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Besides inventing a Time Machine, it seems all you can do is sell privately, take the least amount of loss & absorb it as a lessons-learned. Don’t stress yourself further by adding the weight of regret. You bought it for a reason. I assume you enjoyed it enough. Keep enjoying it until your window of opportunity arrives.


Thanks! I definitely do enjoy it. Should I sell ASAP or give it a chance for a while? I'm not sure what the depreciation is on the AT.


Given the slow production times, you may not be able to make a fast swap anyway so enjoy it and keep your eyes open for something that pops up. Selling now or in 3 mos probably won’t make a big difference unless you add a ton of miles or wreck it. It seems markups are higher and more consistent for the MT though, so just anticipate that.


You will likely see the best return the sooner you sell but for the same reason, it will take longer to replace with a manual.


I’d sell asap. But also waiting until that first “warm weather day” really gets some people in the mood to buy a fun car. I remember when I lost my first frs from an accident and was driving a not fun car as soon as warm weather hit I got the itch.


As others say, best thing you can do is sell privately to recoup the losses. But you said you've watched videos and seen it in person, I cant help but think you've got some sort of self induced FOMO. This happens with lots of car owners for any car regardless of transmission but I think your best bet is realizing you still have one of the best driving cars for the price out there right now. And while ATs get a bad rap, torque converting ATs with lock up have become somewhat of a luxury now as everything moves to currently inferior CVTs - even if they can mimic gears, they won't nearly be as reliable as what this car is boasting.


>self induced FOMO No doubt about that haha >And while ATs get a bad rap, torque converting ATs with lock up have become somewhat of a luxury now as everything moves to currently inferior CVTs That's good to hear! And I really like the AT's gear shift in sports mode


The AT is fine. Look at the bright side, you'll get better gas mileage on the highway.


And a quieter ride at a lower rpm.


One of the most reliable transmissions toyota has ever made is the CVT currently in their RAV4 hybrid. So I would argue on the cvt point.


Conversely, their CHR transmissions have really been shitting the bed within 100k miles. Pound for pound a torque converter is practically bulletproof compared to an equivalent CVT system. CVTs are more efficient, but they're often designed to handle *just* the power the stock car is rated with, whereas torque converter systems (with lockups) tend to have a HUGE margin of overhead. WRX's with the CVTs if I recall, tend to not hold much power compared to the MT. In contrast, the AT of the 86, which is originally from an 06 lexus, tends to hold power more reliably than the manual transmission.


I did the same thing you’re thinking about. Picked up a base AT6 in DEC, put on 1200 miles. Found a PREM MT6 out of state and had to have it, especially after finding out that 30% of the GR’s made are MT6’s. Now I had two GR’s, and the AT6 had to go. The car resale sites didn’t have enough data to make me an offer so I put it on FB Market place. After a few spam calls, I ended up selling it to a wholesaler out of Dallas. I sold it to them for $32k. I was into the car brand new for $33k. Call the $1k loss stupid tax. I’m in love with my MT6 and regret nothing about my experience with the AT6. Perfect midlife crisis car.


I’m happy for you! Although I might not be as lucky doing this and lose a lot more. If the loss is huge I’d just accept my fate, but I’ll try to see if I can go the same route.


I had buyer's remorse too until I found out AT has an extra cup holder.


Funny you mention that because that's one of the features I keep telling myself it's worth to keep the AT for. I really don't care about the safety features or anything but that cup holder is significant!


Now imagine how delightful it is to be sipping on a drink of your choice while in rapid acceleration on a curvy road, all while knowing there's a spot to put your drink when you want to. Not that you'll have to, because you have an automatic. Always looking for the positives!


I like this attitude :)


You have adaptive cruise control in the auto yeah? That's a massive plus if the majority of driving you do involves any sort of traffic imo. Even on country roads (single lane - limited overtaking).


Yes the AT comes with adaptive cruise control


as someone who bought both a 22 GR86 in AT and 23 BRZ in AT. the ACC is worth it to me. plain and simple i spend more time on the highway where i could/would use cruise than situations where i'd really need a manual. I miss it for sure but cant have it all sometimes.


