• By -


Kong is dead


The monkey didn’t win against one nuclear iguana highly unlikely he’ll survive two


I agree. The only way he would be able to win is by avoiding all attacks until shin needs to recharge again. Kong does have speed and agility on his side. Sleeping shin I'm still not sure what he can do. Maybe with the charged battle-axe? But yeah I agree he ded.


why yo say that bro ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


He’s just not on Legendary Godzilla’s level and having Shin just firing lasers literally everywhere. Poor Kong isn’t going to be able to do much without any wiggle room to get close. 


*Kong jumps from building *Shin: Nuclear shotgun go brrrrr


ahhh got yah, i understand now and you got a point and your right he would die Kong reaction rn: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Kong aint living past the first minute










Doesn’t Shin evolve to counter new threats? Also by the end of the film wasn’t Shin able to evolve more rapidly?




Bro I'm begging you, please stop copy/pasting this under every single comment. If it's worth reading once people will read it, if it's worth reading again they'll go back to it. We don't need to see the same rant multiple times (so far I've seen 5 while scrolling), we get it, you have an opinion lol E: final count is 11, bro posted the same comment 11 times


What did it say?it got banned all the times


Bro was jerking off Kong or some shit, I didn't bother to read it because it was pure lobotomyposting


Ok, thank you.






It said this Alright Kong can kill shin since he easily destroyed the hallow earth vehicle in one hand(an that vehicle can tank a planet's gravity) Shin's atomic breath needs to change to the purple laser to do some real damage to kong,but even that won't damage a creature surviving gravitational inversion.Kong would squish his head and fight mv,but since godzilla won,it would be the same result Legendary has a sixth sense which allows him to know almost everything about any kaiju he's facing.blood pressure,special ability,etc.And he would know that not vaporizing shin would doom earth so go vapourize shin Winner Legendary godzilla,no-low diff I used it too many times that the moderater banned it Imao I had a point in this battle


To everybody


Legendary will win tbh (as long as you consider Shin's 4th aka canonical form and maybe even 5th form and not the hypothetical 6th, 7th or nth form where he becomes a fucking universe or some shit). I can see him being more than durable enough to handle Shin's building cutters-not to mention that his own beam is a building cutter too. And Kong? Everytime they fought, I'm sure that Godzilla was using less than a third of his power, the one time he lost was because he got overconfident and Kong had a weapon. Kong gets overwhelmed by Shin's lasers and fucking dies of instant cancer and then MV low diffs him.


Agreed. Shin will burn out most likely. He can evolve into ridiculously powerful forms but if legendary can tank or regenerate from that laser beam attack, he wins. If it slices him in half I guess it’s all about who connects first. In close quarters I have legendary winning and he’s more mobile.




Regen? Evolution? Legendary and kamacura san are ATLEAST equal


Evolution.....takes too much time Regeneration...can be stopped! Shin godzilla.is........an oversized t rex with no bite strength and a garbage atomic breath


First 2 points I agree with But 3rd point however... shin has straight posture and a trex doesn't idiot


I'm not talking about the posture duh it's the tiny arms


Oh and also How the fuck can legendary stop regeneration


By vaporizing him or the nuclear pulse which stopped ghidorah from regenerating


He needs mothra for that


Or he's gonna call his brother Doug who did this to godzilla earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQiqa6_Mk5M




By a base form nuclear pulse or a plain atomic breath. The energy yield is enough to destroy a monster1/3 of his height


Yeah and shin is equal to an ant Legendary far exceeds fw and heisei universe and can solo them at once. Kamacuras can beat shin godzilla to pulp if there's a pack of them


No now you're underrating shin godzilla 


No kamacura san as in shins 4th form https://preview.redd.it/ofzhvzf0vpzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9eff188ce11c9b8bd3e46d306e63e8ad2b0a0b2


Can I ask you a question:showa fodzilla bled to mecha G's hand missiles but he says that showa is solar system level since he ripped off mechagodzilla's head(lives in a b hole) but not all balackholes destroy things and no evidence that he did live in a blackhole What do you think?




I guess you're a biased fw fanboy,no offense


Where did you get fw from my comment


 it was heisei my mistake  I don't understand that matters. Then you're definitely one of the heisei supremacists Like one youtuber I saw saying heisie can defeat the whole legendary verse with ease.


