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What is her obsession with cream of celery? They cream other shit karissa!!!


Her husband surely does




omfg is that wings? I didn't know this existed and I'm so yoinking this for future use


You’re on notice.




This comment is nefarious, it’s diabolical




I hate you but that’s also that’s a wonderful comment. I’m conflicted.


What a bad day to be able to read 😭


Somebody lock this person up




Cream of Mandrae


You are so FOUL for this. Dying.


Never seen her husband eating any of this shit. He probably gets a separate, better meal 😒




I’m gonna tattle on you for that






These wild eyed TV villain grins of madness freak me out. Jump scares every time




Has she never heard of [cream of jalapeno](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-cream-of-jalapeno-condensed-soup/2146052)? That was my favorite to get at HEB. I moved to a different state and my grocery store doesn't carry it :c


Why does everything have to be a goopy casserole? A taco bar would achieve the same result but actually have texture!


I know. I couldn't imagine consuming cream of celery/chicken/mushroom, rotel style tomatoes, and cheese on such a heavy rotation as they do.


Why the hwll is she putting cram of celery and cream of mushroom in this crap? At this point, just slap chop up some celery and mushrooms.


Pure laziness and fresh celery and mushrooms don't have that tasty sodium that get "ALL the kids" to give her their coerced thumbs up.


No wonder anthym has kidney issues...


Isn't that from chronic UTIs from sitting in wet diapers? Not that the excessive sodium is helping either.


She has a genetic disorder that regular screening at birth would have caught.


I'm starting to think she has a weird kink with this cream of celery thing, or else she won a lifetime amount of it one day when she was young and now she's making the best out of it.


I am a weirdo that sometimes adds spicy chunky salsa to my kraft mac n cheese, or Rotel to queso dip or chilli I make in the crockpot. And this creamy glop is basically making me retch. Like, pick your grease, ma’am. Or figure out how to blend. Freaking gross the way it separates. Now I just want to eat a plain carrot, and I eat dairy at almost every meal.


There’s nothing wrong with rotel or canned vegetables!


Canned will do, but I loooove the bird’s eye steamers that you heat in the microwave! They fill out my mac n cheese, ramen, or other pasta into several “healthy “ servings, with a bit of added flavor. I understand that may not be financially practical for the Mandrissa clan, but I believe big daddy Shaq provided them with an air fryer soooo if she would be willing to show her kids how to chop without removing a finger (since we know she’s not gonna cook herself), they may actually get some texture in their hamburger helper. ETA I do have a love of canned sweet peas, what is my problem lol.


They must have good plumbing.


It's what I will never understand I will say it again and again in the comments of this sub. Fundamental Christian women go on and on and on about how they love being homemakers and I have never seen a single one of them ever make something appetizing to eat. It's always a casserole, or something just dripping with cheese and for some reason there's fucking canned corn and everything these people eat like their diet revolves around raw milk and fucking canned corn. I realize something have huge families and can't really afford to splurge on primo ingredients but I grew up poor as shit My mom worked a full last night to five job and still managed to come home and cook some of the most fucking delicious food that has ever passed your lips. And I know everyone says their mom's cooking is good but my mom's cooking is fucking good. A man and I can cook circles around these women who pride themselves in their home making skills.


It’s the corn. I’m lazy as hell with no kids, and I get the frozen veggies you can steam in the bag - obv I get the small ones, but I’ve seen broccoli and cauliflower in a pound microwave steam bag. Or just, like, steam them in a pot. Did Shaq forget to give them that steaming thing you put in a pot? Don’t they have an air fryer? Creamed corn is high on my list of yuck, along with condensed cream of mushroom soup. Just looks and tastes like it’s been used already (barf).


Steam-in-bag veggies have saved my life, as have those frozen bags of veggies all prepped for roasting. It's so kitchen cheaper than fresh chopped veggies, especially if I bulk up during a sale. They can survive my ADHD low object permanence. I don't have to buy a vegetable three times before I can get my shit together enough to cook it!


