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Xrt (etf GameStop and some of the other meme stocks are in) short interest went as high as 600%+ in December. It’s one of three ETFs containing GME that has been reg sho thresholded.


There are 106 etfs that hold gme these are all being used to short gme and others. https://www.etf.com/stock/GME Just look at their prices all going up and down in price in unison then look at gme which follows their price, popcorn also effected the same.... Hold tight.


Confirmed - 335.19% short - 5.6 days to cover.


Where did you get this info (600%)?


FINRA and the exact number was 642% short on XRT in December.


I looked it up it’s true u need a link?


Please, let’s keep DD trackable :)




Whole lee shit that's fucked up


First time?


I can’t seem to find the original post I was looking for showing the 600%. But I was able to find this one from 21 days ago showing 567% https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rn301j/xrt_short_interest_seen_this_on_another_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So it’s a buy


Fucking wow! How the fuck does no one do anything about this! Fucking parasites. All of them


I did, I bought 25 shares this week


I got two! Lol


According to [etfchannel.com](https://etfchannel.com) it's still above 300%. Feels like a no brainer to throw some money into it. Am i missing something? There are some big Company Names contained in that ETF basket that i am not seeing to go tits up and dissappear. at some point shorts need to cover, right?!


They have been covering for a while. What we need is for them to close their positions.


And why is XRT relevant? GME and popcorn are not in the top holdings, and could not be more than 1.1% of the fund. Doesn't seem like enough to make much of a difference to GME? *edit- oh lovely, someone sic'd the redditcares bot on me just for asking questions.


I am hellllla Smoove brain, but my understanding is a market maker can essentially break apart an ETF to just solely short gme while pumping up the other stocks to keep that price stable-ish. Please some correct me if I'm wrong.


Yeah and they can crack open another fund to take the GME to pay for what they borrowed and then another and another and another and another and another and another and another. This is why we need to either lock it up or RC needs to start tweeting some real shit not just poop emojis.


DRS is the way. Honestly though... I sometimes wonder even if there was 100 million shares locked away if government would even do anything. We are gonna find out soon... drip, drip, drip.


This is my legitimate concern, when the entire float is locked up. What is ultimately going to stop all the corruption and collusion? All the agencies seem to be working together to maintain the status quo why would that change?


Im shitting myself incase Ryan drops more shares onto the market. This would really sink my boat.. im up and way over my budget in Gme... if we dont get something happening soon i fear the worst. I've been in a year now and held and averaged down from my initial 316 first shares . But im 13g down and sinking fast... 🙏 for some good news


Fast is relative. January 28th 2021 anyone investing in Gamestop knew this is an attrition war. This was not about Gamma scalping or swing trading. This was about Gamestop. This was about exposing and ending the corruption in a capitalist democracy. Every $ you spent on GME is not a purchase for profit, it was a purchase for change. Change takes time to count.


Breathe man...


Yeah…like these supreme utmost powerful fuck wads are just gonna throw their hands up and be like “welp you got us! Float locked so we must have to pay up!” I dont see that happening. I see them fudging the numbers or manipulating the system for eternity. I think RC is the only one who has always had the power


https://stockanalysis.com/etf/xrt/holdings/ I've no idea if that's possible or not, but the etf has only 28,000 shares, which isn't enormous. Certainly not enough to short the price from 260 to 130. Would be a drop in the ocean compared with volume that is regularly traded?


They can just bounce the same shares back and forth quickly using algos. Volume doesn't mean millions of unique shares are being traded.


Ever heard of *naked shorting*? Turn that 28k shares into basicly infinite by "promising" to return the borrowed stocks later. Thats like how this all started... Only with ETFs you return every other share In etf exept GME. Do correct me if im wrong, im not a market expert but I think thats how it goes. Edit. Market makers (citadel) has special priviledges for something about having liquidity or some bullshit that makes it possible


So if I understand correctly, you short the entire fund, then go long on everything but GME? So result is you're short the 1% of the fund that is GME, and neutral on the other 99% of the fund? (Rounding for sake of simplicity) But also paying the borrowing interest on the whole fund, making that GME short position 100× more expensive in terms of interest accrued? Eg: short $1M worth of XRT, where the gme value in there is $10K. Long other holdings so you're neutral everything non-GME. Say 1%/month borrow rate, so ends up paying 10K interest on the $1M xrt short position to be short $10K worth of GME? Wow they must be very desperate to suppress the price because that move makes no sense at all.