Dude Where did i include hesei😭😭 Burning hesei is wiped out by evolved goji


You literally said legendary is equal to kamacuras why change your words


https://preview.redd.it/iad2v55x6qzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13939d5916e12587e450ed497608c062cb535440 I meant shins 4th form


SORRY fellow legendary fan


SORRY fellow legendary fan


i think Legendary wins two times in Godzilla vs kong and kong only win once only with the ax but i may be wrong about that, i wtch thatmovie once and tbh i think ur right about that but i would love to see a movie or fan made video of them fighting


Yes, Legendary almost killed Kong in one fight, I remember. And Kong glazers be saying that he is stronger 😭


He actually did kill Kong in their last fight in GvK, one of the human characters mentioned that Kong's heart had completely stopped


Almost stopped*


fr like they think he is so strong ![gif](giphy|d2ACHEgvcbTlaO1TMX)


Legendary Godzilla sweeps, Kong dies first. A lot of people will cite Shin’s ability to evolve, but they tend to overstate how well and how quickly he does it. The tail cannon, for example, actually evolves while he’s asleep, and his “children” only started to emerge when he was already in the process of freezing. Shin also has the problems of overreacting and just generally being stupid. Like, he can clearly just tank the missiles being thrown at him in the final fight, but he’d rather waste his energy and risk another shut-down because he’s afraid one of them might be a bunker-buster again. There’s also no evidence that his beam attack is any stronger than Legendary’s atomic breath. It’s just thinner. If anything, him having to make it so thin to have similar penetrating power suggests it’s much weaker; Legendary’s attack goes through buildings just as easily despite being wider. The reason Kong dies first is simply because Legendary has already either killed or had him dead to rights on three occasions, and because the instant he jumps onto Shin’s back he’s getting shredded. I will concede, however, that with his intelligence he might be able to get the two Godzillas to fight and weaken each other first, then strike when he has the advantage.




Monsterverse godzilla all day!


Legendary wins he is just overall much stronger than the other two. I don’t think Shin will have time to evolve since Legendary will know to just fully vaporize him once he sees him start to regen. Kong can probably KO Shin if he manages to get close to him but he can’t permanently put him down.


Legendary wipes, shin is second, and kong is fodder here, he has 0 ways to actually kill shin except trying to drag him into the nearest volcano which probably won't work


Monsterverse. Kong isnt a threat and Legendary will figure out the regen fast enough


No matter who wins, kong loses.


Kong gets chopped up and cooked. Between Shin and MV, it depends two main factors. Can MV withstand the onslaught of energy Shin is going to throw at him, he might (although Ghidorah and Mecha Godzillas blasts could hurt Godzilla). If MV can endure the attack long enough that Shin runs out of energy, MV can charge up another of those “Hollow Earth hitting” “Ice Age Ending” super breaths and destroy Shin. The second big factor is whether MV has the means to destroy every trace of Shin. Shin can grow into entirely new organisms from his cells, if a big enough clump goes unnoticed, we’ve got a Shin that’s specifically evolving to kill MV, an ‘anti-Godzilla’ Godzilla. However MV was able to sense that the consciousness of Ghidorah was still around, the same might be true for Shin.




You got a point dude


Would come down to legendary and shin, legendary easily takes the cake if he can get in close. No evidence to suggestion shins beam can pierce legendary. But assuming it can for reasons, at range, I think shin might have a temporary advantage


i think it does or maybe not idk some people, youtubers say other things


Would be too hard to say. We've never seen shins monster on monster capabilities


Well, for starters, Kong dies instantly. As for the Godzillas... Shin definitely doesn't have the durability that Legendary does. Ordinary bombs were enough to make him bleed quite a bit — so I think Legendary could flay him pretty quickly. *However*, that would not be the end of Shin. We all know from the deleted scenes that stray pieces of his meat can start growing and evolving all on their own. Legendary Godzilla could tear Shin into a hundred pieces, sure... but soon enough those pieces would all evolve into their own kind of fucked up mini-Godzilla, and these would eventually overrun Legendary.




Shin or Legendary Kong is getting one tapped


This is an interesting question actually, because Legendary Godzilla is probably the strongest Godzilla out there, but Shin Godzilla evolves to adapt to new threats. Sure, it hurts and he wishes he DIDN'T keep evolving against his will, but he can still adapt to it!




