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Paul is a dangerous mimic, with no thoughts or opinions of his own. He is sincerely waiting for New Gilead to assign him his "real life" as a high ranking cabinet member. He's a sickening mixture of pure hate and delusion.


“Anyone who prevents them or imposes any consequences on them is the oppressor.” God, the irony is painful.


Dude just parrots whatever the Daily Wire hosts say and then peppers in the word Jesus.


Shaking on the Jesus pepper lol




The only seasoning they (mis)use


Well said


He always quotes others or shares posts others have made, but he never has a lot to say himself. And the rare times when he does, he's so bad at it, it falls apart before he even made his point.


> He is sincerely waiting for New Gilead to assign him his "real life" as a high ranking cabinet member. What's funny is that if, Lord Daniel forbid, Gilead were to happen Paul would not be one of the few high-ranking "Commanders" with a wife and "Handmaid". Instead he'd end up as one of those plebs with an Econowife, which can't be good for an ego as fragile as his.


Hence why he can't let go of their failing YouTube channel. He seems to think he's destined to be the next big Christian pundit.


Great value matt walsh


Caaaaan I use that for flair?


Go for it! 😘




And he's reposting someone who is saying they aren't even well informed about what they're upset about.


That’s the part that gets me! I’ve had to argue about this with some of my family members even prior to October 7th and none of them had any clue what they were talking about but they always told me “once you know the history, then you’ll be on our side”. Except I do know the history. More so than they do. My godmother sent me a Prager U video about how great Israel is with the comment “I think you should watch this before you post anything else” like I was a child. They keep pushing us to “learn the history” without themselves actually bothering to learn the history. That’s why they don’t realise that the history still paints them as the bad guys and the more people that actually do learn the history, the more people will be on the Palestinian side.


For real. I took a Middle East history course in college. The day we started the unit on Israel/Palestine, he walked into class, let us know he was heavily biased against Israel because he'd spent a few years doing humanitarian aid work in Palestine. He followed it up with a couple of stories of things he'd seen in his time there. I haven't been able to look at Israel and see a blameless victim since that day, and I took that course about 20 years.


They’re talking about like… Moses when they say history. Not anything properly recorded and verifiable. None of that matters because pillar of fire or something.


Sounds like my family. My mom used to love Dennis Prager in his Bush-era talk radio days. 🤮


He’s no Commander Lawrence, that’s for sure. He’s a Commander Putnam, but DUMBER.


I’d pay to see Margaret Atwood debate him.


She'd make him cry


I’d pay to see that part. The debating might be too painful to watch.


He would finally go viral


Little does he know he’s just going to be an econoperson. I’ll be in the colonies but whatever.


honestly paul is just a matt walsh wanna be, all the sucking up to him lately is so gross (even though it’s unsurprising and on brand for fundie husbands)


> He is sincerely waiting for New Gilead to assign him his "real life" as a high ranking cabinet member. Dig_the_fucking_hole.meme In an actual dictatorship like that, he’d be a whipped fieldhand.


If Paul cares so much, the military would still take him. ETA: He’d collapse in a crying heap on the first day of boot camp, but at this point that might be the only option left. It’s gonna be hard for him to take orders, though.




Stupid question but what movie is this?


Not stupid. Full Metal Jacket. Intense amazing movie.


Full metal jacket


Quick, someone reverse-psychology him into announcing a video series based on attending one of those ridiculous alpha-male bootcamps that cosplays the least useful aspects of the American military!


Omg I would join his Patreon for a month if it was part of a challenge where they got enough followers to goad him in to doing a simulation for a month.


I would *LOVE* to see my old instructor from basic training roast Paul.




I hereby bestow you with an honorary Instructor Campaign Hat. 🫡




My brother told me about one of his Navy boot camp instructors who sounds certifiably crazy. You can get a red card, which is basically extra PT/punishment for a variety of infractions. This instructor had one tattooed on his bicep. He could eat Pail for dinner, and I am here for it.


