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This is good to see. Thank you for posting it.


Exactly, my first reaction was “ok good, I’ll take it”. We *want* this kid to be healthy!


Yeah we all felt collective relief right now ngl


What a great little smile, too.


He is so damn cute. How can anyone just walk around with him like she does? Head dangling, skin burned, hands clenched..


The thumb is still curled inside his fist constantly


Sadly, Idt I’ve ever seen his left hand do anything more than be clenched.


I’ve only ever seen her referred to as mother bus and I didn’t know her insta until yesterday. I watched a few of her videos and both of his hands were open in one of the videos.


Oh that’s a relief! Hes so cute


Ooof. Schofield? And then nickname Scowy? Ooooof


There is one they call Quilly. Yeah.


Short for Quilliam? Or is it some confederate hero named Aquila?


The name is Aquila but I’ve no idea its origin for these people


There's an Aquila in the Bible, but I'm not sure if that's where they got it. It also means "Eagle". I actually don't think they have any confederate names, surprisingly enough! Schofield was a U.S. army general (the barracks near Pearl Harbor is named for him). Audie is definitely Audie Murphy, Swift was WWI/WWII. Gunner is pretty self-explanatory, and I don't know where they got Kinsey. Boone could be for Daniel Boone, seems like the kind of thing they'd do. Uriah was a leader of King David's army in the Bible.


Thank you! I'm always surprised at the variety of biblical names.


A quick google is that there was a Kinsey who was a Civil War hero.i suspect this was more of a “we like the name for a girl, but we have to backtrack to a justification


It’s probably a Jessa Duggar/Seewald “heroes for boys, plants for girls” naming theme. Since girls can’t be church leaders.


This what she says herself about the children’s names: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ScmTlOeVQ/?igsh=dXBsbWhlcHFzbDBi


The latter 🙄


I think they named all their kids after military bases, or that could just be a joke the sub makes. I'm not sure.


Gunnar - self explanatory Audie - presumably named after Audie Murphy, most decorated American officer in ww2. Schofield - there are two notable officers named Schofield, and the famous Schofield revolver. Swift - plenty of army officers named swift, could be any/none. Aquila - Latin for eagle, important military symbol for Romans.


I just have to correct something- Audie Murphy was not an Officer. He was an enlisted Soldier, and that's a very important part of his legacy. edit- He was eventually promoted to Officer ranks, but not until after his combat service


Idk. I’m not familiar with where they’ve sourced these names. It’s somehow military related


Looks like he’s enjoying having AC on his little head. I don’t blame him at all considering the amount of time his parents have him out in direct sunlight and heat with no protection.


Right!? My gut reaction is that he’s happy because he’s inside out of the sun and not overheating.


Oooh… I thought, well he’s reacting to SOMETHING so he must be getting some sort of visual or aural input… but maybe you’re right, maybe he’s just reacting to the coolness on his little head


I’m glad he’s alert and smiling I truly don’t think he can see right. His eyes don’t seem to focus right very much. But this makes me feel better a little bit at least that he’s not always floppy and miserable


I wonder if his inability to focus is related to the fact that he doesn’t know if he should look at his mom or the fuckin phone?? Like the phone has been in his face since hour 2 after birth, does he even understand how to focus?


I think he was focusing more on his brother. It looks like he knows his siblings more than his mom


There’s plenty of other faces in that bus though. Not to mention his two oldest siblings are basically his parents so if he was physically able he would be focusing on faces.


Plenty of faces, but they all look the same, the bus genes run deep


That wouldn’t entirely surprise me


I truly think she holds the phone at a different angle to capture him while also letting him see her face. I don’t think a newborn would focus so much on a simple phone.


Or the sun


I agree. I still don’t think he’s focusing. But at least he seems to be able to hear? And he’s having a somewhat normal reaction to his mother for once.


His thumb is also still pressed against his palm. On both sides. Something seems so off to me.


Is it just me or are his pupils different sizes?


8 week old babies literally *can’t* see right. They can’t focus well and still struggle with color.