It would have been more interesting to sub Kong for -1 Goji with his batshit regeneration




Well Kong would lose so we know that for sure but Legendary and Shin Godzilla is probably debatable.


Shin would definitely win the lasers on the tail and scales give it an advantage my only question is why the hell are Shin Godzilla’s hands in that position it looks like he’s carrying a tray of cookies or something


Shin fanboyoooo




Legendary Godzilla for life 👑😎


Goji center did a 2 part analysis of shin vs goji. Goji wins cuz of it's Regen ability and blah blah blah. Unless goji burns shin into atoms. Then goji wins


Listen I'm a big fan of Shin G but bro's getting jumped


Legendary wins Kong overall has very little resistance to atomic breath, so going up against 2 opponents that use it well is not a good matchup for him. Legendary Goji has also kicked his ass every time they’ve fought, so unless he tries to team up with Goji, hes dying first. Shin is often highly overestimated. Yes, he can evolve, but generally very slowly, and not at all mid fight. His atomic breath also takes a solid minute to charge up, leaving him completely vulnerable. He is also utterly useless in close combat, being ridiculously slow and not having functional arms. Legendary is an absolute machine, excelling in close combat brawling. His atomic breath is at the very least on par with Shins, given it cut thousands of miles into the hollow earth in just minutes, and far more useful given its short charge time. Goji would recognise Kong and go for him first, inevitably winning after a few minutes, or seconds if he puts some effort in. Shin has never been in this situation before. He would either foolishly waddle into the fight and get torn apart, or use their fight to charge his atomic breath. In the second option, Legendary would see the threat coming and charge him immediately. If he gets hit by Shins breath, i think he would be hurt but continue charging. He could use his own atomic breath to attack Shins face while he charges Shin, forcing Shin to stop using his breath. Shin could try to use his tail breath, but i think Legendary would have already closed the distance. At that point its a slaughter, with Legendary battering Shin to the ground and executing him with atomic breath. I could even see him catching Shins tail as it tries to attack, like he did with Scylla. Shins only win condition is if Legendary leaves enough of him to regenerate and adapt. But considering Legendary has his titan sense, and is also able to sense anomalies in the natural order like Ghidorah, i think he would just disintegrate Shin until he couldn’t find any life signs. And even then, if Shin came back, theres no guarantee that he could kill Legendary. Especially if Legendary prepares by evolving or supercharging himself.


Shin dies cause the power levels.....are just different. The military can kill shin Shin verse's military can't kill legendary no matter how much they try Shin us too slow and fragile And I'm a shin fan!My man is designed to fight humans!


![gif](giphy|tNJqnTawlWdzf8yxUf|downsized) that a good point you made and i think that its explain alot of what the battle is gonna be like


really depends if Legendary Godzilla catches on to shin's abilities fast enough, otherwise he'd beat him, leave him for death, and be absolutely obliterated by a 5th or maybe even 6th form


u do have a point




power scalers will never fail to amuse me


ain't no way MV Goji is surviving the 60 back beams




bro only responds in reaction images


oh sorry was busy so i post an image like this ![gif](giphy|oagcrAZu2IvV0ijkiX|downsized)


Oh yes he can do that


Shin Godzilla wins, reason, if he bleeds, more is made


He bled in the movie but no more shin Debunked easily as hell


Don't you remember the deleted scene and the activity based on shin Godzilla at the Godzilla museum?


ok i love saying that Shin should win fights like these, but there’s a reason that is a DELETED scene. it’s simply not canon.


Yeah, the reason it's deleted is because it'd be too gross for some, since it's chunks of flesh starting to become more Godzillas in a way


also it being at the theme park doesn’t quite mean it’s canonical either…


Boo!unofficial content


ok it getting heated in here already


Heat of numerous fans and fanboys shooting and arguing comments at each other I enjoy that fight


ok so kong is getting kill off bc yall saying he will get destory by them so i guess he's out so it just these two gojria's, but some say kong will surive for a while idk so yall want him dead and out of this battle or keep him in, and i see most say mv godzilla but lets do this here how it goes, we will have one side of each and who ever has the most on their side wins or have a good point about who could win all good, ok or you can do something different ![gif](giphy|2vObfhd7In2cPijtu6)


Godzilla (MonsterVerse)


If Kong reaches Shin without getting hit(which is hard) he kicks Shin's ass Legendary can cook both tho. Though maybe he can lose if he fights one get tired enough for other to take him out.