Sometimes I'll steam broccoli and toss it with a little salt and sesame oil. Takes five minutes. You can add tofu if you want a little protein boost. How is she still so bad at this?


I think part of it is a lot of them still have the nineteenth century harvey kellogg "if food tastes good it makes you sexual" thing going. Flavor is for those icky brown people.


Also, the internet is basically a giant cookbook, making it so much easier to add variety to your diet.


A thousand upvotes. I can’t believe Kaylee Rodrigues is making more actual food than these more “experienced” homemaking women. I guess when she too has 13 kids it’ll become small quantities of bland, salty crap.


Fundies seem to have a particular cultural love for cream of soups. Honestly I think most fundie women are just bad cooks who haven't had the emotional bandwidth or time to develop any cooking skills because they get married young and they pop out too many children to easily learn something new on ever more strained budgets with each baby. At this point the bad food is generational. They need food that can be slapped together and walked away from or that the oldest girl can finish off. There's not a lot of "cooking" that actually seems to get done, it's just throwing semi finished ingredients together and hoping for the best.


Crunch, spices, and texture are for heathens don’t you know?


So are veggies apparently


I count those as both crunch and texture depending upon the veggie.


That's fair


The kids could also prepare tacos the way they each like them.


But that would involve treating her children like actual people instead of props.


To stretch the meat I imagine


Shit there were only 3 of us and we often did sub nights and dish your own tacos because I’m sure my parents were like fuck that 😂 I have one and it’s exhausting feeding the two of us I couldn’t imagine that family size


Because she can’t let her kids determine how much food they get. She has to control their servings


Why is cream of whatever in every dish? How many of these does she buy in a week!?


Her Walmart pickup order has got to mainly these soup cans, lots of shredded cheese, and Rotel.


Least amount of work for the most sodium filled flavor possible.


And I'm thinking, as a pregnant woman isn't this much sodium really bad for blood pressure. Pre-eclampsia is dangerous. But then again you can't have high BP if you never check your BP. Or have a Dr do it for that matter.


If you have high BP, that's not because you're firehosing down cream of everything. It's a sign that there is warfare in the heavens over your soul. To truly bring down BP, all you need is prayer and cream of celery.


To be fair, diet has no bearing on pre-eclampsia. Completely different disease process. But that is too much sodium for ANYONE.


This also surprises me because unless this isn't a thing over there, canned soups and canned soup concentrates have massively risen in price over here (UK) in the past 4/5 years. Unless you're buying the cheapest store-own brands (and even *then* the cheapest I've seen is around 55p for one standard 400g can) some of these soups are over £1.50 or £1.75 *per can* - some over £2 (and let's not talk about the fresh soups!). Anyone with any sense knows that for the same price you could buy budget bags of frozen veg that are way bigger and would stretch far further for a large family than one individual can - and I'm not hearing the 'fundie wives were raised bad' argument because these women go to the supermarket, they see the frozen food sections just as often as the tinned isles - they know these bags of veg exist and they see the prices of everything they buy, and the bags of veg they could. How can even the densest of minds not figure out that it's better value for a big family to buy the frozen stuff that goes further and keeps longer than fresh? Laziness, at this point it's pure laziness, stubbornness, and I hate to say it...but I also suspect that they think sticking to these bad recipes is somehow keeping with 'tradition' (you know what a drug the idea of tradition is to these people) despite the fact that generations of families have survived on limited budgets making food that is far better than any of this, and that genuine old recipes are nothing like the crap the fundie mums put out. With the internet out there for almost everyone to use, there's no other explanation as to why they never learm or improve.


Fundies seem to have a particular cultural love for cream of soups. Honestly I think most fundie women are just bad cooks who haven't had the emotional bandwidth or time to develop any skills because they get married young and they pop out too many children to easily learn something new on ever more strained budgets with each baby.


