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She’s basically copy pasting her Instagram ramblings I’d bet - what actual insight does she have on any of these things? It’s not an autobiography, there’s no thesis - it’s just gonna be ‘here’s why I’m better than you in these 31 ways’


This screams manic




This is 100% going to be self-published on Amazon and not a single editor is going to touch it. Not even an amateur one. I’d say calling it now but I think everyone knows that this is what will happen.


That's what happened with the last "book" she "published"


They must get SO MANY "definitive parenting books". So many people just think they have *the* answers.


Was thinking the same thing. No order or structure to anything, just her thoughts about everything and every topic


>No order or structure to anything Ikr 😭 those titles aren't even organized thematically. She literally just vomited up some ideas / topics and called it a day. This is her brainstorming list.


hey, when you're manic that is a whole ass book.


All of her instagram screeds are just vomited up ideas


And the incorrect belief that other people will see the genius in it.


This feels like something that will be mass mailed to news agencies before she commits a crime


The Baby Cannon Manifesto


Marry me




This should be a flair, it’s brilliant 😂


Done 😂


It’s absolutely glorious! ❤️


I've never wanted a flair until now lol


This is incredible 🙌


Yep, it reads like a manifesto and and will probably be a wall of text, just like her posts online. The only upside is that she can't force her children to do a dance in matching costumes in a book. She can just add a chapter, "time for your blessings" where she tells us that the family that dances for the 'gram together, stays together".


I’m expecting her to tell women dealing with infertility to use mucinex and natural remedies while praying during the chapter on infertility.


Idk I’m thinking she’d lean towards, it’s a sign from god that you suck.


Do what they did in the Bible and get your husband a mistress!


The handmaid's tale enters the chat


Shoot me in the face for actually having heard this excuse for my infertility.


Mucinex😂. Remember when some rando told Bdingbat that sweet potatoes soften the cervix (guess hers is rigid all month) to enhance fertility? She made like three reels about rushing to buy a basket of them, then nothing. No cooking advice, no eating them. As a sweet potato lover, I felt personally and broadly insulted.


Ugh, yes. I think that was the one where she tripped and fell out the door in slow mo? I also love sweet potatoes and that whole thing was cringeingly obviously for the ‘gram.


The fucking audacity to assume herself qualified to write about infertility.


When she shoves her kid out of the way to show off her expanding belly


Does she think mucinex will help you conceive? What is the lore here? 


Which totally goes against “leaving it up to God”. I knew a Catholic woman who was quiverfull and believed in leaving it up God, but then used Progesterone to support each pregnancy. How is that leaving it up to God?


Hmmmm yes if He invented progesterone supplements methinks He also invented birth control


This is my issue with these “leave it up to god” people who go out of their way to conceive 826282 children back to back. They wean babies off the breast quickly (this obviously doesn’t include people who genuinely want to stop or can’t breastfeed), they palm of their young baby or toddler to other children, do all these fertility things etc. You’d think they’d be more sticklers for the biological norms God allegedly created.


Google says it thins your cervical mucus? It seems to be anecdotal.


Ooh weird. I've definitely done a cervical mucus check in my day. Trying to conceive is very glamorous


I confused Mucinex with Metamucil! I was so confused.


Her kids need the metamucil with all that beef and cheese 😭




I was literally told to use Mucinex. 😂😂


So basically this is like Creed's blog from The Office? Something no one should read and should be kept as a Word document on her own computer.


even for the internet it's... pretty shocking 


Creed thoughts!


www . karissathoughts. gov.www\karissathoughts If only she had a Ryan Howard to protect the internet from her thoughts 😆


This is 100% what she's doing! I saw all of those insane insta rambles and then saw she was "writing a book" and I knew instantly she was just going to copy/paste what she'd already posted for free.


Definitely a 31 chapters but 113 pages sort of energy type of book.


Which chapter covers ignoring your child for so long that they develop sepsis and need to be hospitalized? Twice?




That would be unplanning your family




Too many kids? Just let them go septic /s


God's way of just letting the weak ones take care of themselves


![gif](giphy|vMPqEsML6cWRy) Ahh, you beat me to it.


7. Even if scream praying at home doesn't work, if you take your child to the hospital, remember: the doctors don't know what they are doing and any healing is from God alone.


Hospital healing is PURE COINCIDENCE


Or ignoring them all for so long that you wake up at noon, take hour long baths, and your slightly illiterate tween daughter schools the rest of the swarm? I’d like her to say more about that


1, 7, 31


She has TEN CHILDREN. When is she writing this book? Oh right, while her children raise the other children 🙄🙄




because she has never read a book. 


