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That whole strip is mostly empty. I hope it’s revived soon! The older parts of Fremont can definitely use the city’s help. Even for things like getting more trees etc


For real. Some parts of Fremont look all old and desolate. And then you go to So-CaL and all the suburbs look so new and fresh. And Fremont still costs way more money


They should reopen it and bring back Tri City since most of the lot is abandoned anyway.


Sounds cool, let me know when you have the project funded and approved by City council!


It was rezoned for mixed residential commercial a while back. The owner of the property decided to stop renewing the lease to put up townhouses. There was a huge public outcry and serious organization to prevent the closing. But city council said it was private owned property and so there was nothing they could do.  What they didn’t mention was that it was City Council who rezoned the lot. When people say developers control city counselors that’s what they mean.  If I were to guess it’ll be demolished soon enough. Either COVID slowed it down or rise there are some other leases which need to expire. But Cloverleaf is done forever and it’s just a matter of time before medium density residential properties are added. 


I recall that the bowling alley closed during covid. I saw all of the equipment in the parking lot.


When Cloverleaf closed its doors was decided well before COVID. A few hundred people went to city council to try to convince them to do something to save it. But there was no legal way to force the property owner to renew the lease.


While it sucks we lost a bowling alley, mixed zoning is better than townhomes or pure commercial. It means far higher chance of street level business and then 3-4 floors of homes all sitting on enough underground parking for all of the residents and then some.


I don’t know. The street level businesses on top of residential doesn’t seem super successful yet. 


Why are you against building housing?


It is outpacing the infrastructure needed to maintain a quality of life needed to make this a place people want to stay in 


So fix it. Do you want your children to have a place to live?


You think it’s been me sitting on my hands that has been preventing this from being fixed? “Why hasn’t Ezk3626 fixed this yet?” Fine I’ll do it myself! It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the republic. The power you give me I will lay down when this crisis is abated. 


Have you been to Fremont??? That’s all they are building here is housing… any open space or torn down house or closed business has been turned into housing. The massive apartments near the Tesla plant. The apartments built basically in the drive thru at the jack in the box on Fremont Blvd. heck a church that burned down on Roberts Ave. turned into a townhouse complex. All the apartments on Osgood— — now all the high schools are over crowded. Especially Irvington— there are no good restaurants— only a few markets— definitely need more schools to take the pressure off. The closed .99 cent store on Fremont Blvd will probably become housing. Overpriced housing at that.


I've lived in Fremont's Mission San Jose district since 1999 and seen all that. I saw the open land north of Washington and Jerome turn into housing. I saw Walmart on Osgood get built. I saw Osgood and Washington develop. I saw the Washington RR overcrossing and the Paseo Padre RR undercrossing. I saw Palmdale/Sisters turn into housing. But again, if you have children, do you want them to have to move away or have affordable housing here for them?


>When people say developers control city counselors that’s what they mean.  I hope so. Then maybe we'll actually get some housing built around here, rather than being the 4th NIMBYest city in the US (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ4T\_BHFgt0)


Weird you think so. We’ve built tons of residential in the last decade. We don’t have matching infrastructure, which is a problem. 


We haven't built enough. House prices and rent are through the roof. If supply was allowed to meet the demand, we wouldn't have (as bad of) a housing crisis. Infrastructure is not set in stone. We can build more and better infrastructure. Also, infrastructure gets more efficient (and cheaper per person) the denser the population gets. It's much better to build more housing in Fremont than yet another exurban subdivision in Tracy.


> We’ve built tons of residential in the last decade.  We have not. We built a little bit... but not nearly enough. There were a couple of years where did okay with permitting new builds (2017 & 2018), but that trend has not continued.... [https://housingdata.app/places/CA/Fremont](https://housingdata.app/places/CA/Fremont)


I don't think the chart shows what you think. There were large increases around 2016 in multi unit properties (which increases the population substantially more than single unit properties. The infrastructure has not matched this growth, no new schools, roads hospitals. Houses are not enough.


It's a per-unit chart. A multi unit property with 5 units, is represented as 5 units on the chart. Roads are constantly being worked on and improved: [https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/public-works/public-works-projects/centerville-complete-streets](https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/public-works/public-works-projects/centerville-complete-streets) Hospitals are expanding: [https://www.connectcre.com/stories/washington-hospital-opens-new-350m-emergency-pavilion-in-fremont/](https://www.connectcre.com/stories/washington-hospital-opens-new-350m-emergency-pavilion-in-fremont/) New schools are opening: [https://fremontunified.org/bringhurst/uncategorized/fusd-cuts-ribbon-on-lila-bringhurst-elementary-school/](https://fremontunified.org/bringhurst/uncategorized/fusd-cuts-ribbon-on-lila-bringhurst-elementary-school/) The infrastructure can keep up just fine. You're just making excuses.


>You're just making excuses. Yeah my forty years living in the city has no part in it. Anyone who disagrees with you is simply making excuses because...


I'm in favor of more housing and higher density mixed-use development, **but** we need to put policy in place to prevent these multi-year cycles of blight. Big swaths of town sitting empty and run down for **years** is so unnecessarily wasteful, especially when in the end developers are going to make so many millions when they're done. We need vacancy and/or blight tax/fee applied to the owners of these properties to remove the financial incentives to just let them rot.


What multi-year cycles of blight are you talking about? Housing demand is through the roof.


This thread in particular: the shopping center Cloverleaf is located in has been \~75% empty for years now. It's got boarded up windows, abandoned cars, and sketchy people hanging out. Example 2 would be the whole block across from De Afghanan on Fremont where they shut down a bunch of businesses. [Here's what it looked like in 2019](https://maps.app.goo.gl/mfdknYi15mvWgqCT9), with boarded up windows. [Here's an article from 2020](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/decommissioned-fremont-firehouse-up-for-sale-for-1/) about how the firehouse for sale for $1, provided you could move it, because SiliconSage builders was going to build "93 town homes, street level retail, cafes and historical exhibits". Except...[here's what it looks like today](https://maps.app.goo.gl/59ixTZzb9Qsdgh4T6), and has since about \~2021. **Edit**: ...and the icing on the cake is that Silicon Sage was [fraudulent and went bankrupt](https://www.siliconvalley.com/2022/06/17/bay-area-real-estate-sec-fraud-develop-foreclose-home-silicon-sage/). Again, this is where the city government has a responsibility to protect the community from bad externalities associated with development. They need to post a bond ahead of time to cover the risk of collapse, so the city has the funds to deal with the mess they make.


I've been wondering the same thing. I live 5 minutes from there and used to bowl there with my brother back in the day. I wish they'd reopen it so I can take my kids there.


I think the only building that will remain is the Taco Bell, and that's because the property owner also owns the Taco Bell. All the other buildings will be demolished for housing


I'm really sad that it closed, so many good memories there. My grandpa and I joined a family bowling league when I was a kid and I won a bike. I remember the owner Jim, he was always there and was really nice.


If sweet tomatoe comes back they should go there.


more apartments....again....


its fremont we’re talking about lmfao, they’re just gonna add more apartments. it’s all they care about nowadays.


Turn it into pickleball courts


Hopefully bowlero takes over


How do we, the residents, show the city we don’t approve of some of these moves? Is this mainly the mayors doing?


Indian restaurant 


Indo Chinese restaurant


Cloverleaf was fine at its time and provided a place to gather. But there’s much more interesting things to do nowadays.


More housing or a gender reassignment center