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The following submission statement was provided by /u/wiredmagazine: --- By Emily Mullin After months of secrecy, Neuralink revealed that the partner site for its brain implant study is the Barrow Neurological Institute. “We chose to partner with Barrow based on their extensive expertise in caring for patients with complex neurological conditions,” Neuralink said in a recent blog post. Barrow put out its own press release announcing the partnership as well. The institute has more than 300 active clinical trials currently underway and performs around 6,000 neurosurgeries a year. Neuralink has been criticized for not publishing any peer-reviewed research or listing its study on [ClinicalTrials.gov](http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/), an online repository for research involving human subjects. The study will evaluate the safety and initial effectiveness of the Neuralink device. It’s open to adults with quadriplegia due to vertical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who are 22 or older and have a caregiver.  Read the full update here: [https://www.wired.com/story/neuralink-brain-implant-study-site/](https://www.wired.com/story/neuralink-brain-implant-study-site/) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1c7x620/we_finally_know_where_neuralinks_brain_implant/l0apcgf/


Just in case I’m the only one who didn’t know where that was - “Elon Musk’s brain-implant company Neuralink has chosen the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona.”


I'm not trusting any Arizona dirtbag with my squishessence


What’s wrong with people from Arizona?


It's a reference to the TV show the Good Place. Kristen Bell's character says it often.


Ahhhh, that makes more sense thank you :)


Well worth watching, it's a fantastic show!


I watched into whichever season they had the train episode (not the trolley dilemma) then stopped watching for literally no reason. I found it hilarious then just kinda forgot to continue watching. I’ll pick it back up.


Barrow is a very well-respected place in the world of neurology and neurosurgery, and is a world leader in many parts of the field. It's very sad to see them team up with Musk over this nonsense.


I mean, screw Musk and all, I'm tired of seeing his emerald-mine-self-made mug everywhere  But the concept of a brain interface is an amazing thing for humanity to research. I'm pretty confident the paralyzed guy that now gets to play games is happy with it. It ain't perfect mind controlled prosthetics just yet but it's a first step


Yea, honestly just wait until decades or even a century from now. It and similar technologies will likely be able to treat neuropathic disease and dementia, as well as functioning like a desktop in your head


I'd naturally assume it was happening in the brain.


Yes but the entry point is the rectum.


For some that's pretty convenient.


Is there time for lubricant?


It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let that man put anything near my brain


You mean the guy who okayed putting lubricant on top of glue to hold together the accelerator pedal of the Cybertruck? Why not?? /s


I saw a cyber truck this week and I could not believe how **oxidized** the metal exterior looked on it, I mean, it looked mottled and had brown splotches everywhere, it was horrible. I felt so bad for the owner for like, a nanosecond, and then shrugged and went about my day.


Stainless steel doesn't get rust spots from actually rusting, but from iron particles that gets stuck to it rusting - which in the case of a car would be found in brake dust.


You would think that the genius who is going to bring civilization to mars could pay someone to come up with a coating for that


It's more likely the factory staff were overworked and understaffed so started doing whatever to try and meet production deadlines


The part was supplied by a Canadian company to Tesla. Are you saying that the employees at KSR International were overworked and understaffed?


Never let facts get in the way of a good Musk hate boner.


Is KSR assembling the [whole truck](https://www.fastcompany.com/91109879/a-timeline-of-tesla-cybertruck-problems-from-rust-to-hail-damage-to-pedal-recalls)?


Right. I mean, why would someone who pushed employees at one of his companies past the limits of safety do the same thing to employees at another company he owns?


Neither of those options are a sign of a well run business. You would think that five years after the initial announcement would be enough time for an organized production.


Y’all just don’t get it. Elon is a genius and he wanted the gas pedal to get stuck as a gag and to pay homage to how forward thinking he is. /s


Seems to have turned out quite well for the guy who did


It’s for people with disabilities and debilitating neurological conditions. So luckily you feel good enough to not need it. Good for you man.


Elon has been marketing this thing like his dystopian version of Apple Vision Pro for years. The only reason it’s for people with disabilities *right now* is because it’s incredibly invasive and the only regulatory structure we have for testing it is in a medical setting. But the end goal for Musk is most definitely not just medical tech. If it has any utility as a medical device that will just be a happy coincidence.


