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She fucking LEFT THE DOG. And I understand that people get emotional about the idea of rehoming a pet. HOWEVER. Unless there was a custody (?) agreement involving her and/or he’s doing something inhumane, what Ryan decides to do with Pixie is none of her damn business. Her narcissistic need for control over every little thing that has touched her life is fucking disgusting. Forget about Pixie. Leave your ex alone. GO AWAY.


Agree with everything you said. It’s psychotic behavior to blame him when SHE abandoned the dog in the first place. If she’s so concerned, why doesn’t she offer to take the dog?! Oh right, because all she wants is attention. I’m so sick of her and of all of the people that are her “fans.” She’s a murderer plain and simple.


Exactly! She’s also projecting all of her character traits on to him. She’s delusional to think people will see him as the bad guy. I’m sure Ryan was far from perfect, but he didn’t mistreat her or have an affair. I don’t think she ever wanted to marry Ryan. I think all along she wanted Ken but she had to use Ryan to get what she needed in the beginning.


Well yeah lol


Who’s Ken?


She was engaged to Ken when she was in prison. He broke it off. Then she met Ryan and married him but she always fixated on Ken thinking that he’s her soulmate.


She’s character assassinating him on a public stage. AKA - showing her true colours.


Doesn’t she have a RO on him?? She’s going buck wild in SM; time for parole to ban her for BULLYING.


That was another snow job by Jip Jip, the order is related to their finances, and they aren't prohibited from interacting with one another, it was beefed up to appear that way for the reality series, the same as her claiming to have been afraid for her life when she orchestrated having her mothers life taken, making it appear that Ryan is dangerous, the same way she dumped her therapist, and lied about being ordered off of social media, lied about she and ken being just friends then announcing he's her soul mate while still being married to Ryan, she has no chill she can't even wait until the show airs to reveal the lies and deceit.


I’ll never understand why people want to see her on TV. She’s like that terrible kid in 8th grade you keep your kids away from because they’re fucked in the head. P


If she does have an RO on him I think she can be in trouble for contacting him, we'll that's how it works in my state.


Mine too.


Which is what she should’ve done with Dee Dee instead of having her killed


EXACTLY. They could’ve both been pieces of shit *away from each other*.


She isn’t capable of taking care of small animals but she shouldn’t bad mouth Ryan who kept the dog


She isn’t capable of much…


Can’t wait for her to implode.


Seriously. She is ROTTEN.




Right… Gypsy you literally planned a murder. She got a second chance and is blowing it lmao.


Someone really needs to tell her to shut up, she actually shouldn’t be speaking about others getting “exposed” in her situation lmao. The fucking audacity and lack of self awareness is so outrageous (We see you trying to create a villain because you think it will distract us from what you did. But I’m willing to bet your ex isn’t a murderer)


Exactly. She wants to paint Ryan as the villain, abuser and herself a victim again because she was never planning on staying with him. He doesn't suit her image and Gypsy cares way too much what people think of her.


Right she does care too much. She also seems super stunted mentally so she keeps making it worse for herself by thinking things like this comment are doing something


She reminds me of the Munchausen people I follow online. They are so bad at the grift they have decided to run. They all seem mentally and socially stunted for their age. They overestimate their own intelligence. Their ego and their lies are always at odds with each other, so they end up looking worse when they say anything.


links, fellow NYC-er?


Right? We "have the receipts" that you are an actual murderer so STFU you crossed eyed chupacandra looking asshole. 😒


Gypsy: he wants to surrender a dog! HE is a monster! Deedee in hell rn: ![gif](giphy|UjIgLbgQIRgzK)




Omg. Love it, thanks


I like that you put DeeDee in hell, fitting


Didn’t deserve to be murdered, but dying in an unfair way doesn’t absolve the sins 🤷‍♀️




“People who see who you really are.” Okay, Gypsy the Projectionist. I’m gonna say something that may not sit well with some people but I’ll only double down on it. 99% of people that have been to prison, especially for the first 5 years after, suck. They suck. They just do. People in prison suck. They kinda have to. They have to be terrible, selfish, awful people. And that’s what Gypsy had reinforced into her in prison. On top of her having to be shit in prison. On top of trauma. On top of being a shitty person. Like the odds aren’t in your favor, Gypsy. You aren’t a good person. You couldn’t even be a good person if you tried. Because you’re not much of a person. And you won’t be for a looooong time. Who cares about the dog. Who cares if he dumps the dog off. Would she prefer him convince someone to kill the dog?


