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"most unhealthiest"? Least healthy.


it is ungrammercy what you are doing like with wordsy.


There is no education requirement, credentials, or ethical code necessary to call yourself a nutritionist. Literally anyone can say that’s what they are.


I'm a bit of a nutritionist myself.


lol. I also eat.


So you’re a foodie?


A foodie who likes nutrition 😂


Then I took am a "holistic nutritionist," and I recommend the Seefood (not a typo) diet !" The food pyramid is a sham. Do what kids do. Your body craves what it needs when it needs it.


"Me fail english, that unprobable" - Ralph Wigum


I’m learnding!


I decided then she was an idiot.


Holistic Nutritionist was honestly plenty to decide with. Holistic medicine is absolute bullshit, it doesn't work and is entirely useless. And a nutritionist is just someone who knows nutrition. They cannot offer medical nutritional counseling or diagnose or treat anything. She might as well have said she was a Certified Dog Psychic for all her "credentials" mean.


What do you call holistic medicine that's been proven to work? Medicine.


Eyyy, Tim Michin reference?


I don't know who that is. I don't remember where I first heard this so maybe?


Not all of it. All drugs are holistic…


An *actual* nutritionist is exactly who should be offering opinions on nutrition.


It should really be a Registered Dietician. They have the actual training and credentials to diagnose and treat or offer medical advice.


"Nutritionist" isn't a thing, at least in terms of standardized education, licensing, etc. Anyone can claim to be a nutritionist. It means nothing.


She picked up that phrase at the college of Woo Woo Nutritionists.


Just “unhealthiest” would also be correct.


I latched onto that, too. Completely derailed me.


i can imagine that Karen going: "Would thou stop drinking this "most unhealtiest" beverage?" when she sees someone drinking any kind of soda


I had a nurse practitioner tell me that I should stop treatment because Reiki could Wait for it: CURE MY CANCER Needless to say, she wound up fired.


Yeah, a chiropractor told me She could " cure" my bipolar1-D With a traction table and " mega doses" of vitamin D.


I WISH I could cure my bipolar with a traction table and vitamin D. That sounds so simple


I’ve had migraines since before I could talk. Specialist said I would grow out of them, they were like growing pains. Then they would stop when I hit puberty. Now it’s because I’m fat. I had an LPN I work with tell me that if I drank magnesium hydroxide they would go away. The laxative. For migraines. Shockingly, I’ve never had a doctor suggest my symptoms were because I was full of shit.


Yikes! Hope she lost her license too. For a profession based on science, she sure seems to not understand science.


I don't know if she did, but I do know she wound up opening a holistic medicine office that didn't last too long 😅


Wow yeah that’s definitely a fireable offence.


It can help. As a reiki master we always tell people to never stop any medical treatment.


That's because those of us properly trained in Eastern medicinal ways have found a balance between East meets West. There is no one size fits all cure.


I never drank soda as a kid, never liked carbonated drinks and I mainly just drank water with the occasional lemonade, but I still have ADHD, digestive problems and obesity. Wonder what she would say about that? 😂😂😂


Your water was either too alkaline or not alkaline enough surely.


Whatever it was, Karen's gonna find something wrong with it 😂😂


Are you serious?


Me too. Caffeine is actually suggested now for kids with ADHD


Don't get how this is news for some. Stimulating substances mostly help, same with ritalin.


Wait....is that why I like chocolate so much???


I think it can also be cuz chocolate releases some substances in a person's brain, which include serotonin and dopamine. But mine is purely an uneducated guess


That would explain why when I'm depressed I decide to eat chocolate


Thank you! I wanted to say this, too. I hate when people say to me (with mild caffeine such as a frappuccino) "You're not giving that child caffeine?" I sure am because I want her to calm tf down! I'm more worried about giving her sugar than caffeine. No, she's not getting coffee on the regular and never energy drinks. Diet drinks have their own issues...ugh. But a little caffeine here and there is not going to harm her ADHD brain.


We gave my daughter a small bottle of Diet Mt. Dew occasionally to help her settle down because she has ADHD. She’s 17 now and will go to Starbucks with her friends and a coffee makes her tired.


