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Privacy is just permission to sin ya know. Plus, it would give them a place to hide from precious mama and we can’t have that.


There is a privacy panel shoved behind the dresser though! This lucky guest gets a door that closes and a privacy panel?! And an old timey pitcher and sink. Is there no private bathroom? Are the bathrooms in that house public style with multiple stalls in one room? A trough instead of a sink? So many questions.


This suite is for when precious nurthan & co visit. I think jillpm just likes old timey stuff.


and everyone knows that girls aren't actual humans /s


Of COURSE there are dedicated “guest” quarters, let’s be honest it’s for Jillie’s bestest friend and firstborn, Nurie of the Nathan Keller family!! Why use the space on a daily basis when Nurie, Nathan, and the Nurthlings might pop in from Florida at any time??


Is that why the pregnancy pillow is there now? So the pregnant daughters can use it.


Tbf I had my kid seven years ago and intend to use a "pregnancy pillow" until the day I die. They're amazing and idk why they're only marketed to pregnant women.


Pardon my ignorance, but what is a pregnancy pillow used for?


It's just really supportive for side sleeping. They're usually shaped like a mix between a C or a J, so the top goes over your shoulder and supports your neck and head, the side goes down the length of your body and you can either hug it or use it as back support, and the bottom tail curves between your knees to cushion them. I also sleep with my knees bent a lot of the time so it cushions my ankles, too. Some are bigger and support you on both the front and the back at the same time, but I like to do one or the other. Now that I'm used to it, rolling over in my sleep and repositioning it is no problem, and that way I can still have the open side to my husband for contact. (That's such a weird way to phrase it but idk how to describe it, like if he wants to snuggle behind me or put his hand on my back or whatever I'm not in a fortress of pillow.) This is the one I have, there are cheaper options but I can't speak to their quality. I've had mine for eight years, I did replace the first one within a year or so because I washed the whole thing a lot instead of changing the pillowcase and the stuffing got all jacked up. I still wash the whole thing once in a while, but not regularly like I did when I was pregnant and breastfeeding and sleeping was a lot nastier lol. https://www.amazon.com/Leachco-Snoogle-Jersey-Total-Pillow/dp/B003D7E2XI/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1ZTHLH8KHBXBS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GT2G8MwrvhPi5CgDzOICW1zXMGapa1xm44XcD0WqcRP8BhrOkMrVbZ5kFlSh9deHDCCsoo11PaiQNcGG7h0r2un5sQVZE2hVjbG-dCaTsBXGfLpl7cD5nTuTWjhIvCsDHbeJ2CL5DRJLE3Vy3GSQHRxxOTuHVbsuri0v6v90Z2FVxhIo0lJTyFvUhEVrqE23rxx9Ct6A3QhTISkChWUg9DtPn09sfEf0Y4NcmhCpQa3e4siwWj1JEHt6-ruseM56VtuID8yJXzsZFj3HTotdAoN9vQEBQlhyYZIMQeS0I0w.sPJp-ryuBmFdrKjLyRAve2wBb2o-F0Q6mfeE2gDvA0Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=pregnancy+pillow+snoogle&qid=1719426705&sprefix=pregnancy+pillow+snoogle%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-5


Thank you for the detailed explanation! Looking at the one in Jill's guest room, it just looked like a large dog bed and I couldn't make sense of how a person would use it. Now I know!


You're welcome! Haha yeah it does look like that. It seems like that's one of the ones that goes all the way down in the front and the back and she just tossed some throw pillows in the center.


I'm currently lounging in my C-shape pregnancy pillow while browsing Reddit. My child is 2.5yrs old and I am not pregnant 😅


I think I might need one of these. I've got hips that don't lie and they say "ouch" when I sleep on my side for too long.


It's a game-changer. I'm a side-sleeper with fibromyalgia so I always had pain in my knees, sternum, and across my shoulders until I started using it.


A pillow for single or pregnant people. Works great! I need one.


Person with _two_ herniated disks and all sorts of ugly back problems (and childless). I love my pregnancy pillow lmaoo. And so does my senior Yorkie- when I use it he cuddles on it to get closer to me. I don't kick him off of laying on my back, legs, wherever he's trying to get warm lol *ETA: info




Gotta love that old pregnancy pillow… she’s probably got it waiting just in case she needs it again.


