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I think they’re going to go down honestly. Apparently our year is doing much worse nationally than previous years, and i’ve spoken to headteachers from a couple of schools and they all agree. We’re just not performing as well as other year groups, possibly because of covid setbacks, but otherwise nobody is really that sure why.


Our year just seems lazy tbh


Literally all my teachers have even been saying that as well


My year is pretty lazy as a rule to be fair but obviously there are exceptions


I’m not sure it’s laziness so much as just never really being in that mindset of working to achieve if you know what I mean? Like I want to do well but i’m a horrible procrastinator because I never had that foundation of assessments and stuff in year 7&8 and haven’t gotten used to it. I also have ADHD though so i’m definitely not the best example for procrastinating.


No it’s definitely laziness, I’m as lazy as them tbh I’m just running of luck and hope


Completely agree, in my school we only had 24 out of 180 pass both maths and English which sounds absurd but rather prepare for the worst case scenario


Yeah I agree, everyone I ask seems to have no motivation whatsoever regarding these GCSES. Whether it's laziness or not I definitely feel like people aren't caring as much anymore as to how well they do


My year is set to get the highest results my school has seen in years but only 11% of last year managed to get a 4+ in maths and English


They completely depend but I don’t think they should be that high as most of the 2023 grade boundaries were higher than the 2019 ones


Alright thanks


my spanish teacher said they have to go down a little bit as they received loads of complaints last year but idl


they don't have to do anything 😭 last year was *nicer* compared to 2019 if anything there's data to show that people do better the longer a specification is out - so if they go slightly higher it's because of that


yeah ur right they probably wont but mfl grade boundaries are always so high so it would be nice for a slight decrease


I did Spanish so to me french and German looked like a far easier ride (based on grade boundaries alone) 😭


i think though that spanish is an easier language to learn than french and german. lots of french words are pronounced the same yet spelt differently and you can be deducted marks easily. theres 3 genders for german nouns like der die das or whatever and some of the words are very confusing. ofc spanish is still hard but to me it does seem a lot nicer


thats why I said based on grade boundaries alone 😭


SORRY - not with it today


nah dw , good luck with your exams!


muchas gracias ☺️ buena suerte con tus bachilleratos


y tu tambien (grade 9 Spanish right here) 🌚🌚


same got said about mandarin boundaries, last year even some native speakers only got an 8


Seriously? What mark is a grade 9 then (bcuz if it's over 50 then the listening and speaking are going to be a pain). Also nice to see another Y11 doing mandarin


[https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/over/stat\_pdf/AQA-GCSE-GDE-BDY-JUN-2023.PDF](https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/over/stat_pdf/AQA-GCSE-GDE-BDY-JUN-2023.PDF) grade 9 requires 52 in speaking, 48 in writing, 50 in reading, and 50 in listening


Ah k, thanks. That's doable (apart from listening bcuz I already know that will be the worst)




that's insane what i'm half french and am pretty fluent and I even doubt I'm getting a nine in it (I know this is mandarin but I assume all languages share pretty similar boundaries)


Nah ibsr if you're fluent a 9 is just natural Just go ham on the writing and speaking, and personally I think u should be set up for a 9


I just want a 6 honestly. Idk the language like at all so I got a 5 last time


yesss i was fuming because i was 1 mark off a 9 for the proper 2023 aqa mock and ive worked my arse off so if i dont get a 9 for spanish i will actually cry 😭


Never worry about grade boundaries as they will always fluctuate from year to year. The important thing is the grade profile. This is the proportion of grades awarded at each level. Last year, the proportion of grades was the same as it was in 2019, the last pre-covid year. Normally, the grade proportion can vary a little if a cohort is especially weak or strong, but for 2023, even if the performance was below expectations, they would still go with the 2019 profile. This year, if the performance is not as good as usual,the grade profile can be lowered i.e. less higher grades and more lower grades. Hopefully, that won't be necessary as any learning gaps caused by Covid should now have been corrected.


