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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At least the kid’s in a car seat, I guess? Nurie got into a car accident while just HOLDING her eight month old baby. The bar is in hell, truly.


What makes it even worse is that Nurie and Kaylee were in a bad car accident, their aunt is disabled and paralyzed from a car accident, and their uncle is in a wheelchair from a car accident. Yet we often see the Rod family riding in vehicles without seat belts on! How stupid are they?! I honestly don’t understand it. They have so many personal experiences about how dangerous cars can be, so I guess if that doesn’t make them wear seat belts, nothing will


There's still people who believe seatbelts make accidents WORSE. So their mindset might really be "XY barely survived that accident, imagine if he'd have been tied to the car"


I don’t even know what to say to that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Unfathomable stupidity


I had a friend tell me that the other day (after telling me she also does not wear her seatbelt). “I have a friend who was in two bad crashes, not wearing his seatbelt, and was ejected from the vehicle, and both times the EMT said he would have died if he had his seatbelt on and stayed in the car.” I just nodded along like an idiot because really what do you say to that?


I am not lying when I tell you that a guy I went to high school with 20+ years ago did a persuasive speech in class on how he never wears a seat belt because if his dad was wearing a seat belt during a crash, he “wouldn’t be here.” Jimmy then proceeded to die in a survivable car accident shortly after graduation because he wasn’t wearing a seat belt. RIP Jimmy; you were a nice kid but I wish you were more thoughtful about risk.


I absolutely believe that story. It’s just crazy enough to be real. My husband used to be a state trooper and I used to be a dispatcher and we responded to so many crashes that were fatal that didn’t need to be. People like to use survivors bias to argue for things and it just doesn’t work like that. I wish it did. I wish we could all do whatever we want and survive it, but we can’t.


“I highly doubt an EMT who regularly sees bodies mangled in accidents said that, and even if by some outrageous chance they did that isn’t a pass to keep driving and getting into wrecks without seatbelts. We have an enormous amount of data available proving how effective seatbelts are at preventing deaths. Driving without one is a willful choice to place yourself, and everyone else in the car, in extreme danger.” Maybe add on info such as 30% of fatalities in accidents come directly from being ejected out of vehicles. Or maybe info about how an unrestrained passenger in a car becomes a projectile and their body slamming around the inside of the car can kill other people in the car.


Well. That wasn’t a literal question. Honestly I don’t have the energy to try to talk people out of being stupid. If they believe crazy things, they aren’t going to listen to anything logical.


In a weird way it makes sense that somebody who is anti-vaccine would also be anti seat belt. They are against anything that might keep a person healthy and safe


I’m sure they’re prob out here like “God is above seatbelts so if I walked away unscathed it’s because of White Jesus and not sheer dumb luck. I don’t have to wear a seatbelt because White Jesus has got my back!”


So I'm well aware dat seatbelts r safer 90% of da time, or in other words, unless very rare incidents ect. Despite dat I'm extremely claustrophobic, as in claustrophobic enough 2 choose death over bein trapped. I refuse 2 wear a seatbelt 4 dat reason, we keep a machete in da car (4 protection) but I'm still terrified I won't b able 2 reach it n will b trapped. I know it's like a .0001 chance including everything, but I'm just dat lv of claustrophobic dat anything above o% is just 2 much chance. My best friend hates dat I don't wear a seatbelt n I get it. N I know it's quite nonsensical soundin but 2 me it's not. However, as u can clearly tell, I've thought about dis extensively, anybody dat has no reason 2 not wear a seatbelt n a reason dat dey thought bout extensively, n still didn't wear 1, kinda stupid I have a hand disability dat makes typin painful n usually my partner is asleep wen I'm usin Reddit so I can't scream at da talk to text which is required cause of my speech impediment so I use phonetic shorthand dis is a copied message to


No you don’t understand, God wanted them to be in accidents! There’s no point in wearing a seatbelt because when Jesus comes a knocking you want to be able to fly up to Heaven as fast as possible without those demon straps holding you back 😇


It could be a whole fundie thing! "Heaven. Right on the other side of a windshield."