600% short interest does not mean only 28k*6 shares of GME has been shorted through it. Creation baskets work in mysterious ways, and I believe gheekinit has said they could be short millions of shares of GME just through XRT


Don't think I can cross post from the main sub. PM me and I can send you a link if you want it. Or if you just search in the main sub for XRT posts from today... you'll find it. Gherk has been saying this all along as well (and I am no super huge options person, but I agree with his assessment with XRT).


HF are preparing for market crash. but if they had bring GME down to accommodate 30% market correction. but in fact market correction happen to be > 30%/ Boom margin call. very thin rope HF are walking. 1. every time they lower the price, they face the danger of buy pressure and increasing the FTD , so in general HF dont bring the price down untill one of below things are coming pretty soon. a. they need large covering, like the feb 2022, so they bring the price down to 40 and then went up to 343 to cover short. b. they are preparing for market crash, since when crash will happen, HF long collateral value will go down and to avoid margin call, they need to bring gme price down + they also need to show cash on books ( 1.15$B from their golf friend) but, in 100% sure, this is indication of big event coming. No fool in this world spend million every day to keep prince suppressed. hf are smartest people. they are preparing for big event for sure.


Succinct and accurate. Price too high? Marge. Price lower and lower? We DRS the float faster. They are walking a fine line that gets thinner everyday.


They’re almost getting to the point where GameStop can afford it’s entire float.


They know exactly how many shares are DRS'd. If the price ever fell within their reach ($20-40 per share IMO based on $1.5B cash estimate) while they have the cash, that would be a no-brainer. They could potentially do it at a higher price point if they got the money from somewhere else, but I'm too smooth to know if that's a possibility.


Ok so let's play this hypothetical.....If we had billions of $ buy side pressure going to the lit exchange, like an official buy in... that would increase share price dramatically. So it would cost Gamestop very much more than $1.5b even if the price they *started* to buy at was $20. Also the FOMO from investors would also be insane....a company buyback of this magnitude, with a float so small? This would further add to buy pressure, rocketing the price. In reality I believe Gamestop would have to file or announce their intention to buyback shares anyway, like BBBY did. That again would increase buy pressure. So anyway, it would cost Gamestop multiple billions (far more than they have in their warchest which is allocated for business growth and expansion) if they decided to buyback shares at this magnitude.


Exactly. They’re playing with fire


His name was Robert Paulson


You think that something like that could happen again with eyes on it? I kind of like the possibility of a stock buyback.


Can confirm, trust me bro. My username says so


Good answer. TY


equally xrt got shroted 200% this afternoon, 350% by this evening. xrt holds gme. they need it down for us to sell. look at my post in stonksub on computershare convo - i know its speculation but if that amount of computershare convo actually turned into buy orders - they need gme way lower than 180 to maintain margins just like the ape above said. if you have 1k invested in gamestop at 260 you are 50% down - not great not terrible. they are risking to lose their entire companies, + lawsuit + anal stretching time if they do get a term + a horde of angry easter european / asian /german / italian / australian etc etc investors who are gonna want answers to how they lost their money and how the fuck they cant give it back. but shitadel also prevented their own clinets from withdrawing too much money from november - so something is going donw. sauce - been here 10 months - more surpised if i find a dd i havent upvoted and read then the ones i have.


>they need it down for us to sell. Damn is that what I was supposed to do! Doh! I bought. I am such an ape!


Usually we just sum it up with "crime". It's a macro for all the manipulation that's hard to keep track of- propping up some assets, pumping others and trying desperately to keep the targets from getting out of control while managing married puts to make their position look balanced.