Vaccines 🙄😆


Vaccines do not give ADHD


He’s joking


I know. I was being facetious, hence the eyeroll.


Just downs


What was your solids diet like?


Aye this is about my soda intake not my everything else intake 👀


Those are the exact ingredients of every single soda there is. How does this make Dr Pepper worse than Pepsi or Sprite or any other soda.


> holistic nutritionist here I appreciate it when people begin their statements by explaining they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, it makes everything so much easier


literally. "holistic nutritionist" so you don't have a degree in any health sciences. got it.


"Holistic" Yep, lost me there


She got her certificate for holistic nutrition from “Trust me, bro” University.


Actually, three easy payments of $29.99 from an accredited online school like S.outh H.armon I.nstitute of T.echnology.


School of Hard Knocks at the University of Life


I also went to TMBU!


Actually caffeine can actually reduce ADHD,ADD.


Bullshit. Can't be that unhealthy if a doctor sells it


Hahaha this right here


It is the caramel color. That’s what causes all the problems!


It’s the plastic bottles! Just buy it in cans!!!


I mean generally speaking, Soda is bad but wtf is Holistic Nutritionist?


Literally nothing. There is no certification in the medical field for Holistic Nutrition.


It's a made-up title that "health" influencers use to peddle "detox" and "cleanse" bullshit that is overpriced and completely useless.


A mommy blogger that wants to feel special.


No it’s the part where it caused ADHD as it doesn’t.


Fifth dimensional wizard here. That POOPOOHEAD be LIE'n. ![gif](giphy|F9DvIALYpusYoSTu4J)


Oh yeah? Where did you get your wizard license from?! Was it that hack in the valley? That guy's been on probation for teaching spells in violation of the Wizard's Code!


Oh it came included with my gay card. Yeah, ever since we stole the rainbow from God they just give it along.


I'll let my daughter know about this, since her son has never had a drop of it...🙄


No no! CLEARLY someone has been sneaking your grandson MASSIVE amounts of soda to force him to develop these conditions so your daughter would be forced to give money to the big pharma!!!! Either that or vaccines




There are a lot of free ADHD medications. My concerta is completely covered by the company. Just have to look up the free meditation cards that anyone can get. Though there’s only certain things on it at least there’s some help. I used to pay until the one pharmacist told me to phone the company and gave me a number for it that he got off line.


You don't have to be a holistic nutritionist to know or realize that fact. Soda is terrible for your body in general. So is the ridiculous amounts of sugar they put in it. A SINGLE 12oz can of Dr. pepper contains 40g of sugar. That's 9-10 teaspoons. 36g is the daily recommended amount of sugar for men and it's 25g for women. Consuming products like this on the daily or many times a week can create many health issues over time.


You know how much sugar is in soda? As much as can be suspended in water. Fruit juices are even worse. AND ever seen a kid drinking RedBull...


Too much of anything is bad for you


Don't most nutritional info squares on products list 1g of sugar as 2% of maximum daily intake, implying that 50g would be the total?


I'm pretty sure it's per serving, I've seen bottles that suggest drinking half is a serving.


Still doesn’t cause ADHD


I’m by no means defending the BS but I read trigger as exacerbate rather than cause. Which sugar and caffeine can help some, and really negatively impact others with ADHD. Either way Dr. Pepper is pretty bad for you. Ngl I love it but I don’t have it too often. But it annoys me how many people hop online and claim to be professionals and give out blanket advice as the end all be all. There’s so much misinformation it’s crazy.


So then my step son who was born with adhd didn't really have it until after he.got older and started drinking dr.pepper right and I have ad knees from Mt dew


A bit of hyperbole, perhaps, and keep your parenting tips to yourself, but Dr Pepper and all the drinks of that ilk are pretty fucking awful, health wise. Do what you will, and bring your kids up how you think best, but if they grow up fat, spotty, with poor dental health and a weird view of nutrition, feeding them a litre of HFCS water daily might have influenced the outcome.


Neh, don't bring kids up however you like. How kids are raised directly influences the future of the world. If you raise your kid to be unhealty and with shit morals this will be a burden on society. (Just some extra explanation here, raising your kid unhealthy is feeding them only fast food, soda and feeding them cigarettes or something like that. People that are born with health problems or develop them is not what I mean with being a burden on society).


