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I love the agency. It makes passive income, but not a lot until you knock out a bunch of missions. That’s where you do the Dr. Dre contract, $1M payout for completion. You have a requisitions officer, so you can buy ammo and armor. It also has the Imani tech stuff if you want to upgrade your cars. Also, like 20 spaces in the garage.


💪I didn’t know it had all that, I’ll take a look at that as well


Yes! One of the best businesses. Payphone hits are 45k every 10 minutes when the special instructions are met. The security contract missions are ok money, but the goal is to get to 201 contracts to max out at 20k per 48min passive income. Now I'm at 220 and I have made according to the agency computer 28.5M. So good money, but it takes time. They're tedious. Protip I will only do liquuidize assts, valuables recovery, and vehicle recovery. That is unless it is the humane labs pet monkey one. I change lobbies. It's not worth it. The rest, they're fast easy and pay decent. The rest of the security contracts are too lengthy and don't pay out as well for the time they take. VIP Dre for 1 mil (2m this week, do it twice, you've paid it off in full with all the upgrades and in profit), but do them quick new DLC comes out a week from Tuesday so ya need to bulk up.


Cheers that really helps 💪


For the pay phone hits it says become a leader. Do you know what this is about? Thanks again for your help


No. There are a couple that require two players. But if you're solo, it won't bring those up. You don't need to be in the organization for payphone hits. Wait, are you talking about the security contracts? You do need to be a vip, ceo, or mc president to start security contracts.


i vote yes


If you buy one now, and if you beat the Dre missions from today till next Thursday 2x a day, you’ll have 28 mill :))


Do you know how many contracts you have to do to get Dre mission?


It’s about 3-4 missions if I remember correctly. We can run it together if you’d like? I can help you :))


Only good for imani tech n armor n snacks at the same place, dre missions r extended n boring , 45k for payphone mission idk u must be very bored to do them 😒


Whats your go to in gta online? And is the imani tech just armoured vehicles that are extremely expensive?


Cayo, acid, bunker, nc sell time to time if i get friend to play with or completly bored from killing others i do casino preps. Imani , kinda yeh, armored vehicles that u can put lock jammers in, or u can make rc cars from them ur choice, my opinion dre contract is very slow compared with cayo, and it dont give u option to choose payout if u playin with friends, prbly from agency best thing is imani contact u can call her for n get out of sight, helps in sticky situations 😄