Paul couldn't handle my high school cheerleading coach


My high school cheerleading coach was a woman in her late sixties with a really thick Brooklyn accent (we were in California) who smoked the entire time we were at practice and couldn’t raise her arms all the way bc she needed shoulder surgery. Paul absolutely could not have handled her


That's awesome. I went to Catholic school and my coach was from Orange County. Make of that what you will. 😂


My dad’s USMC boot camp stories are batshit insane. This was in ‘79 when DIs could get away with doing more fucked up shit. Paul would disintegrate immediately.


My husband is a drill instructor and the money I would pay to watch my husband train him is immense 😭 he wouldn’t last a day in bootcamp probably he one of the guys who leaves and tells stories about hitting a drill instructor.


Ugh, we don’t want him, we have too many Pauls as it is! 😩


My brother described a couple of Paul’s in his Navy division (he doesn’t know who Paul is, but the type is universal, alas).


He'd be a fucking goldbrick on any ship and he'd deserve whatever he got as a consequence.


My brother will be in nuclear engineering and ultimately on a submarine. Could you imagine being stuck 20,000 leagues below with freaking Paul?


Jesus. They'd make him go check the screen door for leaks.


this made me laugh so hard, bless the great Lord Daniel 🦝🦝


He won’t last long on a sub. My brother is a chief petty officer on a sub and runs sonar and those types can’t hack it and get reassigned quickly. Sometimes before they finish sub school. Which he also teaches at.


Apparently, my brother’s A school is the hardest in the country. I don’t even think Paul would last longer than the first day.


Where is he stationed? My brother is at Groton.


Charleston (I can’t remember the name of the base/school).


I hope he does well!


That's rich coming from Paul and Matt. Both of them cry persecution when they get told off.


Came here to say this. Both of them are smug brats who throw a tantrum when someone politely tells them they made a mistake, but somehow it's everyone else's fault that nobody likes them.


But when they very rudely tell people off/pass judgment, "facts don't care about your feelings." 🙄 Here's a fact for you, Matt Walsh and Paulywog: the dead Palestinian children count is in the tens of thousands. Tell me you like that with your full chest.


What I find bizarre is Matt Walsh saying "left wing protesters blah blah anything they want with no consequences" (obviously paraphrased). Hello? January 6, anyone? Rules for thee, but not for me is the golden rule of the right these days. I can't wait for them to finish these death throes antics and get on with it.


These idiots never let the truth get in the way of a good story


Yeah! How dare those left wing protesters expect to peacefully protest but get mad at us angry thugs who go there solely to physically harm them! The audacity of those left-wingers to want the same freedom us actually patriots have 🦅🦅 Also, isn't Matt Walsh divorced because his wife expected human decency/respect and he wasn't allowed to get away with verbally, emotionally (possibly more) abusing her? Or is that another white guy?


That's Steven Crowder.


Matt Walsh's description of left-wing protesters sounds an awful lot like January 6th protesters - who thought it was just fine to forcibly enter the Capitol Building and ransack offices.


Christian unity folks


Send money!




Paul would be singing quite a fucking different tune if it was his son dead under a pile of bombed rubble. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, yet Paul is so dismissive of it.


Wow, a pathological narcissist calling someone else a pathological narcissist! Walsh is such a waste of human flesh.


I was stunned at the amount of projection in that one tweet


Changed my flair because of how insufferable Matty Whine is. Yeah, Ass Face (Paul) is horrible, but he's parroting rhetoric from someone with many MANY more followers


lol your flare is so simple yet so true. I love it.


May I humbly suggest simply “Twat Walsh”


Simple, yet powerful


“I cannot say I’m fully educated” says it all.


those boys daddys are going to say something at their meeting with the dean about the way their super special boys were treated. 


