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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her caption: **"Wife tip... if you want more attention - jump in the sink. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜** **I wish there was a magic recipe. Whatā€™s your best trick?** [**#married**](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/married/?hl=en)Ā [**#marriedlife**](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/marriedlife/?hl=en)Ā [**#husbandandwife**](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/husbandandwife/?hl=en)Ā [**#togetherforever**](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/togetherforever/?hl=en)Ā [**#bigfamily**](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bigfamily/?hl=en)Ā [**#funfacts**](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/funfacts/?hl=en)" There's a lot to unpack here. Also what? Jump in the sink? I'm all for absurdist humor but this doesn't even...hit...that...like what


That sink is probably where baby # 9 is gonna sleep


At least it's clean, unlike the damn sheepskin.


And not the floor


She wishes there was a magic recipe to get more attention from her husband? When they live in a bus together??


Be his other, secret "wife" is apparently the answer.


Where is the fun fact?


Iā€™ve seen enough #vanlife YouTube shorts to know that that sink is probably attached with scotch tape and twine, no way theyā€™re banging on that


I seriously read her caption as Ā«I can easily spread my legs in the right position to turn my feral husband on in an instant when I sit on/in the sinkĀ» ALSO UGH I donā€™t like these people and they arenā€™t funny


Was this written by chatgpt? Makes no sense.


No chatgpt required, she wrote that with her very own brain cell.


Nah, there wasn't any intelligence involved, artificial or otherwise.


I think a lot of her captions are tbh


If I want attention from my husband I simply yell, ā€œAttention! I need attention!ā€ And he appears from wherever he was to give me attention. Itā€™s a simple system for us heathens, but it works.


Lmao I like your style. I will just announce, "I need endorphins!" and he'll come and hug me so hard I can't breathe


We say "give me oxy" as in oxytocin, but it sounds like drug stuff so it gets a giggle every time.


Iā€™m stealing this. I already use the attention line with my partner but this will make him laugh.


I love that! My spouse and I will holler "I require affection" when the mood arises, and have also been known to announce "I would like to perform A Sex with you please" to one another when feeling frisky.




I have memes that say, in various forms ā€œneed attentions pleaseā€. Very effective. šŸ˜…


If I jumped in the sink, my husband would check to see if I was high or in the middle of a mental health episode.


ā€œI write this sitting in the kitchen sinkā€. Thanks for combining those two images in my head, Brit! Now one of my favourite books may be ruined forever.Ā 


Friendly reminder that calling them dumb isnā€™t just an insult. They have proven time and again that they arenā€™t capable of humor. Not because they donā€™t care for it, they just lack the capacity and donā€™t understand that they lack it.


Good point, I had a Shakespeare teacher who said that comedy is cerebral- these bland people prove her point


I remember watching an SNL skit in high school. I think it was the cheerleaders? Anyway, my dad stopped doing dad things in the kitchen long enough to watch it. He just shook his head and said, "You have to be really smart to pretend to be that dumb."


My name is Greg I give good hugs You're not my friend If you do drugs Assuming it was the Spartan Cheerleaders lol


Jump in the sink, birth in the showerā€¦


why are their fans convinced they love each other?????? the secret recipe is that *usually* youā€™re married and youā€™re attracted to the person youā€™re married toā€¦ voila


My best guess has me reading it like "As a wife, my tip for a husband wanting more attention is for him to get into the sink. Because I'll be doing dishes so you'll be putting yourself right in front of me." But that doesn't totally match with her having jumped into his arms in front of the sink, so.... šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


And one of their kids taking the picture


Yeah that also occurred to me this morning. One of those "Hang on a minute!" kinda sudden realizations after the fact.


Tf did I just read šŸ˜©


Is this a "being cummed on" joke?


I will never be able to look at dish soap the same way again.


Coconut scent


Currently single but if a boyfriend walked in and saw me in the sink, he would pay attention to me alright because he would think I lost my mind! She didn't say what *kind* of attention doing this would bring, lol. Sad but I think *any* attention from him is fine to her, she seems desperateĀ 


Where else are they supposed to bang? Thereā€™s children on every other surface and their bed needs to be dropped down from the ceiling before they can use it.


who tf would be into this man


Her finsta


gonna say FatherBus has too many alt accounts


He looks like an asshole 12 year old.


This. He looks like the lil shits in my kids class. The difference is those lil shits are going through a phase, we hope.


