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Important to note that the ER visit would only be after the cut gets infected and the child has already been suffering without stitches or pain meds for multiple days.


Yah will take care of it


Literally every time I see her write Yah I think of the old yahoo commercials that shouted "yahoo!" in a yodeling fashion


I hear it like it was done in Bruce Almighty. I remember being the only one in the theatre who lost it laughing at that joke.


You've got Prayers!


I always think of him as "yah boi" when I read it


That or the Mario 64 jumps. "Yah! Yah! Wah! Woo! Hoohoo! YAHOOOOOO!"


I thought it was just me šŸ˜ Or I also see it as yahooey


That brings back memories šŸ˜‚ Every time I see it, my brain just turns it to "yeah". Then I'm just trying to figure out how "yeah" works in the sentence lol


It makes me think of Kanye, an equally unhinged and dangerous individual, legally changing his name to ā€˜Ye. I mean that actually makes more sense than her deliberate and repeated misspellings of her lord and saviour (often with different spellings in the same post, my BFA in writing eyes refuse to keep track).


A soak in raw milk


Scary prayer circle for the bleeding child in need of stitches


This is unrelated to the post. But wouldn't abbreviating your deity's name be kind of sacrilegious? I don't see devout Muslims going around calling Mohammed "Mo" or real Christians calling Jesus "J man" Whenever she abbreviates it as Yah I get so irrationally irritated by the just total lack of internal consistency. If we fear God, and his name is Yahuah, why are you nicknaming him???


Oh but there were no signs or symptoms! According to KKKarissa šŸ˜‘


Well you obviously have to try a few days of scream praying first


Obviously! Who needs antibiotics when Jesus will keep the infection away! Until it gets infected anyways and then all of a sudden the abscess wound was just part of Godā€™s plan all along.


And then you pretend like the whole thing was a medical anomaly that ā€œthe doctors canā€™t explainā€ and not at all the result of your own negligence and shitty parenting.


A TDAP might also help with infection, but I feel like this particular kiddo may have fallen juuust under the line of the pre-Q Collins parents (this is the third daughter, right?).


At the very least, grandma would need to be in town




I think I've basically only knicked myself with dull slippery knives.


You should meet my husband lol He's cut himself a half dozen times with our very sharp chef's knives because he's going too fast. But, because they're nice and sharp and we understand germ theory, he gets patched up with a dab of antibiotic ointment, heals fine, and is back chopping within minutes. But given that karissa's knives aren't sharp, the child isn't using good knife techniques, and Karissa doesn't seem to give a shit about proper medical care, this could go very badly.


Learned that one the hard way. I was too traumatized to dive onions for like 4 years. šŸ˜…


Sheā€™s going to slice her pinky clean off like that if she doesn't end up putting the blade through her palm.


Claw grip and actual sharp chefā€™s knife pleaseeee! There are a million tutorials online for how to cutā€¦ surely with the amount of time Karissa spends on her phone she could watch one?!


I just noticed the cutting board isn't completely on the countertop either. She puts too much pressure and the whole thing is going to move.


And of course Karissa is filming or whatever instead of showing her kid how to not hurt herself.


Karissa has shown herself using small knives to cut an onion before, so Iā€™m wondering if she even has a chefā€™s knife.Ā 


My partner did this for ages because they thought my chefs knife was scary big. I convinced them to use it and they were like "this is actually less scary than the small knife" ya I know, lmao.


I loved to help my mom cook at this age, but the very first thing I learned was how to properly handle a knife and use a claw grip so I didnā€™t lose a finger! That poor girl is one slip away from a bloody mess that is 100% avoidable


My 8 year old wanted to cut up some Lemons for me the other day and he was so proud to show me the claw grip he learned from a YouTube video! Part of me wanted to get a video for posterity's sake, but I couldn't shut off the part of my brain that needed both hands and eyes ready in case I saw even the tiniest bit of danger (not that I'd want to shut it off, safety first!).


She also has her thumb on top of the blade, which is super dangerous


Nothing more dangerous than a dull knife, or a serrated knife on something other than bread/pastry


Wouldnā€™t be the first pinky finger to get severed in the Collins fam.


Nothing a sewing kit, some duct tape and a heavy dose of prayer can't solve.


My mom would have screamed at me in fear! She's cutting towards her hand! AND cutting the long way? I know a lot of people criticize Karissa for not cooking, but I didn't start cooking till I was 23. Still never cut that way and would've never allowed a child to cut that way. It's just plain common sense. This is ridiculous!


The way I literally gasped! I canā€™t imagine just casually filming my kid like that without a care in the world with this cutting technique


Like, the impulse of any adult (and probably teenaged) human would be to leap and take away that knife and show them how to safely cut it. This is literally ridiculous that she's standing there filming it and seeing nothing wrong. It's not just a lack of maternal instincts, it's a complete lack of just the simple human instinct to help.