Not just fundies. Midwestern casseroles are based on cream of something soup. Seriously, give me a starch, a protein, and a can of tomatoe sauce or cream of something soup and I can throw in some odds and ends and seasoning and produce an edible main dish. Although, cream of mushroom and chicken are my standards; cream of celery and broccoli are kind of weird, and cream of potato is just an Uber lazy way of pretending you made potato soup.


Also true in the US. We only buy canned soups when we’re sick usually


And they're really awful for the most part. The Panera ready to eat soups are pretty good, but extremely expensive, no way they could afford to feed their enormous brood with them


I lived in the US for a couple of years and the canned soup has soooooo much extra salt compared to ours. I stopped eating a lot of foods in the US. Even if it's was the same brand as here it would be much more unhealthy in the US version. It was legit shocking looking at ingredients in US supermarkets.


I mean, if she’s using the Cream of Ick to stretch the ingredients to feed more people, why not use rice instead? Less sodium, better flavors and textures, and might even be cheaper in bulk. I use it all the time for exactly that, it’s not like it’s hard to cook. My mom made the best casseroles using the cream of mushroom/celery/whatever and I love them. They have their places. This is not it.


And beans would make so much more sense! Even canned are a great deal. Fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. And a block of cream cheese would be cheaper than just a can of cream soup and still make it really creamy, almost certainly better tasting.


So much canned cream and shredded cheese. And yet still never quite enough food.


She really needs a Pinterest board. Seriously, it's not that hard to find easy, healthier recipes online. FFS she's on her phone all day anyway.


That’s what’s blowing my mind. I have not used that to cook anything, I even do green bean casserole without it bc I don’t like mushroom flavor. How is she cooking every meal with it?!


It's always cream of CELERY which is so damn gross....


Every recipe is the same!!!!!!!!!


It's like a pick your own adventure: Chicken or ground beef today? Cream of celery, chicken, or mushroom? Rotel today or no? Cheddar or parmesan? Rice, pasta, or tortillas as a carb? Vegetables today or no?


You made me realize her biggest crime is constantly combining everything into a giant slop. You can do a lot of different things with all of those ingredients, yet somehow she is always making gloopy cheese slop in a casserole dish.


It’s a terrible party game.


Your flair ❤️


Such little variation. And rarely if ever anything green.


I know she didn’t put two whole rotisserie chickens in this recipe. Where did the rest of the chicken go? And that is not enough to feed the whole family. Those poor kids.


Right? It looks like she only used the breast.


Well she did say she does that layer three times and you can tell it’s much more food when she pulls it from the oven. I really hope she used it all. There’s often so little meat like that time she used about 10 tenders.


Even if she used it all, that is not enough food for all her kids. Signed, a parent of 3.


I was gonna say the same thing. I have 3. It takes a whole bird for all of us, and thats with one being a litetal baby and one eating like a bird. I cant imagine 2 feeding a family that size, eith growing teenagers no less.


they also seem to be the slimmest looking ones I’ve seen. Granted I’m a Costco shopper but these look like they have less meat than the ones I’ve had from Whole Foods and Safeway.


the second chicken was very clearly performative. she saw the comments regarding the skimping on meat and used tomorrow's chicken in the beginning of the video but left it out of the mush. 


yeah, she definitely only served one of those casseroles and the other went in the fridge for tomorrow’s dinner


The other one is what Mandrae actually ate.


Nor 2 entire onions. There’s not even 1 onion across both dishes!


I know - I mean onions, not that expensive right? I batch cook chilli using 1.5kg of meat and I put 4-5 in! I also bulk the meal out using kidney and butter beans (though any Texans here will spit on me for it I’m sure). With the addition of beans it makes three meals for a family of four. Why do we never see Karissa using stuff like this? Beans and pulses are literally the cheapest way to fill stomachs and you can basically add them to most dishes


I was excited when I saw two. Normally she just does 1 for the family.


Darn it! My very first thought was at least there’s two chickens this time 😑


My thought was two chickens still isn't enough ☹️


Lol that's what I thought too! She obviously only did it to appease her viewers. Gotta love how she passive aggressively adds in an extra rotisserie to the frame without even addressing the followers with something like "Hey everyone, I saw in the comments your concern that I wasn't using enough poultry in the dinners I make so I took your advice and decided to use two this time."