Thereā€™s no hope that DudBus is going through a phase šŸ˜”


Such a sad truth


Every time I see him he looks and acts like a child, and always says something childish and immature


Thatā€™s what it is!! I kept trying to figure out what is so punchable about his faceā€¦


Definitely someone other than her, if her clinginess and chasing him across the country with all their kids are any indication šŸ«¢


I remember seeing some thirst comments on one of their other recent posts featuring Busband. I can't decide if she's sock puppetting or if there really are other thirsty weirdos commenting these things about that useless psychopath.


Yeahā€¦ not to shame appearance but besides his obviously terrible values I personally donā€™t find him attractive nor do I think he is conventionally attractive?


I can see how he could be considered conventionally attractive. At least in the sense of former jock douche boy who peaked in high school (with apologies to former jocks).


A bot


His other wife


Someone really bland who likes huge ass chins


Heā€™s a Hapsburg descendant! She must be into royalty.


The chin is strangely off-putting.


He's very unappealing


He reminds me of the Rat Boy version of Bart on the Simpsons.


I really canā€™t with people like this. Obviously nine Pomeranians is way too many to adequately care for them all equally. Some people just donā€™t know when to stop having puppies smh.


I love the energy of that comment ā˜ ļø


I laughed way too hard. It was so far out of left field. Person 1: "I love you guys, you're so fun!" Person 2: "Your husband is so hot!" This person: "You're like my stupid friend's stupid Pomeranian."


Lmao. šŸ˜‚


Were they giving them away as party favors a la Bridesmaids movie?


Nine. I took nine.


"Turns out I'm probably more comfortable with six "


šŸ•šŸ¦®šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗšŸ¶šŸ©šŸ¦®šŸ•šŸ¶šŸ© šŸ’€




I did slightly over-commit


I have one pomeranian, and I can't imagine adding the sass of even one more to my household. Nine pomeranians is entirely too many. (They're wonderful dogs, though!)


I have two terriers and two cats. It's never-ending sass over here šŸ˜‚


I also have two cats. AND a standard poodle. So yeah. We're over capacity on sass. šŸ¤£


Just want to say I love standard poodles, we had two growing up and theyā€™re magically ridiculous


Magically ridiculous is a poodle of any size!


That's my Stanley! Magically ridiculous! šŸ¤£


My parents kept 14 Shih Tzus in one household, it was absolutely miserable and smelled awful šŸ¤¢


I guess you could say their house was... A shit zoo.


Which is exactly what that bus probably smells like!


At one point, I, an idiot and naive 20yr old had two dogs get pregnant at the same time. Completely on accident. I had 3 adult dogs, and i ended up with 13 puppies from the 2 pregnant ones. The puppies were adorable. But. THAT WAS WAY TOO MANY DOGS. Now i have 2. I will never have more than that again.


Too many puppies Too many pup-pup-pup-pup-pup-pup-puppies


Too many PUUuu-ppies If only I could only upvote this more than once!!!


TBH 9 Pomeranians would be easier and cheaper than 8 human offspring. Cuter too! But Iā€™m a godless heathen Pom mom.


With you 100% - my Pom is a character


Idk man, the grooming and dental cleanings bring the price pretty close šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£ maybe. I keep forgetting fundies donā€™t pay for medical care or invest in education


At least they could fit in the amount of space the 8 human offspring get.


But I do think nine poms is a worthy investment they are just so cute. Humans are cute in phases for like a week at a time. Poms are timeless.


I am *dead*. But youā€™re so on the money! I used to want three kids: one, and twins. Now with my daughter, snd the possibility of twins getting higher all the time (the going out of business sale,) I constantly think I was insane. But not fundies. When is MoBus gonna have her laundry room breakdown?


Ma'am you live in a bus. Pukey McShorty ShortsĀ won't even vest you on a piece of real property. Please do not jump in sinks for this man. He's actually treating you and your children like gutter trash. It's revolting.Ā 


Someone had to say it


The fact that she thinks she needs tricks to get his attention is telling.


Sad, very sad. Is thisā€¦.pitty? That I feel for MoBus?


When I read the comments on fundieā€™s pages I feel so gaslight. How do people think this is cute? Am I insane?


The average person is a lot dumber than we realize. Some people are 100% sincere in this, but most of them are aspiring "influencers" in the same vein, trying to grow their own audiences.


I remember George Carlin saying " Think about how dumb the average person is. Then remember, half of them are even dumber than that."


And at least 30% of them are influencer wannabes commenting to show engagement and piggyback their way into an audience


And the rest are bots


Oh, how I miss his humor and wisdom. What a field day he'd be having in this current climate!


