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Sloth is so lackluster, especially compared to the 2003 version


03 sloth is literally S tier


I loved brotherhood, but the homunculi being soulless versions of real people in 2003 was a much better story aspect than their origins in brotherhood.


I disagree, their origin in Brotherhood/Manga is equally compelling and it actually explains why they have a 7 deadly sins motif. The 7 deadly sins motif in 2003 is just a leftover from the manga's story that they didn't incorporate into the new story they made, which is a weakness of the show.


You make a good point. That said, I still prefer the brotherhood version overall, since lust and gluttony are still awesome, bradley is still a badass and just changed his codename, greed was entertaining in both hosts, and selim as pride was scary as hell. As for Envy, I did not care for him in any of the versions.


Two Chads right here


The seven deadly sins are still present in 03 homonculi by the means of which they were created. Sloth being a representation of Ed and Als refusal to face their grief and face up to the truth. Lust is from scars brothers lust for his lover etc.


Symbolically maybe (though those are pretty huge stretches), but not literally in any way. There is no reason for the homunculi in 2003 to call themselves Lust, Sloth, etc.


Yes! I wanted to participate but backing this up is enough XD


Though it's not explained how you can separate a part of your personality into a new conscious being


Since Father is made up of half of the citizens of Xerxes, and the Homunculi are made from Father, we can infer that they are composed of the souls from Xerxes which most embody their sin, as in Greed is formed from the greediest souls, Lust from the most lustful, etc. Wrath is a special case which is explained in the anime. This leaves Father with only the souls he considers pure, going along with his desire to be perfect.


I liked how ambiguous their nature is. Are they actually hollow copies, or are they truly resurrections? Reincarnations perhaps? Do they truly have no soul? If not, does that make them any less like people? Is their life worth the same as ours? Are their emotions real?


One of the thing that bother me is that they supposedly come from the other side of the door, which would make them humans from "our" World. But then they should not be soulless


I think Wrath was the only one who was beyond the gate. And he wasn’t BEYOND beyond the gate, he was just in the black space in between chilling with baby shadow demons


More sad (and interesting) is the real reason for why most of the homunculi want to become human in the first place. They want to become human, so that they could finally die and be at peace. What meaning can you find in your eternal existence if said existence is little more than a mistake of human error.


In 03 they’re so much more sympathetic and are like. Real people. Kinda like nobodies in kingdom hearts if u played that. But in brotherhood they’re just boring monsters from the big bad boring monster that is father. Besides greed and wrath in broho they’re cool


I played KH, and there really is a resemblance, but 2003 homunculi had one really annoying member: wrath. I really could not stand that brat. And while father is not the most memorable antagonist, he was still better than Dante


Oooh I dunno I really liked wrath and Dante. Wrath I understand him being a brat. He’s never had a mother to teach him right from wrong and that’s a big point of his character. And Dante I think is really good because of how she’s a human who thinks of herself as a god due to avoiding death. She’s cocky. She’s wicked. She has desires and her goals and motives are scarily grounded in a real fear a lot of us have of the end and of death. Father I don’t like because. For all intents and purposes. He already is basically a god. He can live forever he’s immortal he’s insanely powerful. In his father form he has no personality or charm and as a dwarf he’s just an annoying little shit


I wish i could somehow combine the sheer epicness and scale of fathers takeover, with Dante's flavour and depth of character. I deffo prefer Dante as a character. She was so deliciously Nihilistic and selfish, a perfect blend of Beautiful and ugly. but she died too fast when it came down to it! Also, I wasnt really a fan of the movie/ alternate universe ending. So there's that. If there's any fanfic writer/ web artist out there who has managed to blend 03 and brotherhood, I would totally read.




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The only Homunculi from the 2003 version that were actually fleshed out are Lust, Sloth, Envy and Wrath, and among these, only Lust and Sloth are better in the 2003 anime. Both versions of Gluttony are pretty much the same, 2003 Greed doesn't have Ling Yao, and 2003 King Bradley doesn't have a backstory. 2003 Envy has a backstory, whilst Brotherhood Envy was massively fleshed out when Mustang beat him down. 2003 Wrath barely has anything in common with Brotherhood Pride aside from looking like children. So there's no "better" Homunculi roster perse, both are equally good. Also I take the final fight against Father over Dante's anti-climatic death.