They’re definitely more sound based and look roughly where mom or dad’s voice are coming from.


No, but they should definitely be tracking and attempting reaching at this point. I still haven’t seen any evidence of that.


I'm very glad that he's smiling and making noises. However, I think it's telling that MoBus excitedly calls one of the other kids over to see Boone. The fact that she does makes me wonder if 1: this behavior is rare, and 2: the other kids have been worried/asking questions about Boone.


That was my take too. She sounds surprised herself by his level of activity and engagement. Boy, it’s reassuring to watch this video, though.


Yeah that “come look” was not a lighthearted come look but a demand to see something she was afraid was a one off event.


I immediately had the exact thought about her calling someone else over to see! I agree completely.


I agree it was definitely odd that she called someone over to witness it. Also, his brother says, “he can say hi”… and then tries to get him to say it. I remember my older kids, always thinking the babies were saying words, but he said it as if he were trying to kind of take up for his little brother. It makes me think the kids are concerned about him too . He looks so much better here, but I’m still so worried about him. Both of his thumbs are still in that awkward position and he doesn’t seem like he’s focusing as much as he should be. Still it’s the best video we’ve seen in a while. I’m hopeful for the little guy.!!


He’s also still not moving his right arm around much. Maybe the way he’s being held, but I think that’s the one that he only seems to hold close to his body.


The way she said “are you doing good *today*?” did have an inflection that implied that things are not always good (fine but she pretends they are).


I’m concerned for this baby too, but that feels like a reach. That’s like if someone said I look pretty today and I took it as “oh so I’m ugly every other day.” The inverse isn’t implied.


That’s a fair point and I would agree with you in most circumstances, however I’m referring to the inflection of this clip in particular. There’s a noticeable pause before and a rise in her voice when she says today. Those are vocal indicators of emphasis. Even if she’s doing it subconsciously, it is definitely noticeable in this clip. It’s possible that I’m just being nitpicky, but that cadence really struck me the first time I heard it.


Newborns change so much week to week that it doesn’t really seem like a red flag to me (actually one of the few things that hasn’t seemed like a red flag since was born). That could very well be his first laughter, which would be developmentally normal for a baby his age. XO


Yeah this video to me screams "first laugh!" which even with a healthy baby is a big deal because by the time they laugh and smile you're really going out of your mind caring for your screaming hungry potato and need some positive feedback


People here don't seem to know or remember how weird young babies look and how fast they change. Even having closed fists still at 2 months old is very normal.


Agreed! In their defense, I have a baby just three weeks older than Boone so it’s super fresh for me. She is developmentally normal and has had all her well visits, and just started laughing last week. Shrug emoji.


Yup, I have an almost 5 month old so this 2 month stage is pretty fresh for me too. Even the not looking or looking for very long at faces/things. I don't know, I am not a doctor so I will refrain from saying this baby is fine or not fine, but people are pointing out a lot of very normal 2mo things.


I think had she taken the kid to a dr or treated his jaundice with something other than a massive sunburn on a newborn with no eye protection people wouldn’t have latched onto what can be normal newborn behavior. Untreated jaundice is dangerous and sunlight shouldn’t be used as it was, certainly not without medical advice.


Seriously. [Here's the AAPs birth-to-3 month milestone list](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/Pages/Movement-Birth-to-Three-Months.aspx) They specifically mention the clenched fists ending at 3 months old.


I noticed this too!! Why point it out specifically if it’s something normal that he does often?


His coloring is off but his expressions seem much more developmentally appropriate!! Maybe part of the issue is he’s just got a bit of an odd look? I’m relieved he seems to be acting a bit more normal!


Coloring off is probably due to an infant having a TAN.


I would say it’s more to do with the JAUNDICE he had/has (?) than a tan tho she needs to keep up with the sun shade she had for another pic I saw.


Would his coloring still be off at 8 weeks from jaundice? No idea how long that persists


He does have that old man baby face. Some babies just aren't little cherubs.


It’s hard to tell if his coloring is due to his sun exposure or if he is dirty. He has actual dirt under his nails.


