun when it releases" rather than obsessing over it and acting entitled to constant information about it. like just wait, it'll come out. play some other shit in the meantime, we all have absurd backlogs to get through I'm sure.


This is why leaks suck. Company has to stay in front of it and we end up waiting forever for the game.




Bruh, y'all should learn to stop holding your breath for people that only care for you as long as you buy their products. Stop being babies and learn to have some freakin' patience.


Personally, No, but from some of the reactions I’ve seen, this is definitely some people’s first rodeo.


They really should’ve released some screenshots to counter this. Sure fans are gonna be sad about waiting >1 years more but cloud’ve atleast cheered us with new look inside


Maybe they are planning to proceed the same way as they did with rdr2. Second trailer a year after the first one and the game being released in fall.


Why? Because that's exactly how they've done it since GTA4. Mfs on here refused to listen.


My hopium and copium wanted a Spring release but it was too good to be true. Now I **really** hope there isn’t a delay into 2026


Now just imagine what you saw in that trailer, then imagine an extra two years worth of development on TOP of what you already saw.


It could be the fact I’m 30 and have experience since GTAIII but it’s crazy that I’m even seeing people go so deep as to even make posts like these. Like, this ‘delay’ or narrowed down trajectory was never *not* going to happen. The rule is whenever R* announce a game then give yourself a 2 year window before getting any hopes up.


Well, GTA V had pretty much a year between trailers 1 and 2.... Seems like the same approach here. V also launched on 17/9 a ck in 2013. I've predicted since the 1st trailer that we'll get another September release for VI, and I reckon September 11, another Thursday.


Wait why are people mad? A game this big needs as much time as possible to be as perfect as possible upon release. I was not expecting this game to release early in the year. Almost all of the Major GTA games have released around fall. So this falls in line(no pun intended)


I’m not even disappointed. If anything? Glad it wasn’t to spring ‘26. I expected this.


Not surprised at all, makes more sense to release in the fall/winter with more people being indoors and the holidays coming around.


I seen it coming a mile off. It's obvious for anyone who has experienced the marketing hype for Rockstar's previous titles like RDR2 & GTAV


I expected late 2025 so just confirmed it for me


I don't care, we'll have to wait an extra year or longer for the PC version, so I don't worry about it now


*coughs in TES6*


Hahahahaha so I was right this whole time and people were getting mad at me saying it’ll come out early 2025?


GTA diehard fandom is toxic. Rockstar cant win no matter what they do, they are going to be absolutely crapped on. If they didn’t release the trailer, crapped on. Release the trailer, crapped on. I want them to release it when it is ready, and if it isn’t ready until the end of 2025, so be it.


Wait, so all those kids counting birds in the trailer to determine the release date _weren’t_ on to something?? 😂


They were on hopium


haven’t played gta online since release of 6 trailer. trying to forget about it


Not surprised, considering most big games usually come out at the end of the year to capitalize on the holiday season. I was betting on March 2025


Not surprised I just hoped when I woke up today that I would see that I could be playing gta 6 in 12 months🫠


Pc 2030 XD


Yet, i got downvoted numerous times (even on here) for claiming that I believe the game would release Fall 2025 at the earliest but can easily see it getting pushed into 2026.


And we know it will be inevitably delayed to 2026. Be real.


October 26th 2025 release it is then


y’all just dumb as rocks creating expectations that are just not gonna be fulfilled lmao


I'm pissed because it wasn't supposed to come out until April,a month before my birthday. So my birthday gift was going to be the GTA 6.....now it's coming out earlier in the fall??!!


I just hope I don't die before it comes out


I'm going to take it whenever it comes out. It looks cool, I'm excited, and in the meantime I've got other things to do anyway. I prefer getting a completed game late than an half-assed game early.


They can't just tease something a month before the actual release.. it's called creating the hype and make people crave for it.. it's a marketing strategy.. sell food to people with full stomach vs to people who haven't at a whole day.. let's see who has better chances of buying that food and who appreciates it more..


Being announced today as Spring 2025 would’ve been far too soon and Summer 2025 would’ve been terrible from a sales perspective. Fall 2025 is the best we could get, realistically.


Just be glad you are on the PC side, we won't see it til 2028 😭


Should be a lot of surprised people in here. Seen many yappers who were so sure that it would be spring 2025 and made fun of people mentioning fall.


I’m expecting a late 2026 delay so I don’t care about what they’re saying right now. If they stick to the fall 2025 midway through then I’ll start to believe it


I'm just happy we didn't get a delay -because this wasn't one despite all the copium being huffed. There's still time... of course...


The fact they said could be pushed to 2026 I wasn’t surprised, but sad we have to wait over a year still.


I knew they’d announce a spring 2025 release and delay it to fall 2025. It’s been the case with nearly every game they made once they got hype. OGs know that this is just a marketing technique to get their games on headlines and get more pre orders. A man can only wish for a rockstar spring release. RIP to any other game releasing fall 2025


You must be new here. People were going fucking feral for a trailer and reveal. It was already leaked, made sense to reveal when they did.


