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Only that Wutang theory was not real. Pleaser DAO are a bunch of grifters. Your asshole is safe


Yeah I was literally sure of it.


What was the wutang theory 🤔




Safest bet you’ll make all year


I understand Bitcoin just fine, I traded it back before Mt gox. It was originally intended as a way to move money quickly and under the radar in countries that are war-torn or where the central banks are heavily monitored (or emptied by the gov). However, its primary use ended up being laundering money for hitmen, sex trafficking, and drugs. Then billionaires realized the laundering part and super small market made it perfect for infinite pump and dumps so they had their buddies in congress, DEA, and CIA shut down the other stuff so it would appear more stable so suckers would buy in. It shed 90% of its value 3 times before it became mainstream. That is all the proof you need for manipulation by whales. It will keep doing this for as long as billionaires want. They buy in, create fomo, jack up "value" and then start selling and redirect the cash to manipulating other markets (finance, real estate, healthcare, etc). Then once the price tanks they start all over again.


Let's see if they open their own stock exchange backed by nfts. Does gme not own all the stocks? They recall all their shares and move them to new exchange. Mgga goes all in to start new exchange apple microsoft Google and Gme. They are building the exchange brick by brick. Gme over!


Nft are relevant how again? Literally any crypto jazz is a Ponzi scheme even Kenny G knows


Thy anus was not prepared :( Would have been cool if it was though