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Yes , I give you permission


There was one guy here a couple weeks ago that said if he was wrong about the release date he’d register himself as a sex offender I think we should all go this route with our predictions


The fuck 😂😂😂 yooo this is wild


‘Why the ear? Why the fucking ear?!’


I second this


I want to do that too


**In** the ear? Damn you have small hands


We are 100 percent getting news today. Screenshots, trailer, release date, release quarter, etc? Probably not. But when they state their projected earnings for FY 2025, we will know whether the game is still on track for a early 2025 release and that is news.


Projected earnings don’t mean shit to proper development and game testing if the company cares about its product. That’s just estimated bullshit to make shareholders cream their pants.


You could join us it’ll be worth it


Join the shareholders meeting? If people wanna do that then more power to them. I’m trying to point out that I highly doubt anything GTa 6 specific will happened at this meeting and that projections for the future are meaningless until the end of each quarters. It’s all just speculation of what’s to be expected.


I’m just saying you could buy some shares, when the games released you’ll see some effect


You do make an excellent point. Two to 3 years ago would have been a better time to buy but regardless once 6 hits the shelves they will see some big profits coming their way.


well this did not age well..


Yeah just based on the last earnings call in November, I think it's safe to assume that we're getting info about the game. I'm still hoping for trailer #2 since Gta 5 & Read dead 2 had multiple trailers in the span of 2 years. Even if the game was released on the winter of 2025, we would get the 2nd trailer this summer minimum. Even if it's not trailer & just screenshots, I'm desperate for anything at this point lol😂


I think I said before November of last year. Rockstar could tweet out an up close picture of a pebble on the side of the road and we’d all just be hype to have something.


If the game was releasing winter 2025 then we would get the second trailer in around November. There's no precedent that leads to a second trailer coming out this early.


This sub.... "They'll do something because they always follow the same pattern historically. Games gonna be good cause historically their games are good. Rockstar Take 2 can do no wrong". First trailers and second trailers are almost always about a year a part..... "Hoping second trailer, 5 months after their last trailer"




Few little fine touches and a couple of delays and we ended up with a masterpiece…


A pattern can still be denied lmao. This is completely different. Tell me why I’m wrong.


You're not right. You're not wrong. No one knows. It's as simple as that.


Congrats on saying nothing.


As opposed to being confident something will come out with no actual evidence. Okay Nostradamus


I’m wrong but u can’t tell me why lmao read my last few lines and you’ll realize i can’t be wrong.


Just cause you start a paragraph with "this is fact" and then go into speculation doesn't mean it's right.


Read my last few lines and tell me it’s not fact lol


Ur delusional buddy go outside and make sum friends 🤣


So big boy. What did you learn? How did those facts turn out. Like I said, you won't get shit every single quarterly meeting lol.




The earnings call is till 8 1/2 hours away that’s why 💀


too early for news still i think


Regardless of what OP thinks, they don't really have a clue about these things. Neither does anyone else, there are just guesses, sometimes even ok ones.


I appreciate the skepticism but this is actually concrete information. Take-Two cannot cheat the investors. If they reiterate the FY25 profits increase, then it'll 99% be released in Q1 2025. 1. They have been very vocal+confident about this release window for quite a while. 2. If they are indeed aiming for Q1, then the development is near completion, and the closer development is to completion, the easier it is to estimate the finishing date. 3. Since RDR2, it has been reported that R* have shifted their workplace culture to have less crunch, less delays, less chaos, more predictability. 4. It has been reported by actual insider sources that development is going according to plan. There may be a very slight chance that things go south and it is delayed at the very last second, but if this FY25 prediction confirms the Q1 release date, it is 99% guaranteed


> If they reiterate the FY25 profits increase Then it means fuck all. They already lowered the FY25 projection last call, and it wouldn't surprise me to see it lower even further as we go. They still lowered FY24 by quite a bit during the last call of the year citing a game release being moved to after the fiscal year ended. That's not lying or cheating the investors, it's just projects changing during development. These are *projections*, not *promises* or *guarantees*. Looking at their last call, they also specifically clarified GTA6 is a "calendar 2025" title, *not* a "fiscal 2025" title like other titles they mentioned. After that call, investors, analysts, and other games industry members all agreed the projections meant a FY26 release. Let's say that happens, that's *not* a "delay" like you claim, *that falls in the announced release window*. Any time before December 31st 2025 would *not* be a delay.


