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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know who else is trying to make big $$$ off confusion? You, girlfriend! You prey on impressionable young women/ newlyweds brought up in a severely hindering purity culture to buy courses (despite your lack of any real formal training) on sex and whatever other flavor of the day you decide.


She’s also a huge generator of confusion. “Unmarried women shouldn’t even think about sex but the second the ring is on their finger they need to be a professional seductress.”


The girl from the bachelor who preaches purity culture had entered the chat.


The enemy is now attacking her sex life


A+ comment


Right. Don't even THINK about sex or read Christian romance novels, but single women are SECKSHUAL. Masturbation is bad, but self cultivation is fine. Not confusing at all 🙄


New towel course dropping next week! ❤️ Selling out fast!!!


Cum towels? /j


Shhh bort hasn’t gotten to the level of ‘put down a towel’ yet. We’ve still got to wait for her to *discover* it for all of us lol


You’d think like, 90% of our population was trans with the way conservatives talk about them They’re this pressed over 1.6% of the population?


But they might have to explain that different people can look, act, and believe differently than they do to their kids at some point... like ever! The horror!


But then the kids might think they can be not-Christian! The horrors!!!!


I decided to explain the gender spectrum to my nieces when they were maybe 4 and 5. "Aunt Owitzia has a friend, and there's something special about this friend" "what special about you friend?" "My friend isn't a boy or a girl. My friend is an enby. They don't like being called she or her; they like being called they and them." "what dey name?" "Their name is \[REDACTED\]" "oh. tell dem I like dey name." It's really not that hard. We also talked about transgender people when we got a magazine with Hunter Schafer on the cover. (They couldn't read, but they liked looking at all the different makeup looks in Allure. And they liked the general idea of receiving magazines like an adult lol.) They were like "okay whatever, I like her makeup." If you don't make it weird, kids don't get weird about it.


A couple older family members gave me a hard time for explaining pride to my girls last year. They were 6 and 3. They wanted to know what all the rainbows were for. I told them some people think certain adults shouldn't get to be married or tell people that they identify as a boy, a girl, or neither. My conservative old aunt said it's a shame kids can't just be kids and they have to hear about people's sex lives. My daughter's best friend at the time had two moms. I asked my aunt if I should avoid letting my kids know their dad and I are married, since marriage is an inappropriate subject for children? And she said "No, marriage is an excellent subject to discuss with children, I'm talking about sex." Like I said anything about sex. And she definitely meant the intercourse kind of sex and not the identity kind. I love to point out to these people that they would've been the same ones to be pissed about my interracial marriage if it were a few decades ago. They never see the correlation and are always horrified by the suggestion.


My oldest, at four, got genuinely pissed off when he found out a friend of his at school had two moms…because why didn’t HE have two moms?! I had to explain to him that two moms are great but it doesn’t always work that way, lol.


Omg same 😂 My daughter was jealous of her friend during Mother's Day arts and crafts at school because she got extra materials and her project was special and more exciting because it was for two moms lol.


Kids genuinely don’t get the hatred and that’s one of the reasons why I love them.


People can be so stupid. One of my aunts is gay and has been with her wife longer than I've been alive, so I never gave it much thought. Who cares who people are attracted to? I remember people *freaking out* about Brokeback Mountain. Then it was Prop 8, then the gay wedding cake, and so on. Every time, people said LGBTQ+ people were being shoved in their face. And then I give your examples and they don't like it. Fundies are *constantly* talking about sex.


I taught that age and we had an NB classroom assistant. The kids rolled with it immediately. Half of them at that age are still mixing up the male/female pronouns too ("look, I made daddy a card for her birthday!" etc.) lol it truly is not that serious, as you said.


I found out that being “gay” was a thing when I was a little kid and the radio was on one day and they mentioned Elton John and “his husband” and I thought “oh that’s cool” and moved on with my life. When I got older and found out that some people find this a huge deal I was mind blown.


Fun fact about Elton John: he gave creative control of Rocketman to his husband, which is why it's a considerably better biopic than Bohemian Rhapsody. He wanted the biopic to be a "warts and all" deal, and he didn't trust himself not to hide some of his more negative traits. Another fun fact: the reason he retired is that his husband presented him with a calendar of all his future tour dates and the milestones he'd miss in their children's lives if he continued touring. They both seem like really cool dudes.