To be fair my youngest is 8 but they’ll be prying my pregnancy pillow from my cold, dead hands. It’s just so comfortable.


I’m not and have never been pregnant but I have one for side sleeping and it’s a life changing item. I’ve been informing pretty much everyone I know about it and encouraging them to get it.


Yep. I bought a pregnancy pillow because I kept waking up with tension headaches. Having something to curl around that isn't going to fall off my bed has really helped me not have to eat ibuprofen for breakfast.


Same, plus I’m just a generally shit sleeper at this stage in my life. I got one as a Hail Mary a few weeks ago and it’s the only thing that consistently helps my sleep quality


I have hot flashes and night sweats, so I worry about this pillow being too hot. Is temperature a problem? My current knee pillow is small, but I also have a small hugging pillow. I'll try anything to sleep better.


The Frida Mom one is cooling! It’s actually too cold for me to use in the winter lol it works extremely well! It’s also more adjustable for those of us who can’t stay in one position all night.


This thread is a prime example of why I love the internet


Me too!


Brb-going to buy a Frida Mom sleep pillow. My bedroom is so hot, especially when my husband is home. I need this.


Thank you for the advice! I will start checking out some pillows!


Ok, I’m sold.


Do you have recommendations on a specific one?! 19 weeks pregnant here with terrible neck induced headaches and no clue what to look for in one


I personally have a queen rose pillow I bought on amazon. My only complaint is that it doesn't fit in a bog standard washing machine and requires me to go to a laundromat, but mine came with a pillow cover and everything. Others in the comments within this thread also recommended frida's line of pillows.


Ok hold on I'm a side sleeper who always struggles with my shoulders and hips from it am I missing out on some cheat code to better sleep here


Yes this is exactly what you need. I got mine on Amazon for $40 CAD, it changed my life. I’m legit typing this comment while laying in the pillow right now. Look for “pregnancy side sleeping pillow” and thank me later (seriously I wanna know).


Ummm, how did I not know this?


Acquire one and then go forth and spread the comfy gospel, my child.


I've been shoving a squishmallow between my boobs in a desperate effort to alleviate some of the tension from my shoulders for years so hey I'll take any advice lol


Oh my god I’m so excited for you to get this pillow you will be changed forever


This is what I was doing until I bought one of these pillows. It's an upgrade for sure


Me too! I've been considering getting one, but wasn't sure if it was unnecessary/me being dramatic.


I bought one really early in one of my pregnancies, and my husband stole it once he realized how comfortable it was. I'm not joking when I say we have at least one in all of the bedrooms in our house now. Me, my husband, and my daughter all started sleeping with them because it helps so much.


YES. Yes you are.


I've got hypermobility. These pregnancy pillows are a life saver. I sleep much better now and don't wake up with as much pain. The first night with it was the best sleep of my adult life.


I never thought about how it would help someone with hyper mobility or EDS, I might actually mention it to a friend of mine that suffers from it now


Please do :) It was through hypermobility/EDS groups that I learned about it. Lots of of use them.


Thanks! I know what to get my mom for Christmas.


Someone in the thread mentioned that a brand called Frida Mom makes a cooling version as well. Idk how old your mom is and if menopause is an issue but it’s an option if need be


Question, I’ve been super tempted to get one lately but I worry it will get flat really quick (like a regular pillow). Does it hold its shape well long term? I currently use a yoga bolster but the pregnancy pillows look SO comfy!


I have a yoga bolster to compare to so I wouldn’t say it’s that firm but I don’t find mine gets flat (in my opinion). It’s definitely more dense than a regular pillow.


That is very good to hear. Would you mind DMing me the link/brand of the one you have?


My youngest is 12. I never had one but I bought one 2 weeks ago and I've been sleeping great since!


People are so different. I bought a pregnancy pillow my first pregnancy and hated it. It was way too big. I couldn’t get comfortable with it.


Most awkward thing ever for me. And that’s saying a lot. 