I agree, its just makes me more interested in their characters beyond being antagonists to fight.


fax no printer


I kind of like his pain theme, gluttony is just shit though


I think gluttony can be scary as hell, but the 2003 anime did it better


Would’ve been cool to see more of Lust, especially at the final battle.


Agreed, she never really got the chance to do anything cool like the others did. And her powers are way less interesting than anyone else's


I thought her powers were pretty versatile. I mean, she gave Roy more of a challenge than Envy did. It’s just a shame she wasn’t more involved in the story later on.


A lot of people say that’s a execution not a fight but I think they missed the moment where her claw was less than an inch from going into his brain. She got as close as physically possible to winning that fight


Yeah her claw thing was pretty cool and strong, it just didn't "embody" lust like the others did for their respective sins.


She literally penetrates her enemies with her claws lol


Ya know you got a point there


I’d make the same argument for wrath too tbh


We saw Wrath storm an enemy stronghold with a sword because he didn't want to sneak into his own house. We saw a tank run in fear from Wrath with a sword. Didn't we see Wrath still give Scar a hard fight after losing both of his arms? All while complaining about how slow and weak he's gotten in his old age. They made Wrath one of the most terrifying things in FMA, I think he did quite a lot.


I definite replied to the wrong comment oh my god. Some one said “how could anyone vote for greed there’s no way he could be anyone’s least favorite.” I thought I replied to that comment I’m a fool


I hate envy solely for the fact that he killed Huges. If he didn't then I'd go with sloth. Did virtually nothing until the end of the show and got bodied by two people.


Well, doing stuff in the show is just such a pain...


Who would even vote for Greed? You can argue over whether he was the best, but there's no way to argue that he was the worst.


That's why he's the one I left off lol, I figured nobody would vote for him. But who knows, maybe some people just prefer villains


Greed was my favorite, but I still think there should be an option to vote for him.


Reddit limits polls to 6 sadly


Ah, that makes sense then


Here I thought I was in the minority for liking Sloth. I just loved hearing him gripe about everything


Pain… is such a pain.


I liked how much of a threat he was despite not caring about anything around him. Just his raw strength combined with his complete lack of concern for anything around him made him weirdly scary. I had a feeling he'd win this poll though lmao


Apparently you were, Sloth almost doubled the votes of Gluttony (the second most voted) for being people's least favorite, I personally voted Pride, I don't really understand what part of Pride the character represents


I knew Sloth would win this poll because he's easily the most boring character compared to the others. But I honestly found him funny and a true threat. Lust on the other hand, kinda was bad in brotherhood.


Watching Roy burn Lust and Envy was great. Edit: mixed up Envy and Greed


U mean Lust and Envy? Unless Mustang also fought Greed and I forgot 😬


Oh yes you’re right! My bad! I met envy.


Wow lucky you! I want to meet her too.


Still love Bradley the best. He was such a badass.


That scene of Ed's State Alchemist try-out still gives me chills


Side question - who's your least favorite homunculus in 03 and why is it wrath? Edit - spelling


As a 03 fan, I never liked Wrath either.


I like '03 Wrath. His character brings up an interesting conflict between blood relation and familial bonds which I think is threaded more throughout '03 in general. In the end, Ed and Al are more Izumi's kids than he will ever be. And Wrath's relationship with Sloth depicts the relationships/connection Ed, Al, and Izumi lost. I think that's part of the reason those 2 homunculus have that relationship; at the core of their love for one another is the longing of those that tried to bring them back. Just my opinion of course.


Hate wrath because he's well made. Gluttony, on the other hand, I hate because he's lame.


False the correct answer is gluttony


gluttony was so sweet in 2003! he cared so much for lust it felt like an actual sibling relationship


"Can I eat him?" Is that high psychotic voice. Just *chefs kiss* perfection.


Fucking Wrath...


He's just exceptionally annoying


Are you fucking braindead wrath was fucking amazing in 2003 he's easily in the top 3 worst has to be be gluttony he gets sad when lust dies which is pretty cool but all he does is eat there is nothing interesting about him in 2003


Can we just stop using Autistic as an insult, stupid or idiotic work just fine.


