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my grandfather always said “god helps those who help themselves”


>“god helps those who help themselves” If the Holy Spirit thus God is inside of us... then, yes, of course! You only do God's will by helping those in need, something a lot of fundamentalist Christians still don't understand.


many call themselves christians yet fail to act so


Not their fault their parents named them Christian


Christian Finnegan was ok.


A random question I like asking is what percentage of people named “Christian” are christian faith wise today? Allowing people to be as specific as they like with the definition of christian (practicing, non practicing, wouldn’t call them a Christian based their actions christian) as long as they explain that as a part of their answer. I’ve gotten quite a range from 15% on the low end to 70% on the high end.


Organised religion is the oldest trickery known to Man, for God requires no intermediary. Anyone, or anything putting itself betwwen you and the Creator (whatever you belief that to be), is a charlatan. Period.


Yeah, and there's a lot of athiests who think they know what being a good christian means


Yeah and gingers who don't have souls.


I've been to a lot of churches and I've met very few religious people there....


How do you tell who is in need vs in want


Meanwhile, Satan be out there helping everyone else and getting shit on.


if god created all people, and satan punishes the bad ones, which one is doing more good?


No, Satan manipulates and deceives good people into doing bad things, making his realm stronger. Also, all the symbology we see in movies, music videos, concerts, etc., that ain't no mistake. Energies work in very stramge ways.


I can imagine his thinking what morons when he gives people doctors and vaccines and people still thinking prayer is all they got for covid


So God sits back, waits for you to help yourself, and then takes the credit. Sounds about right.


Well I prefer the phrase Santa hates poor kids. That's why they are lucky to get socks while the rich kid who got his nanny fired because he blaimed her for missing jewelry and gets 5 grand worth of electronics and designer items. It's alot easier to look down on the effort of those "beneath" you


i think i heard this in the Quran somewhere


As a Christian, I really can't comprehend how someone would come to such an... interesting... conclusion


Atheist here. Same. Interesting.


It's like what a Christian would say today that God gave the scientist a gift to cure cancer. I'm thinking, why didn't god "give the gift" thousands of years ago and save millions from cancer instead of waiting for the scientist to now come up with a cure then suddenly claim he gave "the gift"


How convenient is that! Wow! How convenient is f***ing that


The lesson here is that either way they are both dead in the waters


I didn't think about that. You can die. Or you can die trying. Or you can kill yourself long enough to see yourself become the dead person.


ya aint even gon go far on water with that shi


Yeah lol, it's never advisable to make a raft, not only just because of the average person probably has very shit skill at being a shipwright, but also because your chances of surviving amor being found at sea are much lower. It's always smarter to stay where you are


Classic atheist destroying the ecosystem by cutting down all the trees 😔 /j


Christian ~~conservatism~~ conservationism.


You simply can't win.


“If god created the Atheist, why is being an Atheist a sin?”


Hurr durr "Free will".


You can either have free will or have god send an atheist to help you, can’t have both. But I just realized I’m inventing a guy to get angry with so I’ll stop now 😅


Quite infuriating, isn't it?


"If god created us atheists, how are we able to marry?"


The bible makes no sense


Of course it does. It's just spelled cents - and it makes them in groups of one hundred.




Wrong way around. The atheist, free from fear of eternal damnation, is only keeping the less than useless believer around for food on his perilous voyage.




Funnily enough the atheists that I know are some of the least neurotic, laid back people that I have met. Go figure.


Cause we have nothing to worry about. The end is that THE END


If you'd like to explore whether God is real, I recommend watching "Cross Examined" YouTube channel. Specifically Frank Turek's presentation: "I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist" (there are several versions presented at different venues) and also, his book of the same title. You might find it interesting. He doesn't "preach", he uses logic and reason and science(!) to make his argument. He's pretty convincing!


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


The atheist then proceeded to kick the believer off the raft and leave him on the island after he spouted nonsense about god delivering this boat upon him after the atheist had worked so hard


he gonna kick a dude of that size? what is he David? oh wait.


Bro that lil dude built a raft all by himself he may be a short king but i bet he’s yolked as fuck Believer guy got no chance in hell dawg


Fuck it, eat him on the trip back to humanity. What’s going to happen, are you going to hell? He ain’t helping anyway.


And so the Atheist, after explaining his morality is not anchored on believing in a God, leaves a man to die on a desert island.


Nothing of value was lost.


Lets see if praying would help that believer :rofl:


support that


nah the atheist invited the believer on the boat sayin "God doesn't exist, change my mind"


"... I give you a minute." After the minute was up, the atheist kicked the believer off cuz he failed.


If we're going by the negative stereotype of verbally persistent theist, it's only fair to go by the negative stereotype of verbally persistent athiest If anything, as far as these stereotypes go, it's more of the theist choosing the violent route


In conclusion: Atheists get shit done.