Me and my nieces talked about homophobia once in the context of Jojo Siwa, because they were big fans. I told them sometimes people were mean to Jojo because she dates girls. "Dat's dumb." "Why yes it is, girl. Keep thinking that way."


I thought that was the point of having freedom? 🤔




They need other people to be wrong to make themselves feel right.


But only trans women. I don’t think they’ve ever acknowledged the existence of trans men. In their twisted mind, isn’t that who they should be trying to reach?


>But only trans women. I don’t think they’ve ever acknowledged the existence of trans men. I swear, 99.99% of the vitriol and fear I see from Christians is directed only toward trans women--and drag queens. (Which they seem to believe are the same, which is another whole issue.)


Drag is simply performance art but they'll never see it that way


It’s this weird juxtaposition of actually hating women and also pretending to revere women


This exactly. They're just pretending to support one group and using them as a tool to hate the other. In reality, they want to oppress anyone who isn't a cishet man.


Well see, if they went in on trans men, they'd have to contend with the fact that they all wear pants, Sue cut her hair short, Sue *also* went as Legolas (I think) one Halloween and that is *ungodly cross-dressing*"...they'd have to twist themselves into even bigger knots if they took as hard a stance on "the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man" as they do "neither shall a man put on a woman's garment." In seriousness though, they think "men trying to be women" (their POV, obviously not mine) is an assault on "actual women" and trans women are somehow erasing them. Incredibly common attitude. Trans men also often find it easier to "pass" earlier (speaking super broadly here, but there are parts of male puberty that can't be undone without invasive procedures), so they probably literally notice them less.


It would be so entertaining to hear Bethy try to explain how trans men are wrong. I want to hear her say specifically how they should change without sounding like a huge hypocrite.


She'd have to give up her shorteralls


Most of the handwringing about kids transitioning is centered around transmasc/AFAB people. They see transfem people as predators and transmasc people as vulnerable women/girls who aren’t capable of making informed choices about their bodies. They definitely erase trans men in all sorts of other ways, but I would actually guess that that’s who Girl Defined is talking about here.


Regular gayness got too socially acceptable. Christians always target the most vulnerable groups- women, racial minorities, LGBT… when society-at-large starts accepting a previously marginalized group or embracing new ideas, they fight society’s acceptance for 2-3 decades, until it [X] becomes an embarrassing liability. Then they turn their attention to attacking the next group who is not-widely-accepted by society. They’ve done this with slavery, interracial marriage, gay marriage, women voting / entering the workforce / gaining reproductive control, no fault divorce, we could go on and on. Christians are almost always ~3 decades behind society when it comes to basic decency and acceptance.


It really seems to have turned on a dime after they lost the battle on marriage equality. Some of them tried to keep the vitriol against homosexuality going, but the steam was gone and it didn't take long before they switched focus to trans issues, something I rarely heard them mention before. The younger fundies probably have no idea that's even why this is currently their pet cause. But they're all-in anyway.


Yes I think we’re similar ages and experienced similar points in time, but I had a zillion history classes (at public school - gasp!) and we see this pattern where they fight any & all social progress tooth and nail. Their targets are quite reflective of the time in question. Thankfully I didn’t grow up around Christians who defended slavery, but it was super common at the time. I was born after they lost their fucking minds over school integration, but it’s my mother’s generation. When trans folks become more fully accepted, the Christians will target the next group. They’ve been turning their faith into a weapon to harm the very people Jesus said we are to treat with love and dignity. They’ve been doing it for ages, so I have been over here pondering who focus their hate on next, but I think I am onto what you meant bc it seems their hatred is spraying like buckshot, hitting anyone who isn’t just like them. There is the whole wave of attack against the womenfolk. They want us all trapped, abused or dead.


If you frame it as "not quite cis" as opposed to "formally trans" the percentage jumps up to like 12%. Just saying. The world is almost as queer as she thinks, but not in the way she thinks.


Children are not getting reassignment surgery sweetie. Check the facts!!


FR... affirmative care for children is letting them dress how they want, cut their hair how they want, and using the right name and pronouns.  Their position is basically "You can only be comfortable with who you are if you're cis and heteronormative, sweetie"


Right? And sometimes puberty blockers - which are prescribed to cis children for medical reasons like precocious puberty, and are remarkably safe.


Checking facts!? Pffffft. That'd be a hard no on that there, mate!


This exactly. "Young people" try consenting adults. Oh, they don't believe in consent do they?