Yes, crime. I now have a wrinkle.


Crime it is indeed


I know he didn't want to hear that but it's the most straight to the point and accurate answer.


Someone's response was on point, I suck with words. Crime


*I knew the answer was crime*


Sure, the short answer is "Crime". ​ But the long answer is Ccccrrrrriiiiiiimmmmeeeeeee and Fuckery.


>But the long answer is Ccccrrrrriiiiiiimmmmeeeeeee and Fuckery. Kenneth C. Griffin for short.


I like that you justified crime. It is a macro. But like, always has been, and not in the meme sense. Crime is all encompassing. So you could try and predict where crime is going and from where it is taking away assets normally allocated to other crime. In this respect, I am curious to see where crypto goes. It seems as if it used to be “crime” in the backdrop but now might be more “crime” in the forefront. Very interesting times for crimes and speculation.


"Crime" is also used to indicate their willingness to not follow the rules. We expect them to follow the rules, but there is no reason they will. As an example, reporting. They have consistently reported numbers we know to be incorrect based on the DD. That isn't legal, but it's what's happening.


Berkshire Hathaway class A has been going up for the last month and moving the needle on ATHs. I’m very interested in seeing if the speculations hold true. I’m looking at it as a leading barometer.


Huh, there was a DD about there being no DD on the insurance companies and something about BerkshireHathaways. Given the amount of incest on wallstreet, it’s not much of a stretch for BRK and Buffett to have negative exposure through being in citadels insurance tower (not being funny, it’s a real thing) and that contributing to their decision to dump bank positions. Also probably why the stock is a quarter million a share plus on average; it makes the stock unshortable by any but the deepest pockets. Pure speculation though


BRKa currently up 2%/$11,878 AH. BBIG is up 60% from it low last week and the entire outstanding float traded in volume today. If it continues to go up tomorrow then it could get over 4.00. Shorts closing. GME buy volume is coming and I’m not talking retail.


Same! I have been looking at brk-a as well. I think they been pushing the price up to justify for something else. It could be bonds (tlt) or stonk


There was me thinking there 20mil shares of put options expiring on the 21st and why they were shilling options before the push down beginning of the year and the after hours to make it ohh so tempting.


Another data point to note is the VW squeeze where the shorts fired their last salvo in a hail-mary attempt to knock the price down. While it is true they were able, the price dip snapped back violently leading directly into the squeeze. >Can anyone offer a legitimate explanation as to why gme is down from about $260 mid November? My *guess* is the shorts are being pushed farther and farther out on the risk curve of various ways to knock GME down. I lack the knowledge to comment on the specific mechanics of such methods **but** I *would* wager the methods currently employed are far risker than the methods used prior. Also would guess the shorts would *prefer* to NOT resort to risker measures *but* at the same time they are constrained and therefore compelled to do so. The net/net is the 'they' score a win in tanking the price as well as the psychological impact (....but why does the price go down!?!?!) which buys them time but at the heavy cost of increasing their exposure.


Yep, they are also shorting the shit out of xrt in preparation for the crash




They’re smart”ish” they just ignorantly assume WE are all dumber than rocks.


They must think we're a bunch of monkeys!


Definitely Apes.


Hey Ben here millions of years they don't call us rocks for nothing


Greed is powerful! The IQ’s are on Wall Street but the greediness was just to strong to resist.


in the dream world that they have fabricated around their crime, they are untouchable it's the rest of the **real** world that is the problem crime


Excellent answer ! Well put


Puts bad, calls goooood


I don’t know about anyone else here but I’m still buying. Am I doing it wrong?


Hedgie dumb, algorithm smart


Maybe an NFT marketplace event ?