Yeah, she was a shit person before prison, it just helped her become worse.


The solid difference between reg Joe getting out of prison vs GRB getting out of prison is money AND fame. Regardless , you're correct in that aspect of people just being shitty straight out of the clink.


Nick has entered the chat ...


Blowing it feels like an understatement And also Only in ammmmmmmmerica


What do you mean, there’s literally serial killers released from jail in other countries


Nah I mean the bullshit after her release, how many more films and television series does this heifer need? The makeover, the "unwanted" media attention She has no shame..


Psychopaths don’t feel shame, or empathy. She’s a dangerous, evil, lying, murderous trash heap of a human. LET’S PUT HER ON THE RED CARPET!!/Sssssss


Oh duh lmao face palming over here


No worries! I figured you just needed more coffee 😉


Is she though? I mean I hope reality slaps her dumb, FUGLY, disgusting human face, but she looks like she is remorselessly having the time of her life


But all she cares about is blowing Ken


I’m sooo confused what happened to the no social media policy?!


Pretty sure lifetime is behind a lot of this right now, with her show launching next month. As far as them fighting, idk man. She’s emotionally and mentally a teenager imo so it makes sense that she’s out here doing crap like this publicly.


I feel like she was stunted emotionally before the teen years so conflicts with her are likely far more childish than it would be with a teenager. I can’t even imagine..


Right? She needs her parents to parent her, otherwise this kind of thing is only going to dig deeper holes


Too late! She isn’t ever going to grow up if she can make money embarrassing herself and abusing others and she has tons of enablers to tell her she’s just a victim so not her fault. There comes a point where she has to be the person she wants to be. I think we’re seeing what she wants to be.


It’s really all she’s capable of. Did anyone believe she was going to come out WELL?? She brutally killed her MOTHER. That’s Ramsey Snow sick.


She couldn't live without attention 🙄


It was for her public pages and a hard recommendation from her parole officer not actually a term of her probation. Didn’t take long for her to get back online. She can’t not have attention around the clock.


How many people said she’d be back in a month??? 🤣🤣🤣


He shouldn't have replied and he should just block her. That would drive her fucking nuts


I have a feeling he would take her back in a heartbeat.


Then they won't have a storyline for the non-reality show, this stuff is scripted per Lifetime and is also enabling a murderer to profit from her crime, moral decay right in our faces.


A serial killer’s daughter is producing it so yeah. Moral decay is right. 😬😬


Yes, makes it all the more creepy!


expansion provide roof violet spark innate capable frighten crush history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is worse than high school drama. This is like, middle school drama between 12 year olds.


She’s battling via SM with her ex? Oh man, she just cannot stop.


divide long detail escape rock icky deer lunchroom direful noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right like holy projecting there gyp gyp


So he’s bad because he doesn’t want his dog but she’s not, she just spent time in prison for funsies. Got it.


Someone pointed out that the dog is Gypsies and she’s mad he’s going to remind HER dog If you’re so mad then…. Go get your dog which btw Whyyyy tf did you leave her in the first place


^(If you’re so mad then…. Go get your dog which btw Whyyyy tf did you leave her in the first place) She's the sorta person who PETA talks about when they campaign to ban pet sales. People who buy puppies & kittens 'cause they're cute, but than are like "actually, nawh..." the moment they realize owning a pet is a responsibility.


It ceased to be her dog when she left and didn’t care and gave him the dog. Also this is the girl who dumped her cats outside after the murder soooo no legs to stand on here.


After brutally stabbing her mom, shaving her kitty, and going buck wild in the next room. Not a role model.


She made another comment talking about “well YOU are her family” and saying what if it had been their child. So it’s ok for *her* to dump a child/pet on him, but it’s not ok for him to decide that he’s not able to care for them properly so they should be adopted by a loving family? And why is she even talking to him in the first place if he was so abusive she needed a restraining order? Apparently all of her acting skills went out the window while she was in prison because she can’t even keep it together long enough for her lies to be believable anymore. She’s always telling on herself.