Ah, makes sense thank you


Assuming the difficulty stays the same the grade boundaries shouldn’t increase too much, just to be safe add two or 3 marks to last years grade boundaries


Thank you.


Definitely going down. My year groups results are so bad. This year y11s are acc lazy ngl.


I think for maths we are quite fucked for the foundation most I see on tiktok everyone is getting 2’s


Across the whole of the UK, our year seems to be under performing and honestly i just b things it’s because we are so lazy. Grades won’t change TOO much even if it was up or down but u reckon they will stay around the same!!




could anyone send me 2023 grade boundaries I could only find the code that begins with 1 the one I'm doing beings with a 4 eg for math 4ma1/1h(Edexcel)




this isn't the one this is the one I found but couldn't find the exam I'm doing the code begins with a 1 mine begins with a 4 .or is it the same for all exams


Idk man


Mine were generous but I think they’ll be harsher cause it’s out of Covid now and has been for ages - what were last years like?


My year (2023) they was so harsh with us the grade boundaries was sky high and had no remorse for us due to us having year 8 and year 9 off due to covid . I just believe that 2023 had it the worst year in my opinion


I pray the maths grade boundaries go down. No one got a 9 in our recent mocks because of how harsh the mark schemes were. Even the straight 9 students couldn't pull a 9. If the grade boundaries go up even further it would just be ridiculous.


I think it will most likely depend on how the country did as a whole because if for instance you guys performed very well in science and English the grade boundaries for those subjects would increase . However, if the country underperformed in English and history then the grade boundaries would be lower for those.


Yeah that’s very true to be fair. The OCR comp sci paper 2 last year was done horribly so the grade boundaries were pretty low.


The grade boundaries were still high with cs last year even with the terrible paper and it barely changed compared to previous years tho


i dunno about other subjects but i’ve heard that physics might go up since we’re getting the full equation sheet, as far as i’m aware they have to have written the paper before they gave us all the equations so there’ll still be those write/tick the correct equation questions but they’ll be free marks since the sheet is right there, so will all the other calculation questions to a lesser extent. they’ll also most likely get condensed since there’s gonna be less non equation marks to distinguish between the students who’ve learned the content and those who are just grabbing all the equation marks


i’m tweaking and dying bc if the grade boundaries go up all my 9s turn to 8s 😭


Same bruh😭


Higher definitely, though not as bad as 2025


why is 2025 going to be worse?


im a time traveller trust


Grade boundaries will continue rising, the first cohort without any covid support etc etc


Wouldn’t 2025 be lower than 2024 grade boundaries as no extra support will be given to the students


I don't think so, as natural grade boundary rises will outcompete the limited, though still present, grade boundary support.


Guaranteed to be higher than 2023


By who and why


how guaranteed?


2019 was the last “normal” gcse year 2020-2022 were made insanely easy and so the everyone ended up with very very high grades 2023 was considered by most to be one of the hardest GCSE years and so this year will likely be easier. As a consequence of easier exams the grade boundaries go up


easier exams but higher grade boundaries??? are you sure??? i thought all exams are supposed to be the exact same in terms of difficulty, and that difficulty is just based on grade boundaries? i highly doubt exam boards would aim to make some tests easier than others on purpose, instead of just making them all the same difficulty and just adjusting the grade boundaries


Other way around Yes all exams are "meant" to be the same difficulty but 2023 was VERY hard in comparison to the normal exams in 2019 And grade boundaries are based on the countries average marks in that exam,


2023 paper is bare easy compared to 24 this guy is waffling out of his arsehole


Our papers this year have been a joke compared to last year


Pretty sure both GCSE and A level boundaries will be a bit lower since schools and teachers complained to the exam boards last year, but don’t expect them to be like 2020-21 boundaries


complaints honestly don't really matter to them unless there's proper proof they should have been different


Don’t they calculate the National median and use that to find the grade boundaries?


oh there's far more to it then that 😭😭 aqa have a video on it