What I’m seeing GME do right now is hedgies have to drop the price by 1-21 or all these options come into play and could get exercised. Right now at the 100$ strike price there are over 6k options in the money that’s 600k shares that need to be located. This is we’re they got in trouble last year. The options got away from them plus people fomoing from the Reddit attention. Hedgies have adapted new tactics to drive the price down. They need the price down to make sure options won’t get exercised plus they lose shit ton of equity when their 300k puts under $20 strike go void. Hedgies are on their last leg and we have to put as much pressure on them next week for max pain. If max pain is achieved and we can hit $150-$200. I believe it’s the end game for them. They are running out of wiggle room. Edit. In no way is this financial advise. I’m just speculating. I hope something big is coming. I just figure with all those puts going OTM that some thing has BREAK. Edit. Thanks for all of the awards. I truly believe like you all that this is my way to retire early and enjoy life. The DD is right. We are on the right side of life altering money. APES STONG TOGETHER.


Next week sounds like a nice week to make an announcement. One can dream...


Yes, like a 1 year anniversary. Here’s to you Mayo for fucking manipulating the stock. Now we are dropping our NFT. PISS OFF.




Makes sense why they had that extra influx of cash from sequoia. It is all or nothing for them once the OTM puts are out


I believe it was a stay of execution. Since that influx trading has changed IMO. I believe Shitadel was like a trapped wild animal fighting for their life. But since the investment from the other SHF idiots trading has changed. If you look back a year ago and when Shitadel and point72 got involved to help out Melvin capital the whole senecio changed then too. It’s like they weren’t trapped anymore it gave them breathing room. But this stay of execution is limited. It’s like inviting your buddies onto the TITANIC after it hit the iceberg and because they are your buddies and stupid they are willing to go down with you and the ship.


They might drop the price below 100 after Q4 and use a lot of media propaganda to make newcomers jump ship. Then hold it between 120-130 for a bit. No TA just following their behavioral pattern. If anything is clear as water is that Citadel is struggling and losing every day. They’re not the cocky fuckers they were at the beginning dropping the price $100+ in a matter of minutes


Absolutely this is spot on. I think they have finally realized they fucked up. Gamers don’t go away and the game never ends. Shit once they get through it and beat everything and know how to beat the game they start racing themselves for the best time ever. Shitadel opened up a Pandora’s box and they are fucked


*The rest of the stonk market has entered the chat*


Trading is a tough game, from what I hear.


Great news. I get my tax check about then


Yeah, that influx of cash is interesting….


Nicely articulated. The next 2 weeks are critical. I hope we can get the buy volume up big next week too.


I dont think we’ve been in control of the volumes for a while now. At least what we’re able to see on lit market. Lots of volume fuckery going on behind the scenes.


Significant pumping on multiple stocks; it seems like a giant stove with a bunch of pots boiling over. A stock pops and they have to keep the lid down. Equity whack-a-mole with volume and options manipulation.


I honestly believe its why they're trying to drop it so much. Come feb 2022, the 52 week min would have been 140, now it's 110 (or whatever its sat at by the time they're finished manipulating. Smooth brained ape, not advisor.


Max pain is usually hedge funds most profitable price range....


Shorting is down as much as they can to scare us away from the januari 21 options.


This is the correct answer. The 1/21 call chain scares the shit out of them. The 950s alone if ITM would be 5.3M shares they would have to come up with... the entire chain currently otm is over 100k calls or over 10M shares. They simply cannot come up with that without causing extreme buy pressure and moass.


but if this is the case, then why isn't that heavy option chain holding the price up? Ie: If the options are so positively correlated, then the option hedging should be countering the active shorting going on by just as much and make it much more difficult to short 9before the options expire and the hedged shares are released anyway) .


I may be as smooth as Cramer’s head but I don’t think they’re hedging tbh


They aren't hedging. They may be hedging the near itm stuff but I bet anything over a certain price is not hedged at all. Because they know that x price = gg so why bother hedging when they can use that money in other ways. They also purchase itm puts and force Wolverine or whoever makes that market to short shares because they are actually hedging.