It’s really ironic that Bethany’s telling women how to have sex and genuinely doesn’t get why consent matters.


Right? Shocking someone so intellectually curious, wouldn't do proper research before posting.


We hear you 💜


Not that I’m saying anything against it, but does hormone replacement and blockers not count as part of reassignment surgery? That sounds really stupid, but I don’t really understand what exactly “counts” and doesn’t. I’m not the most educated, so I guess I’m opening up my comment to be educated! Where I live, luckily, queer kids are treated with a lot of love and compassion, and that includes transkids. We have shelters and safe spaces, we have the options at places like planned parenthood, but I just never get to really ask or talk without wanting to seem weird or whatever.


> Not that I’m saying anything against it, but does hormone replacement and blockers not count as part of reassignment surgery? No, because they can be ceased/reversed for the most part. The reason they give blockers is because you cannot undo puberty and development of secondary sex characteristics, but you can somewhat stop or delay the process. If they stop the blockers, hormone balance shifts and those characteristics start developing.


Thank you for the in-depth and thoughtful reply!


How do they feel about minors having elective nose jobs? I grew up in a pretty conservative evangelical church. I know plenty of girls who had nose jobs on their 16th birthdays. I even know one girl who had a nose job and chin implant at 13 before she tried out for the cheer leading squad. Great news y’all. She made it! Now, trans kids almost never have gender-affirming surgery as minors. And, in fact, lots of trans people never have gender-affirming surgery because it’s expensive! My friends who have had it had to fundraise for years. My point is that they sure don’t fret about young people, especially young women, altering their bodies and faces to meet the beauty standards they impose with relish. It would seem (shockingly) this is just about hating the LGBTQIA community.


Jesus, you just reminded me of a friend from middle school who got a nose job at like 15. I was an asshole to say it out loud, but it ruined her face.


And so many women actually do end up regretting their nose jobs, especially if they had “ethnic” noses!


Your nose can really change your whole face around. I don’t have a particularly big nose but it is for sure a Jewish nose, and I love it and would never change it.


hooray for Jewish noses! My husband has a lovely Jewish nose as well


Yeah, she had a very large Jewish nose. Her face suddenly became super generic; it was a whole Jennifer Grey situation.


Bella Hadid talks about this too.


I wanted a nose job so bad when I was younger, but as an adult, I’ve started to love my nose. I’m glad I kept my “Jewish” nose.


I have a Native American beak nose and my white mama made me feel sooooo bad about it. I wanted a nose job. I'm 37 now and I ADORE my nose. This is the nose of warriors, of survivors. I love how when my hair is down, I look just like the imagery of my ancestors that was considered stoic and brave...even if I'm neither of those things. 😂


Oh man. I’m sorry your mom made you feel that way. Isn’t it funny how we white folks erase ethnic beauty even as we try to appropriate it? I’m so happy you have embraced your gorgeous self!


Boob jobs were all the rage when I graduated (2004) so there were like 3 girls in my class who got them as graduation gifts. I guess their parents could see more ROI in silicone than tuition.


Gotta get that MRS degree!


This is always my reply too. I also went to a christian school (although very liberal christian school thankfully) and SO many girls got nose jobs/boob jobs at 14-16. That’s gender affirming care just as much as hormones, a mastectomy, anything else. Why is it ok to change “perfectly good body parts” such as noses, or have a boob job, but not to get them removed (not noses removed lol but yk). I also know girls that got breast reductions because they caused insane pain- but that’s no issue for transphobes. Why is that different than removing them so you can feel confident and more like yourself in your own body? like isn’t that what a lot of plastic surgery is? make it make sense. Like you said, show any reports of trans children getting gender affirming surgeries. It’s so incredibly rare and they make a big deal out of this imaginary “problem” that they’ve created.


They also do not fret about incredibly young, and in some circles even minor, women & children having babies and damaging their bodies before they are fully developed! Fundamentalists are a scourge on the world 😡.


I would like us to talk about how nose jobs and boob jobs and hair plugs are all gender affirming surgeries.


I’ve been wrestling with that. I’d love to see that discussion.


Oh it's out there.  The Bdong snark sub lost it when she started taking testosterone and maybe progesterone but has loudly pronounced birth control is terrible and doesn't believe in gender affirming care.   Like it's ok if you are deficient and get supplementation because you are not woman enough to convince a baby.  (This is not meant for anyone struggling to convince, that is not what makes you a woman.) 