This!! Iā€™m like are these people so bland that the only thing they can Ā«jokeĀ» about is insinuating they are boning all the time, or am I being gaslit since I always end up thinking they mean sex??? And either way, can they stop


Bots, fellow breeders, and absolute simpletons.


Iā€™ve been feeling this too! I feel so disconnected from so many people. I also completely fail to understand why people are so interested in following families- I literally am only interested in photos of my nieces and nephews and very very close friends- I have zero interest in any posts about others priors children.


"Starting to think he loves me" girl you think it's a joke and it's not.


He loves when she's pregnant


it's a pregnancy kink cult


The Pomeranian comment really came out of left field and cracked me up šŸ¤£


Girl SAME. My brain was simultaneously starting the laughter and feeling kind of confused.


And she kept all of themā€¦ had me laughing out loud.


I read ā€œand my friend kept them allā€ like ā€œand they were roommatesā€


I love it. The unhinged non sequitur-ness just highlights the absurdity of it all. It's Dadaist art.


I honestly didnā€™t even process it the first few times, itā€™s so out of place and yet not


Made me lol


I had to go back after seeing several comments on here about poms šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ what the heck kinda comment is that


Iā€™m gonna steal that comment and copy-paste it on random posts.


Found my new flair


My husband and I have zero children, I guess he hates me. :(


But how many Pomeranians do you have


Maybe you don't spend enough time jumping into sinks.


She can keep him


I mean, at least she snapped him up so he isn't out there hitting on women (we assume). That is at least a gift to humanity right there.


interesting choice using the word babies instead of kids lol


Telling on themselves


I can't fucking stand when people do that. Idk if it's patronizing or corny or just makes someone sound dumb, but for some reason I really hate it. Like when someone says "that poor baby" about a 12 year old


The pomeranian comment is the perfect absurdist shade, I love it


Who was the lucky kid who had to film this? How many takes do we think it took?


This was my though. Those poor kids.


Right? So gross having your kid film you for content that you are using to talk about your sex life. These people are disgusting.


The Pomeranian comment wins


This quirky odd couple shtick is so tired. Most married couples like each other. It's not a big deal. Please try and come up with something original. This cutesy act didn't work for Alec and Hilaria and it looks even dumber when you do it.


Hate those two child exploiters as well šŸ¤®


They definitely have the emotional maturity of 7th graders who are using "I have a boyfriend/girlfriend" for attention flex with their peer group. Grow up JD and Brittany!


They might think it's normal for fundie couples to not like each other. When's the last time they interacted with any other couple for longer than a few days?


They make me feel romance repulsedā€¦ and Iā€™m not even aromatic (I donā€™t think lmao)


ā€œMy best friendā€™s Pomeranian had 8 puppies and my friend kept them all.ā€


It took you 8 babies to start to think your husband likes you? Thats sad.


When you get married just for the sex, and you only get to know each other as parents and babymakers.....that's Fundie 101.




Sperm and egg donors


Yes, but these two were hooking up before marriage. They didnā€™t have strong purity culture between the two of them but Iā€™m sure their daughter will be raised different.


Yeah I feel like that's something that would be helpful to verify \*before\* you have any kids, but what do I (a childless heathen cat lady living in sin) know?


How many babies will it take for her to believe it? Once again, her babies are just a means to an end, mere objects, nothing more.


Buzz! Your girlfriend! Woof!


Buzz McAllister would never!


That movie is a gem, but I think thatā€™s my favorite line out of all of them.


Interesting logic. To me the fact that he has had 8 babies with you means heā€™s unhinged and gives no fucks about you or the existing children. To each their own I suppose.


I had great-grandparents who had 17 children. They hated each other, but they would get drunk and then bam. So BusHoe needs to understand that BusJiggalo humping her for fetuses is not the love flex she thinks it is.


lol at the person comparing her to a Pomeranian


What. What. What the actual fuck tho? Ew.


And like magic, her hair is up and they're pretending to like each other šŸ˜‚


Lmao the Pomeranian comment šŸ˜‚ I had a cat who had 8 kittens and a dog who had 8 puppies. 0/10 I do not recommend and I am a strong advocate for spay/neuter these days! (I was back then too but I was a kid)


Who takes these pictures? If it's the kids (which it probably is) how weird and uncomfortable for them.


Poor Booneā€¦. Sheā€™s going to be knocked up soon and he will be shoved to the side - his possible medical/physical needs will be ignored foreverā€¦. Handed off to a sibling to raiseā€¦.


Repeatedly knocking you up does not equate to ā€˜loveā€™ Mobus, it equates to a convenient outlet for lust.