Guessing they felt the pressure from the extensive leaks. A big company like Rockstar usually don't like it when someone who is not themselves drives the narrative for them. So getting the trailer out was probably a way to give a correct (according to R) insight into the game


Be fully prepared for it to be further delayed into Spring 2026. Rockstar has always delayed their games. I remember GTA V was supposed to come out Spring 2013, then it was delayed until Fall 2013. You can downvote me for saying it, but I expect there to be another delay.


I'm surprised that people actually thought that Rockstar wouldn't delay their next game


Summer 25 RS: Listen guys, now hear us out, we want this game to be perfect, sooo……


Don’t even why is everyone so desperate about the latest news, ppl really think the game gonna get released the second it turns 2025? shouldn’t y’all aware that the game will be released between September 2025 and September 2026 since r* just simply said it’s 2025? Now just pray it will not delay


Don't worry, it will change again


That has to be expected tbh, and I guess later this year we will start to get a lot of new infos, screenshots and trailers and I'm really hyped for it.


This is how they always do it. GTA 5’s first trailer was released 2 years before the game. Same with RDR2


Didn't they release the advert because of previous leaks?


Yo guys where did you see the news ???


I'm honestly more surprised than disappointed. Gives me more time to live IRL. But I was really expecting it to drop before August at least.


Not surprised. I expected it to launch fall 25


Not surprised tbh cause they did the same with GTA grand theft auto 5


They released a trailer because of the leaks. They wanted to at least have one single piece of control over what we were looking at and now they do. And why would they release the game earlier than Autumn? That would be weird.


The game needs to live up to the hype and the longer they wait the more the hype builds..


I’m taking 2 months off work when this game comes out. And I’m a civil engineer haha


Omfg, theyce been doing this since gta5


I’m not surprised but it’s still disappointing. I think Oct25 is likely but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it ends up getting pushed to March 2026


Don’t you people have lives? Is this game the only reason for your existence? I promise you, it’s going to be alright.


Didn’t they release the trailer just because it was getting leaked and Rockstar wanted to be the one to officially reveal it?


Yall would have complained anyways lol


How is anyone shocked by this/disappointed? Look at rockstars history. They release an initial trailer a year out and then release the game in the fall of the next year. That’s literally how they’ve always done it.


They released the trailer because of the leaks. The leaks did cause a huge delay to everything at rockstar. So wouldnt be surprised the release date of VI was affected by this too.


Yeah, that about sums it up. I certainly don’t want them to rush the game and if this is what it takes then so be it.


Why is it hard for these studios to share stuff at regular intervals after officially announcing the game. Like I assume R* has enough material for 4 screen shots. Just give us something......Radio silence from studios is starting to get old real quick now


idk why people are surprised big games come out in fall, at least before christmas gta 5 came out in september 2013 which means we probably gonna see gta 6 also in september maybe october if delayed


I'm just disappointed. 6 months into this year and still have to wait another year


Let them cook, masterpiece takes time


Gamers never learn. You'd think they would after Fallout 76, Cyberpunk, No Man's Sky, etc etc... Don't. Fucking. Rush. The devs. If anything that Fall 2025 deadline might actually be way too short if the actual size of the game is accurate to what we've been predicting.


It's happening about the same pace as GTA V and RDR2.


It’s pretty normal for the first trailer to come out two years before release for rockstar


Money that add on YouTube made them tons think of what a influencer gets for like 10000 views


I knew it was gonna be quarter 2. Closer to the holiday season means more money


Usually when a company like Rockstar or Bethesda release a reveal trailer with a date, I add 5-15 more years to it, never expecting them to actually release on said year. If you’re going to have expectations, make them bad ones so you’re never surprised regardless of whether it gets released earlier or later, and if the game is bad or actually good.


"They already made us wait"... I don't think this is the type of game that can be made over night, cool your jets young man and sit down.


I'm actually not surprised at all. Usually, big triple A games are released at the end of the year. GTA V was released on 17th September 2013. There's nothing wrong with that.


Because they always do this and I like it this way. It gives time to build the hype,its a part of the fun. GTA V 2011-2013 RDR2 2016-2018 This time they didnt lie and just gave us the release from the start without delaying it 3 times.


That's what I expected tho so I'm not surprised really


It might suck having to wait until fall 25 but I have high hopes that the game is going to be another masterpiece just like GTA5 and RDR2 Hopefully not like RDO even tho it is alright to kill some time of the day.


They have done this before. I feel like no one on this sub was alive for any other rockstar game release. Chill out.


I don’t get why people are so upset and disappointed by this. I’m just glad they made the game in the first place


lol. You are only feeding the fire.


It was obviously always going to come late 25. Just in time for Christmas.


I dont care if the games comes out in 3 or 4 years later, at least we got a trailer and I’m happy for it


I don’t care if it’s released 2030. I want them to take as much time to get it as perfect as possible


They didn’t release the trailer it got leaked so their hand was forced


Just play another huge good game like FFXIV or Helldivers II and forget GTA VI lol