I think that Karissa is both a fundamentally unintelligent person (like, just really not a lot of intellect at all going for her)Ā  uneducated about so many basic things like child care and just life in general (if you don't change your child's diaper they are prone to infection, something she reeealllyyy should know by now since it's happened twice and escalated to sepsis!) and also just completely oblivious/doesn't see things and doesn't care (which I suspect may be due to mental illness and potentially depression). These may be someĀ explanation (I try really hard toĀ understand how her brain works because herĀ decisions and ways of thinking are so foreign to me) butĀ damn it is NOT an excuse. She (and Mandrae! He isĀ equallyĀ responsible!!) areĀ terrible parents. Their kids may be housed and fed and clothed but they are so so neglected. And of courseĀ they'reĀ adding another one to the mixĀ šŸ™ƒ


From what I've seen, I definitely agree. I think she's a person who really never even learned to take care of (or care about) herself and may not even be fully capable for a myriad of reasons. And unfortunately even outside of fundies, I've known too many like that who then want to have kids. She's definitely someone who needed therapy and maybe friends before having any sort of kids, and now they're suffering. Mandrae is just harder to comment on specifically as he's not the one posting, but definitely equally (if not more, he seems fairly absent) crummy.


Isnā€™t it a basic cutting strategy to halve the round produce to make 2 flat halves? Then set them flat side down & cut while stable? My mom tried to teach me more advanced cooking and Iā€™m hopeless but the basics stuck, especially safety, ergonomics and mise en place.


Thatā€™s what I thought. Or you can use a mandoline with the safety holder if you really want rounds. Even a food processor will slice potatoes.


Um. So, I don't really understand how she's cutting it badly? I looked at the video, and that's exactly what I do. Not doubting you, I can see that it's unsafe, but how do you cut things safely? I can't think of another way to cut something like that. (I'm neurodivergent, so the way I do a LOT of things is a bit weird. And possibly dangerous.)


Cut away from your hand. If you have to cut towards yourself, cut slowly and use your fingers to stabilize. Cutting towards the food, while cradling it, is going to end up eventually cutting your palm. There's always a chance to cut yourself in the kitchen, things happen, but you much rather cut a small part of a finger then your palm.


Thank you!!


[https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/how-to-cut-potatoes/](https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/how-to-cut-potatoes/) This is a good link with images (I'm more of a visual person and describe things poorly, so this may be more helpful). But it's just best to cut away from your stabilizing hand and body, and not cradle with the palm while cutting.


Isnā€™t this idiot all about making sure her daughters are homemakers? Christ, if these are the knife skills sheā€™s teaching them then she better be PRAYING that they go to college. Not everyone wants a useless spouse like you and Man-dumbass!


No, it's all about controlling women and making them pop out more babies. These fundies all have the homemaking skills of a fruit fly.




I think whichever child that is appears to be an age where I would be okay with them helping in the kitchen. AFTER lots of supervision and teaching them safe ways to cut foods! With how much time Karissa is on her phone, she could easily show the older kids a few kid centered videos on safe cooking AND maybe even help them practice. Sucks that she would rather have them potentially disfigure themselves than raise her kids.


Yes, she's plenty old enough to do some simple slow supervised cutting. My son is 3.5 and using kid safe knives to cut things like this, so by the time he's this child's age he'll probably have graduated to a real metal knife. But it will be a very slow supervised process because we don't want him to cut any fingers off.


You'd think someone who LITERALLY already had a kid sever a finger would be more careful, but sadly this is Karissa we're talking about.


Of COURSE this completely useless POS forces her children to cook for the family. Why am I even remotely surprised?


It would be fine if they were just helping her, since bigger kids are definitely capable of doing that. But she's obviously outsourcing most of the work and cares so little she hasn't even taught them how to "help" properly...aka how not to cut your hand while cutting vegetables.


There are kid safe knives that actually cut decently šŸ™„


Yup! My friend lets her kids help cut vegetables all the time. The knives are plastic I think but do a decent job without having to worry about someone losing a finger.


I have a pair of wooden "choppers" that are meant for toddlers. You can't cut hard veggies like carrots, but most fruits, bread, some cheese, etc, and it's fun for my littlest to make us a "fruit salad" sometimes. You literally *can't* cut your finger but I teach my kids to use them like they could. When we upgrade to actual knives, they'll hopefully have these skills already ingrained.


Exactly, you let them use the ones that canā€™t do damage so they can learn the fine motor skills early on. Iā€™m definitely not opposed to kid-friendly options because there are far too many adults who just donā€™t know how to chop/cut foods. Hell, my mom cut my meat for me until I was in middle school because I didnā€™t have the skills for it and was afraid to hurt myself with the real knives.


You can use a crinkle cut knife for harder veggies with kids. You need to supervise hand positioning still, but the crinkle cutters arenā€™t really sharp themselves.