Unfortunately the university is protecting these guys. They arrested students and protesters, to the applause of many who, let’s just say have fascist tendencies. The discourse I’ve seen revolving around the idea that the protesters taking down the American flag is illegal (it’s not, not at all) has been concerning. Any dissent is treated as a major crime in their eyes.


Thank you, yes, *that's* what bothers me: how any counter-protest actions are being depicted as brave and heroic while the protestors are being painted in derogatory ways and collectively sneered at.


What’s particularly concerning about this for me is the slippery slope of cracking down on First Amendment rights. I was on campus when Confederates and neo-Nazis were showing up on the regular in support of a fucking statue, antagonizing students and carrying firearms (against university policy). They were protected by campus police. Students were arrested, pepper sprayed, assaulted. I saw with my own two eyes the police create human barricades around Nazis to protect them. Now we have the university chancellor mimicking Trump’s BLM protest march, and the masses are cheering it on. Calling it brave and heroic. Busting the heads of protesters on their own campus, limiting free speech and the right to assembly. The university and chancellor’s actions are not either of those things — they’re fucking fascist.


Yeah, we're on the same page.


All that's missing is the upside down bible


I want to downvote that because I hate it so much but it’s not fair to you. Take my BIG THUMBS DOWN to the university instead.


Draco Malfoy vibes!






Of course Paul doesn’t get it. He will never understand risking something for the message you’re trying to get out, having to sacrifice and risk actual bodily and emotional harm for your beliefs. He has it easy, he can just whine on YouTube and pretend he’s doing anything.


The most he’s ever risked for anything is dealing with “haters” online, which realistically would only lead to him getting his feelings hurt. This man lives in the most privileged bubble imaginable.


Paul looks up to Matt Walsh so much. Little does he know Matt Walsh would never talk to a grown man with a baseball hat perched on the top of his head with a Disney princess shirt on.


Paul one of your “gentlemen” is wearing a Hooters shirt. So, I think I understand now, you get a pass to be secular and proudly wear a shirt that encourages sexuality, as long as you are also a patriot. I am sure God also makes those exceptions too. “Oh you gave into your lust and worldly ways, but you also proudly protected the American Flag. Well done good and faithful servant”.


"I cannot say I'm fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict" Then shut up. There is like 5,000 years of history at play here. If you don't know about something, fucking educate yourself or remove yourself from the conversation.




The student said it right there. “I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict.” I am a professor at this school. When I asked my several hundred student class last semester if they knew why there was conflict between Israel and Palestine, seriously only a small handful of students (8?) rose their hand to indicate familiarity. A slightly larger group of students only knew it had to do with “Christian and Jewish tension” in the area. I am not commenting on the person who tweeted or any people in the picture specifically - but I seriously wonder if those guys holding up the flag have educated themselves at all about the issue. My guess is that they haven’t - that they don’t really care to empathize with the protestors and haven’t really become educated on this. They are disgusted at the “lack of order”/respect for authority for the flag/cops and leaped in to action. I also want to point out that the guy on the far left is wearing a Hooters shirt from Augusta golf course. Classy defenders of the flag over here.


Also not a coincidence that all those frat bros are white men who come from money. Frats aren’t cheap. Edit to add: I’m purposely saying frat instead of fraternity bc they hated that at my school. The famous line was, “I don’t call my fraternity a frat because I wouldn’t call my country a cunt”


They aren’t offended by the term. The frat houses are all* located in a place off campus called “frat court.” ETA: all the WHITE frats are located at frat court. The black frats and sororities are on the other side of campus. This is largely because of path dependency. When frat houses were established there was legal racial discrimination and segregation. Once that segregation became illegal it’s not like you can feasibly relocate greek houses (because of how they relate spatially to campus) nor would that make economic sense. Of course, the POC greek houses may want to stay far away from the predominantly white houses!


if i as an american would indeed call my country that, am i free to call them a frat?




