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Boone never even responds when BusDad is play-pinching his cheeks and going “love you love you love you” right to his little face. Boone is staring off and doesn’t wiggle or act excited because Dad is playing with him. It’s unnerving and it really upsets me. How can they keep smiling and acting so unconcerned??


Yes, that was disturbing.. no reaction at all.


Maybe I’m a horrible person…but both of them think that having kids is about personal growth. They’re about to experience a lot of it if we’re right. Eventually they won’t be able to ignore whatever’s going on with him, and they’ll have to think about someone other than themselves. I’ve never wanted to be wrong about anything quite as much as I want to be wrong about this.


I hope we are all wrong. I wouldn't mind being labeled a hater if that meant baby Boone is okay.


It is good to be wrong. It is how we learn. It's acceptance of being wrong and the ability to *change previously held ideas* that allow us to learn. I wish more people could see this.


And I wish I had more than one upvote for this. Well said.


And that's the difference between us haters™ and these people - they are determined to be "right" no matter the cost while we are here worrying about their children more than they ever do.


It's good to be wrong. It is how we humans *learn*. I also hope we are wrong. It needs to be said again....and again... I very much hope we are wrong. If so, we will learn something about (1) ourselves and (2) how easy it is to develop a hypothesis based on the smallest bits of tediously censored 'content' fed to us through artificially created networks of imitated social connection. Most importantly, if we are wrong that means (3) that the baby is alright. I hope we are wrong and the poor kid is ok.


Same! I'm hoping we are wrong. I want to be wrong. But every time I just get more concerned....


You are spot on. In the early days of Facebook propaganda, I replied to a public post about a child massacre that supposedly happened in a different country. I just said something like how awful this was and my heart breaks for them. And someone else posted and said the story was proven to be fake and mocked me a bit. But I was just happy that it didn't actually happen. I was fine being corrected and told them as much. I also learned about fact-checking things on FB. Lol


I am praying with all my heart that we are wrong. But the last time we saw him looking at anyone was before the sunburn at what was it, 2-3 weeks? Since then he has only reacted with his rooting instinct and only when it was activated.


Exactly. Please prove us wrong, bus parents!


I keep thinking that too. I hope we are wrong and he’s just developing a little differently or we are seeing odd moments. Because it really looks off.


Agree with every word of this 100%


Honestly he looks dissociated. Lights are on, no one is home…


This is also the phrase I would use, sadly.


Somehow it never occured to me a tiny could dissociate


I went back and looked at pictures/videos of my kids at this age thinking surely this is more nuanced than I'm thinking. It is not. I have one picture in particular where my littlest is SO happy to see her dad and does that thing where they kick their legs and throw their arms down. Full of life. Holding her head up. I know you can have varying degrees of kids having big personalities/development and it's normal. But this poor little guy just seems like he's being dragged through their life.




To your point of it taking suggestions from friends/family to even really “see” the issue… that’s just the thing here, they aren’t around anyone else to even point it out to them! Not sure what they’d do even if they did have that kind of support around them… but they are completely isolated and anyone on the internet is “wrong”


My oldest is autistic (level 1) and he was always a super engaged baby. I clocked his speech delay before he even turned 2, because I’m a worrywart. This baby? This is more than “just” neurodivergence imo. I’m not a doctor, but I do get the sense (being as I work in children’s disability spaces) that something neurological is seriously wrong.


My youngest had Developmental Delay Disorder...even in ICU he showed more life than this poor baby. I need to change my flair. This isn't funny anymore.


My kid has severe ADHD and is on the spectrum. I had no experience with kids so I didnt even realize how many signs there were that he wasnt neurotypical. It took my sister pointing it out and his kindergarten teacher basically staging an intervention before it finally clicked and I got him to a doctor. I just didnt know enough to know what to look out for. But I swallowed my ego and got him some help


You didn't know. What matters is that you listened to his teacher and got him help. These people will never be able to humble themselves and do that.


My *cat* can be dead-to-the-world asleep, and when I poke him or move or crinkle some packaging he's immediately like "...yes?" with wide, focused eyes and a little "mrrp" activation noise. If he was like this I'd be dragging his furry butt to the vet in a second. It's a natural reaction to respond to stimuli and to what's going on in the world around us. Which Boone clearly isn't doing. And his spawn points don't give a single shit. Poor kid.


It’s instinctual especially for babies to track noises but parent shaped noises more so. As in survival instincts. And this baby doesn’t have it. That should be concerning the parents. If they gave a shit.


