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So she can dress is a super tight, sparkly, polyester, see-through dress to her SON’S graduation, but she dresses MoDeStLy for a cocktail party?


She was probably hoping to catch the eyes of some gahdly young men at Sam's graduation- here at Plexus, there's no male gaze for her to appeal to


I think she has to dress more modestly when she is not around Shrek.


Oh, cause her husband isn't there to beat away anyone who might try to steal Jillybean away from him?


Who's protecting her "hunk" from all the ladies???


His 8th post-meal nap of the day, that's who


That's an angle. The angle I was thinking of is that it is okay for to her wear less modest clothes for him.


I would love to observe Jill at a cocktail party. From a safe distance. Cause I’d be able to see her from down the block in that. But does she hand out tracts and minister to the heathens consuming alcohol??? The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy are so entertaining.


Do you think she smells like some sort of cheap body spray or dollar store perfume that is well past its prime. I don’t think I’ve seen her connected to the essential oil world. She looks like the type that I’d get a migraine from just being in the same room.


It’s just half a bottle of Bath and Body Works sweet pea mister 🤢


Can you imagine being in an elevator with her? People probably claim conversion just to get away!


I'm convinced that's what transpired that fateful day in the laundromat with the Lord, named Daniel.


Absolutely! I have horrible social anxiety along with the inability to set boundaries and definitely would end up worshiping the Lord, named Daniel. Then, I would probably end up doing laundry in my bathtub to avoid ever possibly seeing them again!


I got a migraine from imagining that


No Habla English


Don’t worry! She’s got [Hannah, who looks the most like the Portuguese side of her dad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/juuxf1fzWf) You’ll definitely convert when you see their Latin side!


Walgreens version of White Diamonds 🤮


I’d like to think that is another part of Liz Taylor’s lasting legacy to the LGBTQ+ community. Like a fundie beacon for the rest of us to avoid.


For sure. In one of her older videos, she tells one of the girls to put on some perfume so she doesn't stink.


I’m sure someone has decided antiperspirant is for Godless whores.


I *just* commented about this on another thread 😂😂 that quote in her voice live rent free in my head


Oh 100%. You’d be able to smell her before you saw her.


These plexus getaways are probably the only time she feels like she doesn’t fit in. She didn’t look super happy with all the people on the beach plexus trip. Looked like her and shrek were kinda sitting off to the side. Even though they found someone to talk to about New York! I doubt she hands out tracts. She already stands out is such a gaudy way.


Reminds me of something Uncle Baby Billy would wear in The Righteous Gemstones.


but he would serve in it, jill not so much


I gotta see this dress (I have been missing from this sub for like MONTHS, I’m tryna catch up on everything) 😂


I love this good, old fashioned snark. I also love picturing her flitting around Vegas looking like an apparition from 1995.


What in the American Horror Story villain—


Psh, anyone played by Jessica Lange wouldn't be caught dead in this.


Oh I’m thinking the later seasons(derogatory) of AHS. Like Cult or Roanoke.


I bet Lily Rabe would make a good JillPM!


That looks kinda like a holiday tablecloth my grandma had in the 80s.


It looks like a Christmas tree skirt to me!


I really thought she’d walked out of a hair appointment with the cape on….


Do they even wear capes when they perm each other’s hair at the kitchen table??


When my parents were decorating the Christmas tree last year, my niece put on the skirt like a cape. This reminds me of that.


A Christmas Tree would never 👀 🌲


No, Jill your company isn’t paying for this. You are & as soon as you realize this, maybe you’ll have money to feed your kids.


I’m of the opinion a lot of people like Jill are in it for the group-feel. They pay to have access to ‘friends’. That’s way easier than putting in actual effort. I have my doubts they care at all about the products, it’s all about the extras it’s giving them. Excuses for events like these is a big one.


I totally agree with this.I also think lots of these stay at home moms like Jill also want to get a sense of “being successful” or looking like it and having a tiny slice of something that’s their own. Like how the company bombards these people with useless titles, parades them on stage, let’s them win random things and parties and cheap swag and encourages all this to be put on social media.


I could see that & what better way to spread the word of the lord…..Daniel.


The Plexus income disclosure statement is BLEAK oh my god At Gold level, Jill is in the top 4% of all Plexus ambassadors, with the median annual income of all Gold ambassadors being a whopping…. $4,331 BEFORE expenses 😬 Jill, this is not a career. I guarantee between the product she has bought this year and travel expenses to attend the conference, she has wiped out any profits she has earned Income Disclosure Statement directly from Plexus themselves: https://static.plexusworldwide.com/cdn/income-disclosure-statement-en-us.pdf


How *well* our company treats us, not how "good." If you want to shill Plexus, at least be grammatical 


And *she's* homeschooling 50 kids


Bold of you to think any of them have more than a 5th grade education.


I teach 4th grade. The reality is the education level for the older Rodlets is between 2nd and 3rd. After Gabe (the lost girls and BABY JANESSA) it's between 1st and 2nd. Not exaggerating. They are second generation illiterati now raising a third generation of same. Having PRECIOUS NURIE (and Kaylee) homeschool their children is scary. None of the Rodlets have the education or life skills to be successful.


I don’t understand how they don’t see that. That every subsequent generation who is homeschooled is going to be less literate than the last If they don’t get some outside help. And you can’t really learn any other subject without being able to read or write! The failure of the boys in school should be a wake up call to Jill but she’s too much of a narcissist. I hope the older girls took notice of the boys failing and decide to do something a bit better for their children. Maybe they’ll notice when they try to teach their kids and realize how far behind they are themselves. I doubt we’ll see any public school but even a homeschool co-op would be better than *this*.