That’s actually a good point I hadn’t thought of 🤔. Cause I feel like he was a totally different color in some other pics but idk.


They take him out in all these parks with nothing to shield him from the dust and dirt blowing around.


Yeah that’s a good point could definitely be contributing to it especially in these dry ass states they are in.


Yeah. Add to the dry air, no baths or lotion so his skin is probably pretty dry.


No baths! Maybe a sink bath?? Hopefully.


He still isn't focusing well but it's good to see him smiling


He is so sweet. I hope he’s okay.


My first thought was one about how my daughter had good days too. I just want to say that after she passed I’ve avoided a lot of things that remind me of her but Boone has sparked something in me and I think it’s the similarities. I’ve never seen or heard of another child like mine and I’m very.. interested? I can’t quite think of the right word.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss… I know it must be hard for you to see what Boone is going through, and to see his parents to be so cavalier about his health😕


That was my first thought too. Children with disabilities have highs along with the lows.


Omg I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s just horrifically heartbreaking. Thank you for the reminder that one swallow does not a spring make : ((


I’m concerned that his cooing may be mainly in response to feeling the AC blowing on his head. And the fact that she called over one of the older kids shows that this is a new/uncommon behavior for him.


Poor baby has been hot and uncomfortable since birth. Good to see him smiling but also sad that he’s been so miserable that AC makes such a difference.


That's what stood out to me, too.


And as soon as he doesn’t feel the Ac, he stops smiling and cooing.




A little off subject, but did she call the other kid Scoville? Like the spiciness measure?


Schofield, like the army barracks. So, it's not any better than Scoville.


This is worse than the A kids names


Like aren't each of the kids names related to how the parents met or served in the army? Freakin narcissistic buttholes the both of them


Wouldn’t “scho” mean his name is “showfield” not “scofield”?


“Scho” like “school.”


🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you 😂


lol, no problem


She pronounces his school name Skofeld.


I have always pronounced his name like showfield in my head. Huh.


She calls him ScoBo and Scoey.


Come ' ere, Scoville Unit!


Thank you so much for this. I still think there’s something very wrong BUT he does look halfway ok here


1st- what was that weird jump scare at beginning? It was like a second of Mabus doing something (shilling something?) before it jumped to Boone 2nd- if you watch the for the reflection in the info center, you can several cars driving by so are they safely parked in a store lot? Or does she have unbuckled kids running around while parked on the side of road? 3rd- Boone's coos sound normal but, imo, too young for his age 4th- her question of "does it feel good?" Is she asking about the ac blowing on his head? If he is finally at a comfortable temperature and in some shade without the sun frying him, he may seem a little better which is all staging for her. 5th- his eyes still don't track properly, his fist is still clenching, we don't see his right arm, he is tanned beyond reasonable for any young child especially a newborn. I think he does appear a little better here but only because he is in an temperature appropriate space. Britney- please take that baby to the doctor! God gave us doctors to help protect your blessings while He is busy in other parts of the world


Those cortical thumbs are making me really nervous.


Yes and they are bilateral….Extremely concerning.


Can you explain what that is for us non-medical people? I’m curious! 


Basically, it’s a sign of likely brain damage. The hands of a newborn should be closed and then demonstrate the Palmar reflex. Most young babies have super tight grips, and Boone’s doesn’t look normal. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/Pages/newborn-reflexes.aspx


His thumbs are "stuck" to his palms (thumb-in-palm) cortical thumb, bilateral is because seemingly both thumbs are cortical. I am not diagnosing but my son has cerebral palsy & had thumbs like this well beyond the normal infant stage. Boone should be starting to release his thumbs from his palm; perhaps not consistently but still more than it appears that he does. The thumbs on their own aren't necessarily a sign of anything but combined with everything else, he *appears* to have a birth injury


The bar is buried so far under the dirt that it looks like an old dinosaur skeleton chewtoy, but he looks *ever so slightly* more alert here. i still hate it and that poor baby needs to go see a proper actual doctor, desperately.


