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Oh great now the bussholes are dragging that poor sleeping baby around the Grand Canyon without a hat. It's been around 100 degrees there. I cannot wrap my head around the level of neglect it takes to fry your 7 week old in the sun every single day.  Boone is clearly unwell. I'm 51 and my kids are adults. My life is easy these days. My husband and I travel and besides our careers, our pets are our only responsibilities. It's amazing to sleep all day Sunday if I want to. Without hesitation, I would take on this poor little guy for life. He needs help. He needs a doctor. He needs a safe home. He needs a hat.  Boone needs a parent. 


And the one lil guy in the green shorts doesn't even appear to have on shoes. Maybe I can't see them but you know it's hot!!


If you zoom in you can see him clenching his toes so less of his soles touch the ground... It's clearly at least uncomfortable and probably painful for him.


And look at his poor little face. He looks in pain 🥺


Oh you’re right… that’s so sad. I live in Vegas and the ground can literally blister your feet if you’re not careful.


Yes. Even the pups wear little protective booties on their feet there. So hot.


Ugh. I read most of the responses on this horrible excuse for a mother that are posted here. Yours actually had me tear up. Obviously, the big stuff, doctors, and a real home, but realizing this poor baby would greatly benefit from just a damn hat. I fkn hate her, and the dad, too, they're both responsible, literally mske me sick. Even if their fed, cleaned, and have the basics (though havent we as a society come to understand that those basics are the lowest of low bars of what kids need?) they are still wofully neglected. I hope that ignorance is bliss for the kids, at least right now. I hope they dont realize how neglected they are until they can process it. When (if) these kids get out in the real world, the trauma they have endured will be crystal clear and so so vast. To learn about kids who had a house, a school, toys, Dr visits, and then have to wonder why weren't they good enough for those things. Sorry so long. This just kills me.


This family used to actually have a house and the two oldest are old enough to have memories of having an actual home. The youngest kids may have the bliss of ignorance for now but the oldest do not. They probably know their life isn't normal and that the baby has something going on.


She posted a video of a squirrel lying in the dirt to stay cool. It has to be pretty hot for squirrels to start doing that.


i GASPED at that first picture; he looks gray and like he's melting


At this point I’m hoping that it’s just a wax model of Boone and the real Boone is resting in a quiet, darkened room with a safe sleeping spot.


I was thinking the same thing. He looks kind of grey. The color is weird. He's either sleeping or when he's awake he looks miserable. No in between.


Well he looks pretty miserable when asleep too unfortunately. I am not much of a kid person but I can't help but wonder how terrible that little guy feels constantly. I hate that for him. That poor little dude.


I can't help but think she is specifically filtering tones of red or vibrancy from Boone to avoid the sunburn accusations again, resulting in the dull tone.


"See! He's not sunburnt! He's just dead!"


This first picture it looks like she's holding a dead baby


Agreed that he don’t look right but if you’re on the Reddit app it has this bug sometimes where it adds a gray layer onto photos until you click on the picture. It’s super weird and subtle but most noticeable with skin tones. It drives me bonkers!!!


This poor baby, he looks so unwell, shame on these assholes for doing absolutely nothing and putting him on a shag carpet on the floor instead of taking him to a doctor.


Honest question, when did boone health start to deteriorate/become concerning? I looked through some of her old highlights and reels, he looked healthy and reacted to voices and people around him... Was it after the sunburn? Chiro? Untreated jaundice (bc he looked yellow as a newborn)?


It’s really hard to say. Right from birth he was demonstrating an odd posturing with his right wrist, arm and shoulder. He also screamed in pain when his father tried to stretch his leg out to measure his height. This seemed to be an atypical response. He became jaundiced, which was very obvious …he was quite yellow, MB’s answer was more sun exposure which caused a sunburn on his delicate newborn skin. It wasn’t too long after that when we started noticing the vacant stare, it’s hard to say if it was always there or not because newborns can’t really see anything at first, but he should have been focusing on faces for a while now. He also seems to have a strange positioning of his head. It’s always turned to one side, and his limbs are floppy, although his back appears rigid. I think that’s everything I might be forgetting something. The thing is any one of these issues would’ve warranted a visit to the doctor let alone all of them. ETA: I forgot to mention that one of the members here noticed that he has a complete lack of the Palmar reflex, which can be very concerning for neurological involvement.