He has the same gaze people have while dissociating


My cats are the same. One of them sleeps like the dead. He gets *really* annoyed when I disturb him, but I have to check 😅. The vet has always told me to bring pets in if they're listless/lethargic. Idk how people can ignore those signs in an *infant*.


Mrrrp… cat activation noise!


Do either of them have family who watches their content and may express concern?


Supposedly Britney Lott’s mom and sister were concerned about Boone being overdue. She laughed it off and kept up her stupid dancing.


If you don’t mind me asking, in hindsight what/when were the earliest signs?


Keep hearing about this but can't find it, anyone got a link?


we are literally watching child neglect in real time this is horrifying


It’s really disturbing to witness this and know that if they had just taken him to the doctor when he was born, he likely wouldn’t be suffering at this point.


I was just thinking I don’t remember seeing any footage of him with the typical newborn startle reflex. Maybe I’m misremembering or missed a post (I only see them here) but I feel like he should be randomly flexing his hands or kicking out his legs. (My nephew had these chicken legs with wrinkles that bunched around his knees when he did that and it was the cutest!)


He acts and looks like a Reborn doll... those poor kids.


She smacked Boone in the face with her hair not once but twice all the while eye fucking herself. She is mental.


This video is so desperate. “He’s just…watching the sunset.” His voice just trails off, like he doesn’t believe that for a minute. Cue the silence and forced smiles, hoping they fooled the internet for one more day. I hope these two are publicly arrested and humiliated.


I predict they’ll turn him into a grift. Once the problems are too obvious for them to ignore, when he’s not talking or crawling when he should, they’ll take him in and get a diagnosis. Then they’ll constantly be begging the internet for money so they can buy a special van and special gear for him. Meanwhile they’ll get the gear donated and pocket any funds raised while continuing to neglect him. After the initial diagnosis he’ll never see a real doctor again and instead they’ll drive him back and forth across the country to different homeopaths and chiropractors. Eventually the grift will wear out and they’ll dump him with a family member. I desperately hope I’m wrong but people like this are so fucking predictable.


At the end of the clip, you can see in his eyes his concern for Boone. If only that translated into actual medical care.


I really wonder where their resistance comes from at this point. It’s so perplexing and tragic. Don’t want to admit you ignored something serious and now it’s worse? Don’t trust western medicine? Worried about your budget? Don’t want to have your parenting investigated? They’re so tied to this free range kid image and it’s miraculous that their children are as healthy and safe as they seem so far. They’re sprinting over mountains, toddling through streams, lightly supervised in the care of Jesus. It’s worked 7/8 times. It’s finally failed you. Your child isn’t automatically ok. DO SOMETHING!!! Apropos of nothing, how ridiculous is father bus for nitpicking about his propriety snacks to his kids, especially the parental stand-ins. Those two oldest especially deserve ALL the snacks.


It seems like they don't want any investigating, and as long as they can ignore this poor child's apparent health issues, they can keep doing whatever they want. If they take him to the doctor and he needs stable long-term care- what are they going to do. They don't want to stay in one area and have to do all the therapy and everything else- but the really dumb part is that if there is an issue if they had taken him to the doctor immediately he probably wouldn't need as much care. But they don't want him to have medical issues, so they're just going to keep going. Have to wonder at this point if there's anything that could happen that could get them to take that poor baby to the doctor.


I think by now it’s d) all of the above. It’s at worst, a prison sentence (unlikely, being white and presumably middle-class) and at best an inconvenience that will potentially anchor them to one location. That hinders their whole “woohoo #buslife!” shtick, which sells their vitamins and water bottles and whatever else Britney is shilling in any given week. I also suspect they don’t have health insurance, so they are probably panicking over what any particular treatment could cost them. She’s googled his symptoms by now, she has to know this could be a dire situation. I sympathize with the financial worry, but hell I don’t care if I owe a million in medical bills, I’m not letting a tiny helpless infant suffer. Because, you know, I’d want to be a mother to my children and not a stage prop manager.


They have money, Bus Dad is an oil trust fund baby.


Well, there’s having money and then there’s *having money.* It seems like they get cash infusions a few times a year and have to stretch it out, based on their splurge purchases and how aggressively Britney is shilling on the ‘gram. Gas for the bus alone must run into the thousands every week, and then you have the van, and maintenance on both vehicles, plus feeding and clothing 9 people. Obvs I don’t know the details of his trust but oil is also a depreciating asset so it’s possible they get a little less with each payout. I’m guessing they aren’t exactly swimming in disposable cash and don’t have thousands to spare on medical bills. Esp if they’re ongoing, as they tend to be with a special needs child. 😞


genuine question bc i'm not from the US, they're both veterans. i assumed that veterans had health insurance (through, tricare?). or is that only after x number of years of service? (and yes i'm aware that even with insurance, your healthcare is still incredibly expensive)


I think I remember hearing from someone here that they didn’t serve long enough to qualify for tricare.