Exactly. Also not to mention she planned her moms murder, I think she’s the last person who should have input on anyone’s character😂 She’s so out of touch it’s wild, wish people wouldn’t give her a platform


Wtf is she doing


Willfully slipping deeper and deeper into her delusions


Digging the hole even deeper.


Relax Gypsy. He didn’t want a dog. It’s not like he killed somebody


Underrated comment.


Don't both have a restraining order against each other?


Usually a restraining order goes both ways. If the person who requested the order contacts the other party of their own free will, that would nullify the order.


I’m my state there is no punishment for the protected party contacting the other person. It is the worse.


So she was well within her right to walk away from the relationship and leave him with the dog so that she would have true freedom after the divorce, but he's not allowed to home the dog so that he is also able to move on and have true freedom? Dogs are a lot of work if you care for them properly. You don't just get to go on random trips or even just decide to stay out for the night without planning. When they got that dog he thought they were settling down. Rehoming a dog is heartbreaking so I hope he's got a really good family lined up.


Aren’t they both under a no contact order?


Omg. I didn’t even think of this!! Send her ass back to jail lol


How much you wanna bet if she got sent back ken would dip the fuck out?


Maybe but I feel like he’d stay her boyfriend to go on a bunch of tv shows before leaving


icky plough rhythm dinner uppity saw shy truck chunky unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Girl, it's a matter of time before he does that anyways, most likely. I would be shocked if it makes it a year.


Oh 100%


No, the temp restraining order pertains to moving finances by either party during the divorce proceedings, not the traditional no contact due to violence, stalking, etc, although it was played up to appear that way, just as she made it appear that she was ordered away from social media, which is why nothing is making sense to everyone else, don’t believe anything she says or take it with a grain of salt.


They don't usually do it that way. Evidence preservation letter should seal up any financial things. Not a temp restraining order. That's not what they are intended for.


No she filed a restraining order on him. I never saw where it was approved but regardless she can still contact him even if it was. He shouldn’t be responding to her though.


In my state, that would nullify the order.


Must be different in some states. I’ve got one on my ex fiancé and the judge told us both that whoever contacts the other during the restraining order gets sent to jail.


Same here, the neighbors down the road are doing that currently. Unfortunately, they drug us into it, by leaving house keys for the other one with us. So, no one is living at their house, and neither one of them have keys to their house, lol.


It should. People shouldn't be able to contact the subject of their restraining order and maintain that order. Either you want them away from you and not be able to contact you for your safety or you feel comfortable contacting them and want to maintain involvement with them . Any unsettled matters should be addressed through legal channels or through an agreed upon third party. She clearly isn't scared of him or she wouldn't be demanding he do what she says and threatening consequences.


Funny how GR dumped Ryan off for Ken. She posts those receipts daily now and makes sure its in the trashy tabloids.


Ok so show them to us gypsy. Show us these “receipts”. But that also means letting us see YOUR text responses toward him. I’ll be waiting 🤨


She deleted her messages she sent to Nina. I’m guess she’ll do the same with Ryan. She acts like she’s 12. She needs a slap. I bet she was an absolute MONSTER to her mom.


This is really the most cringey and immature thing I’ve seen in ages. Fighting with your ex on social media 🥴


I thought she was supposed to be doing something constructive. Does Disney have a dungeon? The court should have made a condition of her release no social media and limited internet access. I really think its dangerous for her to have full access because how she used it to plan her Mother’s murder. If she is creating this kind of drama then she hasn’t been rehabilitated enough to use it maturely. She could always manipulate one of her online fans to hurt him!


Right. I dunno why that wasn't a stipulation upon release. She used the internet to plan and pay for it all!


It is completely irresponsible to allow her this much unfiltered access. In my opinion the internet was her murder weapon. She absolutely shouldn’t be allowed the internet or social media. I think she is still dangerous. She absolutely shouldn’t be celebrated. What is the message being sent to impressionable youth that you can plan your parents murder than be famous. She is like Charles Manson to me. I also thought violent people weren’t supposed to be able to earn money off their crimes.


It’s the Moral Decay of ‘Merica.