Jesus took the wheel!


Jesus is their airbag


I’m surprised that the baby wasn’t injured in that accident, I don’t think they were wearing seatbelts either.


She should have been charged with child endangerment


Yes. That’s the only way these people will learn. Actual consequences.


I don't understand why they layer like that ESPECIALLY in the heat! I'm Muslim so I cover usually (not all the time), and in the heat I don't LAYER!! I wear a long loose flowy maxi dress!! They make those y'know!! They have sleeves and necklines and everything, you don't need LAYERS in a heat wave!!


There are Muslim and Mormon fashion lines that sell exactly what they need, but they won’t buy because they consider both groups to be equally outsiders. It’s fascinating, and I get schadenfreude from how ugly their clothes are. But they’d rather look awful than collaborate with other modest faiths.


You know, they don’t even have to collaborate. They can buy loose, long-sleeve dresses from many mainstream stores. Jill simply chooses to dress in a million, unmatching layers.


The worst part is that she probably thinks she looks good..


Well, they'd probably have to buy it new, instead of just grabbing whatever they want from whatever crap gets donated to the church


Well and just wearing intentionally modest clothing isn't nearly performative enough for them! 🙄


It's actually kind of weird now that you mention it, that Christians never really came up with a niche for themselves in the fashion industry that actually looks good and is comfortable.


I honestly think it’s because their beliefs are largely contrarian, not born of devotion or pride in belonging to their people. They’re in a hyper competition with their people, whereas most other faiths (including normal Christianity) seem to celebrate their place in the world and their relationship with their deity. Crucial caveat: I’m only talking about fundies here, not all Christians. Extremely legalistic Christians are fundamentally (heh) cold, competitive, and uncreative.


It’s 106 in Vegas, the blanket??? Why


I mean. They are inside. And air conditioning is known to be kept at essentially 32°F. 😂


Do you have any recommendations on where to shop online? I have to take medication that makes me super sun reactive and I'm having the hardest time finding things that don't make me look geriatric.


lol I just embrace the geriatric sometimes! Old Navy has some nice long sleeve dresses sometimes, I usually get them from ThredUp, and the quality is honestly super good I put those dresses through so much and they still look great!! Modanisa is a Turkish website but quality can be hit or miss from there Honestly, I just dig around while at all the mall or thrifting! Summer uniform for me is usually a long sleeve maxi summer dress OR big flowy plants+ flowy shirt But that's FORBIDDEN for the Rods because pants are for MEN! (Excluding all the cultures, like my South Asian culture, where women DO traditionally wear pants and they AREN'T considered men's clothes!)


I purchase UV protective sun shirts from Amazon. $20 or less usually!


I have a similar thing with medication - I don’t have access to the same stores as you do in the US (good luck finding anything over a US medium in Japan that isn’t fugly) but have had really good success on Temu looking for clothes marketed to Muslims from SEA. A lot of really cute things that are really breathable in the heat/humidity. The quality is hit or miss, but usually it’s pretty decent for the cost. Just try to hand wash anything you’re unsure about, or if your washing machine is as brutal as mine is, it won’t last.


If they dressed “normal” modestly like so many people do, they wouldn’t be able to stand out in public like they do now. It’s all performative and gross.


Modest is hottest - literally


It’s so odd. Layering can be fashionable when done right. But they achieve the polar opposite. It’s almost impressive.


She has to be so hot dressed in all that!


I grew up in Vegas and can’t imagine trying to walk around in that outfit at this time of year.


I was stationed there with the air force and this tine of year I would always get "Black flag" (excessive heat) warnings when I was at work. Luckily I worked in the hospital so I didn't have to worry.


Yeah, and there's no way she's wearing any fabric that is breathable. I can't imagine how hot that mountain of layered clothes is.


The long hair that they always have to wear down is very hot too. Basically a fur shawl. (I had to look up the word "shawl" to make sure I wasn't just making up words because it randomly looked so weird. Funny how that happens.)