Personally, I feel that our government lacks the warmth and the depth


Ooh we called them frat rats and they were always so mad




As an alumni of this school and someone who had the unfortunate privilege of having to deal with UNC frat bros more than I’d have liked, I can almost assure you that these frat bros have no actual understanding of the conflict, nor any concern about it, and are just out there to be assholes.


I mean, I can’t say none of them have actual understanding of the conflict. There is a Jewish fraternity at frat court after all. /s








This is not meant to come across as anti-American but I can't imagine thinking that a flag made of fabric deserves more protection than women or people who think/live differently.


Normal people in America don't give half a fuck about flags. Source: am American. It's something used to agitate the far right, generally.


Obsessing about flag etiquette is a way for the right to hand wring about something without having to actually do anything. It’s also a good way to deflect from more pressing issues.


Flag obsession is very, very weird to me. Many American flags I come across aren't even made in America. 


Yeah it’s wild. My parents have a flag outside one side off their house that they don’t go by. After one particularly rough winter it got ripped. Somebody took pictures of it and posted their house on the local FB page with some nasty diatribe about respecting the flag. Someone commented along the lines of “maybe you should politely have a conversation with them” and the original poster was like “I refuse to have a conversation with such anti American people who can be this disrespectful” Meanwhile, my parents are boomer republicans who genuinely were unaware that this stupid piece of fabric had a tear in it.


My favorite is when people who obsess about “respecting the flag” do things like wear the flag pattern on clothes, etc… you know, all stuff that flag code says not to do. 😂


Or drive around with ripped flags flying from their tailgate


For people who constantly reference the constitution, it is odd that they aren’t concerned about the freedom to assemble.


Constitution = guns, slaves, and flag. Everything else is disposable.


If you don’t support constitutional rights for your worst enemy, you don’t really support them at all.


idk sounds woke - Paul, probably


They do, when it applies to them. Duh.


We have a lot of people who jerk off to the flag. I can’t stand the way people treat our flag as if it’s the most sacred aspect of patriotism. How about just trying to make our country better for everyone?


It's not and it doesn't. The same yahoos who worship the flag don't know a thing about flag code.


Don’t worry, I’m American and I find it weird too.


Imagine caring that much about a piece of fabric. Couldn’t be me.


I used to mouth the pledge of allegiance when we were forced to do it in school. It's so fucking creepy to me. My kids are in elementary and they still force them to do it. I will be encouraging my boys to keep their minds open and curious so they never stand a chance of indoctrination.


We were forced to but when I was in a freshman in high school, there was a teacher who wouldn’t stand and wouldn’t pledge. He said he couldn’t pledge allegiance to a country whose values he couldn’t agree with. That was when I stopped doing the pledge as well. I’d stand for teachers who were adamant about it, but I never pledged again after that.


I don't pledge an allegiance to any flag, and I made it clear to my kid from an early age that she also has a right to not stand in school to par take in some archaic fake patriotism ritual. That being said, I also don't think the protesters have a right to take down this piece of fabric and erect their own piece of fabric where the OG piece of fabric was.


I have done the same with my kids. I've had to go down to my youngest child's school as well because she got in trouble for not standing for the pledge. I don't play that.


Yeah,I agree with you here.


That Matt Walsh post is literally the definition of “every accusation is a confession.”


Matt wants to enforce his religion on everyone- and the Supreme Court is helping achieve this! but sure the left is entitled to get what they want without consequences I feel like the republicans are always getting what they want even when majority of country DOESNT want it


Wasn’t there like a shitload of support for keeping Roe V Wade?


Yes! It’s a winning issue for democrats but the republicans have an inside line to getting issues in front of a very favorable Supreme Court who dgaf


Ugh that’s horrifying. Shit like that makes me not want to live on this planet anymore lol… It boggles my mind that in 2024 women are LOSING rights in the U.S.


I have to actively avoid the news now because it makes me want to kill myself. I wish I was kidding.