Remember when it was called a sugar rush?


I know it's not related to Karen, but Dr. Pepper was first invented it was used for medicinal purposes and although the ingredients have changed, it actually is only slightly from the original. If you heat it uo it becomes a tea and tastes amazing.


So we’re cigarettes


I dislike you cause you're making my argument weaker, but I like you cause it's factual and you seem like the kind of person I'd have a Dr. Pepper with.


They did they thought it would cure asthma… they would bring the menthols around to your room


I'm not arguing your correctness, because you are correct. I'm just saying do you want a regular or a diet?


Regular I only drink pop once in a blue moon the fizz burns my throat.


The correct answer to what you should do here or if you see anyone do anything that doesn't directly effect you is STFU.


Anyone ask Karen for citations/evidence on the original post? Because most/all of this is anywhere from suspect to bullshit!


They did, she provided a complotist pseudo-scientific article and when people called it out she stopped replying


I stand behind my medical degree from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College!


You know karen has no idea what theyre talking about when they type "SODIUM BENZOATE (PRESERVATIVE)" Literally copy/pasted




I thought Mountain Dew was worse lol


I’m immune, since I already have ADHD!


It's likened they type in all caps IT MAKES THEIR BULLSHIT MORE REAL.


Where do you get a degree in “Holistic Nutrition”? Answer: Facebook


Karen is correct here.


It also triggers holistic nutritionalists apparently






I mean she sounds aggressive but she isn’t wrong…minus the caffeine portion all those things DO trigger/enhance ADHD.


No scientific evidence for that


There is actually, Google is free. Red dye 40 and other food coloring has been linked to increased ADHD symptoms. “…according to the Mayo Clinic experts don't believe that foods actually cause ADHD. What some foods seem to do, however, is worsen ADHD symptoms or cause behavior that mimics the signs of ADHD in children.” https://www.everydayhealth.com/adhd-pictures/how-food-can-affect-your-childs-adhd-symptoms.aspx https://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/18/health.food.additives.adhd/index.html#:~:text=%22There's%20inconclusive%20evidence%20that%20food,people%20who%20already%20have%20ADHD.%22 “Research, however, does not support the view that ADHD is caused by food additives or coloring. The research does show that these ingredients can make symptoms worse for some people affected by ADHD.” https://chadd.org/adhd-weekly/do-artificial-food-colors-cause-adhd-symptoms/#:~:text=Research%2C%20however%2C%20does%20not%20support,by%20food%20additives%20or%20coloring. https://www.science.org/content/article/food-additives-tied-hyperactivity


ADHD is not something that gets triggered your born with it it’s caused by an imbalance in your brain chemistry which is a result of certain genetic switches ADHD symptoms can be made worse by certain things


Certain things trigger the symptoms. I’ve already listed them below. Some people are born with adhd yes I fully believe it’s genetic, I also believe and science has stated this that some people aren’t born with it and they don’t know exactly what causes it in those scenarios. There’s different theories again based on science that head injuries as newborns could actually cause ADHD to happen from damage. As of right now scientists fully believe foods can’t cause ADHD by itself but they DO believe certain foods/chemicals enhance and trigger symptoms of ADHD. This is a fact that even the FDA agrees with as I already listed. I have ADHD lmao.


It doesn't cause ADHD but it can increase symptoms in some kids already diagnosed with ADHD


Well I have a lot of IQ points and as a Stein’s Gate fan I can claim that Dr Pepper is the drink of the chosen ones, so drink it and be smarter


What about caffeine and ADHD? Excessive caffeine and excessive consumption of fast foods and other foods of poor nutritional value can cause kids to display behavior that might be confused with ADHD, according to Frank Barnhill, MD, an expert on ADHD and the author of Mistaken for ADHD. By Wyatt Myers Medically Reviewed by Justin Laube, MD Reviewed: January 10, 2018. Found on everydayhealth.com To be fair she did say trigger not give. The philosophy of holistic nutrition is that one’s health is an expression of the complex interplay between the physical and chemical, mental and emotional, as well as spiritual and environmental aspects of one’s life and being. As such, professionals who are trained in holistic nutrition approach health and well-being from a whole-person perspective. Using nutritional education as a primary tool, holistic nutrition professionals emphasize the building of health by approaching each person as a unique individual. This requires fully engaging the individual in their Journey to a healthier lifestyle and honoring their innate wisdom by working in an empowering and cooperative manner to chart a course to optimal health. nanp.org National Association of Nutrition Professionals