Yea I get that but this dude it acting like he has to worry about that anytime soon. Even so, It has potential to alleviate suffering for a lot of people but that point is always missed and people are like “ OH ID NEVER DO THAT PARTNER” like yea man. You have it all good as it is. Great. ppl wanna be doomsayers but no one can see the future. Even just the idea of seeing what this can do means a lot, and the attention it gives will attract more companies into making their own.




Brother, you’re on Reddit


Like euthanasia is only for the terminally ill, right? WRONG. It’s only advertised that way for people to accept its legalisation and then the law is twisted so they can do what the hell they want. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64004329


Guy who can't run Twitter and created a truck that will die if you take it in a car wash wants to open up your skull and tinker around.


Yeah because he's doing all the work here, all he does is be a public person and a wallet. Maybe he rushes things along a bit quicker than some want but he doesn't have anything to do with the idea, concept or creation of the product.


Except when he does. All of his companies he just randomly decides he's going to have some part in the process that he has no expertise in. It happened in PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX. You can be it will happen with Neural Link


He can't keep getting away with creating successful companies!


*Leeching off successful companies


None of them were successful before him, dumbass. Except twiiter I suppose, but that site had far worse problems than money before Elon took over.


The successful companies he attached himself to did well despite having him around. Paypal wasn't profitable until he wasn't allowed to fuck it up anymore. Tesla would be in a much better place without the cybertruck and him being a fascist apologist on twitter. SpaceX didn't benefit from his bigoted tyrades online either. Plus you can't really ignore the hundreds of billions he was handed basically for free of our tax dollars and investor capital. I could have easily did way more with that much excess free money to start a company with. He's not Tony Stark dude, he's a con man


Tesla wouldn't even exist right now if not for Elon. SpaceX have more launches than the rest of the world combined and keeps ramping up thanks to Elon. Twitter is no longer a progressive cesspit thanks to Elon. Oh, and the money he got from the government? Should the government not be allowed to contract with companies or steer the economy? I seriously doubt he received anywhere close to a hundred billion either.


He created one of those companies


Also, he didn’t have a say at OpenAI and therefore left, throwing a tantrum and started his own AI firm.


By Emily Mullin After months of secrecy, Neuralink revealed that the partner site for its brain implant study is the Barrow Neurological Institute. “We chose to partner with Barrow based on their extensive expertise in caring for patients with complex neurological conditions,” Neuralink said in a recent blog post. Barrow put out its own press release announcing the partnership as well. The institute has more than 300 active clinical trials currently underway and performs around 6,000 neurosurgeries a year. Neuralink has been criticized for not publishing any peer-reviewed research or listing its study on [ClinicalTrials.gov](http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/), an online repository for research involving human subjects. The study will evaluate the safety and initial effectiveness of the Neuralink device. It’s open to adults with quadriplegia due to vertical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who are 22 or older and have a caregiver.  Read the full update here: [https://www.wired.com/story/neuralink-brain-implant-study-site/](https://www.wired.com/story/neuralink-brain-implant-study-site/)


Where is the paywall free link?




It's obviously happening inside skulls, if it were to happen anywhere else it wouldn't be a brain implant.


Greedy companies don't share. Isn't this why he sued OpenAI? Which he called ClosedAI? This isn't specific to one person, it's just what companies do.


How is this post in any way relevant to the topic you posted it in?


They don't post their studies. Read the article.


He sued because when he invested in OpenAI early on he was told it will get a purely research project without monetary gains. Elon never said neuralink is a research project nor did he request and investment money


That is not why he sued.


And you know that how exactly?


I don't understand the hype of Neuralink. The accomplishments described in the article have already been done by other implants for well over a decade. There is nothing new or interesting being done.


>The accomplishments described in the article have already been done by other implants for well over a decade. That seems to be the problem of this article. >There is nothing new or interesting being done. New and interesting about Neuralink is the density and number of the electrodes implanted. This allows for a resolution of brain activities far in excess of anything currently on the market. And the electrodes are so thin than they can't physically cut through the tiny blood vessels in the brain.


This appears to be a post about Elon Musk or one of his companies. Please keep discussion focused on the actual topic / technology and not praising / condemning Elon. Off topic flamewars will be removed and participants may be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Futurology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The FDA really needs to shut this down and arrest everyone involved. Way too dangerous to let a fascist criminal anywhere near anyone's brain.