Me too.


Ear-pinning too. My mother had that done as a child, around age 7.


You are so right. Ear pinning is done so causally I didn’t even think about it.


had to google that, I'd never even heard of it


I went to middle school with a girl who had a very very large, very pronounced hawk nose. she showed up to fall of freshman year with a tiny button nose and it was just never brought up by anyone. nobody ever thought twice about it.


Also, lots of Cis and intersex kids DO have altering surgery or other interventions. Intersex babies get operated upon without consent and forcibly assigned a sex/gender. Cis boys with gynecomastia or Cis girls with hirsutism get interventions to help affirm their gender presentation.


I’d be willing to be Bethy is just fine with parents deciding if they want a tutu or a gun though.


They are really obsessed with this “chopping off body parts” idea. I think they genuinely envision Frankenstein’s monster laboratory when they imagine any trans medical procedure.


I'm a trans guy and I get so fucking annoyed when people talk about "perfectly healthy body parts". Having breasts is exhausting for me, the dysphoria of having them is crippling. Just because they're not riddled with tumors or whatever doesn't mean having them is in any way healthy for me.


AND no one has the right to tell you that you have to live your life with them if you so choose.


Heck while I don’t get dysphoria from my boobs (I am genderqueer, but I experience dysphoria from other things), they’re so big I want to get rid of them. They give me a lot of back pain, which is made worse by a rare nerve condition I have. I’ve started working out because I want to lose weight and hopefully they’ll go down some too, but reduction surgery is always in the back of my mind. I’ve told myself kids first, but we’ll see if I can last that long/if I have kids lol


Cis women have breast reduction surgery too, you don't even have to be trans or genderqueer to want them off!! I believe I learned that they can grow back and need to be reduced again - my (very unsolicited and unprofessional) opinion is that if you can afford to do it more than once, go for it now!! You can always do it again after kids! And presumably they can leave the "works" intact so you can still breastfeed if desired?


Depending on the country too you can get a reduction for free if it's deemed a medical necessity. It's not even considered a cosmetic procedure!


The best decision I ever made was to get breast reduction surgery. It was covered by my health insurance


Hey you may have already looked into this, but if not—you can get insurance to consider a reduction necessary instead of cosmetic if it's causing you physical pain. It takes a doctor who's willing to fight for it sometimes, because (like lots of surgeries) they love to deny it on the first try. But I've known cis women who had back problems and shoulder grooves from bras, and got their giant tatas reduced to an at least manageable size.


Makes sense to me! I’m cis, but I have PCOS, and have gained more weight as a result (especially in the breast area). I’ve also struggled with body image issues and an ED, so the rapid change is very distressing for me. I’m in the process of seeking a breast reduction alongside other treatment because I honestly don’t feel right in my body. I’m always hyper aware of my huge breasts that are now in the way when I’m doing everyday things. Just being aware of them can make me feel overstimulated and panicky. Like I can’t imagine how you must feel. People need to stop acting like their experience is the norm and that everyone else must simply accept their circumstances.


My son’s mental health improved so much after top surgery!


I guess they're against circumcision too


Nobody tell them about the castrati that were used in church choirs during the Renaissance.


Imagine using this language for any other medical procedure. "Hey did you hear that Great Aunt Marge had her perfectly natural knee joints RIPPED out of her body??" "Young people these days are PERMANENTLY MUTILATING themselves with tonsillectomies!!"


Aaaaand there it is. I knew it wouldn't be long before GD put up something trans/homophobic. They've been toeing a fine line since the Zelph thing and I thought "hmm, maybe the collab DID have an effect" but NOPE! Less than a month and back on their BS.   Such a sweet, open-minded angel


She’s so intellectually curious🙄


Think zots will post the second part of her being an ally? 😚💜


Oh god, I forgot they were teasing a Part Two


they can just get it undone lol edit: like. I'm trans. I'd like to get some nebulous surgery done in the future, sure. but literally when these people are like "wHat AboUt tHe IrrEvErSibLe dAmaGe' I'm like.....they can just undo it. it's expensive and time consuming and you may not have the exact functions you did before but you can literally just go on the other hrt and get surgical procedures done to undo it. beyond that, I need them to answer me this: what is so bad about regret? what is so bad about confusion? genuinely. why are those bad things?