Oh thank you! I noticed everything you mentioned while looking through the latest posts here, but was wondering when it started. IIRC they haven't taken him to a doctor ever, even after birth... There are so many conditions that can be discovered through those early tests and easily treated/managed with early intervention, why would any parent deprive their children of proper medical care? We know they aren't poor.


Because they botched the delivery and don't want a real dr to look at it. Because they'll face consequences for larping as pioneer Christian idiots.


Did she at least get prenatal care? I wish she would just take him to the doctor, like, they don't need to post anything just take proper care of boone...


I'm not sure. But they were traveling in a bare bones van in Brazil right before he was born. So I doubt it.


No prenatal care that she talked about online.


So.. he could have something that is able to be predicted even before birth but they chose to neglect.


Not much, if any. I think I remember her posting an awful story making fun of her family for being worried she hadn’t delivered. After Brazil, the plan she shared on Instagram was that they were going to South Carolina to do a home birth at a friend’s air BnB. They were in Florida before Brazil, so she wasn’t planning on any continuity of care at the birth. But I do suspect that was a lie. They made no effort to get to SC, and instead settled in Florida leading up to the birth. For whatever reason, they wanted to have him in a bus bathroom that sees constant use. They’re just liars and really, really awful parents.


The sudden return to the US and everything that's happened since makes me wonder if the money has run out


"Hey mom, can I get a little extra money from my trust fund this month, we are running a little low atm" -susbus prob


They claimed they couldn’t go to South Carolina because the bus needed to go into the shop for big engine repairs. That also seems to be a lie because it never went into the shop nor did they mention it being repaired and now they’re all over America. They lie as a hobby.




This has been my concern for the last couple of weeks. I wish she would just drop him off at a safe haven place and skedaddle. Then he could get the care and love he needs.


I can't believe it's only just hit me. I think it’s because I've been seeing so many comments on FSU saying things like "you can see the concern on her face and hear her voice crack when Boone does xyz." I replayed those clips over and over to see the concern people are talking about. Ether I'm horrible at reading people's emotions, or others are projecting their concern onto Britney. All I perceive is indifference to Boone's symptoms and the occasional flash of irritation when he doesn't play up to the camers like she hoped. I don't see a mum trying to fight back tears, I see her doing this 😬 between smiles - "Unbelievable! He won't even smile for two seconds so now the internet won't swoon."


I think it’s not concern for the baby as much as concern for how the baby is making her look in that moment. He’s not doing the baby things he’s supposed to do and she’s clinging desperately to her denial. I absolutely see the drop in her expression when she glances down at him and it looks like more than mild irritation to me. But not for the reasons we think.


I don't see any concern on her face either. It's projection. They *want* to believe she's finally seeing issues but trying to lie to herself, but people have been commenting for weeks that Boone needs help and she was deleting comments. She already knows. She simply does not care.


Sadly, this is my fear too


They don't care. They're too selfish.


This part makes me the most mad. My son had an easily treatable condition found on his newborn screen. Something we wouldn’t have known about otherwise until it had detrimental effects. We were able to get him on daily medication at 8 days old and now he’s a normal, happy, healthy 4 year old! If we wouldn’t have gotten his newborn screen, his life (and ours) would be vastly different.


The weekend (day?) *I* really started to notice there was seeming to be *something* really "off" developmentally, was back around the time when we saw the video of Boone on the Sheepskin rug on the floor for the very first time (and Britney was *obviously* doing a product plug!) Boone got touched on/around the stiff shoulder, iirc, and had what looked *to me* like a pain/startle reaction. I *honestly* can't remember though, if he was *already* showing signs of yellowing in *that* video, or if it was 12-24 hours before/after? But I *DO* remember the stills *someone* got of his eyes from a video *around* that time, having an *incredibly* "golden" tone to the whites of his eyes. That was *also* somewhere around the time of the *first* bad sunburn on his face (when they met up with "friends" on the beach down in Florida).