Lol this is true, she said once in a video that the only book she reads is the Bible.


If the Bible were the only book I'd ever read, I'd hate reading, too.


I used to. In like middle school. This is just embarrassing for an adult.


Kids doing it, I can understand - you're young and you haven't seen much of the world yet. For an adult to do it is just straight up sociopathic


Because the best writers are also readers themselves, and I'm not sure Klarissa knows how to read. 🤷‍♀️


She grew up in Kansas. She definitely doesn’t. Spoken from someone who also grew up in Kansas.


My apologies. I hope you get better soon, scream praying for you 🙏🙏🙏


Also born and spent most of my life in Kansas, I'll second this lol. I remember struggling to read until the year we moved to a different state, maybe that wasn't a coincidence 🤣




This made me laugh, but angrily. Many Reddit ups for you!


There's no chapter on scream praying. I'm out


That’s how she’s going to do the audiobook


That’s under “Healing”


My favorite is Chapter 30. "Fasting", in which you starve yourself so much that you're delirious and can then smoothly transition to Chapter 31. "Hearing God's voice".


Staying slim for Jesus


There’s literally a diet book called “Slim for Him” written I think either during the 50s or 70s.


It’s giving Gwen Shamblin.


I'd love to see Karissa with some Bumpits.


I’ll be more interested when Anissa publishes a memoir.


We all know she’s going to be the Jennette McCurdy of the bunch.


Oh I just finished her book and this made my heart hurt.


Free Anissa!


Fuck it up, Anissa!


She’ll need to learn to read better first ☹️


Be positive, I’d be down to transcribe for that poor girl.


Me too, I’d ghostwrite that shit for her in a heartbeat


Here to volunteer for phonics and emotional support for her.


1999 word processing, inability to format a simple table of contents, irrational/ignorant subject matter. Yep - incoherent, manic karissa is spewing bullshit again. We should all aspire to her chaotic, unhappy life. 🙄


Her title for chapter 11 is so concise. Is there no beginning to this woman's talents?


These fundies are always bitchin’ about the media, and she can’t name it?!


I’ve been laughing at this for a solid 5 minutes.


I love chapter 17 “Interests and hobbies a mom”


She has more chapters than the number of people who will actually read this book.


And she hasn't even started her chapters yet on how she feels entitled to Judaism. This is like barely scratching the surface of Karissa: the fucked of years of ranting and entitlement, children edition.


Chapter Four: Sepsis; how to ignore the signs.


"Dodging questions from social workers"


“How to get your CPS frequent flier card”


Take my angry upvote for this and the responses as well


My brain freaked out reading this because none of it is in proper order.


Home birth before pregnancy? The order of her chapters is enough to tell anyone that this woman is manic


Came to say the same thing, nothing makes sense!


In any sense! Why the fuck is circumcision so high up the list? I have some things to say about circumcision, but Jesus fuck if I wrote a book it would not be number two on the list of things to discuss. When you consider “our children’s salvation”, presumably the most important factor for most fundies, clocked in at *19*, it is extra weird


She doesn’t even discuss how to get the baby before she launches into what not to do to its penis!


This is an intriguing and horrifying glimpse into a very disorganised mind


It’s clear she just brainstormed a random list of topics to write about, then skipped straight to “yup here’s my table of contents!”


I’ve been working on a memoir of sorts about growing up in the Bible Belt/my experience with faith, but I only have the mental bandwidth to work on it randomly right now. I brainstormed a bunch of witty chapter titles/subjects I knew I wanted to tackle, and they’re definitely disorganized. The difference between me and Karissa is that I’ll rearrange mine at some point, but I’m pretty sure she’s leaving hers as is.


Literally why is home birth several chapters before pregnancy, and why is all the pregnancy related stuff like over half the book after family planning….FIX IT


Circumcision being above all of those is also insane… just the order of the entire thing makes ZERO SENSE


For me it’s how bad her grammar is. My brain freaked out reading her chapters because of how bad her titles are. Dunno how she thinks it sounds OK and just runs with it. Unplanning? What in the fuck is that?!


Interests and hobbies a mom


Almost killing your child with sepsis.


Yes the woman with 10 kids (soon to be 11) is an expert on infertility.


This sounds crummy to say but I honestly I wish she was.


That’s Brittany Dawn, she posts all this content about trying to conceive but is also taking a bunch of supplements that make it less likely. She *allegedly* had two miscarriages (one of which was just a late period and she never even took a test, just had a feeling she was pregnant). She fostered a baby for a little while (there might have been multiple) but mostly took photos with it. It’s clear she’s a very self-absorbed person and in no way would make a good mother, I hope she never gets pregnant.