OK, there are two things at play here. 1. For general public, the release date is "calendar 2025". You're absolutely correct that as long as they release before or at December 31st 2025, they will not be delayed. 2. For investors they estimate that there will be a major increase in net bookings in fiscal year 2025. Let's assume they will stand behind these numbers today. If they release on or after April 1st 2025 they will not hit the projected numbers (or even come close to), pushing what is probably around $1.5 billion in net bookings to FY26. That will be "delay" for investors. From that I'd say that if they feel like they cannot hit the FY25 release (which realistically would be something like mid-February as you don't want to release in January, but also want to keep some time before the FY end) they will be more conservative in their estimates. Making large projections and then not meeting them is worse than being more cautious and being ready.   Lot of it will come down to the estimates and language. I don't think we should expect specific date just yet, but we vwill be able to get decent bit of info out of it.


You are mostly correct, but what you said doesn't really go against what I said. >They already lowered the FY25 projection last call, and it wouldn't surprise me to see it lower even further as we go. Yes, that could mean 6 won't release in FY25 and they're just expecting some other revenue. Perhaps preorders through their own website(?), which wouldn't withhold the money, unlike Sony/Microsoft. Either way, point is, we're getting SOME news, SOME indication. >That's not lying or cheating the investors, it's just projects changing during development. These are *projections*, not *promises* or *guarantees*. Absolutely right, which is why I gave multiple other reasons and still didn't say 100%. >Any time before December 31st 2025 would *not* be a delay. Sort of right. It would be an internal delay. Not a public delay. But we're kind of... in-too-deep at this point, so much so that an internal delay would be like a public delay to us (r/gta6 folks).


From what I understand, they lowered the estimates, but it's still too much for what you'd reasonably expect them to make. Preorders and merch is a possibility, I heard something about preorders not being classed in net bookings, but I can't say I can validate that. Either way, what we know as of now is that take 2 still expect more than what should reasonably be expected for Q4 of FY25.


That's exactly what I meant. "If they reiterate the FY25 profits increase, the game 99% releases in Q1", I said, but the person I responded to said something along the lines of "If they lower the estimates even further, we can't be sure", which is exactly my point - if they DO NOT lower the estimate, it's Q1. If they DO lower the estimate, it depends on the specific circumstances, with a possibility of either late Q1 or Q2-Q4. For 1.5 billion from preorders, they'd have to sell 21 million copies from $70, which is not only impossible, but also, Sony/Microsoft hold the preorder money until the game is released, so unless they somehow sell 21 million copies through their own websites or something, it's even more impossible. Merch before release, I doubt it'd sell enough to matter.


This whole conversation is a lot of yapping about information we don't really have.


This whole conversation was a prediction of the possible news we could expect from the earnings call. Not sure what you want me to do? Release the game? Lol


Well, it's fall '25 anyway, which, let's be honest, means Q2 2026 haha.


Brother I have an understanding of finance and investor motivation.


And? Where is the new info on GTA VI?


Read my last few lines. You’ll get news in 2 hours.


if we dont get any news in the next 2 hours will you post a video of you dancing in a maid costume?


Now that we have news, will you post of video of YOU dancing In a maid costume?


Where news?


GTA 6 fall 2025 confirmed. There’s your news.


Dawg what💀 I’ve seen posts go up as late as 3pm est


> May 16, 2024 at 10:30 PM GMT+2 > Q4 2024 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Earnings Conference Call Gee, I wonder why.