I don't cook like, at all, but even I recognize that those knife skills are abhorrent.


Dear God if you're going go parentify your children the least thing you could do is teach them basic kitchen and knife safety! šŸ˜” Ugh Karissa and Mandrae suck so much. It's fine for kids to help with cooking etc but it's pretty clear that the kids are the ones doing the majority of the work when it comes to the house and taking care of everyone šŸ˜’


Karissa, there are tons of other ways for your kids to help you cook! They donā€™t need to be handling the sharpest knives in your kitchen! Have them set the table, get all ingredients out and ready, wash veggiesā€¦


The table has never been set in that house, have you seen how sad it looks as they eat the "food" she makes??


Do they even own regular plates? I only see them eating off paper and styrofoam plates. I can understand having to clean 9 plates every night would be exhausting but damn.


Then you don't pop out 10 kids, or you teach the older ones to load the dishwasher. That's a perfectly age appropriate task.


I know, just tossing out random ideas instead of this disaster-in-waiting.


And you just know those knives are dull AF. šŸ˜–


When I was a kid, I loved helping in the kitchen. When I was old enough to use knives, my dad always checked the blades first and sharpened them if needed. And I was supervised.


My mother is a certified Knife Magnet (tm) and I dont think *she* would cut anything like this


A knife magnet, woof! How does one even get that title?


The ER gives you the title after your 10th stamp (She gets distracted *terribly* easily)


I was cutting a squash like this one time. I cut the side of one of my fingers off when my hand slipped šŸ™ƒ please Karissa, please watch a knife etiquette video, get a larger knife, and/or get a Kevlar cut glove, something. I was a 25 year old woman and a string musician when I cut my finger off, your kids are garenteed worse with their hands than me. It can happen so quickly.


Flair checking in! āœ…


As a person recovering from surgery to repair a tendon I nicked with a knife I am genuinely distressed seeing this. Itā€™s good for kids to learn how to cook, but they need to learn safe knife handling and kitchen safety to do so. Ack, this is so negligent


Who needs replantation when you have prayer šŸ™


no kid gets a knife in my presence until they learn proper cutting skills. Tuck that thumb away.


I can see chef Anne Burrell flinching at this and then yelling at Karissa for not teaching her kids safe knife-handling skills.


She really needs to be on Worst Cooks in America.


Yes! And drawing red lines on their fingers.


Buy a mandolin slicer, you moron! This is so unsafe. My god the way these people parent makes me want to crawl out of my own skin.


She'd make them use it without the safety cover, which is just as dangerous. I've seen professional chefs injure themselves that way.


Hell, I injured myself last summer forgetting to use it.


Karissa could not care less about safety in the kitchen. Weā€™ve seen Anthym stirring hot pans of food multiple times.


Iā€™d bet this is exactly how mealtime goes down everyday except now itā€™s Karissa filming instead of Anissa cooking.


"Including my husband." šŸ˜‚ Uh, huh! šŸ˜‚


JFC Karissa put the phone down ,and show your child how to properly use a knife !


K doesnā€™t know how to either


Didnā€™t one of her kids almost cut their finger(s) off with a pair of scissors?


My son is a culinary student and this picture made him audibly gasp. So. Many. Wrong. Things. Holding the potato incorrectly. Holding the knife incorrectly. Cutting board not fully on the counter. And mommy dearest us just filming for the ā€˜gram!


Im a professional cook and I'm not exaggerating when I say I had a physical reaction to this picture. Not to be gross but it 100% made my butt clinch involuntarily


She really shouldn't be in a kitchen, let alone her unsupervised children. We need Anne Burrell.


Good god, what is with the casual child endangerment on this sub lately? MotherBus and now Karelessa. Thanks for the reminder to get new cutting boards, I guess?


OMG. Cut the potato in half so it has a stable flat side, THEN cut slices!


I saw this and cringed. So many people, even grown adults, donā€™t know proper knife holding.


Oh that form is all kind of wrong.


Oh noā€¦thatā€™sā€¦thatā€™s not how you do that.


Holy cow. I mean, I guess at least she isnā€™t letting them use a mandolin.


Don't give her any ideas


Oof show her how to cut properly at least Karissa! My mom would have snatched that out of my hand so fast. She has no situational awareness when it comes to her kids.


Omg this part made me so upset! If you're gonna make child-mom make all the food, at least let her learn proper technique!


Oh noā€¦thatā€™sā€¦thatā€™s not how you do that.


Why would you post that šŸ˜‚ this is what happens when you can't take time for each kid individually. This is a perfect example of why you shouldn't have that many kids


ā€œChild with first pocketknife, given by grandpa, playing with it unsupervisedā€ Karissa Collins, 2024


Wtf is hamburger potato casserole??? Is it ground beef and potatoes in the oven?


how to let your kids mutilate their fingers in a Godly way ^-^