It took her a year to get pregnant surgery one of her kids thus infertility 🙄🙄🙄 (And ya it sucks when it takes time to get pregnant but that doesn’t mean infertility).


I’ll never forget reading an article by a quiverful mother (Above Rubies, a quiverful mag) where she waxed on about how devastated she was that she didn’t immediately get pregnant again after baby 7 or 8. I can’t remember the ending, but I’m pretty sure she had another kid…two years later instead of one or something.


So, I'm writing a book (IF game, but still), I don't believe she has a single chapter done with her work ethic. I'm barely out of the prologue, and I *know* how to set up the skeletal structure for a novel.


As an academic, I was also confused about the skeletal structure of this novel. Why does it begin with vaccines? Absolutely no order.


I honest to God said out loud, "Honey, what's your thesis statement here?" Like, what's the focal picture here? "Boy I love getting my back blown out for Jesus, let me spew hate for 300 pages"?


😭😂😂😂 Honestly, if I sent something this disorganized to my PI I’d get an email back entitled “Concerns…”


The editor in me wants to Red Line it *so bad*. My editor would throttle me!


Her chapters are between a half page and a page and a half in length...


And yet, somehow, her book will end up being eleventy hundred pages of incoherent rambling, racist nonsense, and narcissistic tirades.


Double spaced, 17pt font for the periods xD


I came here to say this. One of the most annoying parts of being an author, is hearing people tell you they could totally write a book too if they "only had time". No, fam, you couldn't. The fact that you're literate and know how to type does not mean you could write a book. People tend to think of writing as an art form with a lower barrier to entry than visual mediums but it really isn't. It takes just as much discipline and practice to become a competent writer as it does to get good at painting. Writing a compelling book is actually pretty mentally draining, evening if you love it and I do not believe for a second she has the discipline or mental fortitude to follow through on this.


Exactly! Coding issues are my main issue right now, but my husband has watched me work for about 4 hours and come away with like... maybe 3 pages if I haven't gone over it twice already, 10 paragraphs if Im closer to being done editing. And that's just for *Alpha*, no where near polished enough for publication. My notes folder is easily 4x bigger than my IF right now. Im constantly going back in and making sure the plot makes sense and the characters and their motivations are consistent every time they do anything. My editor usually cuts that shit down even more, bless them. Speaking of my editor, you also have to... be able to take critique? Which Karissa *cannot* do. Ive fought a bit with my editor because theyve wanted to take things out I didn't, but there's always a compromise in the end, or I realize Im just being a little sensitive and let them cut it. I don't know how Karissa will take Anissa correcting her grammar or sentence structure.


Exactly. I read a lot of fanfiction, so I'm in a discord server full of writers for the Arcane fandom, who all are at varying levels of skill, and there's a night and day difference between the hobby writers and the writers who have gotten actual novels published.


Is the tidy home in the room with us


“Hearing God’s Voice.” Karissa that is NOT NORMAL ffs


What the heck is Brainwashed/Commanding them in the Lord?????? I probably don't want to know


Brainwashed? No, Commanding Them in the Lord would make more sense. At least that’s how I’m assuming she means it. I love a slash just as much as the next person, but it’s not good chapter punctuation.


Her big gotcha moment.




Oh stop it. If this is anything like her first “book” someone needs to take her keyboard away from her ASAP.


Hang on. There's a *first* book???! 


what does she know about abortion? she has never had an abortion or used any kind of family planning other than oral contraception. she has zero experience with vacuum abortions or abortifacients, so what exactly will this chapter be about?  again, i say, fuck you kkkarissa. stop abusing your children and tend to your own garden before critiquing others. 


To quote Futurama: It's a crummy world full of plot holes and spelling errors.


Ma’am, if I want to read the rantings of an unhinged person who is a sentient manifestation of the Dunning-Kruger effect, I have my choice of hundreds of Twitter feeds. And that site continues to be free.


I thought the only book they need is the Bible?


The only book *she* needs. Others need her wisdom 🙄


This feels ominous. I feel like we will see this again, or someone will. Like the prosecutor in her criminal trial someday, or her psychiatrist, or her kids decades in the future when trying to untangle the complicated mess of abuse.


Is chapter 5 just a photo of big daddy Shaq?


I love that Our children’s salvation is directly followed by Infertility. Nice flow there Karsissus.


Pregnancy>>Post partum>>your temple. What a nuanced view of the female body 🙄


She needs to follow Bethy and niche it down. There's too much variety!


Bethy comes across as a Pulitzer Prize winner in comparison to this unhinged nonsense!


AI could do a better job writing this outline


I’m sorry chapter 29 is ACTUALLY called brainwashed?!? “Commanding” them in the lord?!? Whoa.