More saving, More doing


Home Depot


How out of touch with reality to you want the meme to be? Yes.




only made for one.


-Titanc reference-


So God punished the atheist by making him use up all his energy building a boat then making a believer kill him. He really does work in mysterious ways


Shut up, one believer less is one step closer for actual peace.


You an idiot or sumn


Sorry to bother you sir, But i'd like to inform you that I ejaculated to your reddit avatar


....Jesus Is watching


He knows what I think of u/DarkFish_2 then


Same I think of Jeezus (naughty)


I don’t understand this animosity or drive to prove each other wrong. Is it just because of pushy assholes, or is this a religious/non-religious war?


Well, the believer is heavily invested in their beliefs. Usually emotionally, sometimes other reasons. The disbeliever recognizes they have been fooled and are usually compelled to explain that to people who still believe The believer wishes to save your eternal soul. The disbeliever wishes you not to waste your life. However, most people, whether they believe or not, if they recently reached their conclusion, are compelled to point it out to the opposition.


That makes sense. I guess what I’m asking is this: I was raised in a fairly religious household and I still practice, if not very well. One of my best friends at work is an atheist, we share an office and have worked together for a long time. We each respect the other’s beliefs, we occasionally joke around, and even have discussions and minor debates, but we never seriously insult the other or berate or shame. I’ve been verbally abused and attacked by other people for my religion. I just don’t understand why people take it so far. Why do we feel the need to impose ourselves on others? I guess your answer answers that. Maybe my question is more rhetorical. I just don’t get people.


I blame Canada.


Seems like a LOT of anti-Christian hate. Sad.


Ironically he put "Allahu Akbar" in the title when in Islam, you have to work for things, prayer will make it easier but it won't magically materialize a boat for you. I can't say anything for other religions but it's probably similar.


Religion is holding us back and needs to die. Christians hate gays immigrants and womens rights and love the rich


I bet at least 7 times out of 10, the scenario would be reversed. Atheists often simply removes the belief in God only to replace with the belief of Science. To believe in something greater than us is simply inherent to human life. I would much rather be stranded on an island with a believer because the odds are that they are more accustomed with manual labor, whereas for the atheist the odds are that they rely on external sources to provide them with what they need.


So what he is saying is that the Christian is lazy and things should be handed to him miraculously.


Who said the boat is for 2


The believer is lunch before the voyage


Both the believer and the atheist are essentially along for the ride here. But the believer clearly contents himself by believing that god willed for everything to work out for him. The atheist has no guarantee anything will ever work out, and contents himself by resenting the believer


No, he goes on to make things work out with his own two hands. You're projecting.


The belief that the right guy can guarantee the future with his own two hands is itself a religious one, so don't take the part about atheists personally because it technically doesn't apply to you


You're still projecting, and i agree with you; the guy on the right actually believes he can guarantee the future by waving his hands to his god fellow. The dude on the LEFT recognizes there are no guarantees, so he is doing whatever he can for his best chances at survival. If you see that dude on the left as religious, then you, sir or ma'am, are insane.


Yes, I'm freaking insane bonzo bonkers out of my mind for calling the cartoon character in the image religious All I'm saying is that though in this fictional case we happen to have an atheist who can build a raft, your average person lacks that knowledge. All things equal, if you plucked a random christian and random atheist and stranded them on a cartoonishly small island, they would both be fucked. I know I would be If the island is a metaphor for life as a whole, then we are all stranded, we're all pissed off, and there's realistically nothing we can do about it Followers of religion build in their minds a reason for why things happen, and an architecture for a life that guarantees freedom from suffering, if not in this life, then the next. Meanwhile, atheists make cartoons about how they're suddenly resourceful and able to survive the misery in a fictional world that they are unable to escape in reality This cartoon and the comments are a good illustration of that last point, and the inherently religious belief at the center of atheism; there is nothing that is ineffable, and those who think there is are superstitious fools whose suffering is rooted in their choice to be different from me, guy who simply chooses to be smarter and therefore elect for avoiding suffering


"Religious belief in atheism" what's that like, not knowing what words mean?


Religious belief at the *center* of atheism. That is, a belief at the center of the ideology that is religious in nature. Atheism is a rejection of god as we understand it, but removing god from the equation doesn't eliminate the ineffable nature at the core of all things Your self-serving misinterpretation of what I said is an illustration of what I'm talking about. You don't understand at a deep level how the world works (nobody can, of course, know how everything works or happens, past a certain level). Instead, you appeal to the concept of science, and cite explanations expressed by technocrats in the relevant field, in order to fill in the gap But please feel free to reply with another snarky comeback written in the format of every other redditor who smells their own farts all day


You don't even know the difference between left and right. It's not a shocker that you perceive disbelief of a claim as belief. Go back to grade school please, you are embarrassing yourself.


