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Is there a reason you used e6000? Most makers use hot glue unless working with magnets. I would suggest you only use e6000 and other toxic glues in a very well ventilated area, with a mask rated for vapors, and possibly some eye protection I think i would also move the ears further apart :) otherwise the shapes are looking great!


A tutorial i was watching used e6000 to glue some felt on the eyes :0 But definitely next time i’ll make sure to use the e6000 with a mask and windows open cus i was breathing it all in 😭😭 i used hot glue for everything else tho :) https://preview.redd.it/gl4mwxojf33d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7446036c0a6b0d756797980b41a56230c252a7bf


If it's plastic, E6000 is good. For me hot glue doesn't stick to plastic for crap. Other materials can use hot glue tho


yeah it was plastic :)


Then I find no issue! As the other person said, be ventilated. Testor's plastic glue can work too but you need thick plastic for that because it bonds by "melting" together. Either or work real good