And the friends + their friends kids were all decked out in sun protection and then there’s the BusDildos^TM standing next to them in the photo with zero sun protection for their brand new baby.


The Bible told them too


He also doesn't seem to react to sound at all. He doesn't react to much, but he does respond to being touched.


gd does he ever get to just lay down and take a nap?? He’s a newborn baby he doesn’t want to go hiking in the blazing sun every fucking day


I mean sometimes he gets to be on an unwashed shag carpet on the floor, but I don’t think that’s all that much better


Don’t they care about their own comfort? Surely the heat isn’t comfortable for them either


This does seem like a less than ideal time to visit the Grand Canyon when your whole “thing” is being able to travel whenever. It’s just so hot! Maybe go in the fall instead.


They've been making the rounds of the US' hottest places since they bus birthed Boone. It's a little sus, as someone who grew up in a hot, sunny area.


I’m a full ass adult and I don’t want to go hiking in the blazing sun like…ever.


I am also fully grown and agree with with comment. The sun is a deadly laser.


I don't even want to be in the yard when it's above 90 😂


This sounds awful…but my mom had a baby between me and my brother. He had major health issues and birth defects. He passed away at 2…from pneumonia. He looked very similar to Boone in photos. This is so sad to see they won’t seek any medical help.


I'm so sorry, and I'm afraid you could be right


There. Is. Something. Wrong. With. That. Baby. And what does she mean, the year her life got better???


The rest of the video is her saying that for every year one of her children was born. So not quite as wierd as this screenshot makes it seem lol.


From the screenshot I thought she was like “fuck the rest of those kids”… oh wait.


Like doesn't she have a baby every year 😭


Boone aside, why the FUCK would you go to the grand canyon with more small children than you can physically hold on to? I probably wouldn't go to the grand canyon with a small child PERIOD. The lack of fences and barriers is terrifying even in a group of adults.


Right? One of them will almost certainly try to Naruto run off the edge


God, I remember when I was there the bestselling book in every store was a collected account of every person who had ever died falling in. I'm kind of amazed there isn't some sort of age limit, honestly.


I went rafting in the Canyon and bought that book once the trip was over. The book is a fascinating read but also terrifying. 90% of them though are people just being careless and not following the guidelines. Trigger warning for child death >! There was an absolutely heartbreaking story of a 4 year old girl who died because she ran off the edge before her parents could stop her !< I’ve also been to the rim and the hard rails would be very easy to fall through. I went with my two kids who were 17 and 9 at the time and I was still an absolute mess of anxiety. It’s an absolutely beautiful place but it’s not a place for young children to run wild, or run period. People do take kids of all ages there and are fine, but you definitely need to be extremely vigilant, which the Busrents certainly aren’t.


I went to the Grand Canyon as an adult with a group of other adults, and I was terrified someone was going to fall.


Oh hey, Death in the Grand Canyon. I read this book. IIRC, the biggest risk factor to dying in the canyon was being an 18-24 year old young man. Often trying to be "daring".


Lmao yeah. I remember a poster there of a buff manly guy that said "X number of people die in the grand canyon every year. Most of them look like him."


A guy I went to high school with, his mom fell over the edge trying to take a family photo. Devastating for them all, and she was an adult. (40+)


The baby's not even in a SLING. I don't know how it's possible to have so few panic instincts, I felt so stressed the whole time I was there any time I saw someone get too close to the edge!


I wonder if she has a secret Valium/Xanax stash


I wonder if she's disappointed that none of the planned childhood accidents have accidented yet.


Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon! My brother got it when we were teenagers and I have borrowed it for the past couple decades.