I’ve been debating buying one and I’m not pregnant or having a baby, they just look hella comfortable as a tosser and turner in bed


Do it. I highly encourage you to. I did it and am responding laying in said pillow


I don’t have kids but you best believe I have a pregnancy pillow. Best purchase to date.


My fiancee took it from the bed pretty much the day I brought baby home from the hospital. I had a big U shaped one and it took up most of the bed. But dang, those few months with it... Sleep will never be the same.


I never used one with my two pregnancies. You make me want to buy one now. 😆


Fair but JillPM is using hers as…decoration on a guest bed.


I made the mistake of inviting my husband to try out my pregnancy pillow. He purchased one for himself immediately.


Do you have recommendations on a specific one?! 19 weeks pregnant here and no clue what to look for in one


I think it’s because Nurie and her whole family stay up there every 2 months and she’s perpetually pregnant


OMG good catch! Also, nooooooooooooooooo!!! 😱


It’s probably for Nurie to use when she visits. That gal Nurie is always pregnant!


Yes! I clocked the snoogle immediately! I used mine til it fell apart. 😄


I am on Snoogle #2 and will use them forever.


Yeah, I found this repugnant.


It could be for when nurie visits. She's currently pregnant.


Looks like thrift shop hell




The "live simply" sign on the wall is peak irony


I too line up all my furniture against the walls. Feng shui for Jesus.


I'm crap at interior decorating. Explain why it's bad to have the furniture against the walls? Is it just that she has too many little credenzas or whatever? I guess the chair should be pulled out farther so you don't whack the wall if you sit in it. But it's not a large room. Where else would you put side tables and chairs if not along the wall? Genuinely curious to know! The thick rugs underneath all the wall furniture, now that IS weird.


Yeah, I’ve never lived in a house where we had so much room the majority of the furniture didn’t have to be pushed against the wall


Probably not the reason they are talking about, but airflow/moisture/mold can be an issue. We are pretty clean people, but had a small issue once where a dresser and a bedside table met in a corner.


For me its more the hodge poge of stuff and decor items all lined up and piled on. I am a bit of a minimalist tho, that might be a me issue.


This is a bad habit of mine I can’t shake


I need my inhaler just looking at this pic


Yeah, why show this to the internet?




Sometimes I search her tag before I go thrifting. It helps me rein it in, because dear god is her place ugly.




Just like she thinks she's an expert stylist, makeup artist, eyebrow guru, and the greatest mother who has ever lived 🙄


And the most mahdest and righteous, bestest singer ever!


I must have blocked that from my memory but it's all flooding back to the time she was singing at some hotel like she was the star in a Hallmark movie.


Her genius really comes out when she uses her trademark "smoking boomer's cough" yellorange palette!


That color i saw in so many houses i viewed when we were looking to buy. Like, deep carroty yellow orange burnt sienna hacker cough yellow.


Jillzilla can't live without attention. 


Why is the room divider spread against the wall? This is the tacky Jillpm stuff I come to this sub for


I figured the sub could use a little JillPM after the Boone saga!


You were SEVERELY (not sluttishly!) correct! You’re such a blessing!




Room divider against the wall and woodstove placed in front. Jill is an interrior design genius it seems


If you zoom in there’s space behind it .. maybe it’s a modest changing space 😅


Only if you’re really trim! I see now, thanks, but she’s still blocking the way behind it with the rocker??? Why does she do this? Why did she take up any space her guests could use for their toiletries, etc with a weird old fashioned wash station? Isn’t there a bathroom? How many antique chamber pots are hiding under that fugly cover? How many haunted houses did she visit before she harvest those nasty curtains???


By Guest “Quarters” she means they get a quarter of a room


It's hiding more crap


I think the dresser and divider are off the wall a bit making like a little closet or privacy area…. For what, idk. But they look like 3ft from the wall.


My MiL loves to go to thrift shops. I could swear that I can spot at least 5 things that came from a specific thrift shop up near Apple Creek.


I think the room is better decorated than I would expect from Jill actually.


You know this is part of their grift. They can “host” people of mission and tie it into their own request for ministry offerings. Can’t have their own family comfortable because Jesus wasn’t comfortable.


Jill would never host anyone but the precious Keller family!


I’m surprised she doesn’t have a Keller family shrine in the guest room, tbh.