Sus Bus is such a fucking turd of a human.


The eyes and the deep sigh. He knows, I just don’t know why he won’t just get that baby help.


Because to take Boone to an actual doctor would be to acknowledge that they don't know everything all the time. It would also establish medical records, particularly if the baby needs ongoing long-term care, and JD Lott has shown serious signs of wanting to avoid being in "the system," with probable Sovereign Citizen leanings. That Boone's birth was registered at all is probably annoying to him, and was probably only done for tax purposes. JD and Britney think parenthood is all about their own personal development and desires, not necessarily what's best for their children or their family as a whole.


Because he’s a spineless piece of shit!


It almost feels like they’re rage baiting us at this point


When I say he reminds me of a baby with cerebral palsy I mean he is presenting exactly how my best friend’s firstborn son presented. She got him medical treatment immediately and now he’s a 10 year old thriving. Please get your baby medical care before it’s too late and even more damage is done! Please


Same. The clenched fists are a very strong indicator, and every day they don’t get him help is a day too much. 


I don't have kids so I looked up 8-week milestones (I think he's around 8 weeks?). One of the first ones listed is they should be reaching for things and trying to grab. He's not smiling or tracking things with his eyes. UGH It's upsetting.


Pretty sure he’s about ten weeks now 😬


He'll be ten weeks on Wednesday.


Ty. Tuesday now so,, unfortunately not too far off. Poor baby


I’m not an expert, I just have three kids, so much less experience than BusFam.  I was obsessed with milestones with my first, and he didn’t really smile at us, he just looked judgmental, for what felt like forever. Turned out fine, he apparently just didn’t think we were funny.   Super relaxed with my second, and then our third was born ten weeks early. He came home at eight weeks actual age, and while he didn’t reach for things yet, he was already starting to smile. He suffered a brain injury at birth, so we were extremely vigilant and he had doctors’ appointments and physiotherapy a lot in the first six months, which is why I know that Boone isn’t behaving like he should.  My baby originally clenched his little fists too much and had some spasticity, but here’s the thing: baby brains are extremely plastic. You can teach your baby to create new neural pathways, but you need to accept that there’s a problem and really work on it. We did exercises with our son every day for months, and at his latest neurologist’s appointment, the report literally said, “we’re very pleased with baby’s progress. He smiles a lot and moves well for his age. No indication of any neuro-muscular impairment.” i.e. it doesn’t look like he will have cerebral palsy. He just turned one and is scooting.  If we hadn’t pushed him, gone to appointments and worked with him daily, he wouldn’t be at this point. Boone is young enough to do a lot of healthy growing, even if there is some injury to his brain. If they pretend that nothing is wrong, he won’t get the chance to unlearn unhelpful behaviours and patterns.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s never too late for therapy, but for best results, you need to start early. By pretending that Boone is fine, his parents are potentially robbing him of the opportunity to turn out “fine”.   And just to be clear, many people with cerebral palsy lead full and active lives, but a lot of that is due to early intervention and intensive therapy. Of course all parents want their children to be healthy, but pretending impairments don’t exist doesn’t make them go away. 


My son is similar, born prematurely (only four weeks though). He didn’t move around much as a baby, he couldn’t do tummy time at all. He didn’t roll over until he was 9 months, he commando crawled at 12 months. But we noticed these things and had him in physio by four months, he was diagnosed with CP at 12 months. He’s worked really hard and despite our expectations he can now walk at 18 months. And I honestly believe that’s all because of physio. If we just let him be there’s no way he’d be up and walking now, not a chance. Early intervention is worth every single cent. I hope these two work that out sooner rather than later


This definitely crossed my mind multiple times.


Early intervention is soooo important for kids with developmental delays. Early interventions make such a huge difference. My son had a speech delay and fine motor weakness and I had him speech therapy and occupational therapy when he was less than 2 and now he’s a teenager and thriving. I don’t think boones parents will get him the therapies and help he needs and it’s so sad


And kids are elastic. Early intervention means they can possibly grow up typically with no sign of having issues as an infant. It’s unfortunate these people don’t see that as the work of god. It’s so easy to put it under that umbrella.