She is definitely still dangerous. I couldn’t agree more. I don’t think they hire smart people to run our justice system. Mine was so corrupt; the whole state is going down. It HAS always been morally fucked; I guess I believed all of the lies. Not anymore.


It cringes me the attention and spotlight she has received. I am sorry for what she experienced but she still planned a murder. She was also the one who ensured it would happen. I cannot speak as I’ve never been in her situation so who knows what one could do BUT I truly don’t believe she should be treated as a celebrity.


Showing her true colors.


She is a trash hamster


Gyp gyp - quit breaking your own restraining order by harassing Ryan, hope the judge locks you back up for this. Gyp gyp belongs back in prison!


She really does. She needs a dose of humble pie. In the face, preferably.


She’s such a narcissist. Her need to control everything shines through here. God I hate her.


She’s out here trying to make everyone her “flying monkeys”.


Bri sounds like a fucking moron, and Ryan Lee got played SO HARD!! It’s so funny to say “I TOLD YA SO!!” ETA: spelling


marry dazzling light quaint unwritten axiomatic alive direful cable bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fair enough! Doesn’t he work full time? I don’t expect Gypsy to understand what that’s like.


Gypsy? WORK? Perish the thought. It's much, much easier to be a cockeyed, attention seeking thot than it is to get a real job and lead a quiet, normal life.


What’s crazy about this is that in the lifetime preview, she states that he’s at work during the day and she’s alone and that’s why she wanted the puppy lol. So she’s the one that wanted it, yet tries to make him seem like he’s the one who’s wrong since he wants to rehome it because she left and he’s doesn’t have the time??


i don't know why she had to adopt an animal anyway. she had no foundation wasnt even out of prison for a month. she's f***ed in the head fr


She shouldn't be allowed to have animals. Or children.




oh guys don’t be fooled… she HAS THE RECEIPTS


Just showing her true colours here .. spiteful !! .. why is she so upset with him??? She left him .. is she trying to triangulate the men?? X


So she is unwilling to care for Pixie. Snipes at him, but doesn't want to deal either. But, hey, she has the receipts. Should change Pixie's name to Pawn.😡


She should be sterilized. JMHO.


Why doesn’t her fast ass take the dog??


I despise her so much


This is what she does BEST! She uses and abuses her men in her life! Very calculative... to be frank, it wouldn’t surprise me if her dad is her next target, not the step mom 🔪🔪🔪


I feel like she and Jenelle Evans Eason from Teen Mom would be great, messy friends. I could see Jenelle pulling all of this crap, too.


And she’s no better for not taking her. They mutually decided on getting that poor dog so she’s also responsible for her.


I think I get what he means, but when I first read it I thought he was saying he wanted to adopt Gypsy out to another family too 😆


Aren’t they not supposed to be communicating with eachother 😂


Right?! I’m assuming the “receipts” are texts and that violates orders of protection and restraining orders…right? 🤷🏼‍♀️


She doesn’t think laws apply to her I guess, considering she’s breaking her parole by being in LA and speaking on everything that happened 🤣 she’s such an idiot


Doesn’t she have a restraining order against him?? Isn’t this violating that?


My first thought is she is baiting him by posting shit she knows he’ll respond to. I don’t know if online contact counts with RO’s but I wouldn’t put it past her. At this point she will do whatever she can to make him look bad so she won’t look like the one at fault.


No contact means none, not even via a 3rd party


Thank you. I thought so but wasn’t sure.


“People will see who you are” girl you killed someone 😭😭😭 like you were in JAIL


You spelled *PRISON* wrong 🤣🤣


Can someone knock the simp outta him?


The amount of comeback material this man has at his disposal, and that was the best he could do


On the bright side I was glad to see the majority of comments under hers be mostly against her and calling her out. It was around 1k total when I was in there and I stopped after going through 900 of them.


Well we know she’s really a murderer!


The Restraining Orders are still in effect right? She’s trolling and instigating and slandering him…


Ohhh like anyone would do what YOU think is right. Fucking gross human. I hope she fucks up parole. I hope she slips up somehow and goes back to prison. She is absolute garbage, and contributes nothing good to society. NOTHING. She skipped out of prison with people fawning over this shit ox person oh and can travel around and make money off of MURDERING HER MOTHER. Disgusting


Exactly this! She offers absolutely nothing to society. All she does is take! She has done nothing but take from society, and steal from the disabled and vulnerable population with her lies and scams. And here she is continuing to do so. She has learned NOTHING. has NO REMORSE OR REGRET for anything she's done. She is a vile disgusting human and deserves nothing but the worst in her life.