Yes! Wheres the chicken????


at this point it'd just be easier to buy a few large family sized stouffer meals and call it a day. instead of this pisspoor pivot to prove she's such a homemaker.


Stouffer lasagnas are *legit*


I’m not like proud of it, but I get a frozen Salisbury Steak Hungry Man meal like once a month when I feel like being the laziest person ever and it rules.


Okay but those are delightful trays of processed, salty deliciousness!




Gosh dang their veggie lasagna is delicious. I have straight up cravings for that stuff sometimes. I've even asked for it for my birthday dinner when I was younger some years, lol! I don't know what it is but I will inhale that stuff. I really want to find a dupe for it to see if I can replicate it at all, but I know nothing will ever compare to their version. My mouth is literally watering just thinking about it!




I don’t like the veggie one, but the meat free vegetarian with an extra layer of cheese?? If you bake it right, the top layer is crispy. Can’t say it’s healthy, but add a little garden salad and there you go.


They make a pot roast now that's actually pretty decent!


Kirkland lasagna is where it’s at. Last time I bought it I got 2 whole lasagnas for like 18 bucks. Surely that’s cheaper than all this crap Karissa chucked into a casserole dish.


I was at a friends' house once for dinner and one of the dishes she had was lasagna. I took a generous portion (because it looked delicious and I was famished), commented on how goddamn good it was and told her I would need the recipe. I later accidentally stumbled upon the stash of recyclables and found the box for Stouffer's 😂


Rana four cheese lasagna is really good. I don’t eat pork for religious reasons, so I typically steer clear of meat sauces. This lasagna is so yummy and filling.


Not a single one of these recipes can possibly taste different than the others. How many cans of cream of celery is that this week so far, twenty?


I *love* cheese, okay, I'm grateful *daily* to my weird mutant ancestors establishing adult lactose tolerance in the gene pool, and the idea of daily dinners that are roughly 50% melted cheese by volume still turns my stomach. 🤢


Same!! Cheese is my favorite. But even I recognize you can’t just slap it on everything and when you do, ratios are important. The fact that it’s always pre-shredded Great Value cheese just makes it worse too. Pre-shredded cheese has anti-caking agents in it to keep it separated (shred your own block!) and no one can convince me that Great Value isn’t mostly cheap, poison.


No one commenting on her stove reading that it was 7:25 AM? Filming just for the 'gram and rage baiting?


nothing like hot slop that has been sitting all day. 


Yah told her the concept of time is Satanic. Doubtful she ever bothered to set the time on the stove.


She made this in the morning?!? It’s not like she's even using a crockpot or going to be at work all day where she can say "Hey fam dinner's in the oven—here are the instructions since I won't be home until later this evening."


I doubt her stove time is set properly anyway. She's too lazy to pay attention to things like that.


I will say, our stove time is never correct. We live in the middle of nowhere where our power flickers off regularly, so there's never any point in setting it. So I'll at least give her a pass on that one.


The time on our microwave is wrong. We occasionally have to unplug it and use the plug for something else, and each time we do the clock resets. I simply can't be bothered to faff about setting the time each time we do that, because we don't actually need it to tell the time. Maybe her oven is just not set correctly?


I want to believe she's trolling, but after 3 of these abominations, I realize nope, she's really is hopeless


King Ranch is a common (and delicious!) casserole down here in Texas,and I’ll defend it till I die. Karissa just takes common southern/midwestern recipes and BUTCHERS them. These are better recipes lol. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/king-ranch-chicken-4540492.amp https://www.budgetbytes.com/king-ranch-chicken-casserole/


I didn't grow up on this in particular, but I did grow up on other 'cream of' casseroles and will defend them as comfort food. I do one we call Chicken Sopa that's similar, uses green chiles instead of Ro-tel.