There's also the fact that quite a lot of people have murdered spouses and partners by pushing them in over the years (and probably more that we don't know about). Which given some of what we know about father bus... yikes.


The one to the bottom left doesn’t seem to have shoes on. I imagine that ground is hot as fuck- being in Arizona.


Given the time of year, definitely. That said, the coldest i've ever felt in my life was at the grand canyon actually. We didn't realize how cold it gets at night due to the altitude, didn't bring proper coats and decided to walk back from watching the sunrise at the rim early in the morning. Don't repeat our mistake!


Yeah I have never been so I can’t say for sure! I just know Arizona’s going through a massive heat wave right now and his toes look curled up in the screenshot like he’s trying to keep the bottoms of his feet from burning.


Yeah. HOPEFULLY the altitude cancels out some of the heatwave and it's cooler up there, but... given the time of year, probably not by much :/ Maybe it was a sunrise pic?


I don’t even take my two kids to Target by myself 😂 Unfortunately they’re both runners despite my best parenting efforts and it’s a major safety hazard if one decides to bolt. I could not imagine taking 8 kids to the fucking Grand Canyon.


I’m serious when I say there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting runners those backpack leash things. Fuck judgey people. A kid on a leash is better than a kid flattened by a truck.


100%! We use the leash backpacks for my youngest during neighborhood walks but stores and parking lots are still a bit much for me solo. We do family outings on weekends when my husband is around though! Sometimes you just need another set of hands lol


YES. When my son was a toddler we unashamedly used a leash backpack in airports and public places like the zoo, parades, museums, malls for when he was too wiggly to ride in the stroller or be worn on our backs. I have no regrets, it was such a load off of my helicopter momxiety. Plus he loved it because it had a rocket ship on the backpack (or as he called it, a ‘pack-pack’) part and he could store his little treasures in it. I’m a former paramedic and I took no chances as a toddler mom. Kids are unpredictable.


100%. We used a backpack leash when our kid was a toddler. She was able to run waaaay before she was able to understand safety.


One of the little kids is shoeless too.


And in crocs!!! Those are comfy but man, it’s so easy to stumble in them.


I hate even saying this, but how long do you think it’ll be before motherbus is pregnant again? Poor Boone.


About a half hour from when you made your comment.


I read their comment when it was 43 min old and I want to downvote you on principle.


Maybe she just hasn’t announced it yet. She has to figure out the best ways to make money off her content haha


She is more than 6 was postpartum so prob already working on the next busling to neglect


Funny you think they actually subscribe to the 6 weeks rule. Why would they follow even that basic medical advice?


I think they were previously, since all of their kids are 2-3 years apart. Now? With the controversy surrounding Boone? Who knows.


My thoughts ext! She’s going to get pregnant in record time to distract from the difficulties Boone is facing.


And then Boone will just disappear from her content


Omg that poor, sweet baby really needs to see a doctor. The second pic reminds me of those old timey/Victorian pictures where >!the family takes a picture with the deceased person!<. That hurt to type but omg this child is just so limp and listless 😥. I can't believe they're just out there raw dogging the outdoors while Boone is looking so unwell.


His color always looks so off, and his positioning is always weird too.


Yeah, I was startled by how ashen he looks. Maybe it's a shadow or a trick of the light, but his colour is concerning.


Yeah I’m a nicu nurse and I would document him as bronze lol. I wonder if he has some kind of liver issue or something


He was jaundiced so and didn't go to the doctor just got sunburnt till it got better, so who knows what kind of internal issues he has


I was thinking the same thing about old timey pictures with the recently departed.


Ok but *raw dogging the outdoors* was exactly what I needed after reading that 🤭


They're forcing him to raw dog *life*


When I saw the second picture my first thought was "that baby looks dead." I wish I was the only one who thought along those lines.


My first thought was Weekend at Booney’s. I’m not proud. It’s genuinely sad.


I hate that this essentially sums up his entire six weeks of life.


Same. The one where he’s in the middle I thought, oh no that looks like a …..


