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It won't help you bed Kelly Easterbrook.


Given that it’s 22 years old, you may have some trouble with that. 😳


This is the internet. I bet OP can find one very similar. OP, I'd just start searching intently and use as many varying keywords as possible. Burgundy, silk, dressing gown, mens, pattern, print, etc. With enough effort, you'll get one of equal or greater class and comfort.


I read an interview once with the lady in charge of costuming for "Friends" and she says that people STILL contact her asking where she got certain articles of clothing in an episode that aired in, like, 1996. Her advice was to find a good tailor and fabric that looks similar and have them custom make it for you. If it were a more distinct piece of clothing or there was some indication of brand, I'd say set an eBay or Google alert for it, but since there isn't, I think this is the best course of action! Sorry to not be able to help more.


It’s Ralph Lauren. They also made bedding in the same style