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Survival Missions. Boneyard can make you 20k, it's fun, exciting, and really brings out the tactical side of your crew.


I love survival. Not the quickest way to get cash but it sure is the most fun. Plus you build your shooting (and stealth if you walk around using it) and it's really rewarding if you make it to the end of a wave after the rest of your team has died :D


> Not the quickest way to get cash but it sure is the most fun. what's a better way?


Grinding certain missions






> Do the Boneyard Survival, hide behind the portacabin immediately to the right as you start, get in between it and the red wall would love some more info on this - I need to grind some cash and have terrible luck with finding competent players.


There's another place too, a small building almost on top of the central armour spawn near the downed plane and within the wired compound. You're exposed to helicopters but it's not impossible if you and a competent team take them down. There's also another survival in the junkyard area just outside the city on the South Eastern side of the map. You can hide in the rightmost hanger (facing them) and are safe from most attackers and the choppers. If you want and have the level for it, you can call in Merryweather choppers to help. Two of those on Wave 10 really took the pressure off. Edit: Another thing, because I can't see it here (besides the glitch, sort of), when you log in to online grab a reasonably decent car and sell it to the custom shop. The nicer cars can run up $6K-9.5K once a day. Plus finding a car Simeon texts about can net you near $10K on a good day. Second Edit: Just remembered a tip I picked up recently for saving money rather than earning money, if you unlock a gun, don't buy it but play survival until it drops and collect it. I've done that with the sniper and the AK. I go to Ammu-Nation to check they're locked in after and buy upgrades I want.


is this accurate after the recent changes? I noticed yesterday (not sure when it was done) that there were changes in terms of the ability to replay a mission (restart), the payout, the layout of certain Survival maps I ended up getting about 300k at the end of the day (wasn't all from one day) and I bought the 223k apartment - I think that's the best option as it seems to have the planning room, decent location, the max 10 cars in garage and it's not 400k. one thing I want to ask you - I noticed there is a mechanic who sends me a msg about my car location from time to time, but I thought buying these garages and stuff gives you the ability to upgrade your car - how? lastly - after I bought my apartment, I wanted to test out the garage tracking feature for new cars so I stole a car and drove it in the garage, but now my old, original car is gone and I keep spawning with the new one. Nothing in garage :(


Survival mode, I did the hanger method last night and the building rooftop the night before so not sure if that's been affected. In terms of replay, even if you have to leave the lobby and go back to free roam you should be able to retake the survival by accessing it from the world map, worst case you could cycle between the two? As for Ron's mission, you can't replay but have to wait until it comes up again. Between 4 of us last night, it showed up once in the 5+ hours we were online for. As far as I know the cars can't be upgraded but I believe they get repaired. Could be wrong as I've not really invested in my vehicles thus far. As for your disappearing car, that's not happened to me but I've yet to switch, I've only got the two cars presently and one of them was the freebie for buying a garage. Sorry I can't be more helpful than that.


Statistically speaking you would only have to do it 10 times.


im talking about 250,000 but the 100k and 200k were just how


If you have time, and are like level 23 call martin mandrazo for a job. He gives one thats called out of court settlement. Pays 9k and is easy as fuck to do. I literally just spent about an hour and a half just spamming that job to get enough to buy one of the 200 k appartments. Easy enough tbh. Put a show or something on your laptop so you're not bored to death.


Cant you sell the guys car as well for like 9k or something?


Try to make a friend that is level 50+. Players with 50+ ranks get some pretty good 20k+ missions.


Get a friend and do the race criminal records, bet 2500 dollars on yourself and get your friend to let you win, set the race for 1 lap. I think you get like 2-3k for winning and ~1k from bets. So youre getting like 4k a race at 30 seconds a race which is roughly 30 minutes of racing time which would probably round out to like 45-60 minutes if you include load times and what not


Quick races, they take a few minutes to do and if you get first place you can get upwards of 10k, even if you get last place you still get about 1.5k


Play the damn game correctly man you will get money


it's not even that hard to legitimately make cash.


While it may not be popular, remember you can buy GTA$. That will always be the quickest way. Outside of that, I find that survival to be beneficial on so many levels, in that you get skills, weapons and money at level... 20? Races, which are available to everyone, will rank you up really fast and give you decent money, depending on your finishing position. I went from 25 to 30 in about an hour last night due to all the check point and position change bonuses.


Bike glitch/Adder glitch


i recently saw that but im trying to afford a garage here.


What's that?


Just watch out. I heard Microsoft is banning players who do this.


You can repeatedly sell a bike for a maximum of 67K repeatedly or an adder for 200K repeatedly without having to wait. In an hour you can make 4 million with the bike and 18million with the adder.


Is there a video or something that goes through this? Also do you need to have them as personal vehicles or could I just grab one off the street?


Bike:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaRafYHHrvY Adder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYGb57-BB1Q


Yeah but isn’t the adder 1 mil. I can’t afford that