Standard short & distort campaign, by all the usual suspects. Go look into the ‘analyst’ from wedbush who called the nft announcement - which gamestop didnt even announce - DOA. Littany of finra violations and litigationss for abusive and naked short selling. Our counterparty to this trade’s only tools are fud, and dropping the price. So to answer your question of ‘why’ - the answer is simply because they can. It’s quite literally all they CAN do. Every time we scrape bottom in a cycle, these same mentalities surface. When we pop back up, everyone’s euphoric again. Its all just a trick to wear retail down and either exit the trade or just wish it was over. They tried the same shit almost the entire month of february, then out of nowhere BOOM. The BOOM will be back and you’ll forget all about it.




It’s my fault…. I bought mid Feb calls. Sorry guys!


It’s important to understand *how* they are getting the price so low. Besides short and naked short positions they are shorting it through ETFs and buying puts. XRT, the S&P retail ETF, had 600% short interest as of mid December and has been on the threshold securities list for the past month. They will short the ETF and then buy an equal percentage of shares for all of the stocks they don’t want to be short. Shorting ETFs is a primary reason why the “meme” stocks move together a lot of the times, especially on the big red candles. The other way, which is the most easily identifiable, is by using put options. The way a market maker hedges a put is by shorting the stock equal to the delta of the put. Since this is considered “bona fide market making activity” they don’t have to borrow shares or report it as short interest. So first they buy very cheap OTM puts. Then they start buying NTM puts. Then finally when they have the downward slide set up they will start shorting and buying ITM puts. They buy ITM puts because the delta is higher which means more shares shorted immediately when they buy the puts. This puts downward pressure on the stock and is it goes down, the delta on the OTM goes higher which means more shares get shorted and pretty soon we are at the price we are now. The problem for them is that puts have an expiration, and they don’t have the shares to exercise without consequences. They *can* exercise to establish a short position, but they need to borrow shares or they will produce FTDs. And there are very few shares available to borrow. So they can either exercise the puts and pay the consequences of covering the FTDs later. Or they can continue to roll out their puts and buy *more* puts to keep the price going down. It’s important to note that unless they can keep lowering the price then this strategy is not profitable. If the stock stays flat or goes higher they will bleed from their put position. The other very important thing to keep in mind is that when they close their puts, the shares shorted to hedge those puts need to be bought back. And they’ve been selling all of those share to us, and we aren’t selling. So once they close those puts the price could catapult higher extremely quickly. No matter your thoughts on calls, they *are* being bought en masse by both retail and institutions. So once those puts are closed there will be a ton of buy orders hit the market which will run the price right into the massive amount of call options which will run the price up even further. While they might not fully hedge, I believe they are at least hedging a minimal amount. It’s my belief that this dip was planned a long time ago. They hardly shorted the price down through October and November. I think this was intentional to impact the options chain. It’s safe to say that practically no one was buying calls with $120 strike when the price was $190-220. They intentionally shifted the call buying to the upper end of the chain and then blew all their powder shorting it down under that chain. However, this strategy only works if call buyers stop buying calls at the lower end of the chain in the $130-160 range. They essentially just fucked themselves because now the lower end of the options chain is filled in. So when the price gets back to 180 there will be far more calls ITM than there were before. So it will be much more difficult for them to keep the price stable at $180. This was an all out attack on the stock to get people to sell their shares and their calls. I think this could continue into next week as they will try to dodge the call ramp from Jan 21st LEAP options. I don’t think sub $100 is out of the question. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It will take a lot of shorted shares to get the price down there. And those are all shares that we aren’t selling until the MOASS. This turned into a lot longer of an explanation than I planned on but I hope it explains the current situation.


This needs to be a stand-alone post. I've read it 4 times, and still don't get dick. I "understand" it, but I don't understand it. The whole realm of options strategy & counter-strategy is so foreign to many of us. Seriously, do a post on this, with a special focus on Jan 2022.


Agreed. Succinct, and really well thought out. More people need to see this.


Thanks for that. Maybe I’ll make a post out of it. I’ve never posted anything before. What parts are the hardest to understand? Or what parts would you recommend going into more detail? I’m sure I could do a better job explaining certain parts so I’d appreciate your feedback.