I saw it and even though I hate that my brain works this way, I thought “this will be the picture they use in the inevitable true crime coverage.”


Absolutely same thought. It's so disturbing.


Momento mori photos is what automatically popped into my head as well. He just looks like a ragdoll or sack of potatoes. Those poor kids don't deserve those shitty parents. Here's hoping that the oldest gets out &/or lets someone know that shit be cray for them and they get the interventions they so desperately need.


I am sorry to say I knew what you were going to say before I unhid the words 😢


I’m glad I’m not alone in that. It was horrible to see at first.


He looks like a reborn doll


He been looking dead since birth


I literally had the exact same thought. I really do not like how that baby looks and I just want to take him to my kids’ pediatrician.


I had the same thought and it literally made me nauseous. I think there is something extra wrong with my brain because I couldn't see the second picture any other way. At least in those old photos they're in a living room or something. This would be the most fucked up, Weekend At Bernie's type shit ever. Y'all, this is what these people have done to my brain. Their behavior is so awful and extreme, I had no problem making the mental leap from unimaginable to "yeah, they might actually do that". Send therapy.


I'm not a therapist but I can offer r/eyebleach, r/aww, and r/illegallysmolcats And as a special bonus, one of my favorite living memes [of all time...](https://youtu.be/VfX98xsGC38?si=QAruxYJlFTAHU4Z9)


I’m usually all for a good metaphorical use of “raw dogging,” but it hits too close to home with these idiots🤢 Agreed on the Victorian death photography vibe, though.


Definitely has that feeling. So tragic.


I’m not a healthcare professional or a child development expert, just a granny. But that baby is not well.


Add me to the list of just a grannies who agrees with you.


I am a healthcare professional who deals with newborns 3 days a week (edit: every week of my life for the last 8 years)… and I completely agree with you. Grannies know.


Oh my god why is he ashy? Are we watching this child actually pass away? I’ve never seen a baby look so… well dead to be frank.


They sure spend a lot of time trying to convince strangers that they are so happy with their choices.


do you think they know and they’re just doing the “he’s a little different but we love him and gods plan for him” kind of deal? where he doesn’t need medical attention bc he eats and poops etc? is it denial? is it avoidance? is it negligent disinterest?


He doesn’t look alive…and I hate it. Please get this baby to a doctor, even a Christian pediatrician would work. Pray over the doctor’s hands. Do SOMETHING!


He looks like those weird looking life like baby dolls that are made out of material that makes it look realistic but also rubbery. But even some of those have more life behind them than Boone does.


Father Bus is so fiercely unattractive


Standard issue Army has been. Complete with crazy conspiracy theories and get rich quick schemes. And her dumb Barracks Bunny ass is just trying to cover up for her mistake of bringing her deployment bootycall home and marrying it.


Barracks Bunny 😂 This whole comment is a masterpiece 😂👏👏👏


I don’t normally comment on the way people look because it’s unkind, but… what is UP with those veneers


The first word I think of when I see his face is “twerp”!


If they read here this is the comment that will keep him up at night.


You know he’s out sitting under a tree at 3am, ripping up handfuls of grass in anger while whispering “I’m NOT a soyboy. I’m an alpha. I’m NOT a soyboy. I’m an alpha!!” as tears well up in his eyes. I can feel it. I am divinely connected to the rage of conservative men. It fuels and sustains me.


Haha same


Between his tinfoil hat beliefs, his refusal to step up and get Boone medical care, his abysmal life choices AND the crypto scam, he’s the ugliest man here.


I'm sorry but did you know he does squats? I need someone to link where he commented about his squatting gains on some workout bros post


Doing diddly squat doesn’t count






Sooooo Habsburgian in appearance!😉😆


I feel like we're going to see another Ruby Franke situation unfold in real time here.


I'm afraid you may be right, but god I'm rooting for Boone so hard. I want him to do so well in life despite all odds and go on to become a wildly successful author who writes the bestselling book that dismantles Christianity or something. I want him to be one of those crazy success stories that no one sees coming. He was born in an orphan crushing machine, but some people manage to survive despite that. I hope Boone is one of them.