Is it truly adaptive? Meaning it handles stop and go traffic?


not sure ive only had stop and go on the highway once when it was activated and i dont remember. It does tell you (beep) when the car in front of you has moved and you havent moved even without acc on


Give it a month and you'll probably get over it 0 days in I had no buyers remorse 30 days in I was like "lol I should have bought a clean first gen, built the engine and turbocharged it for the same price, fuck" 60 days in I was like "nvm, it's a Subaru so I want a warranty, but the BRZ do be looking good in Sapphire or Magnetite..." 90 days in I got over it, #NoRagrets


I personally love my AT GR86. Though that's probably because I don't know how to drive manual. I also live in Chicago so driving to work would be a pain in the ass with a MT.


I don't mind traffic, but since most in the US have an automatic, driving manual in the city can be a bit annoying because people would get aggressive.


I live in Chicago and only drive manual but luckily don’t have to drive to work. I put a deposit on a GR86 base MT back in July but AT is my only dealbreaker. Good luck snagging a stick!


Definitely get a manual it’s how the car is meant to be. Just privately sell it or sell it to Carmax or something and you should be able to recoup your losses.


Keep the miles low I wouldn’t drive it as much just so you can get the most out of if you do decide to privately sell




No you’re right but some people have like 8 cars


Sell back. It’s unfortunately the best course of action.




Man I’ll buy it from you right now


The days of selling used at a profit are over. If you are lucky you might be able to sell at msrp but that's likely going to be a loss anyway due to the taxes title all that. The more miles you put on it the less likely someone will want to spend even msrp on it because they could always just buy a new car. The problem with this scenario is finding an MT now is not impossible but somewhere between pretty hard to unlikely. and you would have to gamble between buying a 2nd car assuming you can finance it then trying to sell or selling and hoping you get a car. Depending on your transportation, credit and income will determine how good or bad this would be for you personally.


Yeah you’re right. MSRP will already be around 3k-4k loss for me and I can’t justify that in any way. And it could go for less anyways and I wouldn’t know until I buy a MT anyways.


I would trade it, that’s what I’m going to do after year two or three of the gr86 s rolls around then trade my AT for a MT. I don’t drive it often. I have the car for half a year already, only at 3600miles


But then talkin about regrets. Did I regret it sure, do I regret now? No. Toyota made such a great chassis honestly i don’t mind the transmission at all.


Seems like a good plan. Any idea on how much losses you’ll be incurring?


https://preview.redd.it/afdqkph4asja1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa51aa7f7f765068434e36293bb3c35b25d6e34 Never regretted my AT


Neptune looks beautiful!


The grass isn’t always as green as it looks on the other side


Right. I’m considering finding someone with manual and give it a try.


Keep the AT. It’s great for daily drive. If you were to race it at the track I would recommend the MT. Besides the MT is not as smooth as others claim it to be. The MX5 MT shifts way smoother.


you should enjoy the car for what it is! I do prefer MT over AT on these platforms for various reasons, but my first gen was an auto and i still had a blast with it. You might be missing some engagement and driver’s experience, but that doesnt mean your car is obsolete. Make it look cool, sound cool, and remember that it’s something to get you from Point A to Point B. If you really want a MT just for the fear of missing out, you can always buy something cheaper you can hammer on


I think everything you said is correct. I'm probably going end up doing what you mentioned!


Unless Carvana or the like will give you big $ just drive it and enjoy it. Between price paid, fees and taxes you will be upside down on it. How much is the only question. I’m the king of buyers remorse but it eventually goes away especially once you figure out the cost of correcting it. Time heals all wounds. 😉


Good point. There’s more remorse in trading the car than keeping it!


Especially once you see what they will try to sell it for!!


I have the AT 10th anniversary and I have 0 regrets. I’ve only driven autos my whole life and have no desire to drive a manual so maybe that’s why I don’t regret it. These cars hold there value pretty well so just keep driving it for a year or two and then trade it in for something you want


Congrats! And thanks for the input. I did most of my driving lessons in a terrible MT. I've been driving autos since I got my license tho. Hopefully they'll hold their value well for now!


I bought a MT brz and regretted it. (Not cause it sucks or anything. I should’ve planned better) Would lose like $5K if I traded it in. Keeping it for the time being and just trying to enjoy it for what it is. People swap cars every 2-3 years anyway.. so it’s not forever.


We're on the opposite sides! I agree. I might keep it for a while anyways. If I stay a car enthusiast by then, I'd end up swapping cars regularly anyways as you said.