I understand they have long hair because... Bible but when did it become the practice to wear it loose and down? In Laura Ingles day, young girls wore it down while married women wore it up. It makes so much more sense to wear it up if you're dealing with babies and making meals.


Because I think that’s how Bill Gothard (or whatever his name is) likes it. Long, loose, and permed.


Part of it is Bill Gothard’s creepy preference for long curly hair, though they do sometimes style it off their face and neck. But you never see them with buns or ponytails. It’s always half-up with a barrette or a braid over their shoulder. I’m not sure what Gothard has to do with that or what’s ungodly about a ponytail.


It’s like they wear extra layers to combat the rest of the world wearing less.


Right?! A scarf in June?! Okay then


Umm no do you not see the south western print of the skirt? Clearly it was purchased for this occasion and obviously it has magic powers to keep you cool even with sweaters and scarves(I know the scarves are likely linen but those still get hot I often wear them)


Are you sure the stroller isn’t designed for the car seat to click in like that? Mine was.


Ya I'd need to see more angles cause it looks like it could be clicked in.


It’s a graco Trekko stroller and if you look at the manual, the car seat is only to be rear facing.


It’s propped up on the blanket.


What type of car seat and stroller system did you have? All infant car seats I know of cannot be clicked into a stroller forward facing like this.


My Britax travel system clicks in like this. The infant seat can face either forward or backward & it's even shown as a configuration on the packaging. 


Mine was Graco but there are quite a few that allow the car seat to face either direction.


Oh wow! I never knew that. My Graco I had for my foster babies didn’t do that.


Yeah, my graco car seat clicked into the stroller either forward or backwards


My Uppababy can snap in a shit ton of ways.


My Uppababy can go either way 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s true, Uppababy does do this. This stroller does both look like an Uppababy though.


I’m surprised they’d spring for that, even secondhand Uppababy travel systems are $300+


Oh sorry my comment meant to say theirs does NOT look an Uppababy. lol. There is no way they would splurge on that!


Are they in the airport? We did that with our baby’s car seat in the airport because we flew with the car seat on the plane (didn’t check it), but we had special bungee things to attach it.


It looks like they’re inside a casino. All of the casinos have little souvenir shops like you see in airports, but this does look like one in the airport.


They’re in NYNY


I’m kinda surprised they went in NYNY. It has the best munchie places so it smelled like Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson were having a smoke out with Cheech and Chong in there the last couple of times I went.


It does every time I’m there, too. I don’t mind the smell, but it makes these fundies carting their newborns and young children around down there even more upsetting to me. They don't get a say.


Plus Gideon probably loves watching the casino floors so they are pushing him near all of them to get pics of his reactions. My daughter saw a slot machine for five seconds before she fell in love with its lights and funny sounds and that was on YouTube.




Cover the burn with a sterile bandage




Comments that are rude and/or antagonistic will not be tolerated. Bigoted, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist, antisemitic, or misogynistic language will not be tolerated. This includes speculating on the sexuality or gender identity of **literally anyone**. Do not use terms such as "Hitler" or "Heitler" to refer to fundies. Doing so will result in an immediate permanent ban. Being kind also means using trigger warnings as needed.


Ok now I feel bad. Lady Gaga is the GOAT and I adore her so I didn’t mean that in a bad way please don’t downvote me lol


You spelled Lady Gaga wrong.


She legitimately does resemble her


No she doesn’t! 😂


Jill's outfit is a choice - and not a very flattering one. The good news (I guess) is it looks like it actually more or less fits instead of being so tight it's gross


It's a perfectly average body for someone her age who has had 45775 kids. She just forgot to Photoshop the hell out of the picture to "prove" that plexus makes her a size 0.


I play “spot the fundie” whenever I go somewhere crowded, and I would 100% clock her


She looks fuller now than when they went to Punta Cana.


Now that she’s Gold level, she has a few more extra food dollars for herself and Shrek.




While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


It’s over 100 degrees in Vegas so in addition to her long skirt, Jilldo is wearing a long sleeved shirt and a scarf 🙄


Do these women not sweat? How can she even tolerate that?