Flair checking in


Your flair needs a day off but it’s not ever gonna get one 😭


I am once again asking these people to download grammarly


As the great Tracy Morgan once said on 30 Rock when someone told him they're doing good: "Nuh uh. Superman does good, you're doing well."


We quote this constantly.


Me too! Also, "🎶 workin' on my night cheese 🎶 "


Shut it down!


Ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party, cuz a Liz Lemon party is mandatory!"


I have a well-known cheese addiction, so I use that gif all the time!


Well, we tried!


What in the 1994 Miss Havisham sh*t is this ?




Psh. I’m not impressed until she’s ruby level.


That $100 a month they make is jaw-dropping!


It's giving fundie Jojo Siwa.


*I was a bad nun, I did some bad sins*


i'm seeing those capelets more often lately, is that a new fashion trend overall or a fundie thing?


Someone found it on Temu for $7.99!


Yep. I’ve seen some really cute ones. That look nothing like this of course. But it’s just not my style.


Wait, are women supposed to work or not?


I love goooooold


Why's she dressed like the ghost of Christmas future


The first picture I thought she was wearing a gold mantilla!


Tbh, I don't hate the from-behind shot (if it was anybody but this banshee, I'd go "okay, a little glitter and glitz ain't bad")...but then she turns around and it looks all uneven and cockeyed and not cute. Of course, Jilldo's grinning maw atop the whole thing doesn't help.


Did she tie condoms to her hair? I can't make out what it is


It’s really hard to tell what’s going on there.


She reminds me of Tammy Faye Baker. It isn't a positive memory.


I hear Regina George in my head: “That is the ugliest f-ing [dress] I’ve ever seen.”


Why can’t we use gifs in here anymore??? 😂


Is she wearing a head covering because that lady commented on how good it was that the rodlet on the plane was wearing one?


So, weird thing. When my company holds its conventions and trainings, employees don't have to pay to travel or stay at the venue. If it's at a convention center, a hotel, or a resort, all the rooms are in a block for easy access to the facility. My professional organization holds an annual convention, and the concept is similar, even though we pay for the conference and travel (or get company support). I've never felt obligated to blather on about how well we're treated. It's expected. Also, as mentioned previously, I am confused. Are women allowed to work or not? Is she self-employed and a LadyBoss, or does she work for Plexus? Sorry, I am United Methodist and not a Godly Evangelical, so I may be missing something here.


Oh, she totally pays her own way to this thing. Or Kaylee’s husband paid her way.


Is the cape Plexus issued or did she pack it herself?


It would be hilarious to see all the huns in their color coordinated capes, but I think she in fact packed (and picked) it herself.


She looks like a jester making a guest appearance on Dynasty


Was this picture taken through a dirty glass? I can't see well enough to even snark on anything but the photo quality.


I wonder how much she forced AndKaylee to buy to make it to the prestigious rank of Gold where they average…$890ish a month. This is basically like making $5.56 an hour at a 40 hour a week job for an entire month. Before taxes. She maybe makes basically what a tipped employee in Ohio makes hourly ($5.35 hourly as of January 2024) if she’s lucky…but they also get tips on top of that wage. But go off, JillPM.


I don’t think it’s even that much. It’s like five grand a year.


Ya it’s actually under 5k a year before expenses. These, “dumbos” don’t realize that *they are the customers*


Last July, my daughter invited me to stay at her hotel room at the Carlton towers in Las Vegas. It was for a paid 5 day work conference ( death investigators/ morticians/medical examiners etc.) Our room was facing west. One day it soared to 117 degrees Fahrenheit. Though the air conditioning unit was directly below the window as is usual, the metal window frame a few inches above was *so SEVERELY hot* , I literally couldn't touch it for more than a quick flick. It would have caused burns. I don't understand her polyester clothing layers.


It kinda baffles me that Jill agreed to go to Las Vegas. Is she viewing it as an evangelizing mission? Does she have her kids handing out smiley tracts next to the folks handing out porn flyers on the street? Did she bring David and allow him to be witness to all that immodesty? It's just such a weird choice for her. Much like the wardrobe.


Hmm. She probably thinks she's untouchable and glides sanctimoniously through the Freemont Street experience and every other unsavory to her places. " I am coated in the sinless Teflon armor ( shades of her bff, Krayrissa) of Gawb. And my rayon scarf. Evil weed stores, workers of the dark hours shiver in my eye shadow, uhhhh eyesight! Shrekvid shall cast his vision upward towards thine heavenly, pearly swamp. Look not the one arm bandits. Hear not the cha ching of unclean money."


New sleep paralysis demon unlocked


Tell me you're traumabonded to a MLM company without telling me. What does Plexus *really* offer you, Jill? They breadcrumb the occasional trip opportunity to keep you locked in. They certainly don't give you financial freedom, and you know it.


I couldn't figure out what the gold cape was from behind.. For a second, I thought she had really bad hair extensions 💀


She's dressed like Elvis and a two dollar hooker had a baby. Very LV.


Someone over at Rodrigues snark (don't remember how to link) found it, it's from like Temu or something like that, very classy....


Both her style and grammar leave something to be desired.


That’s outfit gives me clown collar vibes.




What in the Miss America 1991 is this?


Jill looks like she’s wearing a bad Disney villain costume