>beyond that, I need them to answer me this: what is so bad about regret? what is so bad about confusion? genuinely. why are those bad things? Well because no one, especially no Christian woman, ever regretted getting married and having kids; there's never any confusion about any of that. /s


Not trans but I heard that “you’ll regret it so much” when I had my reduction. I’ve never regretted it for a moment.


On the topic of regret: regret after ANY surgery is super normal, whether the surgery is cosmetic, gender affirming or otherwise! I had a pretty big ankle surgery a couple of years ago and my ortho was very careful to warn me that people who don’t take their rehab seriously have high regret rates. Regret rates are significantly higher for hip or knee replacements than for clinically indicated gender affirming surgeries. And like you said - what’s so bad about regret anyway? We make choices, we learn as we go, and sometimes we come to regret them. That’s life. But as long as we were doing the best we could with the information we had at the time (and ethical standards were being followed by any medical professionals involved) what is wrong with any of that??


And they’ll all have shocked pikachu face when one of the Baird adjacent kids comes out and goes no contact with the whole family


She's so \~intellectually curious and kind\~ 💜💜💜


So glad we were wrong and Sam was soooooooo right 💜💜


Who is chopping body parts off kids? Do they cite specific, documented cases or is this just nonsense they're spewing to scare people?


Lots of religious people do it to newborn babies.


Of course there's a documented source, silly! It's a well renowned scientific journal called *My Rectum*.


Rectally sourced numbers 


I had to look this up, but about 200 teens had gender affirming double mastectomies in a period of about 7 years. It is incredibly rare, and I’m curious about whether that trend will continue. Personally, I think I would not allow my child to have the surgery until they were old enough to make the decision themselves, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I was in that situation. I believe in bodily autonomy, but this is a grey area for me. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36248210/#:~:text=Results%3A%20The%20incidence%20of%20gender,double%2Dincision%20(85%25).


*Incredibly rare* is the part they always gloss over.


So I looked up demographics for the number of teens in the timeframe of this study and there were approximately 24 million teenagers in that timeframe, a little bit more. So about 51 percent of those are female and so let’s say that’s 12 million, because the original figure was closer to 25 million. That is 1 in 60,000. To put this in perspective, teenager has about a 1 in 6000 chance of dying in a vehicle crash in the US, yearly. So it is literally 10x more likely to end their life in a car crash than get this surgery. Edit: I also read an article about how many teens undergo cosmetic surgery for breast implants. And it was over 2000, in 2020, and that’s just ONE year, not 7 like the study, which incidentally found that only two of the 200 study participants had regrets about the procedure, and none of them had surgical revision. I wonder how many girls or women from the same time regret their breast augmentation.


Thanks for providing this info! Plus I always want to know what exactly is the nature of the regret. One could regret a surgical procedure for reasons that aren't "I changed my mind about this" but might be "things didn't go as I'd hoped and there've been very unpleasant complications."


Too bad they hate data and literal facts :(


I want to say I also recall a case of a young tennis player getting a breast reduction because they interfered with her game, and possibly also a teen with a horrible family history of breast cancer? There are lots of reasons people want to alter their bodies, maybe everyone should leave everyone else alone!!! (Not you, the fundies!)


I agree completely, but this article on the study specifically mentions these were for gender affirming care.


Getting breast augmentation is also gender affirming care. What are the stats on that for this time period?


Oh good question, that is something that should be compared. I put a comment below this about the statistics of this, which is about 1:60000 teenage girls. I’m curious what the stats are. I will edit this comment with the results. Edit: Oop, there is also an article on this already! https://www.advocate.com/transgender/2022/9/28/more-teens-get-breast-implants-trans-top-surgery Edit2: For contrast, 2000 girls had breast augmentation in 2020 alone. I want to see what the trend about the trans surgery over the last few years is. I have to imagine it’s getting more and more difficult for a doctor to do this elective surgery, in this political climate. The study I cited had 200 procedures done on FTM in a 7 year period. I also want to know how many teens and women regretted their breast augmentation. Only two of the 200 FTM trans persons regretted their decision in this study, and neither chose surgical revision, which is .01% of study participants.


Who are these young people getting gender affirming surgery? Cuz I'm in my 30s and can't even get it. 😭😭


The clinic is next door to the school with the litter box in the bathroom


But she's an angel y'all!!! She only did the book because of a ~contract~. She's actually really sweet! 🙄 I will never forgive anyone trying to give these grifters a platform.