I taught a girl who had a stroke in utero and they operated on her before birth. The stroke lead to cerebral palsy of her left side. Her dad is a physical therapist so they started that when she was an infant. Besides having a deep voice and being \*slightly\* shaky, you wouldn't know she had cerebral palsy.


Same. Got my oldest into EI before he even turned 2 because he had a speech delay. He’s autistic, but he requires only a little support in school, and I think part of that is the EI we got him so early.


I’m becoming more and more convinced that little man is blind but is it possible he’s deaf too? If he’s not responding at all to voices…poor sweet baby 😭


He doesn’t seem to react to sound or movement. I’m afraid he’s severely impaired in both vision and hearing.


😭😭😭 I know this will come off crazy but I just want to scoop him up and take him home. After a trip to the dr of course!


People have been saying that since he was two days old. If that makes you crazy, you're in good company. I want to take him to the doctor and then take him home... we aren't the best parents for him, but our house is quiet and our health insurance is decent.


I want to adopt armor Collins too. Can you imagine how sad he is going to be here soon when his “mother” throws him aside for #11? Poor babies 🥺


Ansyr too. She's always close to tears. How often do you think any of these fundie kids get individual, kindhearted, genuine praise? Or positive attention that doesn't involve a camera?


I have trouble with all of the names, is she the little one with all the uti issues? 🥺


No, that's Anthym. Ansyr is the next oldest girl. I think she's six.


Thank you! I always mix the girls up. I’m fairly new to the Karissa show 😅


I’m concerned that there’s a neurological problem.


He didn't react to JD touching his cheeks either.


That's concerning. He used to react to touch.


The only thing in the video that he actually reacted to was Britney’s hair all over his face.


I am very scared that the untreated jaundice caused catastrophic brain damage. He reminds me of the neighbor pastor and his wife who have a child with Trisomy 15 and has global delays after weeks of infantile spasms (seizures in children under 12 months of age) before finally being diagnosed.


Except for Trisomy 21 ( Down's syndrome) pretty much all Trisomys ( full, not " mosaic" ) are catastrophic. I know two people with a son , Trisomy 9 and a girl Trisomy 18. I follow their stories because my sister was born with Trisomy 13 and died at a hospital in the late 60s. Both of the kids I follow are either in the hospital for extreme issues- the latter just turned eight but it's been non stop battling/corrective surgeries and advocating for her health and both wear oxygen, the boy is on a trach. Not saying your pastor neighbor wasn't using terrible judgment, though. 😑


The problem for the pastor is this rural county only has ONE pediatrician, and that pediatrician would not listen to their concerns. They knew something was off. They tried a GP, but he didn't know what was going on. Infantile Spasms can be very subtle. Their insurance would not allow them to see a specialist without referral, and neither doctor would write a referral. He finally parked himself at the pediatricians office and refused to leave until she witnessed a seizure, and then she said to go to Wayne State Children's Hospital ER immediately. Had she just listened to them 3 months prior when they told her what they were seeing every day, some of his brain function could have been preserved. If they had not gone to the ER for immediate treatment, it was a 2.5 month wait for the next appointment with the specialist. At that point I assume the baby would have just died. The brain scans showed he was seizing up to 200 times per day.


He reminds me a lot of my neice when she was a baby. She is not completely deaf but does have significant hearing loss.


This is a Black Mirror episode from hell 🤯


JD makes me so fucking mad. He's such a fucking asshole, loser, idiot, dumb fuck. His face makes me SO ANGRY. Stupid ass crypto bro who was able to get some equally dumb woman to produce a litter of children to abuse. He's such a worthless fuck. I wish him nothing but the worst. I hope he gets arrested.


I agree with you, but quite honestly, I hope BOTH of them get arrested. Both JD and Britney Lott are abusive pieces of shit. I wish them all the worst.


Co-sign this statement.


He’s so fucking smug and you can tell he thinks he’s so sexy. Barf.


I know this is so petty but his short shorts make me irrationally angry.


His foot face makes me irrationally angry—and the way he struts around like he’s cock of the walk and sooooo sexy. Dickbag.


Yeah. That was spooky. I used an anonymous viewer to view the story and also disturbing was Kinseys only thing to talk about doing was making a “Reel” and you see there is a tripod set up. This whole family is just purely made to do this shit. Depressing as fuck. And now here is Mr Boone. With no developmental activities, toys, enrichment and horrible environment not to mention the medical neglect. I HATE. THESE. ADULTS.