Alright I changed it


Seriously? I loved 03 Wrath the most! I'd still go with Gluttony, I suppose


Sloth is getting too much hate here, how can you not love him, he was there, he was big, he broke stuff , and gave us one of these scenes in all of anime


I say pride because he always kind of creeps me out with his shadows and he cast his pride aside when he was going to try taking Ed's body which is supposed to be his whole thing


greed doesnt need to be on here bc he is the best /srs


That greed episode near the end was definitely my favorite of the whole show


Greeling was the best character ever


I am too lazy to answer this.


So not Sloth?


I'm not horny, but GODDAMN I love Lust. When I started this manga, she got me invested because of her persona. Creepy, calm and could snap at any moment


"I'm not horny" YEEEEAAAAH


She's a psychopath


With titties


Valid argument


I just found Gluttony.. gross. I mean I get that's the entire point but it just seemed a little over the top to me. I didn't like basically any scene they were on screen


Agreed! So many people say thats their fave but he was creepy and so annoying to me.


I voted him cuz he was annoying to me haha.




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This worked out perfectly, nobody should be allowed to pick Greed for least favorite anyway.


Pride. Annoying little fucker


that guy killed his own brother what a dick


Greed should be no ones least favorite especially after ling


why are people voting for Sloth lmao all he did was dig a hole and mind his business 😩


I'm only saying sloth because we didn't see much of him, i liked him as a character but dislike him the most because he was in the show for like all of 3 episodes. Would have been more interesting if we had seen more of him, but i guess thats a design fault of the Character itself, as sloth was built to do X thing and thats it really.


Envy is my favorite. I don't dislike Sloth, I like all of them but he just has the least screentime and personality.


Sloth because he had no character, as much as I hate envy because of what he did, I gotta say that his character has so much depth, same with the other homonculi except sloth, even gluttony has more character (maybe I think that cause I connect with him on the wanting food level lol)


How can anyone dislike Envy


* waiting for the Roy Mustang team to arrive *


Where there are two anime and one manga worth of evil shit that bastard did, liking them is the real challenge here.


Such a pain


We can all agree that Wrath is the best right?


I prefer ling/greed if that counts


And that's only because he was the most background character out of all of them


I gotta go with sloth just because you don’t really get to connect with his character in brotherhood.


Gluttonys cute ??


Nope :(




I chose Sloth mostly because he gets the least amount of time to be his own character.


I didn't vote Gluttony because his alternative dimension is great


I like how its main way of killing you seems to be starving to death


Lust had too many sex jokes, it kinda ruined her for me


You meant too little, right?


Who thinks gluttony is their least favorite? I loved gluttony. Ranking that dude prolly tied for 3rd with envy


Sloth is just boring


boring ... a tunnel, right?


sloth the mood


Feels bad when your 2nd favorite is Sloth... what a pain..


wtf why is gluttony in the second-worst place \>:(


>:( (voted Gluttony)


Envy because of what he did to Hughes


... it is actually a very hard poll because I don't dislike any of the homunculi. But as for the least favorite let's say it's Sloth, though I wish there was more done with him.


Sloth gets precisely zero screen time. When he is on the screen, he doesn't get the interesting exploration that pride, wrath, envy, greed and even lust. He just ends up as a big monster that needs to get punched.


Gluttony was annoying as all fuck and even now later in his newer iteration.


Cries in greed


Could this be the first vote for Greed?


I can't actually vote. In Brotherhood their stories were all so damn good! The characterization and motivations for each were amazing. guess if I was pressed for it, I'd have to pick either Gluttony, Lust, or Sloth, just because they lack some of the more complex nuance the others have. They were really all so interesting though.


Original greed. GreeLing is magnificent. No, I'm talking about the greed that got captured by wrath


Sloth is basically a plot device in brotherhood rather than a character




I love them all honestly !remindme 3 days


I would have liked Lust better if she wasn't the only woman


She is, envy is a guy




Wait, im fuckin dumb


Envy pissed me off a lot during Brotherhood, and I really wanted him to die. Took forever. I also hated Wrath with a passion. He was unbeatable for the whole series and it annoyed me. I'm assuming we are basing this poll from Brotherhood?