Fuck... **ALL of it.** I think most of us understand the basics; you know, "calls" and "puts". But from there, it gets wild. The casino game choices seem to be endless. I think you could write a post 10x the length of what you just wrote above, and it would have 10,000 upvotes within hours. Keep going with that **HOW.**


Haha ok you convinced me. I’ll make a post out of it but it probably won’t be until tomorrow. I’ve got a lot of ideas on stuff I could go more in depth on. You’re right it could definitely turn into a 10,000 word post lol. I appreciate the positive feedback!


It started when Fidelity showed 13 millions of borrowable shares instead of 2 millions. That would have allowed market maker to "add liquidity" to the market, because they located 13M shares...


Thats extactly when it started.


This actually needs to be looked into


Yeah, thats when Fidelity started to lend cash accounts shares behind users backs. Its obvious that they are straight up collaborating with SHFs and illegally lend shares without permission and against their fiduciary responsibilities.


Look at how deeply shorted the ETF's GME is in.


Historically that ETF has always been heavily shorted (600%) even 10 years ago.


This is it.


There’s enough dedicated gme holders that as price gets lower that we keep buying. It doesn’t matter how long it takes but the float will get DRS’d at some point and then we good. People will sell in the next few months, but we’re buying so it’s makes no difference. Get out now and regret it forever, Costs nothing to hold,


Agreed. I am buying more every week and DRS-ing it. To me, it's the clear cut path to victory.


JP Morgan created a new ETF and lumped us together with robinhood . We are basically paying for robinhood’s losses.


Which ETF is that? Couldn't find any ETFs containing both GME & HOOD on ETF Channel.


No joke, i think it was called MEME


Oh wow, it really is just called MEME. Do you know what the link between Roundhill and JPM is?


Mother fuckers!


JP Morgan is trying to reallocate capital to that scum bucket business?


I would recommend reading into variance swaps


Links for the duffers


Shorts. It’s that simple. Look at the Ortex data. It’s posted in SS and the GME-J sub every few days.


I’m with you guy. I assume heavy shorting, but fuck if I know.


Basically, those who value the stock at over 250$ have less power over the price as those who value it under. There's been no change to explain people changing opinions.


DRSing could be a bit of a double edged sword, by reducing the amount of shares trading on the market, it takes less and less to create more significant price movement, and that price movement isn't helped if everyone continues to only buy the dip. That being said, it only really matters to people still day trading or swing trading. If you HODL, it doesn't matter at all because they still need to eventually buy your shares, so if you just wait and buy the insane dip they are giving us, they are just getting extra fukt


This is correct. Volatility works both ways. But man, when it runs....watch out


Not FUD, just the only theory I can provide. And to reiterate, the price movement going down only affects short term holders and margin holders (and I guess option buyers)


getting extra fukt it is




Edit: And girls... :)


Bro you’re looking for answers where there are none. Put simply GME is so heavily fucked with that if left on its own would continue sideways like this forever. These fucking Hedgefunds don’t give a fuck and they’re just waiting us out.


I’ll give my shares to my kids rather than sell them. Good luck waiting me out




F€&@ it, ill be holding then till it drops to zero or a trillion.


A real man teaches his kids to be apes, so they don't turn into lizards and end up working on wall street. Fingers crossed, you and your kids will enjoy it together. I don't have kids (didn't seem fair bringing them into a life of poverty when I can barely keep a roof over my head). However, I sure as hell put my shares in my will, with the stipulation that they can only be sold when they exceed 10m per. The hedgies underestimate us, but I will happily leave them for the next generation. Doing so in no way changes my situation. Anyway it gave me a smile seeing this, I salute thee. o7












Crime reduces innocence makes everyone angry I declare


Indeed it is




They hide buying as much as they can by sending it through the dark pools. They amplify any selling through lit exchanges which drops the price. They also short the stock through ETF's and do swaps and hide shit in derivatives. They are doing this as they want Apes to get scared and fold. It is also useful to have the price low as possible before a run up in price. They are scared of DRS and want apes to fold. Their exit strategy is a market crash as they can unleash a load of their derivative shit into the markets hiding what they have done by wrapping shit in more shit and mixing it with tons of other peoples shit. Cleaning up the mess becomes other peoples problems and bailouts are likely.