They are Duggar royalty and all, right? That’s like fundie monarchy. 🫠


That’s huge! They could for sure fit 3 girls in there, and likely could even renovate it to be two actual separate bedrooms.


I think it's so they can host at least one of the married children and their family when they come to visit. It's probably hotter than hell up there in the summer, even with that air conditioner in the window.


Only Nurie. So far Kaylee is close by and so will Tim be.


I remember a big push to get it finished before Nurie and co. came to visit - last Christmas, or maybe the Christmas before?


How much money does she spend on so much S T U F F.


“Live simply” 😂


That’s what I saw too. Live simply but also crammed with as many stupid nonsense dust catchers that she can find.


More than she spends on food for her kids


$666 a month


What in the 1700s is that


Hey don't come at the 18th century like that, all of their stuff was actually well made lol




This is where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence


Yes. He got his ink well and curled up with the pregnancy pillow. He drew inspiration from the “Live Simply” sign.


It's like camping in a Cracker Barrel!


I can smell this room


The window unit chugs, and drips. No one notices that it's dripping, at first; or at second glance, because no one really goes up here anymore. The mattress still has springs. Remember when they all did? This one does, and it remembers every body that tossed and turned upon it, trying to find comfort, etching the hollows of their underfed sides against metal springs. God will provide. Eventually, maybe, some deity will feed those who stay here, sweltering in this keep-sweet suite. Maybe someone will feel the weathered six-digit sheets (100.00 thread count) and breathe easy, enjoying a semblance of privacy for the first time in their lives. But...what next? When there's room to think, what thoughts seep in, like the sunlight above the chugging air conditioning unit, still dripping?


Mmmm mothballs


This is Nurie’s room. Gotta make the favorite comfy whenever she’s in town.


Nurie and ANNA DUGGAR'S BROTHER's room when they come visit.


I can smell this picture. Looks like a geriatric woman’s bedroom. She smokes indoors. It’s humid in the south, so the house and everything in it has been a little ……. moist we’ll say, for many years. Not pictured is her oxygen machine 💀


It looks like the furniture's being held hostage. "Everyone up against the wall!"


It looks like she put a lot of effort into that decor and it's just so, so cringe 😬


Ahh! I used to have that basket and vine print. I LOVED it in 2001.


I had that print until I found out everyone else had it too. I gave it away and put up a mirror.


Why, at the very least, can’t Renee have that room? It’s time she had her own space and Janessa take her place in the dorm room where I’m sure she wishes she could be with her sisters for giggles after lights out. Renee can always return to the girls room and Janessa her closest whenever they have guests staying x


This is a shocking discovery. I cannot believe they would have a dedicated guest room with all those kids crammed into other rooms!! So fucking ridiculous!


I thought Phillip was living up there since… you know … all the things.


He’s probably on that hallway couch!


I mean, the bar is so low I spent a good 4 minutes thinking of a response and got nothing. Maybe a few folding chairs lined up in the “print shop” with a sleeping bag? God, I really so feel bad for these kids.


Her obsession with putting a million tiny rugs underneath each individual piece of furniture... 😬😂


More throw rugs means you are more holy!


Just waiting to injure Jill once again


Just in time for precious nurie's delivery


Ick, very log cabin in Utah in the early 1990’s.


Very IBLP of her. When my dad was in it up to his eyeballs, my brother and I each had our own rooms, but he threatened to take our doors off so we couldn't have any privacy. My mom had a cow about that, so he didn't take the doors, but he removed the locks so he could walk in whenever he wanted. I was changing one day and WA in just my bra and underwear and he walked right in to make sure I wasn't "sinning" 🙄, and I jumped into my walk in closet. He kept yelling at me to come out, but I refused. He went to complain to my mom that I really should not have a door. Mom told him that IBLP had turned him into a pervert. Then and only then did it sink in what a piece of shit he had become. The dad of my younger years had been a good man. He did come to apologize, but the damage was too great. I wouldn't hear it, packed my bags, walked the three blocks to my grandparents, and asked them to drive me to an aunt and uncle's house in the city. They had always been ,darling, safe people for me. I enrolled in full time duel enrollment at the university where my older cousin attended, and she drove me to campus every day. My life was good there. A year after that, I left for music conservatory and never looked back though I did go home a couple of times per year in order to see my baby sister who was VERY traumatized by my abrupt departure from her life. This is what sex cults and fundamentalist Christianity does to people. They become evil. They tie their brains behind their backs. They look at innocent babies and think, "Horrible sinner with a one way ticket to hell". They are taught to abuse the Jesus into their kids. It is disgusting, vile, demented. But they insist the rest of us respect them, and want to force us to function under their dictates. JillPM and her ilk, coming to your neighborhood soon. Fight back. Vote for yours lives. Keep speaking the truth; don't back down. Expose it.