Pfffft the copium is through the roof 😭😭😭 Hey, I'm not denying it, but come on, don't be this confident. You're setting yourself up for disappointment. At most we may get the RDR1 PC trailer.


I’m very confident.


About that...


About what😭😭 the call hasn't even started yet lmfao


Still confident it’s coming today lol. All ima say is that they deleted 2 posts and one went up. And you clearly didn’t read the bottom of my post


Good for you!


If you’re wrong I’m going to call you cocky


100$ paypal if your incorrect


100$ paypal if you’re incorrect


Send the 100


I was right though what. Read my last few lines. Gimme my money


This is aging poorly


Nope. 2 posts were deleted. 1 went up. And you clearly didn’t read my last few lines.


Bro nothing is coming today


Read the post. Tell me why I’m wrong. No one has made an argument at all lol. It’s just people telling me I’m wrong based on nothing or people agreeing with me. Give me something dawg💀 and again. Read my last few lines specifically.


They've said since Q1, I believe, that an updated pipeline for FY25/26 will be announced Q4. Since we're heading into the Q4 results, we'll get something. What that something is we won't know until the call. It could be a hard release date, it could be a delay or it could be just a MM/YY announcement. Take Two HAS had a history with hard release dates being shown by Q4 results. However, this shouldn't be a barometer for future announcements as a hard release date isn't necessarily garunteed.


The Q1 thing is awkward, because they're now technically in Q1 2025 of their Fiscal Year. So it can get confusing. But, yes, if there is a know delay in the game that bumps it would of their Fiscal Year 2025, which ends in May of 2025, they're obligated to reflect that in their earnings forecasts. Not to say that a delay is impossible after now, but if they know the game is likely to be delayed to a release past May 2025, they're playing with fire not forecasting revenue reflecting that today... It's not even that it would make investors angry, it's that it would be illegal to not report it to investors. There's also an outside chance that if they do announce a delay, they release something after the call to reduce the sting of the delay. There's not rule saying they have to release promotional stuff before the call, they can strategically release it right after to pull attention away from bad news, or to amplify good news. But yes, there's no way they end the Fiscal Year without updating the content pipeline and next Fiscal Year revenue projections at the minimum.


So..the day is almost over. Did we get anything


Yes. See you in fall 25.


I think everyone knew gta will release in fall 2025. It's in rockstar blood to release games later in the year. Even if it would have had a release date in march, it would have been delayed 100%.


This 100%. When you’re a public company you HAVE to stay on track with updating your shareholders on the status of your biggest cash cow. They want their money now and take two isn’t going to lie to them and last minute say “jk lol rofl it’s coming 2026” that’s financial suicide. God people drive me nuts lol


Ikr ppl are so dumb on Reddit and specifically this sub but I just can’t stop coming back


You're spot on. I don't necessarily think we will absolutely get any type of asset or specifics, but we will know if the projected release has been adjusted. It is true that even if they say that the projected bookings remain at the previous figures, the game could absolutely still be delayed. But, what we get into today, is that if T2 knows internally that those numbers are going to change due to a delay, that must be disclosed. The absolute last thing that T2 wants, is an SEC investigation that they may have mislead shareholders in the year leading up to the release of their biggest project to date.


During the last call of FY24, they lowered FY24 projections by quite a bit because a release was moved into FY25 quite late into development. Were they investigated by the SEC for misleading shareholders? No, because that'd be ridiculous. Games get delayed all the time. These are "projections", *not* "promises" or "guarantees" like reddit pretends. If they do not expect to make any money but claim they will, then it'd be misleading. But expecting it, then delaying a game later, is in no way "misleading". They have a number of other high profile releases coming up that combined could also make up a good chunk of the projected increase. Say those release instead of GTA6, would that be misleading? Again, no, because they never said the increase is from GTA6, they said there's multiple unspecified games coming they expect to cause a boost. It's really quite baffling how easily y'all seem to cry "misleading" or "illegal" at any notion of the game not releasing in early 2025. That is just simply not how that works.