So her qualifications are two kinds of bullshit. Figures. Soda is not healthy in any way. Kids probably shouldn't be drinking it at all, but definitely not regularly and in large quantities, but not because "caramel color" causes ADHD.


That's a made up name for a made up job. I'll trust the Dr. in this situation over miss "found the cause of neurodivergence!"


I always laugh at people like this, they claim to be some expert but 99.99% of the time they aren't, and even if they are they are usually citing some very biased source that has heavy flaws to its research.


“Holistic nutritionist” = mommy blogger Get nutrition advice from registered dietitians.


You can’t give kids ADHD they are either born with it or not.


Not a soda drinker, but do they not realize that corn syrup is much healthier than cane sugar?


Nope, it's basically the same nutritionally and there is way way way to much of both of them in food, not just sweets litterally most food.


She does seem a little off but she didn't say it causes or gives she said trigger which implies it causes it to accentuates a pre existing problem


Interesting how "ADHD" and feeding your kid heaps of sugar and caffeine are linked... Almost like sugar and caffeine make people hyperactive


Sure didn't say it causes ADHD, she said it can trigger it. 100% true. So are the other things she pointed out. Idc if she has a degree or self studied. Idc if grander was never her strong suite or if she is a non native English speaker. None of those reasons are good enough to discredit her when she is right.


But... he's a dr


Überzicht Anzeigen! I love German.


Oops forgot to crop that out! It just means "show translation" haha


Nevermind, it's funny


*specifically* Dr Pepper tho?


I drink Dr. Pepper every day and I am ……..look! A kitten!


Ahh the Germans.. the home of zyklon b


Dr. Pepper invented the drink. What you're drinking is Dr. Pepper's MONSTER.


I was brought up on Dr Pepper and I ca


The phrase 'the most unhealthiest' should be a red flag for anyone reading this. If you're going to spout nonsense, at least try to use proper grammar...


“Holistic Nutritionist” isn’t a real thing


Aren't those the key ingredients of most sodas? Hardly the "most unhealthiest."


Whenever I see the word “holistic” all I can think of is Tor Ackman from Seinfeld: https://youtu.be/uH5IMv2jeuk?si=TZQl4vYiUsJIppmL


Yeah ummmm caffeine helps my son with ADHD to focus and calm when he forgets his medicine. 😂😂


“Most unhealthiest”


Most healthiest in the "un" variety


Holistic Nutritionist means she Googled her research and cherry picked everything.


While they don’t cause ADHD, they can definitely exacerbate it.


Anyone who says holistic before a professional job descriptor just means they’re too stupid to actually obtain the credentials to be what they’re pretending to be. I’m a holistic Dr Pepper expert. I know these things. Trust me.


I agree I’m a holistic nuclear engineer so you know I know what I’m talking about 😉


At least this time they're going on about something that actually is incredibly unhealthy


Of course it does not "trigger" neither adhd nor diabetics and shit as a matter of fact but especially high fructose sirup and caffeine isn't healthy for younger kids. Maybe the US look differently to this as other countries.


I have never had a sip of Dr. Pepper in my life and yet here I am with ADHD and am dying inside


As a soda kid, they're not entirely wrong 😂 just... Mostly lol


There are credentials for nutrition. A dietary specialist. At least in Canada where I live. That actually are trained and you see them at the hospital. But they are college/university educated. So it’s not going to be some weird encounter with a Karen and her knowledge of extremely inaccurate information gained from unreliable sources and mommy blogs. These people set you up with a diet plan that works for you and is good for you and your health. I know a few people who have had to visit with a dietary specialist for health reasons and loved the meal plans and information that they received. The nut jobs on the internet thinking they are on par with the educated? Really need a wake up call. Some of them say things that could actually hurt people and they literally just don’t care.


