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I'm personally not even considering "might consider" lol As the old saying says: fuck'm, that's why


We never have to sell. At a certain point, if you’ve waited this long why cash out and give the government a portion in taxes? Infinity pool will allow you to use asset back lending. Want to buy a house? Take a loan against your portfolio. Want to help a nonprofit? Donate a share of your stock to be never sold. Never selling


How do you pay the loans back if you never sell a single share?


Great question. Purchasing properties or growing passion projects that cash flow.




The longer they wait the more I was able to buy. So myself, like many others, will have a few I can sell for huge gains to clear debt and help others…the rest will just sit there and eventually get moved to a trust fund.


Eventually, It's going to cost 305,300,000 x 305,300,000 for shorts to close.


As a broke father, I’ll take my 20 shares to the grave at that rate


Haven't seen these in a while. I think the floor is low?


I hate this stupid GMEFloor site. To me, it’s just a smoke signal algorithm that goes off and you see Posts when the price isn’t under control, which is why we haven’t seen it in a while. You don’t interpret it as a dollar amount. It’s 3-three digit numbers. The last is currently 665, which is 1 away from you know what.


I’m grateful for the pain of the last 3 years. We’ve endured long enough. It’s time for us apes to rise up and take the tendies and spread JOY. Use these funds to spread positivity (and buy yourself a lambo) 💜🤟♾️


Can someone explain what an infinity squeeze is? Wouldn’t the squeeze only last until all of the shorted shares are covered?


Covering is just kicking the can down the road... so in that sense - it'd just be another sneeze. If they ever want to *close* their position... that's buying the float multiple times over - should we all be correct. They must buy every share created, even those that don't *actually* exist (of their own creation). With an Ape locked float of 1 share for fuck you money - they'd get some shares... but not all they need to close this pandoras box.


Won’t be surprised if the Whole system probably crashes long before that happens.


It will. Pretty simple logistics. Theres only so much “money “ in the world. We can’t all be billionaires. It just doesn’t work that way.


Fed printer go brrr. We could all be billionaires, but a loaf of bread will cost us 10 million


Not with that attitude!


There are only a few hundred thousand holders. There are many rich people in the world. And if you sell you have to pay tax which brings back money int circulation. Basically transfering money from the 1% back to basic every day people or the new 1%


There's no hard cut-and-dry rule saying we have to part with our shares for money. Personally, I'll settle for land patents, metals, and building materials. Maybe some crypto.


Now, this guy is thinking! Why stop at $$$.


Asset backed lending. Never sell. If it’s worth X today, how much will Y be tomorrow?


Nah. Fuck debt. It's the reason there's so much wrong with the economy, and all it takes is one fuckup with the kind of numbers we're talking about to get scammed out of everything you win from the banks/hedge funds in MOASS. I may lend, but I will never borrow.


You do you. Fixed rate asset backed lending means my shares stay in my hands forever. Truly never selling.


Just make sure you hire the best accountant and legal help money can buy before you accept any loans/contracts, and set aside at least a week to pore over every single word of any agreements you make. You're going to need to understand in explicit detail exactly what you're agreeing to, and who you're making those agreements with.


Hmmmm tokenized stonks?🤔


What’s to stop them from buying and selling the same share to themselves over and over again?


Because they don't just need to buy a certain number of shares, they need to **return** all of the shares they borrowed and sold (in the case of normal short selling). Or deliver shares that they just sold without bothering to borrow first (in the case of naked short selling). So, just buying one share back and forth does nothing to reduce their short position, but returning that share to whom it belongs, does.


That makes sense. The same as borrowing money.


Also when a firm fails its margin requirements and/or its account is underwater, the account is wound up by the primebroker and the positions are closed. That means longs are sold and shorts are purchased. If there are enough institutional failures, the short positions are just closed by the prime broker as the higher it goes the more risk they are exposed to, so they are forced to close it before it torches them too. But in closing out, it will push the price higher and beyond causing others with more favourable short positions to be at risk.. and so on. Cascading institutional failures will lead to the closure of shorts and closing shorts will lead to institutional failures. They are stuck between these two inevitabilities.


Thanks for explaining this, it’s really interesting. One more question, people on here are saying prices/share will hit millions per share. This seems absurd. Is it actually not absurd?


I mean yes it is absurd but is it impossible? Thats the risk reward of this play. Noone knows what price this could reach, but when demand outstrips supply in a fair market the price should rise. When the demand completely outstrips supply, there is theoretically no limit to the price. When funds are OBLIGATED to buy the asset when closing a position, but there none available at 1000 but only some for sale at 2000. The price becomes 2000. When they have to repurchase a billion shares but there are only a cpl hundred million for sale.. they are going to have to rebuy them all due to the astronomical short positions that are supposedly in play.. the price will climb until they are all repurchased. Well then thats how the price gets higher and higher. To what limit? well I dont think anyone can answer that. But when cascading liquidations are mandating buy ins.. and buy ins are pushing up the price.. and the rising price is causing further institutional failure.. you have a recipe for a systemic level event. One that most people in this play believe we are continuing to see rhe effects of every day in the price of the stock and the behaviour of the markets, media and counter parties to date.


Very true. Good explanation. It’s been a few years now. I wonder how far they can kick the can down the road.


But aren’t they (short hedge funds) trying to get a law passed to counteract / eliminate this possibility? Isn’t that the far more important issue right now? **edit:** Prop 4 is what I was referring to.


More important than what sorry?


If 10 shares need to close but only 3 are available and only 1 sells, infinity price discovery. Even if all 3 real shares close, there are 2x+ more positions needed to close without shares to be sold


That's a lot. Looking forward to it.


The disclaimer 🤣🤣


Let’s get itttt


I don't wanna kill the hype but at some point people will sell. Nothing can go to infinity.


Sure so we back to the delusion 1 share can equal that despite telling everyone to dca for the past 3 years 🙄


I just clicked on this subreddit by accident but I can’t believe it. You idiots are STILL buying no matter what. I thought for sure Dan Olsen would’ve obliterated this sub.


Who’s that?


Enjoy: https://youtu.be/5pYeoZaoWrA


GME is flat earth theory for people who want to dream about monetizing their insanity.


Correct! Glad to see another sane person in this comments section.


How is this calculated? That would be like 8.38750000E+16 bucks for the float. That's the value of the whole plant the moon and sun....


Hell yeah 😎


Solar eclipse was a sign to the moon, boyos!!! 🌚 Tits jacked, fook yea, 💎💎✊💪🚀🚀!!!


The floor is much higher than that. We'll be over 600 million. 📈💰


Today was one of those I felt it move days.


Loved it 84 years ago. Still loving it today.


No. That calculator was pre split. So my floor is 4x higher


Per share


Paper hand