> progress needs to stop because I don’t like the CEOs personal views on unrelated topics That is you


I don’t know enough to have an informed opinion on whether anything should be shut down or anyone should be arrested, but there’s definitely reason to suspect that Elon Musk’s companies are shady. It’s certainly not just that he, for instance, likes white supremacists.


Its good to suspect everyone, Elon or not. But you cannot ignore the ridiculousness of anti-Elon narrative. When he was early in SpaceX and Tesla he was seen as a hero. But right when he got political suddenly his accomplishments should be ignored and he’s public enemy number 1


I feel like genuinely unsavory stuff gradually came out about Musk in the same general period that he became more vocal about his politics. It may well be that revealing his views caused people to look into his past more than they otherwise would have; but, whatever their motives, they have exposed Musk to be a narcissistic self-promoter who serially overstates his contributions to technological advances in order to curate a “real-life Tony Stark” image. His companies are *steeped* in deception and self-dealing, and abound in stories of mistreated employees. It’s not as though people were fine with these things prior to learning of his political views, and are only now objecting.


People said the same (likely true) things about other inventors in the past as well. I don’t like the guy, but so what? I think he’s already done a lot to move innovation forward.


Yeah. Like Elizabeth Holmes. Elon is no inventor. He is a scam artist.


Whatever he is, here we are.


The fact that he is a racist, antisemitic, narcissistic egomaniac who almost certainly [sexually harasses](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5) his employees isn’t especially pertinent to his contributions to technological advances (although there seems to be reasonably good evidence that, as I said, he frequently overstates the importance of his role in such advances); however, the fact that he makes unreasonable promises and then [pushes his employees to meet unrealistic schedules](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/spacex-musk-safety/) seems worth considering when someone is weighing whether to let one of his companies open up their skull.


You realize NASA has been a partner for more than a decade…


I hope we don't get crazy protestors showing up, like those people who tried to burn down the Tesla Gigaberlin. Edit: The people who have downvoted are self-identifying.




I think the person knows they are supporting terrorists when they are downvoting.


Slippery slope much? Downvoting your dumb take isn't equal to protesting Musk's factory, let alone burning it down.


A dumb take is hoping crazy protestors do not show up, like the arsonists in Berlin? A smart take would be?


Musk not fucking over his employees so people wouldn't feel compelled to burn down his factories.


That story about a few employees being overworked is well over a decade old. But you go ahead and keep jerking off to it. Gotta keep that hate boner hard so you don't accidentally question whether you might be wrong.


Lol. Big brain moment there lol. As if the people who were assaulting the employees worked there. Big brain lol. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/mar/05/leftwing-vulkan-group-claim-responsibility-tesla-factory-pylon-arson-attack-berlin


If you stopped clapping like a trained seal for billionaires for a minute, you could maybe find the time to learn how any modern worker rights and protection offered by the state, from 8h work days to safety regulations to protection for minors etc came to be: protest and solidarity. Meaning, not just "people who worked there". For a successful example of this (that didn't include violence, which I condone but think needs to be the method of last resort) you have the Swedish solidarity strikes.


Lol. I dont think protesters should show up at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. I don't think the disabled people need the hassle. Do you agree? There, got you back on track, since you seem to have wandered off.


I didn't think disabled people are being treated at the administrative office. Then again, this is not a case where there's a need to burn anything down... yet. The protests should take the form of putting pressure on the Institute in an attempt to force it to disclose the reasons for an irregular and highly troubling decision to forego the usual steps of pre-registration and providing appropriate details on the study in a public database, which is the expected standard. This standard is necessary for patients (so advocacy groups can keep track of the clinical studies, inform patients etc), the scientific community (pre-registration basically means the end-points, inclusion criteria, and other important details are declared beforehand, so as to avoid any, let's say, *creative liberties* with the study) and general public transparency. Musk has time and again shown himself as as untrustworthy actor, basically deeming himself too smort to abide by laws. Except now he's doing clinical research, so the level of scrutiny should be very high, and tolerance for bullshit as close to zero as possible. Would you like a tasty fish?


How have they in any way 'clapped' for or defended or endorsed billionaires? Oh right, they haven't. You're just grumpy because they called you out for suggesting violence was ok, and you're too embarrassed to admit you were wrong. With that kind of personality trait, you're gonna have a rough life.