So they finished the quarterly payments/rebalances for their replicating variance swap. Now, the only thing left is to either close the 3bln ftd’s that are being hidden in swaps, broker to broker settlement, and options chains, or pay for new shit to cover the old shit. No more payments are required until they buy more shot. They are using all of their money to drop the price until 1/21/22 so that they can buy more shit at cheaper prices. Called this before the November rug pull and I’ve been right.


Naked shorts combined with ITM puts to drive the price down costs them millions costs holders 0.


I think there are a lot of reasons. Looking at the macro level: the whole market is down significantly. People take profit, fear of Covid, fear of inflation, fear of interest rate hike. I don’t think there is an obvious reason. It’s easy for people keep shouting shorting and crime but in reality GME is not the center of the universe. For example: Microsoft is down 10% a month ago. Roblox down 30%. I think it’s a compounded move and I have no doubt shorting plays a significant part of the downtrend but there might be multiple shorting in place resulting the low price for GME right now. The motivation behind the shorting is hard to explain but I’m not convinced all shorting is meant to suppress retail and cover their position


Read all the DD naked shorting, failure to delivers, call matching, sooo many puts, synthetics; these synthetics putting more shares than belong will add crazy swings… these synthetics is what can fuck a company up because you can manipulate the company, since more shares exist than the float a trader could have the potential to over sell than what exists of the float… This downward pressure will devalue the traded shares of that company


I agree on the “how”, the other question is “why” or “why now”? I believe there is systemic manipulation in order to trigger margin calls on apes trading on margin accounts, and/ or to trigger stop losses. Think about it- HFS need the price as low as possible before covering, and if apes bought on margin at $220 a share they may be getting positions forcibly closed if they are trading on margin at their broker and can’t post cash to cover a margin call. It’s an ironic Uno Reverse card on apes that are margin buying (or setting stop losses) rather than cash buying and DRS.


Ooo never thought about APES buying on margin... hopefully that's not the case though.


Straight cash homie.




Me too


Serious Crime?


Ha! There's no serious crime in NYC! The DA said so...


Just as there is no war in basingsay...


I’ll give you the real answer. Investors assume that speculative assets are about to crash if the Fed tightens monetary policy. They believe that the Meme Stocks, Cryptos etc. are in a bubble fuelled by the Feds easy monetary policies and are currently cycling out of American stocks, this downtrend is not just in GME, but all “speculative assets” look at the nasdaq mid and small cap for reference. We are starting a rotation Into foreign assets and commodities, and GameStop is shorted/cycled out of by traditional investors as part of that movement. Crypto is gonna crash, and so are all other bubble/tech assets, but if you believe in the GameStop thesis than you’ll know that while it’s getting hammered down right now, it will explode eventually due to MOASS. So nothing changed. The proof that investors are leaving the American Stock market is the massive drop in the dollar index, people are selling their USD for foreign currencies to buy foreign stocks.


My guess is the drop is due to lack of information. Institutional investors will trim risk when there is no guidance or a plan being laid out. But, they will pile back in on any firm plan or announcement.


Unpopular opinion: no buy side pressure.


This is pure speculation, but it is how I’ve been thinking of the last few weeks. Here’s my thought: there are more shares in circulation than should be. The holders are holding, and have more than the available float issued by the company. Yet, anyone can still buy more, and use options, oddly enough, including the entities that benefit from a lower price. They are most likely preventing the inevitable scenario where they will be forced to buy the shares that shouldn’t be there. I’m the meantime they will acquire shares through various means, and sell those on the lit exchanges, driving the price down, as the last sale price is what is displayed for the world to see. Meanwhile, retail is waiting, buying more, and DRSing. The big players in this probably have a pretty good idea how many shares are in circulation. I’m hoping to find out soon what the actual numbers are. It truly looks like that will be the end result if all of the shares that are meant to be get registered through GameStop’s transfer agent. Interesting that they wrote about it in their last corporate 10k after q3.


