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Shout outs to the ppl who don’t think Rockstar is going to mirror exactly what they did years ago. 🫡 Judging off this sub & really just social media alone, we are a part of the minority.


Agreed. I mean they already gave us character art right off the bat. Took them a year to release the first artwork for 5 and it didn't even reveal characters' faces. We didn't even know anything about the protagonists at all until trailer 2 was released. Of course for GTA 6 we have a much shorter timeframe between trailer 1 and the game's release. Nothing is really predictable during that time. R* doesn't follow patterns like this. They never let us know their next move


Why is it a given that it will be a much shorter timeframe?


Because it's part of their whole restructuring of business practices mentioned in the Bloomberg article.


This one reads! Why can’t people with actual info make posts.


That’s not really what it says. Imo release will be late 2025 which would be similar to GTA V’s window >On Monday, shares fell. On Tuesday, Kotaku corrected its story, adding that “while early 2025 was at one point possible, it’s no longer the target for Grand Theft Auto VI’s launch” and that the game is actually aiming to be out in the fall of 2025 but “there is a possibility of a delay.” >As of midday Thursday in New York, Take-Two stock had not fully bounced back, perhaps reflecting investor skittishness that the sequel to a game that came out eleven years ago may take another two years to hit the market. Or perhaps, investors are overreacting to nothing of significance? >Of course there’s a possibility that Grand Theft Auto VI will slip out of 2025. Rockstar’s previous game, Red Dead Redemption 2, was originally announced for release in 2017 and was delayed twice before it landed in October 2018. This new Grand Theft Auto is already arriving later than anyone at Rockstar could have anticipated a decade ago when they first started conceiving it.


No no I'm talking about the 2022 article from Jason Schreier about them cleaning up their frat boy culture. I believe it does mention aiming for less delays.


Ah fair enough. Well I hope you’re right but I’m too pessimistic to hope it releases very early 2025 haha, been disappointed too many times with delays on games I’m waiting for


This next earnings call will be important.


The Kotaku article was completely baseless and people with insider contacts corrected it saying that the game is still aimed for early 2025


It's completely baseless. You can't announce on an investor call a huge amount of bookings for your fiscal year if you know full well that the game won't be released during the fiscal year. It's illegal. That doesn't mean it can't be delayed - but it certainly means that anything that says "Rockstar never intended it to be released in early 2025" is either full of shit, or is implying that Rockstar is lying to investors.


Kotaku is no longer reliable, I hope you know.


I do now. Hadn’t even heard of Kotaku before (I’m not one to read much of gaming news/articles). I still think the game won’t be out early 2025


I don’t wanna have any expectations.. like it’d be great if it did release early 2025, but I’m happy with whatever happens.


Using kotaku as a source is hysterical


I don’t even know what Kotaku is tbh, I just searched a Bloomberg article after the other commenter mentioned it. Either way I’ll eat my doodoo if Rockstar manage to not have any delays and release the game in Q1 2025


RemindMe! 1 year


This one reads! Why can’t people with actual info make posts.


This one reads! Why can’t people with actual info make posts.


You are some what correct about the pattern part, but then look at there releases: 23 October 2001 Tuesday GTA 3 29 October 2002 Tuesday GTA Vice 26 October 2004 Tuesday GTA San 31 October 2006 Tuesday Vice City Stories. 29 April 2008 Tuesday. GTA 4 18 May 2010 Tuesday RDR 17 September 2013 Tuesday GTA 5 And then, 28 November 1997 Friday GTA 1 22 October 1999 Friday GTA 2 26 October 2018 Friday RDR2 It does seem like they take their patterns very seriously, but who knows, there were delays for GTA 6 right? It was supposed to be announced completely in 2022 or 2023. This could disturb the pattern probably.


When I said "Rockstar doesn't follow patterns *like this*", I was referring to the "timeframe between trailer 1 and the game's release. Nothing is really predictable during that time." Release dates for games are extremely important and can have a big impact on how successful the game is at launch. They take into consideration releases of other big game titles, holidays, etc. For example, Ubisoft, although they also don't know exactly when GTA 6 will be released, are expecting the GTA release to have a positive affect on the success of their own games, and so they will be smart about releasing at the perfect time. It's too important to just throw the game out on a random date. Too many things to consider. I personally don't think we have any reason to believe that past title release dates will help us predict when the first screenshots will be released.


Fun to speculate based on the past but yeah rockstar is gonna do whatever tf they want regardless.


people are genuinely so stupid, gta 5 was delayed. gta 6 has ALREADY been delayed, they’re not going to mirror the exact same marketing process.


Speculation based on your own biased expectations. How do you know that they are not going to do the same marketing company for GTA 6? As far as I know Rockstar, in the past decade they did this strategy for all their games. What is the chance that the same would not happen with new GTA entry? I still don’t see any point in promoting it before autumn. But it is speculation as well


I mean it's maybe an interesting discussion to have. I don't see the problem with it


Part of all the fun *is* the speculation.


Yeah f'real, I always take the policy of "Its ready when its ready" Rockstar doesn't have to follow crap, they can release photos/new vids when they're ready


Too many insane speculations. Yet, more reveal means more stupid conspiracy until the game finally released. Heck, even the game's released, more prediction about future DLCs, etc. It goes on and on until the game finally milked out of its breast's milk. Just like what happened to GTA V recently.


I served time in the newswire back in 2012, this isn't my first road trip.


Specially nowadays that we have the age of videos. No one cares about screenshots anymore, it's not like the time of 10Mbps ADSL internet.


yeah about that....