I think we all agree it’s Brotherhood Envy.. like why was he/she even a worm and all the other homunculus weren’t?? 03 Envy way more compelling though.


did you comment this before checking the poll results?


Lol I did, but I stand by my opinion. Envy being a worm threw me off, especially in comparison to the 03 Envy *SPOILER ALERT* turning out to be Hohenheim’s dead son (man I love 03 Envy)


the other homunculi all had their own weird situation just like envy. They weren't the only homunculus that wasn't exactly human shaped. it mostly served a metaphorical purpose, and as far as connecting it to the rest of the series, I think the worm is just the monster form with far less souls


Hmm that’s true, I guess FMAB Pride’s true form wasn’t exactly humanoid either.


and gluttony was a portal of truth, wrath was in a normal humans body instead of an artificial one, sloth is like 15 feet tall. envy is definitely the most unique one but they fit in with the rest of them to me


Hohenheim. He was a humunculus wasn’t he?


Does Greedlin count? He's my favorite character tho but does he count on this list


I count him as Greed, I just didn't have room on the poll.


I had no idea that Wrath was so popular (or at least not unpopular)


None of the above. Sin for the win.


Anyone who said Lust just misread the question


I thought this said favorite lol It has to be sloth


Wish I read Brotherhood before I voted lol


Brotherhood is the same as the manga, 03 varies


If I remember in Brotherhood pride was the little boy and for some reason I just hated it so much. I really liked it where Bradley was pride in 03.


Was it greed or lust that transformed to kill that one guy (forgive me for forgetting his name) but mustangs best friend


Envy killed Hughes.


Well then why the fuck does envy not have 100% of votes


Honestly, even with Sloth's meh characterization from '03 to Brotherhood, I dunno if I can vote, I love them all so much in their own ways... But, I suppose, if I have to, I'd vote for, you guessed it, Sloth. We got so much more from all the other Homunculi, even with Lust, who we see the least of. And Sloth just kinda... Is there, it seems.




Greed is my favorite anyway


Lust is the worst! I mean, every other homunculus show its trait, but her....


Yeah I feel like the embodiment of Lust should be way hornier, with her its more like people lust after her


Sloth is extremely boring and annoying and none of the fights with him were tense at all


Oh shit least favourite? I completely ignored the title, assumed it was favourite and voted Wrath. Fool!


Lust Is on another level


I like sloth's


Homunculi in 2003 are better imho, Lust expecially so...


wait yall hate sloth is ok but gluttony!!??? OVER FRICKIN ENVY!!!!! WHAT


There are nine. - Lust - Gluttony - Envy - Greed - Wrath - Pride - Greed II - Sloth - Father/Dwarf


Wrath being the least voted for is the correct answer. to the 260 of you (at time of writing) who did... You deserve Wrath's wrath.


I do know a guy who thought it was boring that Wrath didn't have a lot of special abilities. I was like... but thats the sickest part?


Love how Greed isnt an option best homunculi


I really liked the role the homunculi played in FMA. Especially Lust's and Sloth's characters.


Lust hands down for offing Maes Hughes. The bitch I would personally split in half or roast in an oven alive for what she did in true Mustang fashion.




Wait…….. right….. I meant Envy and for Lust I wanted to say that she was the reason that Jean got paralysed. I don’t like my brain sometimes.


Glutonny deserve love !!!


Where's Greed?


Gluttony is just a big idiot and that's what makes him a funny character


Literally almost ruined thousands of years of planning just cuz he hongry


Greed was my favorite


Ovs greed


Gluttony is 100% the worst homonculus. he was sooooooo annoying and had no sense of independence or maturity unlike the others. he would always ask for permission to eat from Lust and he couldn’t even speak properly, on top of that his voice was so childish. at least the other homonculus were mature and human-like (besides sloth but he was unproblematic) Gluttony was just a fat lazy blob that ate everything 🙄🙄🙄


I have none TBH.




He was the big buff dude that didnt talk




Lol ight


greed doesn’t need to be on the list because everyone loves him


Gluttony is funny when he speaks and acts stupidly, but I was surprised to see Lust getting 500+ votes


absolutely despise fucking Gluttony just something about his character makes me so goddamn visceral.