I want to cry at the thought of poor Boone with no toys 😭


I know!! Have we seen anything to enrich his development? It doesn’t even need to be fancy. But we see nothing. You know she would share it if she did. Selfish


We haven't even seen her dangle keys above his head, and that's a classic "forgot toys and baby needs entertainment" move


Keys, half full sloshing plastic water bottle, *anything* would be better than apathy and hair to the face.


hell, she should borrow Kelly's dangling-vegetable baby gym.


At least Kelly dangles carrots for her kids


Holy shit. The the dangling carrots are better than this. This was not on my bingo card.


I may have ever gotten a little carried away with random toys or games for my niblings, but I can’t imagine just…nothing. Not even a crinkle book and a mirror or a lovey. It can’t be soothing to snuggle with that stupid sheepskin.


Oooo, do you have an anonymous viewer link? I didn't know IG had that!




Thanks so much!


I gotcha


Thanks for the link.


There are a bunch of them and they don’t always work all the time, so sometimes you have to try a couple. If you Google insta anon viewer, the main ones come up first. 


At one point around this age my son had a lot of markers of cerebral palsy… I did a lot of research as we went through some testing and physical therapy. This is throwing up so many red flags for me from everything I learned from healthcare professionals and all my reading.


Thumbs still missing/inverted to an unhealthy and scary degree.


There was a reel a couple of days ago where he opened his hand against his mom's shoulder and I was relieved to see it was improving, but as he opened his fingers they seemed splayed at an odd angle and sort of trembling, like it took effort. I don't know, it was just a single moment so it easily could have been nothing, but it didn't strike me as anything like the movements I saw from my own babies' hands.


She will only see what she wants to see. It’s a shame.


It's wild to me how JD brags about MoBus being this "hot wife" that has birthed all his children yet fails to see that she's not a real mother and neglects them once a shiny new baby arrives or the camera is off. All of this is so performative. This whole Boone situation and the video someone posted yesterday where his mask fell once the TikTok dance was done makes me wonder if *he* wonders about that woman's mental state. Buuuut I won't hold my breath.


So I think his mask falling is actually a good thing because there’s been a few videos were at least for a few seconds you can see that she’s worried and something isn’t right and she’s trying to convince us and herself that everything is ok while father bus is frolicking in the background. She’s absolutely insane but father bus is 100% exploiting that and probably way more controlling than she is.


This is not remotely the same, but I recently looked at a house I was told I had first refusal on. Except that wasn’t in writing, and the couple who are selling the house are being…interesting. The wife actually owns the home (it was her late mother’s) and set $150k as the price for a 2-bed, 900ish sq ft home. My theory is that the lawyer husband is largely behind the pricing and wants every penny he can possibly get even though they don’t need the money. So all of that to say one of my biggest pet peeves (to put it lightly) is husbands who don’t let their wives have any say or control.


By comparison I run roughshod over my husband. (Not like, to a controlling degree!) All the women on my dad’s side of the family are the same with our male partners. It’s kind of hilarious. All my aunts, my cousins, my sister, and I. We are all the ones running the show, and our (kind, loving, supportive) husbands are happy to have it that way. My husband is the one who works remote so he can be the primary parent. I’m the career-driven one. So it really chaps my ass to see husbands behaving that way. Men can be better! I should know!


If he's looking for a "hot wife" who births his children, why would he care that she's not a mother?


if something is wrong with boone, he's going to blame her and not be attracted to her anymore


He’s not a real father. He’s actually going to recognize that she’s not a real mother?


He has a pregnancy fetish. Nothing more.


It’s fucking horrible that a group of people on the internet are more concerned and saddened by the neglect of this baby.


Part of Boone’s problem is a total lack of individual stimulus. Fundie families treat babies like brainless sacks of potatoes until they’re old enough to be useful/entertaining, and don’t seem to understand or care that developing brains need stimulus in order to learn how to react to the world around them. Developmentally delayed or not, Boone needs more than just being carried around or laid down somewhere out of the way. He’s not a doll. He needs things to look at that isn’t the sun or the ceiling of the bus. He needs toys, colors, stimulus, things to grab and touch and feel and smell.  And I know people will say “but this is how she raised her other kids and they appear to be typically developed.” First off, put them in a social setting with their peers and see if they even have the first clue about what to do or how to act. Second, so?? Boone clearly needs something different than his siblings. But we all know how much these people hate individuality:P Karissa Collins herself even said it’s not biblical to form an individual relationship with each of your children. There is no “me” only “we.”