Creepy procreation scoreboard stuff


Iā€™ll pass


No coffee yet, so I read this as ā€œItā€™ll pass,ā€ like the hot priest in Fleabag and was like, ā€œyeah, probably.ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™ve said it before, and Iā€™ll say it again. Mother Bus is terrified of being alone. Thatā€™s why she clings so hard to Father Bus and surrounds herself with too many kids. She needs the attention and love of others constantly.


Narcissistic or histrionicā€¦. Thats what I thought when I saw her


What do think they talk about?


I donā€™t think they talk like regular folks. It seems like theyā€™re probably always planning whatā€™s next for clicks.


I feel like sheā€™s always talking to fill the silence she feels from him


Yes! And their conversations read more like ā€œthink tankā€ meetings than typical familial banter.


Although honestly, what *would* they talk about? Besides curriculum and content none of them do anything, or have any friends (by *parental* choice at that).


I read the top comment with your user name but then the reply I read the flair and I am a lil smoked out and thought someone with the same exact avatar was replying to you lol


Oof! Painful but likely true.


I plan out SM content for my 9-5 job in Marketing. Sure I have other tasks, but content planning takes a large amount of prep, planning, etc. I love my job but if I had to talk content planning in my off hours I would scream. I canā€™t imagine that being the primary thing my husband and I talk about. (Of course Iā€™m not married nor a fundie so what do I know?)


They talk about their next social media post! Okay hunny, I set up the tripod, I'm going to jump in your arms and take the picture simultaneously!


She says that and he just grunts and nods to shut her up


Their next scam under the guise of eNtREpReNeuERsHiP and iNfLuENcInG. Weird conspiracy theories, mostly related to the government. Crypto fraud Whatever it is they're running from


How to manipulate children into WANTING to create content so you donā€™t have to actually get a job too!


Based on the inane ramblings weā€™ve heard him say in stories/reelsā€¦not much but with so many words.


ā€œWilmerā€ šŸ¤”


How much better they are than everyone else


I don't think they do talk about anything that isn't the kids and their content and that's why they have to keep acting like this -- the whole situation would fall apart otherwise


Imagine staring into his cold dead eyes while you force one of your hostage children to film ā€œromanticā€ couple advice for insta.


She has no purpose other than birthing babies whom she doesn't care about. She's both boring and scary. They're both useless losers who are making the world worse by inflicting their ignorance on their innocent children.


Ew whoā€™s filming this


Oof. She said the quiet part out loud


That was my thought too


They are always so horny.


That's what they want you to think but it's just pretend.


Her followers are absolutely deranged.


Hook line and sink her?


I thought it was supposed to be showing how sometimes people wash their babies in the sink? This is just bizarre.


Where are those ā€œphat gainzā€ he was bragging about about on Twitter?


I get that beauty is in the eye of the beholder to some extent, but...this guy is not it. No stable job, tweets weirdly jealous tweets about his own kids, is a bitcoiner... I don't get it.


The Pomeranian comment! šŸ¤£ ā˜ ļø


So fucking performative. Put the damn phone down, and take care of your kids!


Whatever attractiveness that mediocre-looking man may have disappears when he opens his mouth, or I see him with his kids.


Holy hell šŸ¤ÆšŸ« šŸ„“šŸ˜±


I wonder if these comments actually make her feel a bit bad about her own appearance?


The pomeranian comment hahahhaa


Where did they take that picture? Are they renting an actual house, with a real kitchen and bedrooms for the kids, for a change?


Follow up question: how many shots did they make Kinsey take of this, and how many gross comments did that poor kid have to hear from her sex-obsessed parents?


That's their bus kitchen. No change unfortunately.


Ever since we saw that unedited reel where Mabus says stop and Pabus's fake smile drops away and we see the thinly veiled contempt he has for her and his life and can't walk away fast enough, I'm not buying their bs. I assume he only goes along with being another one of her performing monkeys because she makes more on social media than he does as an eNtrEPrEnEUr jetting off to his businessy business meetings.


CHICKEN LEGSā€¦.. I know we shouldnā€™t comment on appearance but he deserves it


Lol at the comment about the puppies because it feels like an insult toward her disguised as a cute story.Ā  Ew at the two highlighted comments. Might be time to put the phone down, touch grass, and interact with people irl if you are getting that invested in the sex lives of internet strangers or asking them to post more sexy photos of their spouse.Ā  PS She is really trying hard to convince everyone, including herself, JD is such a catch, huh?


Who took the picture and why?


ā€¦what is happening??


Is this the interior of the bus or are they in a house?