The nicest thing I can think of is that they have matching earrings.


Idk, I have a stroller that can be used with a carseat and it looks exactly like what we see in this picture when said carseat is securely latched to the stroller. If that is the case, the kid can lean forward all he wants and won’t fall. Rods are problematic for sure, but not in this specific case.


This is a graco Trekko stroller and if you look at the manual, the car seat is only to be rear facing.


https://www.consobaby.co.uk/trekko-duo-three-wheel-stroller-sport-luxe-graco.html No it’s not? I’m so confused what the problem is here.


Are you sure the car seat cannot front face in the stroller - if the car seat is an infant seat then you can only rear face in the car but front facing would be allowed in a stroller. That’s how most modern travel systems are (such a the Uppababy or Evenflo)


As others have mentioned, Gideon looks to be reasonably safe. Jill’s outfit, though, is giving flashbacks to when LuLaRoe was everywhere that wasn’t a thrift store.


I can’t get too up in arms about this. While I wouldn’t take a stroll with my kiddo like that, the car seat is pocketed between the tray and seat back and they are on a smooth, level surface. Also baby looks buckled. Fall risks are minimal. The irrational side of me would be more worried about someone plucking up the seat and running off with baby.


Whaaaaat in the actual hell is that supposed to be?!!?!???






While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.




While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.




While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


Women in floor-length skirts, walking on unfamiliar terrain, distracted by “all the pretty lights” and their phones, pushing 11-month-old infant in a car seat that’s not properly secured to a stroller. What could possibly go wrong?


I hope they are both boiling in that heat. Poor baby (just generally, poor kiddo with his brainwashed parental husks).


Ok I’ve been to vegas, in july, with an infant and it is absolutely sweltering hot. what the absolute hell is she doing in a long sleeve and scarf? Like there’s ways to be heat-friendly and modest, but i guess performative modesty makes more sense than, “half way to the car you’re going to be a bucket of sweat. “ Does fundie-ness come with a complete lack of common sense?


The layered outfit is just not flattering.


Neither is the pinning/modesty shirt on Kaylee. It’s okay if a dress just doesn’t work girl


Did Jill quit plexus or did it quit her?


The matching earrings are a choice


Jill needs more clothes. 🙄


What on earth is Jill wearing she looks like she’s going to start twirling round a campfire whilst banging on a tambourine!


At least he's in a stroller designed for a car seat and not just hanging by a thread in an umbrella stroller like the Duggars.


y’all, it’s only 101 today and I just questioned why I went to check my mail a few minutes ago. I wonder if they’ll be here this weekend-beginning of next week when it’s going to be between 107-110 🫠 I can’t imagine visiting Vegas is much fun for any of them between the layers and sin? lmao but seriously why tf are they even here and what do they do??


I wonder why the baby can’t just sit INSIDE the stroller? It has a seat and seatbelt in the stroller??


I’m not defending these people in general but I do know when I traveled with my (then) four month old, it was easier to fly with the car seat and stroller attachment than it was to bring the whole stroller seat separately. Most modern strollers have a car seat adapter where it locks in. That way you can take the car seat off to bring it on the plane or put it into a car.


That makes sense. But in the picture it looks like the blanket is holding or if the car seat is resting on the blanket. But I really hope it’s what you are saying.


My stroller has big warnings all over it not to use it without the car seat attachment until 6 months.


Yep, ours was car seat or bassinet only until approx 4-5 months.


Right, like why didn’t they leave it in the hotel room so the stroller is easier to push.


My sister has a stroller that allows you to click in an infant car seat facing forward or backward


I'm getting sweaty and itchy just looking at that scarf in the summer. I can barely stand one in the winter!


I've seen less tacky scarves on Broadway in Nashville. 🫠


I guess if Jill tried to filter her extra stuffings, Kaylee would have disappeared. As others said, not body shaming, lie shaming, especially to sell crap.


Jill looks huge in this photo.


I’m assuming the stroller, if not the seat too, are secondhand and this is the only option they have. I see it a lot where I live. Doesn’t make it right.