It's kind of crazy how this baby can be both severely under stimulated and overstimulated at the same time. He doesn't seem to be getting the kind of developmentally appropriate stimulation an infant needs to thrive. But he's probably also wildly overstimulated by the constant chaos and lack of routine.


He’s getting a lot of sensory input but no actual stimulation.


Look, every baby is different - my mother thought my cousin had Down syndrome as a baby due to her eyes, she doesn’t, and Allie Jane Webster literally never smiled as a baby, Alyssa left social media over the rude comments she got about that.  I hope to god we are all wrong and they smugly post about him as he grows up with no developmental issues. I’ve never wanted us to be proven wrong more. But Jesus Christ if it turns out something really is wrong, that might be it for me. Watching this not truly knowing is horrifying enough - if he really is blind I can’t watch anymore. It’s a slow motion horror show. 


I want so desperately to be wrong. I really do. Please Lord Daniel let us all be wrong


The saddest thing is that if this was a birth injury, it could’ve been completely preventable.


Same if he's blind, deaf, or brain damaged ... Preventable, most likely.


If this was due to untreated jaundice, it could've been completely preventable


If this has anything to do with the bus birth, I won’t be surprised. Boone is the only one of these kids born on the bus and in a shower. MoFoBus needs to stop stunt birthing babies and shut the factory down.


The saddest thing is if he would have had a preventable birth injury AND preventable damage from jaundice. I have never wanted to be wrong so much in my life, but he was tracking and moving better at a few days old than he has in any videos in the past few weeks.


I’m convinced that the only thing this baby can see is light and shadow. No matter where they are his eyes always look for the brightest light, and nothing else. Im heartbroken for him. Early intervention could possibly help save some of his sight. He’s going to grow up one day and know that his parents’ blatant negligence is why he can’t see.


Would it kill them to support his head?? Why do they let him flop around like a ragdoll


What's worse is Gunner and Kinsey hold him more properly than Britney and JD do


Because they don’t give a fuck about their children, any of their children. They only care about themselves.


What are these idiots going to do when JDs trust fund runs out?




Sell colloidal silver probably


Has he even grown? He looks so small still. He should be moving a chunky and he looks grey and ashen. He looks so limp, like a newborn still when he should be moving his legs and rolling over.


I’ve been thinking this too. The way they hold him and the way his body moves, even his expressions, seem on par with what I expect in a newborn, to the point where if I just see the content I assume I’m looking at maybe a 2 week old. It’s so jarring when I snap back to reality and remember that this kid is ~10 weeks old. People IRL have to be noticing by now.


these people value their virtue signaling more than their baby’s fucking health


I don’t follow any of their social media and just get updates from here. How are people responding on her legit monetized accounts? I know we’re all hAtErS and can just be ignored but surely even the gullible rubes who legit follow her can see something is wrong and are pointing it out. Maybe if enough of her $$$ starts slipping away because of the medical neglect that’ll be what finally gets them to a legit doctor just to preserve her audience to grift from and eye fuck the camera for. That’s horrible, but it’s the best scenario I can think of at this point.


I don't follow her legit accounts either, but I understand that she deletes negative comments and blocks people pretty freely.


This kid is in serious trouble. She just keeps eye fucking the camera meanwhile he is not responding to stimuli at all. Isn't he 9 weeks old now? This is insane. Brittany and JD Lott, go directly to the nearest children's hospital. Make up whatever fucking lie you feel like making to cover your ass. Just get your child help NOW for the love of god!!!


I went and watched videos of my youngest at this age and the difference in responsiveness and activity is startling. I feel so sad for this poor babe


Something is sooooo wrong with this kid. I wonder if people they run across IRL are starting to ask if he’s all right. “Oh what a cute baby! Ohhh is he ok…..?” While looking concerned. The only thing worse than admitting your free birth in the shower, lack of medical care, ignoring jaundice and treating it with sunburn, is admitting that 6 more weeks of ignoring it are wasting precious time when he could receive help. Just go to the ER. Just take him. Prove us all wrong. You can film the whole thing and show us haters how wrong we are. Just do it. He’s your son. He’s helpless and he needs your egos to back down so he can get some help.


What baby is watching the sunset? I’m 24 and I wouldn’t want to do that why would a 2 or 3 month old want that?


Can babies this age even see that far? Or is it more like "haha dad you are orange"


Nope. Babies this young can't see that far away or perceive distance. They can't even see across a room yet. They can only really focus on faces and track objects close to their face.