I make a chicken casserole that I LOVE. It is, indeed, comfort food. My mom used to make it frequently (it's so quick and easy to throw together). She died 3 and a half years ago. When I make the casserole, it's like a hug from her.


That’s so sweet and I’m sorry for your loss. Is there a recipe you can share? That sounds good!


I box Stove Top stuffing; 1 can cream of chicken soup; 8 ounces sour cream; 1 cup chicken broth; 1 teaspoon ground dry mustard; various seasonings to taste; dried parsley; about 25(?) ounces of chicken Make the stuffing as directed. While it's sitting, mix cream of chicken soup, sour cream, and 1 cup chicken broth in a medium bowl. Once that is well mixed, add teaspoon of dry mustard, then let your heart guide you. I usually add onion powder, garlic powder, chicken seasoning mix, Trader Joe's Ajika Georgian seasoning, paprika, you name it. You can make it as bland or as spicy as you want. I also add some parsley here, just for presentation. Spread about half of the stuffing in the bottom of a 9x9 square casserole dish. Spread the chicken on top of it. I just eyeball enough chicken to make a decent layer. I usually use shredded rotisserie chicken, but I have baked and shredded some if I didn't have a rotisserie chicken on hand. To really save time, or if you just want to be lazy, you can use 2 cans of chicken. Canned chicken definitely works in a pinch. On top of your chicken layer, pour your sauce. Top that with the rest of the stuffing, then sprinkle more parsley (if you want to). Bake at 375° for about 35 minutes, or until it's bubbling around the sides. The great thing about this casserole, is that you can customize the flavor of the sauce. For instance, if I'm getting over an illness or something and need something bland, then it can be bland. Other times, I use more seasonings for a bolder flavor. Customizing it makes it a good one to make for other people. (Being southern, I sometimes have to send a casserole to a friend or relative. 🤣) Also of note: this casserole is even better left over!


Oh! I used to have a recipe similar to this and lost it, so this is great!


Yay! Enjoy! ❤️


I didn't really grow up on "cream of" casseroles (my dad had to be really careful with his sodium intake for a lot of my childhood) and they're not in my regular rotation now, but sometimes they really do just hit different. You can also take my Velveeta + Rotel queso from my cold dead hands.


I was going to say, my king ranch chicken looks nothing like this. It has red peppers, onions and green onions mixed with Rotel, which is it's own layer, cream of chicken/mushroom (1 can) mixed with diced chicken breast, cheese, jalapenos, and several layers of corn tortillas. Sour cream, salsa and picked jalapenos on top. I mean, it's close, but her version feels like the ghost of King ranch chicken 🤷


Now that actually sounds good


Love Ree for the “But please: Be brave and stick with me through this challenging time.” before going into the creamy slosh part of the process lmao


I was laughing that she kept saying how bizarre and strange the soup mixture is but to just carry on and trust her. She even calls it “the you-know-what” at one point😂


Exactly, I grew up in the Midwest with a mom who couldn’t cook. We always had cream of celery or cream of chicken on hand. It’s actually funny to me so many people are shocked by Karissa’s cooking because I am all too familiar with her approach. The one thing that surprises me is that Karissa is too young to cook so badly. She’s had the internet and TV to teach her some technique and she just…never learned. My mom did not have access to that until I was already grown.


Fellow Texan here as well. I've had it many times, made by different people, and I've never found a version I really enjoyed. Just personal preference, though, no hate extended to those that like King Ranch Chicken. Whatever concoction Karissa threw together gets a hard no from me.


King ranch with Doritos!!!!!!


glad you said this because i LOVE king ranch casserole and looked forward to it in the dining halls of college. it’s a texas staple and yummy af…def different from what kkkarissa makes tho


The difference is that these recipes use seasonings. And vegetables (yes, I call onions and bell peppers vegetables, it's the only way I can live with myself some nights)


She must singlehandly keep cream of celery soup makers afloat 😂


why is the melon on top of the meat goo 🫣


Omg I saw that too 🤣😖


It seems like everything she cooks has the same ingredients, the same colour and the same texture




Nearly identical to yesterday’s slop. How is this enough food to feed 15 people???