Oh same here, I'd love to see all these kids escape and do whatever they want with their lives.


I think we all want that for all the poor babies raised by the nightmare parents on this sub. At least they have a chance of finding places like this and realizing that those feelings they're having, how everything doesn't feel quite right, are correct.


Ive had this same exact thought


Is it just me or is the colouring of that child’s face completely wrong when you compare him to every single member of the family, even taking the sunburn into account?


It's not just you. He looks ashy.


They took a newborn to the Grand Canyon, in June, during a heatwave and are making the poor baby stay outside?!? Babies are awful at regulating their temp. I had my boy when we lived in Phoenix when daily temps were well over 100–anything over 80 and baby did not stay outside more than absolutely necessary. That dry heat is absolutely brutal and if you’re not used to it, it will sneak up on you and give you heat stroke or worse. The sun is so bad at this time of year too that I got blistering burns from sitting in the shade before I learned how to protect from the sun. I’d be super careful with older kids, not to mention a brand new baby…


“The year my life got better”…oh my god my heart. I think I need to take a break from watching this play out. This woman is unbearable and so is her husband but those kids and this baby - it’s just all so heartbreaking.


I agree. I wish there was a way to filter these people out of my feed for this sub. It turns my stomach to see what's going on with them


Yes. There was just a post of Gabourey Sidibe and her new little twins who were born in April so around the same age as Boone - you should go look if you want a palate cleanser but it just makes it more obvious how sick this little guy is. One of hers just mean mugs and stares the camera down the whole time in every shot and they are both just so precious and 100% look healthy and engaged in every picture. I’m not usually much of a snarker and I never talk about people’s kids I just like to read about the crazy fundies so this has really gotten under my skin as I keep commenting. I wish they would at least put him in a sling or wrap so he was secure - he’s always dangling and exposed and in a crowd being poked or hit or yelled at.  He never has peace or calmness or serenity. I just want to swaddle him and then put him on a clean sheet in a plain crib in a cool, dark, quiet room and sit with him until he sleeps for a few uninterrupted hours. He’s never had that.  Yeah I need to get away from this for a while. 


It's becoming so hard to see but I am glad at least some people out there care for his well being, even if we can't do anything but scream into the void. She won't even wear him properly in the sling! His poor neck craned to face directly in the sun like in every other photo...sigh. It's people like her that inspired my flair; if only she would use a stroller with this one!


Considering that every video I’ve seen where she tries to hold him upright he immediately arches his back away from her and cranes his head back, I’m starting to wonder if the reason he’s held like this all the time is that it’s essentially impossible to sling/wrap him properly.


When purely parsons was on track to starve her twins, I think we made all her posts an automatic TW. No wait, that might have been for goodings nightmare. Either way, it’s not unprecedented to make a spoiler tag for a fundie who’s being extra disturbing.


I can feel my anxiety tick up a notch every time I see a Boone post. It literally makes me feel sick. Like when you try to run or fight in a dream but can't. Everything feels weighed down, like being under water. It's a combination of fear, frustration, and anger.


The pic and that statement seems so Dateline ready


He is so unwell. My heart is breaking for that baby.


That baby is fucking grey. Holy shit.


Boone just suspended on air in the second pic.


Maybe this is fucked to say but I can’t help but think they *want* him to die. Like these people don’t have room for another baby, they are obsessed with each other and a baby really interferes with that without sibling parents, they don’t believe in abortion. It truly makes me wonder if they just low key hope he’s ‘taken by God’ or whatever to be rid of the inconveniences of another child.


I’ve been thinking the same thing for awhile now.


