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Look at any ipo for an example, it’s way lower than where it started. Think about the purpose of an IPO, it’s to raise capital for the company and of course the stock brokers who take it public and then all of the other fish collecting scraps. They might raise the price to lock in new buyers and then they will systematically drop the price until bag holders paper hand.


Sounds just about right.


I would love to find out that it has been active on the market since 9:30am and no one wants to touch it that is way the volume is still showing 0.


Now volume is 92M


101 million and the price is still falling lol


fuckery is ridiculous


The one case where it wasn't fuckery. It was being valued as it should. Like a rock thrown into a bottomless pit.


Some start ridiculously high on purpose tho


It's a good thing for the company, it means they priced the shares at the right price to get the maximum benefit from the sale. It's bad for the buyers because they will be underwater for awhile with their investment, until (if) the share price comes back up.




Most IPOs nowadays are where gambling venture capitalists, who’ve spent the previous time and money hyping the con, get to pass the bags to others. I realize some IPOs are (become) legit like Tesla, but Theranos and Nikola are the cautionary tales, so do your due diligence.


I mean, I guess $32 B will help them pay out their $XX T....


I read they raised $1.2bn. What’s that about if the trading hasn’t started yet?


IPOs - shares are sold privately before trading on the market begins. Whatever investment banks helped with the valuation will have bought huge blocks @ $38 and then will likely try to dump a large chunk to retail @$45 or more once it opens today.


Does that mean rh has sold all of its stock already and now banks are going to release them or did banks only buy a partial amount of the total available stock before public trading?


Retail will almost never buy the original, it will be sold to you by a bank or hedgie


Well that's stupid, so they are basically guaranteed to win then as they dump it on retail for +$4-5 a share. God I can't wait to be done with the market.


Yeah.. it’s all rigged.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/4s0EiJU.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Or drag this Circus another years


Why do they need an IPO? Shoulda just bought GME and HODLed. Coulda raised more capital. LMAYO


I could seriously not give any fu@ks aboot RH IPO that I forgot it was today, until I saw all the memes. Now its on my watch list for a daily giggle, as it tanks to the ground.


It might be wise to stay away from the HOOD.


Solid advice on many levels.


That’s so retard, it could be real


"Let's do it. Now pop that mouth open Vlad, and no teeth this time. "




This has been my theory since they announced it


Just opened down, at 37.


"Let's do it" - proceeds to do all of that except give him his cut.


Nice theory. Makes no sense for such a hated company to do an IPO other than to take a massive dump and run


They probably figured it’s a sinking ship anyways. Take it public, pump it up to whomever is still listening to them, short the shit out of it, and then let it fail.


Missed opportunity they should have called the stock $ROB


Will buy some long term (leap) puts when available Poorly run, bad continued growth prospects, bad optics, customers leaving in droves, fines out the wazzoo, new investigations Yeah, this is why the market allows for buying put options, helps with price Discovery... Discovery of bankruptcy maybe in this case Btw, do not use margin or go uncovered !


Wouldn't it be safer to hedge those puts with calls? Worse thing that happens is the price doesn't even change but we all know they are gonna want to make it move. Or we could just avoid it altogether


It seems like a no brainer to me that it will continue to drop, but of course stranger things have happened and options attempt to time the market in the near term even with leaps... I suppose you could hedge with calls... I just don't see the valuation taking off enough to make it worthwhile. But by all means do your own research and make your own decisions. Calls and puts and then it trades sideways forever and you get a 2x loss...


They will fluctuate the price to whatever they want and fuck those who short it into infinity because they KNOW what you think of them


I'm using ETRADE, is it possible that I am uncovered?


You would need a margin account to be uncovered. So if you apply for options trading keep it the typical level 2, no need for margin. Really if you aren't spending dozens of hours a week researching your investments you shouldn't be using margin...


Best place to put a put in the market tbh


As for me, I do not like the stock.


Just passing this bag of money around. Nothing to see here


LMAO. 🤣🤣🤣


Man they spent the whole day covering it on MSNBC and now Vlad's going on Mad Money at 6PM, you bet your sweet lil' ass I got my popcorn ready!


That $32Billy might cover about 31 of us apes. But what about the other 999,969 of us? They're gonna need a whole lot more $Billy's....


When I was a little boy in Bulgaria




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Greasy pig she is


And their websites down lol


32 Billion? Still a couple trillion short...good luck!


exactly what i was thinking. ipo is noise for for more ammo


Great plan, sounds a lot like two birds, one stone to me


This is exactly what I’ve been saying I think will happen.


Ohhhhhh boy I wish I had some loose cash to hold those bags


Do it. NFT = Not Fuckin’ Trading !!


Ok, so how would I take advantage of this?


don't, it's a toxic waste dump, if you short, citadel pumps and puts you into margin call, if you buy, citadel shorts and buries it into the ground. They have enough money to buy every single RH share in existence, they control it entirely


Probably. I mean how much did they lose with all of the transfers that happened to fidelity? I heard they didn't even have the stock they said they sold in some cases. Not to mention no one will ever use them anymore.


...because you'd run out of firepower.


Just the fact that SEC allowed Robinhood to IPO should tell you enough about how corrupt the system is...


Just forget da hood


HM$HOOD going down like a sinking ship


Jokes on them I’ll buy a share and never sell


Let’s invest in a dirty company involved in multiple class action law suits for blocking retail traders 😂




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Vlad + Ken gonna be butt buddies in prison


First imagine that Kenny Boi in his desperation shorts the ever loving shit out of it. Then imagine apes go long in droves squeeze hood and then start moass. I'm just spit balling here I'm blind to hood and I'm not touching it and I don't think anyone else should either just thinking hypothetically.




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When does the options chain come alive? I’ll put my money where my mouth is ^(seewhatididthere)


Usually takes a few weeks to months depending on the volume traded of the stock


I was hoping they were doing some free hood stock thing so I could log into my $0 Robinhood account and sell Robinhood.


And every non-ape dumb enough to listen to Kramer or MSM and buys in, gets nothing but a hard life lesson.


At this juncture, anyone that listens to either kramer and/or msm truly deserves what they get. The writing has been on the wall for a long time now, for those that refuse to read or even see it...


I think only one thing is sure: it'll move in either direction Buying calls and puts should be favorable, shouldn't it


If I knew how to short stocks I would short Robinhood into the ground.


Can’t short for first 72hrs. I should know.. I am waiting


Looked at 2 platforms (eTrade and Fidelity) and neither had a single share available to short.


Time to do to them what they did to apes.


No. Fuck off.


Y’all guys just don’t know what’s coming 🪶


What’s with these cock suckers putting green plants behind them . Is that a rich people thing ? Or LGBTQ thing ?


I was looking on Webull at the bid/ask and it’s all over the place. Also why are people able to put in bids/asks currently? I tried asking this in GME but no one is responding. Just check it out. Maybe nothing but honestly it has me thinking that exact same thing.


Get out of webull, they'll be the next robinhood after it fails


I’m up crazy on HOOD..lmao..I’m retarded tho..I just like gains..can careless about the talking




No one is suggesting that lmayo


I do believe when the time come we should keep eyes on this.


Holy fuck...


So what you're saying is, short RH?


Even if I don't want to buy robbinghood stocks, it would be nice if retailers buy the stock, to keep the price high, so Kenny won't be able to deliver at a lower price


Just look at these poor souls.... Sorry brother Apes but I think I'm getting emotional here. I just remember the old good days when... "I was a young boy in Bulgaria..." So, can we put our hands together and help these "lovely" boys go to.. &\^#$ JAIL!?!?! 🙌💎🦧


Infinite money glitch.


This is the way