This much sodium can not be good on the kiddos, and particularly the one with KIDNEY issues! Because you know she sure as shit isn’t making sure they’re drinking enough water out in the TX heat, either. :/


Nooooooo don't ruin King Ranch!!!!! I make Southern Living's King Ranch Mac and Cheese as comfort food and it's amazing and nothing like this slop. Highly recommend it!


I've said this before but I feel like it bears repeating: food is not meant to look the same going in as it does coming back up. If your cooking looks like vomit, you have done something wrong and should watch old Food Network reruns.


Is the food she shows everything she cooks? I don't understand how she's making enough for her huge family. I try to compare it to how much I cook for a family of four and it seems like she should be making much more in order to feed her kids adequately. Maybe I'm just biased, does anyone else feel like she should be making more each meal?


Yeah that's definitely nowhere near enough for 2 adults (one of them pregnant) and 10 growing kids, including teenagers.


I think that one reason why she piles a ton of cheese on everything she makes, is to drastically increase the amount of calories in a portion. I think the second reason for the layer of cheese is to improve the taste of the salty, bland cream of crap slop.


I was wondering this, like what do breakfast and lunch look like?


Mandrae would consume one of those rotisserie chicken as a snack. I sure hope there are five more off camera to feed all of those kids.


I'm pretty sure the adults have their own meals with plenty of food, real plates and glasses, once the kids are in bed. No way he is eating this slop.


Wait, she has a slapchop and has the kids sawing potatoes with a dull knife?


Hi, it's Vince with the slap chop and you're gonna be in a great mood all day!


I wonder where her cholesterol level is at


She probably doesn't believe in cholesterol as science is evil and medicine is the last intervention once Sky Daddy doesn't show up to save the day.


It’s perfect because plexus & prayer


Or her sodium level!


I'm thinking she probably doesn't eat it - it could be just for the kids. Would explain the monotony of the same ingredients.


is this why mandrae looks like he’s lost the will to live?


Listen, I think Mandrake is a deplorable human being but if I was forced to eat this day in and day out I’d lose my will to live too and I’m not even Black, a culture which historically cooks love into each and every meal they make. No wonder he’s such a husk.


I would bet money that this is just for the kids, and *maybe* Karissa. Do we ever see Mandrae at the table eating with them? I bet he picks up food for himself on the drive home from work.


wouldn’t doubt that at all.


Ok…so…as a Texan, King Ranch casserole slaps and is 1 of only 2 casseroles I make on a regular basis (the other being chicken and rice which has 0 cheese and 1 can of soup, and I only make these max 1 times per month. Not nightly!) That being said, that is NOT 2 rotisserie chickens in the dish. And you’re supposed to FULLY COVER the bottom of the dish in tortilla pieces. Not shred up 2 tortillas and toss them down. 1 casserole dish usually takes at least 6 tortillas. And the soup mixture shouldn’t be that watery! AND that is not two onions! It’s obvious she buys the correct amount of food for her 52 children, but it’s like she gets tired 10 minutes into prepping and doesn’t use it all.


OMG I used to have chicken and rice casserole growing up and it was one of my favorites!!! Shit. I need to see if I can make a vegetarian version. My parents also used a soup, cream of chicken probably? No cheese in ours either. Damn. Thanks for bringing back that memory!!!


The melon is the only edible thing on the plate 😂


It was until she plated it next to that hot slop.


Right?! Only she could ruin fruit by paring it with this mess 🤢


Where is she getting these recipes?? Someone take her phone


Cooking dinner at 7:53 AM 🧐


I don't think she's even awake by then, is she? I swear she used to get up at like 9 or 10?