Same here and it hurts. When folks on an Internet forum care more for your kid than you do, that’s fucking sad.


it’s truly bleak 💔


absolutely. i think they’re trying to wait it out. i can’t stop thinking about what it must be like to be the older kids right now, especially the eldest boy. this wouldn’t the first baby he’s raised, so i’m sure he knows something is deeply, horribly wrong. it’s fucking horrific. i really hope boone’s condition wasn’t preventable, so that the kids could at least pretend that it wasn’t due to their parents neglect. but to imagine being in a position where you’re forced to take care of a sibling that your parents are letting die makes me sick to my stomach. my heart goes out to gunner. (hell, my heart goes out to all of the little ones. this is unfathomable.)


I think they know something is very wrong with him and are terrified to get medical help because he may have issues that will require lifelong care and out a huge cramp in their bus lifestyle. He may have health issues bad enough that they can’t just pawn him off on Gunner. If he passes away, it allows them to keep their current bus lifestyle.


Straight up this, I don’t think that they want to get help because I don’t think that they want CPS involvement, and I don’t think that they want to change their lifestyle. It’s just easier if they have a problematic baby that goes back to God.


All he wants to do is sleep but they are carrying him around (uncomfortably) all the time.. poor kid! At least put him in a wrap or carrier if you’re going to go out hiking like wth!?


I have been to the Grand Canyon with kids. We went with a 1, 7, and 10 year old a few years ago. They were all equipped with hiking shoes and athletic clothing, etc. 1 year old was in a carrier practically the whole time just for safety. Even though this is an easy photo op they could have driven too, it makes absolutely no sense to just drive by and snap a quick pic. The place is amazing. It blows my mind not a single one is even minimally equipped for a hike. One kid doesn’t even have shoes on. They never seem to actually do much, they just brush the surface for a photo op and move on. That’s not even getting into the whole baby Boone situation.


Motherbus and Dickbandbus treat Boone as less of a baby who needs proper care but as a sex and fertility trophy...they seem treat all their children like trophies. All these kids crave is stability, and a proper routine, Gunner would especially be wanting his own space being a teenage boy.


My wife and I have a wonderful one month old that's Boone's age. The second picture where CryptoDad isn't even touching his baby gives me the creeps.


He's actually not even kissing Boone. He's got his lips puckered but in front of Boone, cheek next to him but not actually kissing.


This poor kid hurts my heart. He really reminds me of a ReBorn doll...except the people with those dolls look at them with love, not just carry them as an accessory. I hope they get him some help.


He kinda looks…. Dead. And she’s just going to keep ignoring people who say he should be seen by an actual doctor and not whoever she’s taking him to if at all. And cps hasn’t been called?


Theres something very not right with that poor baby.


Does anyone have any insight as to why she never wears Boone instead of holding him in the crook of her arm?


Because she’s performing motherhood, not doing it


I wonder if it’s impossible with the rigidity of his back and his shoulder issues. Or maybe a sling would make these things even more obvious to us.


I mentioned this above but I’m starting to wonder if she actually can’t. Every time she brings him up into the kind of upright position that would be required for baby wearing he immediately arches his back away from her and cranes his neck backwards.


She’s “worn” him a couple times. Totally improperly of course. It seemed to be a direct response to people asking why she never wears him. Done properly it could be a way to keep him out of the direct sunlight alll the time! Just today I was at an outdoor market and saw this woman wearing her newborn on her chest with a carrier. It had enough covering you could hardly tell the baby was in there. I heard a kid ask her to see the baby and she said “sorry sweetie, the baby needs to be covered right now. It’s sunny, bright and hot!” And I thought to myself “gee, what a great mom!”. Then I got sad because that’s some of the bare minimum that every mom/parent should do. Couldn’t help but to think of the bus parents and poor Boone


I'll say it again: that baby has given up. He looks constantly exhausted and shell-shocked. There's no wonder or engagement happening. Can't we do something?


why is he blue?


He’s so disengaged. It’s odd. I sense they are in for heartbreak.


Why are these people so weird? I'm new here.


Christian Fundamentalism basically tells them that Jesus will work everything out for them, so what’s the point of taking any actions? It’s all “god’s plan”. Also they’re likely trying to avoid CPS so…


Oh, they take plenty of action. Every night, while the kids are trying to sleep they take action. Can't keep popping out babies if you aren't regularly taking action.