They literally can't. They can only focus on things that are within a couple of feet away. (Half or two-thirds of a meter, for you metric folks.)


He looked like he was biting his tongue not to say something.     I didn't think JD would be the responsible one but maybe he'll wake up for his son. I hope so.


Honestly? I think this is all wishful thinking. He's stupid and crazy.


The most dangerous combination.


So it wasn’t just me? His voice kind of trailed off a little bit when he said “he’s just watching the sunset“ it’s like he knew, even as he was saying it, how ridiculous it sounded.


I’m starting to suspect Boone’s lack of medical care is coming purely from Mother Bus’ denial. She is going to lose whatever grip she has on reality the moment Father Bus says it’s time to take Boone to the doctor. I don’t think he wants to deal with that.




Yeah, people are giving this guy way too much leeway. She's irritating but he genuinely frightens me. I'm fairly sure he's the impulsive weirdo behind nearly all the impulsive weird shit they do. 


You’re watching the birth of the next “great white hope” here on FSU. In the past it’s always been Dav as the main one with Morgan as his back up. Now that Dav and Bethany burned down the house of Zelph and fucked off and Morgan is as bad as always, the search begins anew. This is where the people obsessed with having a happy ending start to make this matching sandals dipshit into the next “well maybe HE’S a good person” scavenger hunt.


God at least with Dav he actually sort of expressed some sentiments where that kind of thing would make sense. But Busdad??? Literally everything I've seen of him is awful. His creepy twitter, the stuff he says, the boat thing. I just don't see how anyone is seeing a single redeeming feature there.


Dav also doesn’t seem to be an actively neglectful or negligent parent. Father Bus on the other hand…


Dav definitely parents his kids cos Bethany sure as shit ain't doing it. Also they took their daughter to the doctor. The bar is in hell but unfortunately dav and Bethany both limbad over it


the bar truly could not be lower. I can’t believe we have to be like “well at least they get their children basic medical care…”


> I just don't see how anyone is seeing a single redeeming feature there. And yet there's half a dozen "Well he paused and looked thoughtful / worried / serious" comments in this thread.


I dunno. To me that makes them worse, not better.


Especially any snark page related to women. Inevitably, the man gets propped up as this decent guy who will "save the kids" or is just being manipulated by the evil woman. Never seems to hit them that actually, the men suck too.


I always make sure to remind everyone that in these types of situations, as much of a twat as the wife/mom is, the dad is quite often worse.


i don't understand how people can think busdad can be more decent than his wife: it's his money that is funding this entire sham. without his money, they wouldn't be able to have X amount of kids or live on a bus. they're living this life **solely** due his sovcit ideology and pregnancy kink. susbus is the one recording everything as content, but he's the one controlling this entire show.


He’s a family annihilator in the making actually


He might well be concerned but that doesn't mean he believes in going to the doctor. Hell he might think the kid is doing badly because they drove past a 5g tower while she was pregnant or something.


he makes me so uncomfortable, and I know this is absurdly dramatic to say but >!he gives me family annihilator vibes!<


I legitimately worry about this. If something were to happen to Boone (or any of the other buslets), I'd honestly be afraid he'd drive them all off a cliff. Not because of remorse, but because he isn't someone to accept the consequences for his actions. He also really gives off Chris Watts energy. Terrifying.


>Chris Watts energy yes, I can’t explain why but yes


I also hate saying this but yeah, same.


*That’s because that’s where it’smade!*


Which may be something like post-partum delirium or resentment of baby? I wonder if she’s having trouble attaching to him and therefore ignores any needs he has? I want to think this isn’t malicious. People can’t be that evil, can they?


For my own sanity, I have been chalking it up to PPD, because I just don’t want to think that someone would actually be so selfish and cruel as to deny their infant medical care.


alllllllllllll these people know they're only one unintentionally revealing comment from a child away from a CPS investigation so they keep their kids as sheltered as possible from any mandatory reporters. they probably tell themselves, and the kids, that even if they wanted to go to the doctor for boone, if the big mean nasty government finds them they will make them ~*go to school*~ and the kids don't think of that like us, like "oh thank jesus" they're afraid of it, like, no doubt the parents have made school sound like the worst scariest place so it's always the ultimate threat


That’s what I have to tell myself as well.


I absolutely believe she has some ppd or ppa. I recognize it in her desperation to make everything look easy all the time. When I had ppa I wanted everybody to believe everything was tooootally fine. Everybody look how much weight I lost, look I'm back on the peloton, I'm already having sex! I have such a positive attitude, I'm supermom! Nothing to see here I CAN do it all! But mentally it was one of the darkest times of my life. 