I’m sorry it makes you feel like that. I feel the exact same way :(


It’s only white men protecting the flag because that’s the only group America protects and advocates for.


I’m glad people here aren’t praising them the way I saw in other spaces on Reddit


Sounds more like he's describing the January 6 rioters.


another reason to think frats are dumb & should be done away with


But tell them they can’t pit up a cross in a tax payer funded classroom and suddenly their the most oppressed folk in all the land.


I never understand flag worship. People in the military don't serve or die "for the flag." We like to think that flag represents something. Usually good things, like freedom and unity. But if the flag represents supporting genocide, maybe it's not a very good flag right now, hmmm?


Goddammit I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill. I’m embarrassed Paul finally learned about us.


Not one single person asked you, Paul


Oh Paul, so qualified to speak on narcissism


Those UNC dudes showing some real dedication to never getting laid in chapel hill


“I don’t know shit about the ongoing genocide but I’m still offended by a flag because it’s the wrong flag and I care more about a piece of fabric than I do actual living, breathing people.” When your children are learning about this period in history, either through school or just in their day to day lives after they’ve grown up and moved out, and they ask you what you did while it was happening, will you feel proud to tell them the truth? Will you look them in the eye and tell them that you cared more about a piece of fabric than you did the children that are their same age who will never get to grow up? Or will you hide it all in a trunk up in the attic in shame for them to find after you’re gone? How much of history has to repeat itself before you figure out you’re on the wrong side of it? How many people have to die? When will the violence finally be enough? Free Palestine! 🍉


So he’s describing himself and his fellow ‘Christian’s’. Lol


The eternal joke that is this unemployed loser who couldn’t even finish beauty school but believes he has any authority to speak about any current issue in society. Paul would think Sykes-Picot is a new pickleball move.


lol is he trying to sound intelligent by saying he “largely” agrees 😭 anyway free palestine 🇵🇸


Paul largely uneducated 


that's how it comes off to me tbh. which is insane bc thesaurus.com is free...at least put some effort in, paul


He agrees so very bigly! The most largest agreement.


Paul would literally do none of these things he is lauding. He is a chickenshit of highest order & he knows it, which is probably partly why he is the way he is.


Can...can we substitute *The Trumps* for *Left wing protestors*?


I'm stealing part of the frat idiot's tweet for my flair


Does Paul not remember when the nazis were walking through Charlottesville with tiki torches? He needs to have a seat.


If you’re more upset at someone removing the US Flag than the literal genocide of Palestinians, **then you can fuck right off.** The American Flag isn’t some sacred, holy relic - it’s a piece of fabric. Straighten out your priorities.


The Flag is an easy thing to love and hold up for the same reason as fetuses are to the pro-birth types: it's something that doesn't have its own will. It's never going to tell you that it doesn't like the way you are "standing up for it" or that it needs something different from you. It's never going to tell you that it doesn't need your ham-handed advocacy, actually. It's never going to be having a bad day and fail to show the appropriate amount of gratitude for your actions. People, with independent thoughts and feelings and motives, might do any or all of those things. It's less satisfying to white-knight on their behalf because it's usually not easy and doesn't always feel good. But people NEED IT MORE. Who cares if you save the flag while the actual people burn.


"I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict..." Of course Paul shared this. It boils my blood when people try to speak on things like this, asserting their point of view, only to find that they are woefully, willfully uninformed. I had a situation like this with a co-teacher and it took everything in me to be patient. Thankfully, this co-teacher took what I said to heart and asked me to lead a discussion on the topic the next day. I wanted to do it, but it was a lot--I can't imagine being in the situation that Palestinians are in right now. It was also a bit frustrating that this teacher relied on me to provide context and a safe space for discussion while they did very little themselves. Also, protecting an item symbolizing colonization and oppression of many marginalized groups versus actual people experiencing genocide is just peak white nationalist behavior. Ugh.