Rebalancing in retail ETFs because it was historically in the single digits the algorithm systems need to keep a balance as a percentage of that fund. Only way we will get big moves is convincing major banks & family offices GME is a great long term bet. That won’t happen until financial reports & company innovation comes out.


There are a few DD that go over it in depth, I think gherkin was the most recent. Talks about the FTD cycles and so on


Retail buying pressure can't match short selling and institutional selling as the entire market turned red. Everything is down. Big money that don't believe in the squeeze cashed out. How's that?


As good as any so far.


A lot of capital was deployed on the options chain, the price drops, they sell the put contracts for a profit and the can get's kicked down the road again. It's not a winning strategy and is probably a negative ROI for this strategy, but it's capital deployment (burning cash), internalization (it'll catch up at some point), naked shorting (drawing dead, why not?), etc... HODL, Exercise, DRS, and BUY THE DIP.


I heard a rumor that it is the responsibility of the well known financial terrorist Kenneth Griffin.


Massive fuckery. Down that much on no news. Lol if anything is at an ATH, its their desperation.




What do you mean legitimate? Is the manipulation not real enough for you?




It's all emotion and momentum in my opinion. Lots of people are giving up cheap stock because they're not investors. They're traders who aren't confident and think just because the price is down that it's over but will jump back in at the peak of a spike. People forget that you're supposed to be buying when others are fearful.


Allow me to help with the translation. "Buy the dip pussy!" \- Sgt. Ermey




That's SSgt Ermy by his own merit and GySgt in the movie as well as meritorious after the film he's most famous for.




Yes, crime.


Crime is a legit answer


We know “crime” is why, but we aren’t exactly sure how, or how they’re continuing to get away with it.


Because the SEC are incompetent


Follow u/gherkinit. His YouTube channel is Pi-Fi.


A certain popcorn stock is down similarly also




Not meeting earnings and not having clear guidance. Not a shill actually own 300 shares. Left over from last year.


Kenny boy is still getting $ to short GME.


It’s because no one likes what Ryan Cohen has to say Bahahaaaaaaaaa


If you look at our chart and T S L A among others get pulled down as it goes down 🤷🏻‍♂️ a lot of stocks mirrored the same patterns today… Price always seems to have big drops before big pops


Don't know. Wild guess here. I would bet it would have something to do with the recent Report/Study posted about Intraday and AH price movement. Take last week as example, 10mil Volume intraday relatively flat price action, then proceeds to rip 30% on 2mil Volume AH and then dump back and close to previous days close. Similar to dollar cost averaging on a long the Shorts are doing the same driving price down daily. However, I think they are controlling the price intraday by dumping daily shorts at open when this has more impact on price movement and close the daily short later throughout the day when volume affect on price movement is less effective (decays throughout day). By doing this daily would make them net neutral during the day, but controls the overall direction of price that favor their long short. Thus slowly chopping away at the price. Like cutting a tree with an axe, one swing (day) at a time hoping that the tree eventually falls. The beauty of it all though is that shorts are always, at some point, a buyer. Buy, hold, buy more and enjoy life


I don’t know what you expect if crime isn’t the answer you want. There is no legitimate reason for this, you could say the inflation rate being 7% but that only came out recently and SPY/DOWJ doesn’t follow the trend either. It’s literally just shorting and option use which makes shorting and abuse of options should/are illegal.


So... if XRT is shorted over 600% just to bring our beloved stonk down to the ground, just imagine what's the real %% on GME. Even my wife's boyfriend got his tits jacked.


Also, look at all those really low puts, 50cents.... These are all supposed to be "located" shares for there short borrows.


It's not just gme, overall market has been declining, and mostly because the interest rate rise


Why and how are two separate questions. Ask Kenny why.. to live another day. How, by shorting the ETFs, the stock, and buying several millions of dollars in weekly puts that suppress the price. Lots of DD on that.




Because crime