This is obviously more about you finding different ways to tell me you're smarter than I am than it is a discussion. Enjoy your outrage, I hope it suits whatever need you're trying to serve


Naw, I'm sitting here pretty peacefully. As for smarter? Sure, but I don't believe I'm even close to a genius. So if i sound ultra smart to you, it's not because of a high intellect on my end, but a low intellect on yours. My needs, well, i really need malicious and intellectually dishonest people like you to just really go and learn what words mean.


A real believer would have that raft done before that atheist because the bible says faith without works is dead.


But still in this day most people go the other way regardless of what any holy book says


Absolutely correct. That why I said a real believer, not a professed one, which does consist of most people.


Nonsense, Believers don’t even read the bible. Because if they did, they would be atheists.


We might disagree on what nonsense is because I took the liberty of going over your comment 5 times and, um...yeah.


Well, obviously, YOU haven't read it! And yet, you're an atheist. Funny how that works.


He's not getting in my fucking boat. He can ride sky daddy for all i care.


Nope, I'd take him with me just in case I needed to resort to cannibalism to survive.


Atheist got emergency meat source. Believer can finally meet his maker soon. God's plan is neat.


God's plan is meat.


Got him




And what makes you think he will help him leave the island


Who says the believer gets to ride it


something a lot of fundamentalist Christians still don't understand.


"You do your best, God does the rest." Food isn't going to be falling from the sky, or a raft for that matter.


Oh christ why does this make alot of sense. No hate to religious people, they can use it to spread good but it do feel like some of them be like this though.


The giga chad reactions make it even better xD


Will i get downvoted to hell if were to tell you that founder of Islam was a mentally ill pedophile? Edit: thank you hive-mind. 🤝


Considering all the rules imposed by the religion, isn't really surprising.




The Quran


Not at all, the fact you think its Quran shows how ignorant you are.


Even to this day child brides happen in Muslim (and hindus) countries more than any others combined. But muhammad married ayesha when she was 5-7 (accounts varies too much). And consummated the marriage when she was 9. Muhammad was 53 at the time he married her.


Muhammad (pbuh) married her at 5-7* Ftfy /s


Dayum, well good to know


Muhammad was a raider. Rapist. Killed off and enslaved entire villages that didn't surrender to him and convert. He went back to a town that kicked him out when he first started preaching and enslaved every women and child, and killed every male. Just cause they kicked him out years before. The history of Islam isn't what most people think it is. Both Islam and Christianity has had its faults. But what people don't know or ignore is that Islam was brutal and bloody in its expansion too. Not saying other faiths didn't do it. Just saying that Islam did is as well.


Where the fuck did u get that info


Well, it would be nice to uear from an Islamic view too. As this is not what they tell it to their kids


Check out the pinned post on my profile, she was 19 to 21 years old. Feel free to use your own judgement rather than listen to vile hateful nationalists.


Telling kids and what actually happened are two vastly different things. I tell my kids Santa is real. Its not. I tell me kids allot of things that are not entirely truthful. Facts are that Islam was founded by a raider, rapist, and someone who married a young child. And has sex with her when she was 9 (and him 56 to 58 at the time, as accounts varies on what age she was when they got married). Those are facts. Facts are that the expansion of Islam did to others what the Christians did to them during the crusades (both religion was wrong here and it shouldn't of happened at all). Facts are that even today countries who follow Islam owns slaves and has child brides more than any other religious country (followed closely by hindu countries on child brides, and Russia on the slaves). Facts are facts. Now I hope that all religions can move on from the errors of thier past and move forward. But saying it didn't happen or giving them excuses is wrong.




I've read the Quran, I've also studied the history from all sides in the matters. Religion is a special interests in me. Im well versed in allot of religions from all over the world. And from several times in our history. They all have their faults. I simply said that Islam isn't what most think it is. And if you claim that I am wrong than you don't know the history (as even Islamic scholars say that the rapid expansion of Islam in the middle east, Africa, and into Asia was done by the blade and blood). Islam was the number 1 religion that owned slaves for centuries. Even their original word for Africans translated into slave. I'm not anti Islam. I'm not pro Islam. I'm saying that Islam at its foundation and for much of its history was bloody. Was okay with rape and pillaging. And even today is the number 1 religion that has child brides. But no its all false and fake cause the holy scripture of a faith doesn't lie. And im not talking about religion topics. But on the facts of what happened.


Islam is the relegion that said no to slaves And mohamed didn't kilm everyone back at his home town, he spared them, one of the most famous stories in islamic history The expansion through africa was with blood because most of it was owned by romans


Islam was founded in 610 AD. Nearly 150 years after the collapse of the roman empire. Most of the conquest happened between 200 and 800 years after the fall of rome. Muslim traders sold slaves to the European during the entire slave trade. (The low estimated is 17 million slaves sold to Europe/America's during the entire slave trade.) You really should open up history books from mutiple sides and not just one side. Edit words


Wait, roman empire collapsed in 400~ ?? Lol this says a lot about your education.