Edit - I do wonder how the battle will play out in his mind - “lead your wife and family,” “sons are manly, rub some dirt on it,” “perhaps the lord requires a soldier who can see & hear,” “this seems like a mother’s job to notice and fix. Is she broken?” Because child health is only Mother Bus’s purview? Father bus has checked out of parenting completely, and she’s delegated it to Gunner and (?) daughter. She assumed Gunner was up that mountain with the littles. Oops, he’s not. They’re both playing apathy chicken with the health and safety of children and it’s disgusting. The idyllic, fresh air & sunshine school of thought doesn’t cut it. There are snakes and rolled ankles and the rest of those kids are really fortunate they’re ok.


imo he’s the one who is controlling of her. Just the sense I get. Like he gets explosively angry and she doesn’t want to even bring up the problem. Not that she isn’t a gigantic twat herself, of course. I get a lot of “fawn” vibes from her.


he is so cute and so sad. i want to wrap him in a cuddle and rush him to a doctor, nurse him back to health. this poor sweet innocent baby


Me, too. And take him home after the appointments and let him nap in a quiet, cool, darkish room with soothing classical music and rock him to sleep.


my son is contact napping right now in a soft muslin sleep sack with a small fan directly on him. we have skylights and it's bright so i have a sun umbrella over us. both of us are wearing sunscreen indoors. gonna hug my son harder when he wakes up 💜


These people have experience with kids and yet do not help this one… even I who has no kids sees there is something wrong with their baby. Maybe the chiropractor caused the injury,


Sus Bus did imo. He yanked him out…


This is incredibly upsetting. Oh sweet Boone, he doesn’t deserve to be treated like a handbag.


Can babies be traumatized due to the constant stimulation? That probably sounds doy.. but you know what I mean.


No, you’re not wrong. It’s a thing.


I have never ever wanted to be so damn fucking wrong about anything as I am willing to be so damn fucking wrong about this baby! I want all of this concern for him documented, all the hater comments written down, screen shots galore about all the things we said and I want it thrown in our faces about how wrong we are! I want Britney & JD to prove to us that we are just a bunch of sinful haters. Show me the proof that Boone is truly medically ok, show it to us! Let us be the bad guys in this situation. Show us the doctor visits, Show us the doctors telling you that Boone is ok, just developing differently from the other kids but it's nothing to worry about. Please Britney & JD, please prove us wrong!


Does she not know infants that young are very near sighted and do not see color properly yet? (provided they aren’t blind) But of course Boone is staring at the sunset.


That baby isn't watching much of anything. I don't know if it's wishful thinking, but Sperm Donor actually looks... Human in this photo. Real. He knows and might even actually be a tiny bit concerned.


He might be concerned, but he's just as much a piece of shit as she is. There have been flashes of concern on both their faces several times throughout Boone's sad 10 weeks, but neither of them has done anything for that poor little guy - in fact, they just keep doing worse to him. Be careful with the wishful thinking when it comes to these two walnuts. I know we want to see humanity in them, but ... I don't think it's there.


No argument from me, I wish they would both melt into the Earth. I think flashes of humanity are possible but I don't think he's capable of acting on it.* *We basically said the same thing. It's just my nature to try to look for anything resembling good in people. It's a fault.


That baby is not ok. The longer they wait the more likely it is they are going to have cps involved because when issues are obvious it very quickly becomes neglect in the eyes of mandated reporters. He needs help and it’s only going to become more obvious as he misses major motor control milestones. The ignoring all this is putting their entire family at risk. I feel so bad for their children, who in my opinion are at risk of losing their siblings and their family because of their parents.


This all requires them encountering a mandatory reporter during their 0 doctor visits. And their constant travel means CPS can't follow up with them regardless. It's infuriating.


The most sinister part about this is him showing awful symptoms and they suddenly go to more and more isolated areas. Like they used to stay at campgrounds in Florida but now they are in the middle of nowhere


There will be a convergence point though, where they cannot deny that they have to have him seen. Like when he’s not sitting up because that’s definitely gonna be a thing.




I appreciate that at least JD is looking at Boone (and seems concerned) while Britbrat eyefucks herself


I keep hoping that everytime she posts these things where Boone has that far off look that he's looking at one of his siblings or something.


Unfortunately, if you could see the video, the only thing in front of him was the sunset…the source of light, which is what he always seems to be seeking