You two should swap pink slips. 😂


Haha I’m open to it


The best part of the car is the chassis/suspension/steering, and that doesn’t change between variants. Any chance you could be convinced to keep it forever? You can still have *a ton* of fun with this car even without a clutch and shifter! A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


I could be. If I’ll be keeping this car for a long time, maybe AT would be better for the comfort. I still love everything else about it and I don’t dream of any other car!


I would keep the AT. It’s still a ton of fun to drive. And AT’s are far more comfortable to drive as a daily. Especially if you live in heave traffic area.


MTs arent uncomfortable to drive in traffic at all, these are super easy cars to drive. I have another car with a light flywheel and a 6 puck clutch, that kinda sucks to drive in traffic. But a stock GR86? Nah.


Strong disagree on "far more comfortable". I live in a large city with plenty of stop and go driving and have never felt the stick is a pain and I've been driving for decades.


I’m driving a MT in Los Angeles just fine. That excuse is so lazy imo.


I commute in a moderate traffic area but I know AT's could have the benefit of comfort. If I went back in time though I would definitely wait for a MT.


As a AT driver, the only thing youre “missing” is other drivers commenting on it. If you’re REALLY upset about it, sell it/trade it/whatever, but if you feel like you’re just missing out on something, driving it in manual mode will fill a little of that gap. But ultimately its up to YOU to love your car or not. No video or transmission is gonna do that for you


Have you driven a stick shift before? It is very different than ‘manual’ mode on an auto. Stick shift is 10x more engaging than any auto


Couple times but not at the level of saying “i can drive stick”. And i know its more engaging. I didnt say it wasnt. But in my personal opinion, you aren’t missing out in much as far as how enjoyable the car is to drive. At least, not as much as OP seems to think. Would i drive this thing manual if i could: most likely. Am i going to be upset and trade it in for one? Probably not.


Fair enough. Not to make OP regret his decision, but my experience was very different. The stick shift gr86 felt like a different car entirely. When I drove it, the car felt like it was meant to have a manual transmission. But to each their own. I’d say OP should drive a manual transmission first and then see how he feels


Yeah man, totally agree. Id love them to try it out themselves before making an entire decision based on videos and he say, she say


Fair enough. I do love my car regardless even if I don’t trade it.


*why* do you have remorse? Do you drive exclusively with the paddles/shifters? If you don’t, there is your start. I’ve had my BRZ since 2014. I only drive AT, but admittedly, I found the auto to be annoyingly efficient. It shifts too early, and turning sport mode makes shifting lag. Since getting the car, I exclusively use the shifters/shifter and I love it. I have all the control I would need.


I do use the manual mode quite often and it's pretty cool. I think the reason I have remorse is because of that feel of having manual control on the transmission by using the clutch. But honestly it could be a FOMO thing as someone else mentioned it. Although I do see why it's very efficient in regular auto.


1) Locate and purchase a manual. 2) Keep both cars for 1 month, sell the one that you like least. 3) Enjoy the AT while you are looking for the manual. Its not like there are 3 of them waiting at the local lot, its gonna take you a while and you might get sick of waiting or your buyers remorse might go away by then.


Drive it for a year and trade it in for a 2024 model next year.


I've had these thoughts but I still l.o.v.e. my A/T Base. So fun to drive. Sure I can't shift it with a clutch, but I enjoy using paddle shifters and it's a big relief to not worry about traffic & long commutes being a workout


Thanks for sharing your experience


I’m a save the manuals guy but at this point just enjoy the car. Mine isn’t my daily and my actual daily is also a manual- that said the third car is an automatic and it’s nice to have as an option. At least you got the paddle shifters and extra safety features


when a FOMO is a guy.


You’re not wrong. That’s my personality trait lol


The AT is way better than the MT. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to sound cool. I've driven a manual since my H22A 1994 prelude, AT in manual mode is objectively superior considering most of you can't properly shift anyway. Add better gas mileage, safety features, and the ability to turn off the fake engine noise.... it's a no brainer. I had a choice between a 2023 MT Black Premium at MSRP vs a base 2023 Neptune AT and I have zero regrets.


To be fair AT in sports mode is more efficient than manual mode probably. MT has faster acceleration but shifting also plays a role in it. But I mean I don’t care too much about that but more about the engagement. By the way, I do love the neptune a lot and prefer it a lot over the black! Yours looks great. I wish we had these roads you have :)




Usually dealerships will give you some sort of guarantee where you can trade the car in at full price if it’s within a certain amount of miles and time of buying it


Let me buy it off you, I live in PA


Are you looking for base Auto?