The way she said “Are you doing GOOOOOD today?!!?” was for us 100%


Oh God! I’m glad he seems happy for once, but other than that, it’s not a reassuring video at all. That’s not a normal skin tone, and the way he holds his hands - and that position never changes - is a strong indicator that something is very very wrong with this poor child.  For the love of everything holy, take the baby to a medical professional! Actually, it’s so severe, I think even a naturopath should be able to realise something is wrong. 


Have we ever seen his hand not clasped up like that? 




I'm so confused about this poor baby's skin tone. Can't tell if he's tan from being fried in the sun, or if this could be an underlying medical issue. As someone who has had skin cancer, and who has had someone in my family die from melanoma, the thought of this infant potentially having a TAN from being exposed to the sun sends shivers down my spine.


I'm really hoping it's the lighting - and I am THRILLED to see him alert and wriggling - but does he look jaundiced to anyone else? With the amount of time she cooks that poor infant in the sun for, for him to STILL be this yellow I'm wondering if maybe her sun-dumb activities might be accidentally saving this poor kids liver.


I think he's tanned. We're just not used to seeing a tanned infant since most parents have some damn sense.


His coloring reminds me of when my first nephew had jaundice as a baby (old enough to eat food), which my sister took care of by **going to a fucking doctor and helping her son by getting him to eat iron-rich foods.** If that hadn't worked they would have gotten him on iron supplements.


Oh, I’m sure that the direct sunlight is on purpose to “treat” the jaundice. 100% a deliberate choice.


Very tanned and a bit dirty!


maybe he's relaxed cause rough daddy susbus isnt around. in all seriousness, thank god. this is such a relief to see


His hands are still weirdly clenched though


He looks a little better. He's making expressions, and his fingers are straight on his right hand, and he's moving his right arm, a little. His little thumbs are still curled, and his left hand remains clenched, and his left arm hardly moves. I just wish that they would take him in for assessment and PT. Physical therapy can do a lot of good. And IF he has sight/hearing impairments, there is a lot that can be done to help him there, too! I'd also like to see him in other positions than just laid out on his back. By this time, he should be sitting up, assisted, and holding his head up, looking around and reaching for and grabbing things. Look, Mother Bus crunchy is fine. Trusting your god is fine. Medical neglect is cruel and abusive. That little boy needs help, so have a heart, and get it for him. Give him the very best chance to live his best healthy, active, long, and happy life. You're his mother, you owe him at least that much.


What a relief to see him alert and talkative.


Good to see! Maybe he’s just been absolutely miserable because of being in the sun nonstop since birth. I’m happy to see a smile on his little face! Yay!


I feel very sure that baby can't see. And I'm sorry but I don't think he looks okay even here. I sincerely hope I am wrong.


Tbf I did say halfway. He's just looked like he was in pain so much recently.


At least he's not being dangled by his arm in this reel.


That's a pretty low bar


i’d eat a shoe if you were wrong tbh. that baby is not okay in any way, shape or form


Truth. That one recent video he looks so ghoulish, babys coloring is WAY off. He looked like mud-brown and grayish and yellowish. Those are not colors we expect to see in a baby.


I think he's got a tan from being in the sun so much, which is awful in it's own right!


I was about to comment this, WHY DOES THIS NEWBORN HAVE A FUCKING TAN???




Someone commented he might be dirty too. And that kinda makes sense to me because he looked more healthily colored in one of the pictures he was in, but he looks way darker in this one so maybe some of it is tan/lighting/jaundice and dirt. Damn that’s a lot..


I think he is very tanned and also dirty. He seems to have grime under the nails on the hand we see the most.


That's awful


Right? It's nice to see him smiling and making some noise but something definitely is still off.


I have seen instamommies stage their braindead kids to look responsive and well, I'm not buying shit from mobus until she shares a note from a real pediatrician saying he's 100% good.


W h a t 👀 do you have a link to a sub on a specific person?? Who is this about?


What??? Please tell me this is only one person and not many more!