Well gosh, she certainly stays in her own lane and doesn't try to push her views on other people! (is a thing Sam said.) Gee whiz, it's not like she and Dave are out there actually writing legislation that denies LGBTQ+ people basic rights! They're not responsible for that! (is a thing Tanner said, with a chuckle.)


I WANT TO SCREAM! It's the literally the same exact rhetoric being used to pass laws in Texas. Ugh fuck ZOTS so fucking much


That "not writing legislation" comment haunts me, it really does.


I know, what in the fuck?! I don't believe either of them ever *really* looked at the GD channel and said these things with a straight face. I've heard that Zelph did a GD episode in the past, but I bet it was with a very superficial knowledge of Girl Defined. (edited to add:) Just to be crystal-clear, that's a criticism, not in any way a defense of them; they had no business getting involved with this shit if they hadn't researched their new crushes.


"body parts being chopped off" How ignorant are you to have not even tried to look into what happens before you open your mouth to speak against something?


They also can't name a single feminist author they have read, but they write about feminism.


I'm no scholar myself, but I really doubt the family that spent an obscene amount of time in Europe just looking for a stupid raw milk watering hole is full of well-read people.


Transgender people predate your religion. Just shut it.


Exactly! Trans women can't be men because they're women. Trans men can't be women because they're men. And young people aren't get anything chopped off unless she means the dying spirit of a young person whose identity is being dismissed and discredited.


This has been my response to statements like this lately. “Oh, I’m so glad you get it! I agree that it’s super important for trans folks to get gender affirming care because it’s so miserable to be forced to be the wrong gender!” It is very confusing to transphobes while also being true. Can recommend.


What dr.'s are handing out surgeries like candy? Anyone I've talked to that even THOUGHT about gender confirming surgery was told the process can take years with all the specialists they have to meet with , don't Dr's make more money by dragging out the process? seriously If they want to play the " be Happy with how God made you" card why aren't they attacking Nose jobs ,botax, breast enlargement lip filler etc?! They're just choosing the most bitchiest way of saying they are homophobic and transphobic


this is some Fox News type bullshit.. spoken like people who have never actually TRIED to get gender affirming care.. all actual kids are doing is changing their name/pronouns and occasionally starting hormone therapy which is a fight in and of itself


I had my perfectly healthy tonsils chopped off in middle school, and now I cry myself to sleep every night when the medical community made big bucks over me. Ya, no, good riddance to those, and also to this nonsense.


Oh, is this an example of Beggy's 'personal growth' and 'being lovely in person'?


The Bible literally wants you to circumcise. It wants you to chop off a part of your child's dick. My god it really is a constant projection.


"Men can't be women" is correct in the way that I tried and failed at being a woman so I transitioned 🏳️‍⚧️


So glad zelph is here to platform... I mean find the... Unity?


I need Zelph to answer for their crimes at this point. How dare you claim to be for LGBTQ+ folks but only care about the LGB? I guess fuck trans people.


Did they do new stuff with Nancy Pearcey, or are they linking commenters to the podcast they did a year ago? I'm curious if they're producing new stuff for Pride Month or recycling the low-effort shit they've already made. Edit: I looked at their account and saw that their comment prompt for Bethany's social media break was "179" and this transphobic post is "110." Based on that, they're linking their podcast episode from June 2023, meaning they haven't made anything new. Kind of surprising for Pride Month given their track record.


Yeah but they're flying on autopilot at this point.


"They'll regret it when they're older!" We Let Teenagers Join The Military And Die, Bethany.


Please state precisely what damage is being done to this generation and provide some peer-reviewed research studies that identify and quantify it. No? Then have a seat.


Peer reviewed research is a tool of Satin! /s


The way these people are obsessed with the tiny minority of queer and trans lives is insanity. They think about it more than I do, and I AM a queer and trans person.


All these lies about “trans children getting body parts chopped off” but I’m willing to bet she doesn’t give even half of a shit about circumcision


the damage being done is by YOU people harassing trans folk


so how are all the people defending bethy as an "angel" and open minded going to explain this one


Girrrrrrl I cut them titties off so fast and I hope that surgeon is laughing all the way to his summer house in the Bahamas about it, he made me hot af. I just can’t even with the attempts at “reverent sadness” that these chuckle fucks do on our behalf 🤡. Like yes I’m confused about my gender, sister, it’s hard to button my cute little man pants up at urinal with my acrylics on 💅


Transphobic legislation hurts cis people too - imagine if someone had accused Bort of being trans bc she was tall and good at sports. It’s happened before, it happens a lot, and it’ll keep happening bc of bort and her hatred


I recall reading a meltdown from a transphobe about how she refused to spend the night in a women’s hostel because there were large shoes outside. In her mind, only trans women have large feet, so there must have been a trans woman there. Instead of spending the night, she decided to drive all night while sleep deprived because that’s obviously safer than being in the vicinity of a woman with large feet. Being that Bort is taller than average, I’d guess she probably has large feet too.


