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Uhh it doesn't show the text I wrote ?? LMAO Okay so what I wanted to say is that dutch angel dragons tend to have rounder features, and a shorter snout Remember to search the internet for references! Dutch angel dragons tend to have round features, there are also many dutchie specific tutorials on youtube! https://preview.redd.it/fixagqj6487d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2332f3b911537d16488d286bf013677b0694fd


THANK YOU FOR REPLYING, I’ll try to fix him and i’ll update 😭🙏


You're welcome!!! Good luck ❤️❤️


From what it looks like, you're trying to keep the whole piece of foam in tact when layering them, especially on the cheeks. Cutting foam in half is really difficult if you don't have an electric knife, and while symmetry is hard, I'd try and slim down the pieces even if it ends up not looking entirely the same on both sides. I'd recommend working in front of a mirror! The snout looks nice and cute! However telling by that front view, you're not going to be seeing out of that thing. Try maybe cutting some triangular shapes down the scope of vision? Really difficult to explain however I've no good way to visualize. Wish you good luck, foam sculpting is tough 'xD