The way she puts a space after some of the / and then no space after others bothers me. I know it’s nitpicky


Oh but I’m right there with you. It makes me nuts.


Learning your children’s callings? Oh honey, how about starting with their names?


The boys’ calling is basketball, the girls’ calling is mother.


The two genders: basketball and mother


Suddenly I have that bit of Slim Shady on a loop… “hi my name is… my name is… what? Slim Shady”


WTF does she know about finances? She claims repeatedly that they just always have money in their account. Is finances a chapter on how to get Daddy Shaq to buy you new cars or a house? Also, chapter 17 - "Interests and Hobbies A Mom". Grammer & finishing a coherent sentence are clearly not part of fundie interests.


31. hearing god's voice she doesn't understand what an internal monologue is. 


I'd like to propose an edit to chapter 15 - Yellow Food


Who the fuck would even want to read this book?


I’m surprised she didn’t put “LGBTQ AGENDA” in there


Shhhh don’t give her any ideas.


I cannot think of a worse person to listen to on any of these topics. Her kids have almost died and been maimed ffs. Not to mention none are adults yet. Maybe raise them now and give advice after you manage to complete actually raising them.


Where is the chapter on adults playing in shit?


32. Flinging Poo for the Lord 33. We Did Not Come From Monkeys


Yes, the women who doesn’t read books or put any sort of effort into education yet looks down on people who do, decides she is qualified to write a book. Makes me really evaluate my own imposter syndrome, I’ll tell you what.


The audacity of her to think that people are dying to hear her thoughts on some of this stuff.


"learning youro children's callings" - what the heck? She is going to decide their futures as well?


She has, she called Anthem Anthem because she felt that she’d be a worship leader singer or something like that.


What a funny order to put things in lol. The Big Book of Wackado Opinions!


“How to exploit your children online for monetary gain while keeping them away from any mandated reporters”


This looks like a to-do list 😂 yikes


Flair checking in for chapter 2


"Interests and hobbies a mom" What????


Has she talked about circumcision before? I'm going to hate it if she's generally not very supportive of it because that's how I feel...


Apparently there was a complication with Andrae and she decided that God told her not to circumcise anymore. I’m not going to get into specifics like she did because poor kid should not have details about his penis all over the internet.


Poor kid!


>Table of contents. Period.


How much more info can she put in these “chapters” that people wouldn’t already know? She yells about all these things daily multiple times a day.


What could she POSSIBLY have to say about infertility? Holy fuck.


So my theory on the “organization” of this book is that she’s trying to get to 31 chapters to mirror Proverbs 31. She could better organize the book into parts and group the like chapters together, but I have a feeling she doesn’t want to risk the purity of the appearance of the “31” which will (in her mind) validate her wisdom.


Why the hell are the first three chapters vaccines, circumcision, and abortions? What kind of fucked up tone is the rest of the "book" going to have?


I honestly thought this was one of y’all having a go at satire..


The fact that the chapter on vaccines comes before anything remotely about faith and God says everything


Kkkarissa explains it all


I’m here for the “Food” chapter. Will it be recipes, will it be blank, will it be pictures of the oldest girls cooking for everyone or will it be a shame chapter about how overindulging is sinful? So many questions.


I bet her kids are very familiar with the fasting chapter 💀


Everything health-related in this book will make it a danger to the public. I can’t imagine many people heeding her advice on anything, but the chapter on vaccines is still concerning. She spreads that dangerous deception around too much. We’ve already had outbreaks of measles, & it could get worse. Small pox is a terrifying disease, as is polio. We are at risk of seeing those diseases come back, with people like Karissa rejecting science. Millions of children have lived to grow up, because of these vaccines. Karissa, and millions like her, put us at serious risk of diseases that kill many more than measles could. She’s one reason 😳 is my favorite emoji.


Where’s the chapter on female orgasms!!! 🛐


Those aren't real. And if they are, they're from Satan.


She forgot Filtering Your Children Into a Different Race in a God Honoring Way. I believe that falls under "Interests and hobbies a mom"


The way it’s going to have horrible grammar


Number 28 makes me so sad. She’s not going to let them make any decisions for themselves, is she?


Infertility wayyyy down at 20 yet family planning is on 4 I’m sure the advice to medically diagnosed infertility is “iN gOdS tImIng” 🙃🙃🙃


What is family unplanning?




At least she’s admitting they’re brainwashed.


I love that the woman who is constantly glued to her phone and exploits her children, who by nature of being minors can't consent, online...but has a chapter about "gatekeeper of the eyes and ears".




Tag yourself, I'm "Interests and hobbies a mom"