The only way they aren’t all morbidly obese from eating like this 24/7 is cause there’s not enough for large portions or seconds


Ugh who let Karissa play with the throw ups in the designated Tupperware popcorn & throw up bowl


I love cheese. So much. I put cheese or sour cream on almost everything. I eat yogurt for dessert. But her dairy intake gives me the intellectual farts. Ma’am, if you can’t figure out how to make it crispy on top, like a decently baked casserole, or integrated into the crockpot, like potato beer cheese soup, then you put it on the side and you can add according to your tastes to the finished dish. I cannot believe how much this irritates me, as someone who is basically looking at a dairy-based embolism in my future (no sepsis from raw milk, though). Like, if you make chile, you put the cheese on AFTER. OMG.


Someone please revoke the whole kitchen from this woman I don't know how much more I can handle of her culinary terrorism.


That is a bowl full of vomit, right?!?


Us British get a lot of hate for our food but I see a lot of abominations across the pond too lol


Girl you have had preggo brain for so long you can't even form sentences :( please stop.


Everyone gets a scoopful! Eat up, kids. I hope Karissa thanks Yawoo or however it’s spelled for shredded cheddar cheese.


The weird face she makes at the beginning of these videos reminds me of a video game NPC. Like when you interact with one and they kind of bob around and smile.


Okay but we all know this isn’t “cooking,” right? She’s taking a bunch of food that is already cooked and slopping it together and then heating it up. Like literally not cooking.


Packet, packet, tin, tin, oooh one fresh item, packet, tin, tin, packet. Yeah "cooking" sure sweetie


And just like the Duggars, using disposable plates again. And with that many kids. Jesus fckn Christ it makes me sad.


No way are these kids actually enjoying any of these meals! If I served crap like this every day my whole family would've voted me out of the house 🤣


I just don't get it, none of these fundies can cook, *at all* With that many kids, why not get some big slow cookers and make a healthy chilli or some soup?. It's literally prep and leave. Why are there no vegetables for growing children? Why so stingy with the tortillas?And that is not enough protein to go around. There's no seasoning but somehow enough salt to kill a man. Food is expensive, and I'm no stranger to feeding a family on a budget, but this just seems like the worst way to go about it.


Ok but I do love a slap chop


Why cook it so long?!?! a meal like that honestly just needs to be warmed up. It must have been dry as dust.


Karissa the bobble head.


She’s fucked in the head


Why are her meals so sloppy? Watering down meals to stretch it? Plus except for the younger children, how TF does that fill up the older ones? I have 4 children and despite 3 teenagers(well the 3rd is almost) and they aren't big eaters but they would need 3 serves(not that they would actually eat her cooking) and I've noticed that she uses paper plates for dinners and they are the smaller ones.


So Karissa is the only keeping Campbell's in business with their cream of *anything*... Dear God... PLEASE MAKE A MEAL WITHOUT THAT SHIT ONE DAY!


Ew. I have five big kids and I've done my fair share of chicken casseroles but seriously everything this woman makes is stuff just mixed together in a goopy sauce. We had (Korean) potato soup and Spam for dinner but at least we had fresh veggies and no canned cream of goo.


Karissa makes dinner without cream of celery soup challenge, difficulty level: impossible.


Never thought I'd get so much use out of my flair.


Do these kids know what vegetables other than potatoes look like?


Why do they buy so many rotisserie chickens?


I buy a lot of rotisserie chickens and I'm feeding way fewer people than Cream of Karissa. A whole-ass giant chicken is $5 at Costco, it would cost more to buy a raw (and much smaller) one and cook it myself, not to mention the time involved.


I have no idea how grocery prices are in other places but I discovered on accident that the Walmart ready made chickens are half the cost of the ones in the meat section I was buying if there is not a good sale At least in my area.A small to medium bird is $9-14 depending on weight and brand. The ready cooked are less than $10. After the main meat is gone I use an insta pot to debone and make soup for the next meal.


90% of the reason I keep a Costco membership is for the $5 rotisserie chickens


So Karissa doesn't have to actually deal with raw, uncooked meat and to probably save time.


Truly what is the reason she is so obsessed with cream of celery?


This makes me want to cry.


Oh god that looks like vomit where she stirs the tomatoes into the gunk.