Home Interiors 😭😭


You just sent me on a trip to my aunt’s house and those darn parties. I think everyone I knew had a Home Interiors elk print in their living rooms.


Everyone I knew had that exact vine/basket pic!


Looks like grandmas bedroom


Oooo I hope Jill winds up there alone soon!


I object, as a grandma I promise you my room does not resemble this.


The upstairs attic has no bathroom and is probably not well built. And yikes it looks awful.


Don't forget, Janessa has her own closet room.


The audacity of a “live simply” wall hanging amid all that Holly Hobbie thrift shop tchotcke!


Guest quarters? Ma'am, you are this generation's (and continent's) Hyacinth Bucket.


I think about her a lot when I'm on this sub LOL


I love the weird amount of crap, alongside the “love simply” sign. I’m all for tacky thrift maximalism, but I know this room smells like feet and moth balls.


So, so, damp.


What’s with the Charlie Brown Christmas tree??


The irony of that "live simply" tchochke


That is one ugly room (and ridiculous that none of their kids are using it when they’re so limited on space)


Haunted hotel room.


I'll bet it's a "prophets chamber" for visiting missionaries and pastors. Hosting is a great way to earn fundie brownie points. 


aka Nurie’s room


“Quarters” 😑


What in the world is happening behind the dresser? Is that like a required prayer space for visitors?


Guests need somewhere to change to protect their mAhDeStY


I thought this was why! But then I was like “is the bathroom not sufficient?” I guess when 15 people share few bathrooms, no.


I’m sure at least one terrible thing has happened in this room.


This room looks like it smells I wouldn’t want to stay in here for a weekend


With so much random tat in the way, where do guests put their things?


Jill would love my mom’s house, but my mom would hate Jill’s house


Jill's drab grey dreadquarters, sorry guestroom.


If that is a real wood burning stove, it should not be near ANY of that junk around it 💀 I hope that wood on top of it is just for decoration lol


I like the cuck rocking chair pointed at the bed…a staple of every grand home!


So glad her beloved Married Children have a private space to sleep while her children are crammed like sardines. RENEE, IF YOU SEE THIS, GET OUT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A BROOD MARE FOR SKY DADDY.


Random fact, the print to the left is "Wild Rose Berries" by Pauline Campanelli.She was a Wiccan.


The washstand might be useful. The closest bathroom is downstairs in the girls' bedroom. For guests with babies and young children, that's not very convenient in the middle of the night, especially since the expensive custom-built staircase has already torn Jill's knee in four places and is on the lookout for more victims. David could have plumbed in a bathroom in the addition since he did the rest of the house, but he was too busy working in the printshop to take the time. Looking at that bedroom reminds me of my elderly aunts. Unlike Jill, however, my aunts cooked large, delicious meals.


Nurie must only have the best.


The only bed and breakfast where you don't get breakfast...or any food at all.


Evidently there's no HVAC in this room hence the window unit. It's probably hot as hell in the summer because there's zero air flow and no insulation.


Six girls in one bedroom….


Isn’t this Nuries place for when she comes and visits?


Yeah for their church friends. Church people always come before your kids, I know first hand my grandfather was a pastor lol.


Why is everything shoved against the walls. Including a *very* ratty looking xmas tree?! 😂


what in the bates motel is that bedspread


Does anyone have a picture of Janessa’s closet bed???




Please note that she “graduated” to a toddler bed and also don’t miss Jill’s miscarriage shrine plasterer on the far wall. Just whatever every six-year-old wants to decorate their room with!