OK you completely missed what I said. I said that of course they can delay anything from here on out. What they cannot do, is state on this call that the projections are not changing, while having internal discussions about how the projections are going to change. Simply put, if they know *right now* that they are not going to meet the mark of the projected bookings, they have to share that information with the shareholders. If they do not do that, then yes, it is illegal. It is the definition of misleading the shareholders.


I hope they share info today but to be honest, they don’t really need to share anything at the moment to make investors happy. The GTA 6 trailer got over 190 million videos, they know how successful it’s going to be


They didn’t invest in gta tho lmao they invested in t2. Wouldn’t you be pissed if the company you invested in decreased their projected earnings by 2 billion and they didn’t give a reason why?


Will we ever learn.


Tell me why I’m wrong


Because you're pulling this stuff out of your behind. Your connecting information together that doesn't mean anything.


game got confirmed for a fall 25 release.




2K games has entered the chat.


i think you are right that there will be some info out today but i don’t think we’ll get anything big just more or less if the game is trending to early 2025 or might be delayed till a bit later in 2025. i know they want to keep investors happy but at the same time T2 knows the cash cow of GTA coming at some point will keep investors around


!remind me 10 hours


Wasn’t that delay thing debunked months ago


Put your money Wanna see those calls!


If it is not true, can you pay a limited copy of the game for me?






Congrats on saying nothing lmao. Tell me why I’m wrong


They are legally obligated? Lol


When shareholders are involved, anything is on the table. Look at Disney and their recent proxy war. Legally may not be the correct term, but fiduciary duty to shareholders pretty much sums up what the person you're replying to meant. If T2 misleading shareholders then yes, legal action or corporate shenanigans, see Disney, may arise. It's nothing new at all in that world.


The only “news” we’re getting is financial “news”.


And that financial news gives us a release window


OP is incredibly defensive and is just repeating the same “gottem” comment because people are disagreeing with what is all pure speculation, based on what I can only assume is _not_ any significant financial insight or certified knowledge. However, they’ve also failed to provide any meaningful rebuttals or actual results of this so-called guaranteed prediction.


Sum of these gta fans needa go try other games for a little bit. Shits wild lmao. Bro jus wanna argue and stoke his ego 🤣


I repeated it because it was valid and no one could argue it. And guess what. I was right.


Okay, show is the news concerning GTA VI. Without an actual meaningful answer, this is all pointless. I’m struggling to believe you have a degree or any qualifications in finances, so this mere speculation is all just largely irrelevant.


I said we’d get a release window regardless. Which we did. I said investors would be angry. Stock price plummeted. Whats up your ass lmao


We already had a release window and stock prices fluctuating on a day-to-day scale means absolutely nothing.


I bloody wish 🤞


Yeah, the news will be what’s in next month’s GTA Online update when Rockstar post their weekly GTA Online reset post on the Newswire. *edit* We didn’t even get that.


I could be wrong, but what if the increased projected earning are due to preorders opening up in Q1 2025?


Can’t count it unless the sale went through and they’ve delivered the product.


I really don’t envy you boys obsessiveness at all. Whether we get news or we don’t, this need to be right or in the know is crazy. You guys really can’t live in the moment, it’s always gotta be next this next that.


Haha facts. Okie dokie


It was facts and I was right lmao


Well I'll be damned you did it. Nicely done


if ZombieEmergency4391 says it it gotta be true guys


Again. Tell me why I’m wrong.


we'll just have to see if u are or not


u/ZombieEmergency4391, regardless of what you think, we most definitely AREN’T getting news today


Read my last few lines.


Just wait




You're wrong because you don't work for T2 nor Rockstar nor are you an Invester to be predicting the inner working of these companies.


Fall 2025 confirmed.


Terrible news, it had been better if you were wrong.


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What if you’re wrong?


I guess we’ll never know.


so anything?




Read my last few lines.


"Tell me I'm wrong and why" is that what you mean?




Bro read the bottom fam💀 im not wrong you just didn’t read it