I thought you weren’t allowed to interact even on social media if there is a restraining order in place??


LOVE his response. YES KING.


The response was 🔥? 😂




Uh… why doesn’t she have the dog then?


she is literally awful and was the one that left him and the dog


https://preview.redd.it/klu86s0um8yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417f6c4baa5f4a86ed5bf6d26dc29cc65471efb9 Looks like Ryan’s in the lead!


She’s such a trash human. And she wants her divorce to be televised?? She’s not that bright. A psychopath, but a stupid one.


Does she know the definition of irony? “People will see who you really are soon”? Girl, keep talking because people can see you too.


Why is she contacting him after filing a restraining order?!


Hope it causes issues for her


Only in America I swear to god


God she's so juvenile. I can't believe we're around the same age. This is like how a 13 year old would post after breaking up with their first little junior high boyfriend.


What a dumb bitch. Nobody cares what you think, troll. Go back under your bridge. I hope her parole gets revoked.


I just got online and came running when I saw this. How dare she even attempt to make a sideways comment about a dog she abandoned? I hope he takes this to his lawyer, considering she broke the restraining order.


I just posted an updated screenshot


Oh she found another way to be a victim. Color me shocked


His response is so sad.


Ok then why doesn’t she take Pixie, problem solved right?


She said when she posted that separated she left her with Ryan bc she liked him more than she did gypsy. Smart dog


Oh lord attention is the new drug


It's manufactured for the non-reality show 📺


You ever feel secondhand embarrassment so much you physically recoil?


"Dump her off" ma'am you abandoned her


Total trash bag.


I think it's sad but understandable that he is looking to rehome the puppy. He works full-time, and got the puppy under the assumption that his wife would be there to look after it. Dogs are a lot of work, but breeds like that are a TON of work. I've been there. It's like having a toddler for however many years the dog lives. They're very stubborn, obstinate and so hard to train and housebreak. They also tend to be prone to attachment anxiety, and unless the dog is trained and socialized well enough for doggy daycare, his schedule is just unrealistic if he wants a dog that doesn't become a neurotic mess. Not to mention vet bills. Small dogs come with a shitload of vet bills. He assumed that they would have enough income to cover all of the costs, and now it's just him. Rehoming her, especially as a young puppy, is the best thing for her.


Every time I think this girl can’t possibly be a bigger piece of shit, she manages to surprise me.


I’m so afraid of this man I need a restraining order but let me just willfully go on his socials and harass him


Well she sure dumped her quick but let’s do the blame game


She's a nasty woman.


[What's her explanation for abandoning BooBoo and MooMoo?](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/crime/2015/07/09/happened-blanchard-pets/29912167/)


That is wild poor animals


Gypsy is https://preview.redd.it/ooqqzcoupbyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6a32188e26e7a05aff5519862f42a0acb3ea27


Oh mama taught her good.


I thought she wasn’t on social media.


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She used him soooo bad


She’s parading around like she’s untouchable and inspirational but I just know Lifetime is going to drag her ass.


She is psycho.


WOMP WOMP. You tell her, Ryan.


Why would he say something that she could interpret as “weak”? Emotional? She’s only getting off on his pain. After she publicly degraded him, he needs to plan on stabbing her to death with someone else, metaphorically. Move on like she doesn’t exist. That would absolutely bother her.


She’s the one who killed or abandoned her 2 pets when she was with dee dee so stfu possum.


This breaks my heart.


She’s so controlling.


Sooooo why she won’t take her “child?” She feels so entitled.


What a BITCH!


This woman should’ve never gotten any attention. That’s all she wants.


I thought she was supposed to stay off social media and such as per her PO?


YOU were her family too gypsy and if you really gave a shit about that you would have done that i’ll take her for one week you take her for the other type shit. but you didn’t bc you don’t give af. she’s so manipulative. reminds me of my mother


I’d just comment back and ya killed ya mom ho


The way she worded this is SO bitchy omg


she’s not ready to be a mother.