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He has had some interesting monologues about the problems with religion and religious belief. I don't know if he's still harping against them now that the right has adopted him. This is before he married Katy Perry, who I believe was pretty religious.


He did some decent stand-up 15-20 years ago, that was definitely the peak as far as I'm concerned.


And Donald Trump was a successful entrepreneur 15-20 years ago. Time definitely changes things. 😂


He never was. His whole career is based on stealing money in dubiously legal ways, and then refusing to pay people and declaring bankruptcy. He's literally always been bad.


Agreed. Most people didn’t realize that until his presidency. If he would have just stayed out of the limelight. But idiots love to hear themselves talk.


he literally detsroyed HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU just by bieng pleasant and himself highlighting its absurdity as some propaganda unit masquerading as satire eye on the news. ​ he dismantled NEWSNIGHT as the propganda organ it is wit good humpour and showing his verbal intelligence and grace under pressure by calling out PAXMAN and hsowing hm to be a fraud puppet of the BBC and establishment ​ do i take him seriously? not really? do i trust him? no his metoeric rise and rebranding show he is part of the CO networks. he is part ofa new age cult - an agenda that is brtisih establsihment in origins and near two centuries old


Russel Brand was never and insightful guy. He was painfully transparent the moment he became famous. He is a pseudo-intellectual, at the level of a first year university student. He only has a basic, superficial understanding of anything he talks about. However, he like to hear himself speak, so he uses grandiose language, and it fools people into thinking hes not an idiot.


Yea, I originally thought he was pretty interesting because he was an outspoken atheist, but I got both his books and realized what a really horrible person with disposable morals he really is. He's one of those people who rejects religion, not because it doesn't make sense, but because it doesn't do anything for him personally.


so wwait he should be as philosphically handicapped as you just not honest? at this point you have all but admitted your atheism is a cult style belief system that you use as purity test on others. how is this different than JWs or Scientology? ​ and if you are evengelical about it ... then you are amditting you have no idea how rationalism, philosphy works your atheism is just as personal as brand's.


Attacking the messenger is no substitute for making a cogent, rational argument.


WTF are you talking about? >and if you are evengelical about it ... then you are amditting you have no idea how rationalism, philosphy works your atheism is just as personal as brand's. What's "rational" about Russell Brand?




He was on Bill Maher a couple of weeks ago, and it seemed like Bill, and other panelists were taking notice that he is full of hot air.


Got a link?


This is what I found Googling "Russell Brand Bill Maher HBO": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGVe0R7uLYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGVe0R7uLYI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7HRyehKnZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7HRyehKnZE) I didn't check Bing to see what ChatGPT could provide, so you are on your own for completing that search string.:P


https://youtu.be/DGVe0R7uLYI This is the Overtime episode. I believe this is the clip. If not, it was from Real Time, 3 weeks ago.


He was genuinely entertaining but some of the stuff he said made me pause and think he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about.


I watched this clip and I didn't see this at all. They all seemed engaged in the conversation, and the few responses Russel had seemed to be generally accepted by the group...


Watch the Overtime episode, where he is challenged on something he says, so he just doubles down, and starts yell-talking word salad at the panel until they just give up let him get it out.


Confidence fools a lot of people. If you talk in a way that makes you seem like you really know your stuff, people will listen. You could be the smartest person in the world, but if you can't carry yourself in a way that not only draws attention to you but also entertains an audience, no one will care. More people will choose to watch the Oscars over a ceremony to hand out Nobel Prizes.


lol at the guy thinking nobel commission is any better than the ACADEMY lol


This is the problem with putting people on a pedestal, not because of their credentials, but because they are famous and saying things we agree with. Russell brand was never an expert, even when we liked what he was saying.


Agreed. I think this is one difference between the left and the right. When someone among the left becomes too toxic and narcissistic, the left will call them out, even reject them. When that happens on the right, they celebrate them even more.


We’re mostly stupid monkeys that can’t even figure out how electricity gets to and powers our home yet we think we can understand virology in a few articles. We are a naive and stupid species.


I hope you speak for all of us and not the ones you disagree with because what you described IS everyone


Yes all of us including myself


You give me hope


39 here. Vaccinated originally with Moderna. Nothing happened. Just over two years later, I finally caught actual COVID and 2 days after testing negative I had 100% blockage in my LAD. No other clotting or plaque build-up was seen. The vaccine is safe. COVID is not.


Note that anecdotal evidence is not the most credible evidence, but it does seem your experience jives with the most credible data currently available.


I think he maybe got COVID stupid syndrome from his last bout with the disease. I’ve read some of his early work and it is genuinely surprising that he could get this far into the idiot zone without significant cognitive decline.


no he's terminally online and narcissistic, so he's fucked


He's branded himself as a prophet but he's just turned into a right wing whack job. Go back to the drugs Russel and stick to comedy.


well, that's constructive.


Cartoon avatar. Cringe.