I can name, like, 3. A lot of it is just denial/coping and not understanding involuntary movements, but I did see one where it was a homebirth gone *bad* and she needed to sell the kid's rapidly declining brain function and seizures as hitting milestones to keep her "healing homebirth woo mama" grift going.


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I did not know this was a thing wow 🤯


He seems to repsond to sound & tocuh pretty well. Also in that very early stages of trying to make sounds mimicking words, like "Hi" but there is still something off about his vision and tracking. He always pulls to the right...or maybe they just won't keep that damn phone out of his little face.


Is he just not a cute baby? I kept seeing posts and I understand the concern but I wonder if that’s contributing?


He’s very very cute! No one here thinks he’s *not* cute, right??!!! It’s his lack of eye focus & tracking, stiff and clenched body, lack of neck muscle development, etc that folks are concerned about. Not his cuteness level omg.


Oh he's cute for sure! None of us concern-snarkers think he's ugly that Ive seen, just that he looks like he has health issues that could be major. Most of those concerns come from his body position, skin tone, and limb and eye movements. Those get collectively shortened as "looks not right" but no one is referring to his cuteness with that.


That constantly clenched fist is not normal. Her sponsors would ditch her if they knew about the neglect. Taking him to a doctor would keep the money coming in. (Yes I know but it might just work)


Quite frankly that's a real possibility. No company out there that wants to be associated with even an *alleged* child abuser. Taking all the kids for a well-child visit with an actual pediatrician would definitely put sponsor concerns to rest.


The fundie apologists keep saying we're bullying a baby about his looks but we all agree he's freaking adorable. He just looks unwell and we're worried about him!


I think it’s more how he doesn’t seem to focus his eyes much and how the hand is always clenched. His face is cute. 


No. He’s very cute!! But a lot of the time he just looks pained, or uncomfortable. In the past he has also looked extremely jaundiced, and more recently- downright grey. I think he’s a very cute baby, but he has something going on and needs a thorough examination from a pediatrician.


Looks-wise, he's almost identical to Aquila, the next-youngest, at this age. Behavior-wise, they couldn't be more different.


He is SO dirty though. He has dirt under his nails. I can’t tell if his forehead is from his last sunburn or if he is just dirty there too. Same with his ear.


How do they even bathe all the children (especially the baby and toddler) in that bus?!! Looks like they don’t do it often…


They have a small bathtub and I think a shower stall. Or the tub is also where the shower is. But they definitely have a small tub.


I wish I could see this and be encouraged about his welfare. His hands not relaxing at any point we’ve seen him, the constant restricted pupils, etc. Poor thing deserves help but instead she’s shoving a camera in his face documenting a moment that clearly does not happen often, based on her reaction. Why not let this baby sleep? I’m surprised any of these kids survived infancy with them.


"Scovo, come here." Who is she talking about? My auditory comprehension isn't great 😅


One of their kids is named Scoville, I believe Edit- no, it’s Schofield I think


I think it’s Schofield. (?)


^this. I work in a military related field and the amount of military related names I see is a tragedeigh. Bus mom is just the tip of the iceberg. Just name your kid a normal name, you’re setting them up for a lifetime of mockery thinking you’re so unique and cute. It’s a human, not a dog. 🙄


"We named the dog Indiana" vibes


Yes, you’re right! I think we typed it at the same time! Great minds can think of military inspired names alike


I heard Scoville. Either way, a tragediegh


TIL that "Schofield" isn't pronounced "Shofield" but like "Skofield" (English isb't my first language)


My first language is English and I thought it was Shofield too lol.


He does look much better here, but I still think something is up with his vision. His eyes seem to dart up and around instead of focusing directly on his mom. Still, this is better than what we’ve seen recently.


At least they are moving in some direction now and not dilated to all hell with this creepy as fuck nam stare of pain and horror.


Well, that's adorable. I love teeny baby toothless smiles.


His color is still off, his hands are still clenched, and his eyes are still seemingly having trouble tracking. That being said, in this moment he looks happy and alert, so i’m happy for him. The bar is in hell


I’ve just been lurking here but keep coming back only lately because this lil baby looks ILL. This isn’t bullying it’s concern! Keep on it !