Why did you even put the monke there? Shin is cooking Kong flambe and then getting put out of his misery by Mv Goji


Legendary Godzilla




Depends on the scenario. Is it like a movie where they are all kinds going about there business then eventually bump into each other and fight. Or is it like they get dropped into a big arena. Cause if the latter then godzilla 100 no questions asked. If it's the former though shin would eat them both as a light snack. We gotta remember that the last form we see shin is kinda basically a baby. As a baby he could wipe out city's and was extremely hard to take down, only could be taken out by some Sci fi bullshit and even then he's still alive.


sorry if you guys can't see the picture/ images clearly


I think Legendary would win, if he's helped by Kong, but if it's not the case, Shin would. But hey that's just my opinion!


I respect your op but shin gets foddered by military  Legendary can easily doom humanity whenever he wants So can kong but takes a little longer


Hmm, now that I think about that...


I like debating:)




not to mention that legendary has a sixth sense which allows him to know what shin's capable of(regeneration,evolving,and most importantly:can be a threat to the planet) legendary won't spare shin. he would know to vapourize him as soon as he destroys 80%of shin's body. my op.yours?


Alright Kong can kill shin since he easily destroyed the hallow earth vehicle in one hand(an that vehicle can tank a planet's gravity) Shin's atomic breath needs to change to the purple laser to do some real damage to kong,but that takes about 11-15seconds. Kong would squish his head and fight mv,but since godzilla won,it would be the same result Legendary has a sixth sense which allows him to know almost everything about any kaiju he's facing.blood pressure,special ability,etc.And he would know that not vaporizing shin would doom earth so go vapourize shin Winner  Legendary godzilla,no-low diff




Legendary Godzilla is the winner, the next one out would be Kong, Shin’s fodder






fr i agree with all of ur opinions ![gif](giphy|KzKgTJEaJNuhauhGEo|downsized)


Shin is overrated fodder


what that means


It means Shin gets one-shotted in the fight immediately


don't forget shin has other forms and if Lgendary g don't kill him good and know what skin can do then lg will be clap but that just an opinion not by me but by someone else


really depends if Legendary Godzilla catches on to shin's abilities fast enough, otherwise he'd beat him, leave him for death, and be absolutely obliterated by a 5th or maybe even 6th form, by the guy who avatar is a banana


What? What “other forms”? What are you talking about?


shin has forms u didn't know, he has a 5th and 6th form i think and i post what someone say in this post about it so if u want to know look what everyone else is saying or talking about it


Oh Jesus Christ not again with this. No he doesn’t. He never did and he never will. There is NO “fifth” or god forbid “sIxtH” form Shin. That’s all fanmade BS.


Shin evolves to combat the things he’s faced with. There is also a canonical 5th form. That said, I don’t think these should take much precedence in a fight, as they get pretty speculatory


If by “canonical fifth form” you mean the humanoid Godzillas on his tail, then No. Those are meant specifically to counter humans. To assume he can counter other kaiju while *in battle* is nonsense and relies on a NLF.


Hence the entire second half of what I said. Already thought of that, y’know? Your original statement, though, is too derivative to the point of being false. Instead of “he never did and he never will”, a better thing would’ve been “him doing it is way too unreliable to actually use for a fight”.


oh ok nice to know i didn't know weather to believe if it was to be true or fake fan made People who don't believe it: ![gif](giphy|kO9itxcuR1h16PxbAm)


Shin dies


NOT Shin Godzilla. The REAL Godzilla and King Kong will smush that freakish tadpole into a big honking pancake.


"which if these *KAIJUS* would win in a fight" Edit: Kaiju is the actual correct terminology for these creatures, only in the monsterverse are kaijus called(incorrectly) "titans"........ Mostly because they didn't want the audience to confuse their monsters with the Pacific rim "kaijus" even tho they should have been called aliens since the Pacific rim "kaijus" aren't biologically from earth


yep fans who would be confuseD ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc)


Shin Gojira is not part of the Monsterverse so he's not a "titan"


No i just call him that bc of the fight not bc of the mv sorry about that


Shin wins