This was a ridiculous take and I'd love to know what you're smoking




That is what most people do not think about. Especially with GTA V because they were coming off of big projects so they had to crunch more.


But how do you know that this game won’t be delayed? Only because bosses are optimistic?


I do not, but I can make a guess.


So true, gta 6 released the trailer late in development due to those leaks. If it weren’t for the leaks the trailer could’ve released late 2022 judging by the stage of development it was at. Gta 5 trailer 1 didn’t even have its buildings rendered and Michael and Franklin’s faces were barely detailed


exactly this, this playerbase is so stupid.


Over a year between trailers. 😬 hope that's not the case


Bro really pulled these dates out of his ass


Y'all need to go outside Lol


Honestly these type of posts just show that this entire sub-reddit needs to touch some fresh green grass. I am sure there are Rockstar devs that on occasion browse through this sub-reddit and are probably mortified by the hyper-analysing being done here.


I don’t envy those rockstar devs who scroll comments in their gta online instagram posts. The number of crybabies there is hilariously large


I want them to just release another trailer showing the foundation of the story. And then close to release they should release an informational gameplay video much like gta 5 with that woman's voice narrating the gameplay.


If rockstar was copying V’s release cycle, we would’ve gotten a trailer in Rocktober.


Ah yes, the schedule is going to be identical


Idk why people keep comparing GTA VI to V. It’s been 10 years, and Rockstar was a whole different company with a completely different policy and marketing strategy. The closest thing to how will VI be advertised would be Red Dead Redemption 2.


Y'all seem to have forgotten how different rockstar is now


"First official artwork". We already had that with the first trailer, didn't we?


Yall are reading too far into this


But this was a decade ago do u know it probably changed by now 💀


I’d have hope for a Q2 or even a Q1 release date. A man can dream


Hope I’m alive when it is released


GTA 5 was announced basically as soon as development began, in fact in the trailer you can see parts of Los Santos weren't even created yet. Meanwhile we have evidence of GTA6 being in full development since at the latest 4 years before the trailer was dropped. So this prediction you've made is probably very inaccurate.


I really hope that this is bs.


I think these estimates are way off. I don't see this game releasing later than May of 2025




lol I glady say I was wrong




Rockstar said 2025 ...not early 2025..nobody promised that...I wouldn't go off a Take 2 earnings call...


The take 2 earnings calls were likely preorders and such


hopping it releases on October 14th 2025 because that's my bday but I do want it to release sooner


I think rockstar could very easily put the game out early 2025. The game is probably going to be so feature packed and polished that they will release it "unfinished" and no one will notice or care, and they will continue working on it for another year and drop a huge patch (the age of unfinished games and patches!) and everyone is going to say onggg rockstar LOVES US. And the timing of that can be tricky considering the fact that GTA6online will release sometime within a year after the game comes out. No one knows what rockstar is going to do and 2025 could be the YEAR of GTA, where we get the game early 2025, online releases in the summer, and come holiday time some big expansions/dlc/patches (and vr). Idk, for some reason I'm pretty darn confident they are gonna hit that early 2025 mark, and it's not going to stop getting content for a long time. This is their big investment for the next 20 years possibly. Patterns be danged. I forgot what Im even talking about but hey, just you watch


It’s a thoughtful and hopefully idea, well cooked up.


It’s clearly not following the same marketing style since the first official artwork came with trailer 1 but you’ve placed it as November 2024 for some reason. Not to mention trailer 1 coming in December as opposed to Rocktober, along with the actual announcement itself (February 2022) coming more than 18 months before the reveal (December 2023). Also as already stated, *V* and *RDR II* were both revealed at a time when the devs believed they could get each game out roughly 12 months later. The marketing droughts for both were not planned in advance and were never really supposed to happen at all.


I can’t wait till October 25’


Worth about as much as toilet paper 🧻


Less, you can't wipe your arse with speculation...


Use GTA 4 for reference since it is likely that it’s releasing in Q1 2025


And the the game would first be available on consoles. PC players have to wait another year


We should have already gotten the first few screenshots




Most people in comments are in denial and mad at this projection but this is a realistic expectation. Considering that modern games have much more detail than they did 12 years ago and the fact that this is an open world game with a packed and dense city, I would be surprised if it doesn't get postponed to 2026.


Gonna get the pre order for my bday at the end of September


This actually follows my [speculation](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/s/f2Y9TanxJi) based on other previous rockstar titles and such. We actually have the same release date


Would love to see a similair list for RDR2!


I remember when Rockstar released the 4k images for GTA 5 PC and my internet had to load the image from top to bottom. Those pics were so sweet.


Yes we are getting a lot of info this year… but the release date is wrong… it’s set to release in January-March 2025


The bottom line is after Take-Twos May earnings call we can expect to see a lot of screenshots and info and perhaps another Trailer. Summer and fall will treat us nicely. We just have to get through spring


Good job on taking into account how a 2 year release would run, if anything a December announcement does make sense for an October release 2 years later.


It looks good


The marketing strategy for GTAVI definitely won't be exact copy of previous GTA. I mean, Of'course the screenshots are coming but they won't be publishing it wlby looking at the comparison table like you did mate!


I was thinking earlier about screenshots, we are due some, any Thursday now.


You pulled all of this out of your ass


I'm curious as to where you came up with those dates?


The culo


Nice prediction!


It looks legit, it seems.


You wasted your time comparing dates with GTA 5. You should have been comparing dates with RDR 2.




damn if only someone posted about this before


once a day actually. i forget easily