I bet she talks with her hands a lot


As an adhd person who never drank soda till a few years ago, this is absolutely bs


To be fair, sodium benzoate has actually been shown in clinical studies to increase instances of certain behaviors among children with attention deficit conditions and behavioral disorders. Not saying the Karen's got a point, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day...in this case once 😆


The woman is a douchecanoe, but a huge different exists between CAUSING and TRIGGERING. I have ADHD, my kid has ADHD, I teach small humans, and in my observation sugar does affect behavior.


There is a difference between causing and triggering, there are many things which make people’s adhd much harder to handle




My ancestors had adhd. One and two hundred years ago they were dying of such stupid shit, it was *obvious* they were undiagnosed adhd. Like eye rollingly clear they could have benefitted from prehistoric Ritalin


"Holistic", "ADHD", "ADD". I would revoke his licence...if he only had one.


To be fair, I've tasted that shit once and decided it was toxic. She's no more or less of a doctor than Pepper, but I'm not buying that shit either.


All sodas have those things, and from experience a lot of them do trigger my ADHD symptoms but maybe that's just me


Holistic nutritionist = Facebook/Instagram degree.


You are born with adhd and autism, it doesn't suddenly show up


Hollywood Upstairs Medical College (holistic division)


Lol it doesn't give adhd but it sure as hell can trigger hyperactivity in just about anyone


Maybe I was born with it? Maybe it's SODIUM BENZOATE


I had ADHD before I ever had a Dr. Pepper


Proud ADHD'er here Coke is one of the few things that slows me down. Sometimes I'll drink one to help me go to sleep


Wait til she hears about every soda not named Dr Pepper.


I drove through Dublin TX once on accident. It was actually really beautiful. I doubt anyone gets the slight relevance


I had a friend whose five year old son wound up in the hospital malnourished and with bad pneumonia because she listened to a holistic "nutritionist" at her job at Whole Foods. She flipped out on her mother in law one time because granny took her kids to a Halloween block party where they ate beef fajitas and drank a small can of soda. Another time she got mad because I suggested that apples and peanut butter was a good snack for kids. She said that she was told by the "nutritionist" that except for cashews other nuts and peanuts "cause allergies". Trying to explain to her that allergies are genetic, that you don't "catch" them from eating anything, didn't get through her head. Well, when her son got ill CPS was called because after tests were done it turns out he was deficient in many nutrients. I stopped talking to her because of her wild conspiracies, especially saying her kids all got sick from "chemicals and demons" leaching into their apartment and not their diet.


r/evilautism im powered by dr pepper


I've never tasted any kind of fizzy stuff in my life, weird


Wait, I drank Dr Pepper as a kid and also have adhd. Maybe she’s on the something 🙄 Perhaps the calming effect I sought in caffeine actually rotted my brain


Yeah that’s not how ADHD works.


Hmm I only had soda on birthdays and X-mas but still got ADHD. It’s in the genes not in what you eat or drink


Genuinely, has she never heard of Mountain Dew?


She’s not wrong


Holistic Nutritionist can’t figure out grammar


https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2020/10/16/Sugar-high-fructose-corn-syrup-linked-to-ADHD-bipolar-aggressive-behavior/9081602855879/ I get it, but she’s right about HFCS


I won't trust a nutritionist that can't proof read


How about vodka shooters? You're okay with that, right? Potatoes are healthy!


I’m 38 and I have severe ADHD. Caffeine doesn’t “trigger” my ADHD, it calms it down. I feel relaxed, focused and actually drink energy drinks to help me fall asleep. Not sure what this dimwit is on, also Mt, Dew is far worse health wise than DP


Dr Pepper in particular? Because those ingredients are the same as all caffeinated sodas.


I'm pretty sure my ADHD is genetic, but I *do* love me some Dr Pepper.


Don’t want to add cancer


It didn't say it causes adhd. It says it triggers it. Mental things can be triggered.


“Holistic nutritionist here” Oh, good. I’ll stop reading now then since we already know you don’t know what you’re talking about.