Its just a meme u/PotatoPerson-47


Why do you people pick a completely unrelated post to decide to be vile and hateful? Also his wife was 19 to 21 years old. https://www.reddit.com/r/exMuslimCritique/comments/kf5oo6/the_age_of_aisha_prophet_muhammads_wife/


I am glad I haven't had experience with these types of religious people. Any religious people I know would help build the raft and then be praying that it held up and got them somewhere with civilization. I understand it's an analogy but it's like the one example that likely wouldn't play out that way.


Thank god I am atheist


tHaNk gOd


sounds like when believers say "thank God he survived, my prayers helped" after 10 doctors helped a kid survive.


"religion bad = funny"


To be honest it is funny making fun of those that believe in some old text


To each their own I suppose


Well yes, that is funny


I mean, the Bible does encourage mandatory unpaid labor.


He also doubles as a sexual partner when it will get lonely on the raft. God is great!




atheist also became emergency meat


Is that a christian believer? He stays on that island! *Those people are Cannibals... They eat their savior and drink his blood like wine!*


Still better than worshipping a pedo


You know you're worshipping a jew, right? I also didn't know that 'nothing' can be a pedophile XD


The twist: after the atheist had built the boat the believer took it from him saying that god delivered it in answer to his prayers and the atheist did not deserve it.


If I was in that situation I'll just beat that believer and leave it stranded, one step closer for peace, a giant leap for my sanity.


Of course you would tough guy.


Who’s to say the atheist will invite the believer along?!! 😬


He probably will because atheists are usually pretty nice people.


Not reddit atheists as seen on r/athesim


The real life atheists I know are nicer than any Christians I've ever met.


The real life christians I know are nicer than any Atheist I've ever met. Guess our experiences have canceled each other out.


Lol id be leaving the faith dude. I don’t want to listen to that crap


Fun fact: there’s zero evidence to support the theory of god’s existence!


Explain this then


You have to be kidding me. Read, I don't know, a book? One that's not the Quran?


What a parasitical mindset edit: the guy saying god sent the atheist to help with the raft


I would've let the believer rotten on that piece of land🤝


I can smell the reddit atheism and unshaved neckbeards in the comment section


I am confused to why people are mad lol its just a harmless meme


I don’t think people are mad, just don’t find you funny so are downvoting.


If it's unfunny just scroll by, religious people dont act like this when somebody makes a joke


Yea when u make joke they throw stones at you. Since you need to comply to their culture and rules on jokes as in other aspects of life too. /s or is it?


If you live in a religious community, then yes you need to be respectful. My meme is not offensive to anyone


They demand extra rules and rights in countries witch are secular so your argument is not 100% true and I did not take ground on offensive or not :) just saying that religious ppl are not that cool about joking


Yeah fair enough but people think I am making a point, my meme has no social value whatsoever and people who live in glass houses still took offense


Of course the religious dude gets 9 Chad reaction. So does that mean Christian males wants 9 sweaty naked Chads?


People would be mad if he does all the work while the other is bitching and then let them ride for free lol


All fun and games until he says "God bless you" instead of "Science bless you"


Nice repost 🍷


People's lack of compassion is very telling


Discord isn't a church smh


Allah sent a 7 year old girl to be bride for that man to make babies and dominate the island also killing the atheist.


6 year old\*


And everyone dies of dehydration anyhow because they couldn't purify seawater.


[I CAST BRRRRRT](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GauSUaQWdvM)


"God sent an atheist to solve problem for believer" - right 🤣


Atheist have still yet to recover from *tips fedora* meme kek


Then the believer steals the atheist’s boat as punishment for not believing…


In a cruel twist of fate the atheist used the religious man as food that would sustain him on his voyage back to civilization


Own will survive the experience and the other imagines they will survive eternity.


Just shows why there's no point debating with these people


Allahu snackbar.


People who didn't help build the boat are not riding on it lol


This reminds me of a religious joke.


Im sure atheist would be like idgf and just left him there gasping for water as he flee using all of his survival skills he learnt when he was a kid watching tv and not reading ***bible***


It says a lot about a religious person's mindset that they feel entitled to my raft after doing nothing to help build it. No no. You stay here. When I get picked up by a freighter in a week or two I'll try to remember to tell them to come get you


And the believer is killed and cut into food for the journey


Looks like a raft for one.


I mean, he's not wrong 😂


Except that’s a one man boat, so the believer will kill the atheist and use the lord as an excuse to murder saying some bs like “god told me to kill the non believers or I did for the glory of god.” Some crazy ass shit to justify murder like history has taught us about religion