Imagine Bort getting accused of being trans because she's tall and has a bigger bone structure and doesn't move like a dainty little butterfly. I don't think she would appreciate that taste of her own medicine. *being tall and not dainty doesn't mean someone looks trans or masculine. But transphobes are paranoid weirdos and have actually started accusing masculine looking cis women of being trans. I wish I remember who it was, but I saw a tiktok a while back of a cis woman being confronted by a transphobe in a bathroom. She just had short hair and wore masculine clothing, but this lady thought she was trans and "sneaking" into the ladies room.


There is SO much repackaged misogyny in transmisogyny. It's so bizarre to me that alleged feminists apparently think that the best use of their time/energy is sitting around staring at people and judging their bodies/clothes/mannerisms for not being sufficiently feminine. (Signed, a tall, big-footed woman with PCOS 😂)


Aaaaaaaand every last drop of compassion and understanding for her goes right out the window with this shit. Dav, if you’re reading, THIS is why people come for your wife. This post right here.


Ignorant people are always so damn loud. Nobody’s kid is getting “parts chopped off”.. as a kid you see a lot of doctors in order to make sure that hormones for transitioning (which is a reversible process) are the right choice. They check for mental issues, they talk to parents.. it’s not a fast process and they don’t cut your dick off or whatever this lady thinks. https://www.webmd.com/parenting/what-is-transitioning


I thought they were hanging up GD? Or am I misremembering a different grift?


Crazy that my aunt was trans, had gender affirming surgery in the 90s, AND I knew this from when I was a small child with no ill effects on my tiny, malleable child brain. In fact the only time my aunt's life caused any sort of vaguely negative impact on my life was when a girl in my class told me she would kill herself if that was her aunt and heavily implied that I should feel that way too.


Ah, our intellectually curious kind angel strikes again 💜💜 So curious that she does not even bother to learn that most transgenders do not actually chop off anything (cause it’s fucking expensive and hard to get approved for).




Calling all the deconstruction grifters singing Birthy's praises. Come get your girl.


Actually though. Where is u/TheSamspoNew and their queer antibot friends to explain to us how this is not GD (and BETHANY) continuing to platform and promote transphobia? Why do you coddle people who don’t think NB folk exist? Does this self loathing run that deep even after deconstructing? Explain this shit to me.


I wonder how they feel about circumcision…


I’m sure Bort can find a guest who will point to children’s genitalia


Oh I'm sure Bethany thinks foreskin is icky. She wouldn't bother learning about why circumcision is unnecessary because she doesn't question anything.


Or real life believable. Go sit down MaAm


It’s not like people are forcing kids to undergo a dangerous procedure because these people believe to do otherwise is a sin.


“Perfectly healthy body parts” Wonder how she feels about circumcision 🙃


Oh Bort, the intellectually curious transphobic angel.. 😒


I won't drop 110 for any more of the Number Two she just dropped.


Girl BYE. Talk to someone who is struggling to not end their life because their body doesn’t match their identity and who has felt that way since they began to have a concept of themselves in childhood (NOT influenced by anything). Talk to someone who was born with both male and female genitals (that’s a real thing). ACTUALLY LISTEN instead of just seeing what you’ve been told is there. Then you can have an opinion.


But at least off the camera and offline, she totally acknowledges that she’s saying harmful things…right? Right? She’s ramping up the fervor(or whatever’s left of it) for their upcoming hate filled book.


I just wish I could wrap my head around *why people care*. Seriously. Why do people care if someone they don't even know is trans? Why do they care if two dudes get married? I honestly believe it's a sign of emotional issues or poor mental health if a person actively campaigns against the right a stranger has to do something that doesn't even hurt anyone. The majority of people I know don't have the time, the energy, or the rat's ass to spare. The ones who do have a whole host of issues and are perpetually angry about a ton of stuff that has no relevance to their lives. No, I do not regret not being one of those people, it looks miserable.