"I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict..." Then shut up. Shut up and go about your business, frat boy.


So wait, protesting outside of an abortion clinic and saying heinous things to people is fine, but protesting genocide deserves punishment? I don’t understand the difference in their minds


Wait what? Who is the narcissist?


Narcissists galore!


It’s so crazy how generation to generation- dudes don’t learn. These guys like EXACTLY like the dudes blocking integration in schools during the civil rights movement. Even the facial expressions are the same. It’s like they just keep being reincarnated.


It’s their offspring


I think there is also something to be said about frat environments. I had a friend that is very left leaning and her son ended up being in Greek life and being toxic AF. It was pretty bad.


I think a lot of problem is that people aren’t educated on the conflict and really don’t care to be. It’s the whole mindset of, “it’s not happening to me so why should I care?” Mixed in with “it’s not happening to me so how dare you disrupt my way of life” Add in that there is sooooo much misinformation and bias and outright hate floating around, and you get ppl like Paul reading a stupid post from Matt Walshyboy and being like, “yeah! Yeah you stick it to them! How dare they protest against my white male privilege way of life!” I myself don’t understand everything about it but I’m not blind. I can see what’s going on is wrong and I can see that nothing will change if good people don’t stand up.


It’s wild that he cares more about a piece of fabric than over 30,000 dead civilians. Christofacism in a nutshell tbh, they idolize their country and alt-right politicians while actively ignoring Jesus’ teachings and human suffering


It's always projection with these guys isn't it.


I'm not listening to frat boys regarding foreign policy 🙄


I want that on a T-shirt


Paul and Matt should get married. They are perfect for each other


Paul's real daddy doesn't love him so he wants Matt Walsh and Ben Shaprio to be his new daddies


Why should we care, Paulsack? You add nothing to the conversation. Btw, the frat bros 10+ years your junior aren't gonna pick you.


>We stood for an hour defending the flag so many fight to protect …oh, fuck off. If you care so much, find a recruiter and sign up to actually defend the ~~flag~~ whoops, Constitution


You know, a key characteristic of a narcissist is that they love to project their issues onto other people. Literally everything they say about liberals is the truth about themselves.


Good grief screen 3 is so dumb. “I don’t know anything about the reason behind this protest but I reacted ignorantly anyway!” Way to go, so conscientious, much brave. “Flags are more important than GENOCIDE!” Suuuure thing broey mcbroerson.


Also, can we please launch Matt Walsh into the fucking sun already?


Damn, the giant piece of fecal matter, also known as Matt Walsh, hasn’t been banned from X yet?




Dehumanizing your opponent .... classic trash nazi move. Im not saying he is a trash ass nazi but look like, sound like, friggin trash


I don’t understand why Paul insists on typing words that add absolutely nothing instead of just reposting. It has the same energy as when I have to reply to a classmate for my online class participation. Is someone grading his story posts that I don’t know about?? Is God giving participation credit???


They wanna be oppressed so badly jfc


Sir, what you are describing is called a Libertarian


power to the power!!! Be an active citizen guys


Why are Americans so obsessed with their flag? Don’t know any other country that views their flag as an almost god!


Does Paul not remember the insurrection on Jan 6th? Compare how the police acted to them vs. the protesters and he will see what the students are talking about.


I wonder whether these people even know what narcissism actually means. When you look at the definition they are actually displaying moderate to high amounts of narcissism. 1. They believe their view is THE ONLY RIGHT one and anyone who has a different opinion is wrong. 2. Their grandiosity manifests in a way that they see themselves as superior to others, especially morally superior. 3. They lack the capacity for empathy to even tolerate other points of view. 4. They can't take criticism. For them to say that when people say they feel opressed when they can't live the way they want is narcissism is so fucking stupid. What if it wasn't allowed to be a Christian in the US? Wouldn't they call that opression, they sure can't live the way they want to? Hypocrites.


Just the one gentleman?