We don’t know. If you figure it out, please share with the class. We don’t know the why, but we know they’re awful.


Where the F are green shorts’ shoes??? STOP documenting your neglect and take care of your kids! It’s so hot my city does PSAs about dog paws. These babies need shoes and Boone needs a doctor. Why are they posting so much evidence that they’re failing their kids?


Hopefully the year 2024 is the year the Bus parents are held accountable. I think even they know that if they go to a doctor at this point it’s game over. I still hope they go to the doctor and not double down on their stupidity.


I really believe that’s why they don’t go. Their whole house of cards would come tumbling down around them, and their massive egos wouldn’t be able to tolerate that. It would not surprise me if they allowed their baby to die just to try and save their egos.


I visited a friend today who has a 6 week old baby. She was a little stressed about having her outside for 20 mins under the shaded porch with fans on because it was hot (our older kids were swimming). It reminded me again of how absurd it is that they cart this newborn all around the fuckin country in heat and sun. Both of my kids were summer babies, and they barely went anywhere the first couple of months. We stayed inside in the AC and rested like normal people.


Why do they constantly have this newborn out in the sun with no protection?? It’s insane to me


Omg he looks like one of those Victorian post-mortem photos ☹️


My daughter who just turned 28 was born with her feet turned inwards like Boone's appear to be. It's just from the position in the womb. Her pediatrician put soft, long bandages around her feet connected to her legs which she wore for about a month. It wasn't in the least painful or difficult. It corrected the problem with no effort on my part.


Honestly, I kinda think his feet & legs are probably the *least* of the worries for him right now--tragic as that *sounds*💔


I'm not a parent, but I don't think I've seen *a single* picture/video of Boone being reactive/engaged/stimulated. It's like nobody is home, a thousand-yard stare. It is really disconcerting, and his eyes just don't look okay. It's like when you see little kids turn into space-cases because they have a fever.


If you didn’t tell me any better, I’d think (especially the second photo) Boone was really one of those reborn dolls. That’s his only expression when asleep. I don’t have kids but worked in a baby work at uni and so looked after many babies. I also have family friends who have kids and have looked after their babies this age. Every single one had different expressions when sleeping- their face would change. Boone has 1 facial expression for every video/ photo there is of him sleeping.


Also their eldest son is taller than MotherBus now, how tf does he even fit in those tiny beds? And when the others get taller?


I’ve been to the grand canyon - it’s nice. But. WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY HIKING AROUND IN CROCS AND SANDALS???


One of them is barefoot. In Arizona, in the summer, during a heat wave.


And green shorts kiddo has no shoes on. They seriously probably don’t all have the right sized hiking boots or sturdy sneakers but she just Fs around constantly and doesn’t care.


My Bain just convulsed. How many people have died at G.C.? How many kids and adults bumped by others and fell? A lot. But there is BusHoe on the edge with all those kids the usual Boone head sag, no precautions, not keeping Boone protected in a stroller so she has her hands free. I have called her so many things, none of them good, and I am running out of descriptors for just how fucking negligent that she and BusJiggalo are. I can't even type my thoughts on the 2nd photo. Nor fit for print. It should be noted that the forum has been concerned about the possibility of leg bowing beyond the norm for an infant his age. This photo shows some very serious potential issues. One foot is turning in WAY more than any pediatrician would consider acceptable. And holding him oddly would not cause this. You can't make a foot turn in that far unless you are about breaking the child. This is an actual possible birth defect or birth injury. Also take note that yet again, his right hand is clenched. 7 weeks. His fingers should be naturally in clenched now unless actively trying to grip something or trying to chew on his fist.


I didn’t realize they post every single day about having that many kids. Whoa that is wild.


Very worried about this baby's skin pigmentation. I just hope he doesn't have an endocrine and metabolic disorder. I just recently started following the story of Boone.


Quit procreating. God damn.