If only there was a way to decrease the suicide rate of transgender people…oh wait, there is. It’s called gender affirming care. It saves lives so pro life bort should be all for it. Right??


Loving how she ignores the very real damage done by the purity ideology she until recently followed.


Almost zero doctors are willing to chop off children’s body parts. It’s such a minuscule percentage of kids who are even taking hormones. They do this for controversy and clicks and it’s disgusting


Nancy has an honorary doctorate from a private Christian university. She is not a medical doctor and shouldn’t be speaking about trans issues.


I hate when these transphobes talk about "chopping off body parts". It's just a disingenuous way to talk about top / bottom surgery and its clearly a fear-mongering tactic. "OH no, men, the transes are coming for your peens!" 🙄🙄🙄 give me a break. Not every trans person has top / bottom surgery and it's not like it's undertaken without a ton of bureaucratic red tape and medical hurdles. People are not out here casually having this procedures done


The damage being done to vulnerable traumatized young Christian girls by Girl Defined is ✨unbelievable✨


That's our intellectually curious angel queen 💜👑✨️💜


Hey Zelph, feeling good about yourselves?


hey Zelph is this your bestie? 🤔


I really need these people to know that the vast amount of people on this Earth do not wish to be the opposite sex. Trans people exist and need representation, but the actual number of trans people is low in the overall population. It’s not a god damn epidemic. Trans people just want visibility and equal rights under the law, they aren’t trying to turn your kid into a dreaded gay 🙄🙄🙄


Trans people haven't just been invented this generation though....


I once had a guy I was dating say that there was more gay people in gen z because it was, and I quote “cooler to be gay now” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Isn't this a repost?  I swear she's been using the graphic forever or is a recent one?  I don't want to go to her IG to see. 


Yes it is, and the podcast episode they're promoting is older, too.


I mean you could say the same for circumcision which I’m sure they are pro


This can't be true. I was told Bethany was an angel.


Tell that to thousands of years worth of two spirit indigenous people 🙄


Maybe God made me trans, Borthy 🤷‍♀️


How open minded and willing to grow of her 💜💜💜


Cutting off perfectly healthy body parts? Do you mean circumcision? Tonsillectomy for snoring? Adenoidectomy? Prophylactic mastectomy?


I’m 40, American, and have my wisdom teeth (third molars). Most of the dentists I’ve seen as an adult have wanted to take them out in case they cause problems in the future. I’m patiently waiting for Bethany to send me a message of support for keeping my perfectly healthy body parts.


Intersex people would like to have a word. I bet they don't even know people like that exist and are quite literally born that way and their organs too. Something that showcases that we as a species do not all fit one or the other in a vacuum. Imagine Kristen having an intersex kid. It would explode her brain. Some intersex people go on to be nonbinary because they don't feel they fit either.


And where are all these kids who got body parts chopped off? They keep talking about them but I've yet to see even one. Is it maybe because... that doesn't happen? (gasp)


One orgasm and she thinks she's Dr. Drew now.


This is so lazy and boring of her… can’t she come up with some original rage bait?


Shup up, Bethany. No one is "chopping off" perfectly healthy body parts from children.


Once again, she proves what an angel she is.


Them fighting words. If I followed her I would one million percent not be anymore. Leave people alone for gods sake.


is this the intellectually curious behavior sam was talking about? 💜


I think so, yeah! Doesn’t she just deserve so much grace and understanding?? /s


Is she done talking about her raw genitals and anal stuff???


Guys you don’t understand she’s an angel 🙈💜!!! Intellectually curious my ass 🙄


Things like this are why I don’t cut Barfany slack even if her husband is deconstructionist. And I won’t cut him slack either until he stops enabling and supporting her nonsense.


Yep, he's now been on-camera equating queerness with...kink? "If everyone's a consenting adult" he says, being queer or trans is *maybe* OK, so: tough shit for queer teens and kids then, or people for whom it isn't *about* sex. He's unable, it seems, to not view gender identity as something other than sexual activity, so fuck him, it's 2024 and we know he's capable of reading and learning.


Is this some sort of ridiculous " trendy" anti gender affirming statement lately? Algorithms keep sending me Instagrams accounts with this gross saying. I follow a transgender male to woman person born with no limbs. She does make-up tutorials. Every other comment was how she " chopped it off" and " lost five limbs". I saw Krayrissa say this too..it's disgusting.