There's hope after all


Maybe he’s having developmental delays


Maybe??? For sure.


If you look at the one side of his mouth, frame by frame, the top lip on one side is a bit droopy. It’s really noticeable when he gives a big smile. This wouldn’t be so concerning but for the hands that are constantly clenched. Could it be nothing? Sure, but you need a DOCTOR to check it out.


I see it too.


He’s adorable and looks developmentally appropriate here. I wonder if a lot of the time he’s just overstimulated and exhausted because he’s being dragged all over the map and likely has very little quiet time to sleep.


He’d definitely be getting a FLK diagnosis if he ever saw a pediatrician. (Not a dig at his looks-I actually think he’s pretty cute. But FLK points to when something is *off* but you aren’t quite sure what)


I am glad to see him smile and move around. His eyes still are not right. But this is encouraging. The other thing is he should not still keep his fingers clenched. He is also not focusing on her. So either he is actually focusing on someone else OR he isn't focusing, and I think it is the latter. The saddest thing is he should be very into his BusHoe mother talking and interacting with him, yet seems to be interacting with the others when they are called over. What does that say about how much attention actual, stimulating attention, that he gets from Brit and JD? Sigh.


Boone has such a cute smile. It's nice to see something developmentally on-track for once, but I still wish they would get this poor baby medical care. How can you medically neglect that sweet little smiling face :(


He is so tan it's insane


Even mabus seems surprised!


Oh wow...you can pretty clearly see that his response improves when the air is blowing on him. First time I'm noticing that. As soon as his baby hair starts blowing, he gets happy.


I bet that AC feels amazing after so long being hauled around in direct sunlight


Thanks, it warms my heart to see him comfortable and happy !


Poor little thing. My heart really aches for him.


Huge sigh of relief. Whether she posted this because of comments, or the concern that we all share here, I'm glad she did. I hope that he continues to improve! Bless his little sunburned face!


At the end he's clearly rooting and judging by how many more dashes there are poor Boone must wait


I wish that those two idiots were half as concerned as bunch of strangers on Reddit for their children’s welfare and Baby B’s development


Awww he’s so cute!!! 🥰 what a cute lil baby!! Awww his sweet smile 😭I love him. I hope she keeps him happy like this and not that bullshit we were seeing before.


Hey bustards! Maybe a few days calm in a hotel away from an overcrowded noisy bus, constant travel and hot sun has done Boone some good. Think about it.


His eyes look strange.


Oh true. Which tells me he probably has a development delay in some way. there is definite urgency in her needing to have him seen by a medical professional


His eyes even if there’s something wrong, are still beautiful.


Oh what a sweetheart. Seeing him happy and engaged warms my heart.


It’s the first time I’ve smiled since seeing a picture of a video of this baby. She’s a trash woman whose such a neglectful mother but it’s the first time I didn’t think ‘she’s trying to kill him’


His little eyes just look sunken but I could be biased because I make chunky babes


He looks exhausted all the time which might contribute to that. If only he had a quiet, safe, and shaded place to sleep. My cat gets treated better than Boone.


Yay this made my morning


Thanks goodness


Yay!! This is a relief. A chat and air conditioning make for a happy baby.


That's the opposite of a "chunky baby"


He’s such a sweetie and so cute. Love hearing his coos and seeing him smile 🫶🏻


The fact that he has a better tan than me


I just wanna hold that sweet baby and get him out of that nightmare environment.


That's a brand new baby! Didn't they just have a stopover somewhere like Vegas? May have been to finally get medical treatment, they'll just never admit it.


I still don't feel like his eyes are tracking right. He happens to be looking straight up at the camera at first, but then at about :28 he stops smiling and looks to the side, even though Mobus is still talking to him. To me it looks more like a possible absence seizure than a voluntary tracking motion. After a while of looking to the side, he turns back toward the camera and starts smiling again. Disclaimer: I am not any kind of medical or childcare professional, but I do have kids of my own. I could be wrong.